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The Christian Life Coach & Business Podcast

Author: Amberly Deavours

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The Christian Life Coach & Business Podcast is for all the high-achieving Christian women in the world who want to create a 6-figure (& beyond) coaching business. WHILE prioritizing Biblical womanhood in the home. Amberly Deavours is a certified life coach and married mom of five. She has the experience of creating multiple six figure businesses from both hype and hustle, AND peace and calm. While you walk, drive, or simply close your eyes and listen, follow along in the journey of all things: Christian. Woman. Mother. Life. Coach. And Business. Together, let’s step into WHO God created us to be so we can DO what He’s called us to do as Christian Coaches. And of course, from a place of peace and calm.
71 Episodes
This week is another interview - and I almost feel FAMOUS! If you have ever heard of The Coupon Mom, Stephanie Nelson, then you know who I’m talking about.   Stephanie’s story of her business that grew from $35 to multiple million is just one highlight of this conversation.   Most recently, she release her book: Imagine More and you will love hearing all about it.   As you know, I rarely have guests with women I don’t know, so this is a first and you’ll find out why when you listen.   You can click here to read all about Stephanie and her work in the world and you can listen to the first chapter of her book FOR FREE by clicking her podcast. I’ve listened to it THREE TIMES.   Ready to build your coaching business?   During the first six months of my coaching business, while I was simultaneously in my coach certification program, made over $50,000 in my business. I then went on to make six figures within that first year of my launching my life coaching business. I am super passionate about helping women just like you and me, who want to serve others through coaching, while maintaining and prioritizing our primary ministries in our homes in a way that is simple and sustainable and unique to you. I’m currently accepting applications to work together privately, so you can do the same.
Today we have the pleasure of chatting with Jennifer Berry, a dear friend, colleague, AND client! Isn’t it the best when clients are colleagues and friends!? I actually had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer in person in September at the Focus Retreat! Jennifer is an author, speaker, and professional organizer.  As a matter of fact, she has been way humble in her book sales - I had NO IDEA! I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did - I love hearing the ins and outs of various coaches and to hear just HOW MUCH organization coaching is LIFE CHANGING life coaching… I sort of want to hire one! You can reach Jennifer here: iG @jenniferfordberry
On today’s episode I have the privilege of sharing my newest and now real life friend, Becky Kopitzke of The Inspired Business. Before meeting Becky in person, I binged her entire podcast and was thrilled to discover another female Christian business owner and coach. Becky is a Digital Product coach and works with Christian women, as well. It is so refreshing, as you’ll hear.  I encourage you to listen to Becky’s podcast! And check out her free masterclass, as we mentioned. She is an incredible communicator and teacher and you’ll love how she integrates her love for the Lord into her business and teaching and conversations about the math of your dreams and goals, too!! The Inspired Business Podcast Masterclass
Welcome back to episode 67 of The Christian Life and Business Podcast! Today’s episode is filled with technology glitches and all the other fun challenges we face as business owners. Have on fret, though, because it is loaded with Biblical Truth and encouragement for the entrepreneurial life! At the end of this episode you will have strategic steps to implement right away to create the life and business God has created you to build! Stay tuned for the private podcast of Christian Life Coach Business School (replacing the live event previously announced). AND, if you have been waiting for the doors to open to Christian Life Coach Business Academy, they are open for you now!!! Lock in at your founding members price by joining here today: Amberly is also hosting a round of The FASTer Way to Fat Loss on October 23. This is for women who are looking to reset their health and have a plan through the holidays and into the New Year! You can read more and sign up, here:
Buckle up, buttercup. It’s time to get real and raw about how you’re showing up on social and IN social conversations. Are you afraid to be seen in the middle or in the beginning of figuring it out? If so, it may be important to do what I did this summer: pull back, pause, pray, and pivot. What does your family need from you by way of financial contribution? Is there a way to make it happen by relieving the pressure from your coaching business and make room in other ways to generate income in the process? It’s OKAY, if that’s the case! Today’s episode is a vulnerable share of what I had to acknowledge as I decided what I did and did not want in business and in life. What I did and did not want to focus on. How I did and did not want to back myself into a corner of who I am on social and what I do in business. Links mentioned: Instagram:  1-1 Coaching Interest:  Save the date for Academy OPEN November 1, 2023
First and foremost, I meant “pounding the pavement” not “paving the pavement.” HA! ANYWAY, guess who’s back… back again! That’s right! The podcast is UN-PAUSED!!! And we are talking all things business, burnout, brain break and RIPPING OFF THE BANDAID! I am so glad to be back and hope you are, too. If you’re new around here, head over to instagram and let’s connect: And stay tuned for Christian Life Coach Business School, the three day day live event November 1, 2 & 3!
I am so excited to chat to you in this week’s episode. Currently, I am packing for an 8-day road trip which I am excited about but also am thinking “what did I get myself into?” With that being said, I definitely wanted to record a quick episode and talk to you about what I am doing for Summer Sabbath. Before I jump into talking to you about what it means to actually do a Summer Sabbath as the Lord wanted,  I also talk about some life updates including what I am doing to help my own health and the future of the podcast for the rest of the season.    In this episode we cover: Planning for my road trip [0:22] Updates in my personal life and health  [3:17] What has helped my health immensely [7:29] Summer Sabbath and how you can get involved [14:20] Other things I am doing as part of my Summer Sabbath [19:09] Christian Life Coach Business Academy: Instagram: Peaceful Profit Masterclass:
I am joined by Carol Frey a professional counselor turned life coach and mom of four who is passionate about putting a Christian perspective to coaching and therapy. During our discussion, Carol shares more on how she made the switch from counseling to coaching, gaining more clarity in her Christian vision and the power commit and constraint had on her own growth!    In this episode we cover:   How Carol got involved with life coaching [3:52] Building a coaching business [7:14] Gaining clarity and forming a Christian vision to coaching  [17:01] The power of commit and constraint [22:20] Going through the growing pains [28:29] The next steps for Carol’s business [35:40]   Connect with Carol: Website: Facebook:   Christian Life Coach Business Academy: Instagram: Peaceful Profit Masterclass:
This is probably going to be one of the most vulnerable and transparent podcasts you will have heard from me to date. And while I have been vulnerable on this podcast before, this episode really focuses on what I have been going through these last 10 months. In this episode, I process my thoughts firsthand with you, after wrapping up a super profound one on one session with my coach. You’ll hear more about why being vulnerable is important, learning to scale my own business, and what it means to truly get to a place of contentment with where you are.    In this episode we cover: Processing my own thoughts [2:58] Making solid decisions in your business [7:27] My own experience with scaling my business [11:02] Accepting where we are when it’s not where you want to be [17:02] Letting go of trying to control everything [25:58] Focusing on what you’ve accomplished [29:38]     Follow Amberly on Instagram: Peaceful Profit Masterclass:
In today’s episode, I am joined by Payton Franz, the brains behind Higher Battle Media, and who I like to affectionately call my social media manager. During our discussion, we chat about how Payton and I met each other, what work Payton does for me, and finally, three top tips you need to know when it comes to marketing and social media.    In this episode we cover:   Payton’s background and how we met [0:57] Why I said yes to Payton’s DM offer [5:03] Why outsourcing is God’s assingment for someone else [11:29] How Payton can help you [15:00] Trends we’re seeing on social media [18:11] Growing your followers [22:10]   Payton Instagram ( Payton’s Social Media Insider Sample for Life Coaches ( Sign up for Peaceful Profit on May 18th   Christian Life Coach Business Academy: Peaceful Profit Masterclass for Christian Life Coaches: Follow Me on Instagram:
If you've been here long enough, you know that I wouldn't call myself a podcaster.  For me, the podcast has just been a way to authentically share my day-to-day life. Building off of that sense of authenticity, in this episode I talk more about being transparent about my own failures, why your coaching matters, and how you can get involved in learning and developing your own self-belief system.    In this episode we cover: Being transparent about failures and experiences [2:56] Why your coaching matters [9:17] The exponential thought model [13:40] My own belief on why my coaching matters [19:13] My decision-making process and how you can learn more [24:58]   Christian Life Coach Business Academy: Peaceful Profit Masterclass for Christian Life Coaches: Follow Me on Instagram:
Today I am joined by Chelle Knapp, a Christian life coach, mom, and wife on a mission to help women be their most authentic selves. During our discussion, we discuss Chelle’s journey to life coaching, why she joined the Christian Life Coach Business Academy, and her experience leaving full-time ministry for life coaching full-time.    In this episode we cover: Chelle’s background and journey in life coaching [2:45] Certifying yourself as a life coach [8:49] Making money, leaving the ministry and embracing change [13:09] The impact a life coach can have on you [20:54] Investing in yourself through the mastermind [24:32]   Renewed Life Coaching Free Facebook:   Peaceful Profit Masterclass for Christian Life Coaches:    
Today’s episode guest is Lori Buck, a Christian Life Business coach member, and entrepreneur. Marketing her business through in-person networking, Lori got her coach certification last year and is working to build her own business. During our discussion, Lori talks about many great things including being the new client success coach and why our new mastermind is going to change your life.    In this episode we cover: More about Laurie’s background [1:14] How I met Laurie and what we’ve been doing [5:07] The benefit of creating a Christian business community [11:40] Lori’s new role as the New Client Sucess Coach [15:37] Learning from others [22:47] What makes our program unique [28:03] Why you should join [34:24]   Christian Life Coach Business Academy Waitlist   Christian Life Coach Mastermind Waitlist   You can find Lori Buck at
If you know my story, you know that a lot of philosophy comes from my coach’s coach. Having a business coach is amazing because she  guided me  in  the different ways to make decisions and make money. In this episode I talk more about this topic including how I’ve pivoted my membership offer, and what you need to consider when it comes to creating and offer.   In this episode, we cover: Pivoting my membership and offers [0:29] Navigating my branding, offers and identity [4:00] The decision making process I use in my day to day life [9:22] Why I love living far out [12:58] Overcoming the fraud mentality [15:10] Giving yourself compassion [19:40] Appreciating what God provides [23:50]   Christian Life Coach Business Academy:   Instagram:
In today’s episode, I share some life updates including an exciting upcoming mother-daughter weekend I have planned and our decision to homeschool our children. I also discuss the idea of sharing your message and a program you can join to help you find your voice.    In this episode we cover: Life updates [0:34] Updates on our barndominium, discussing biblical womanhood and books I have been enjoying [5:02] Our decision to homeschool [13:30] The best way to make a decision [18:59] What’s holding you back from sharing your message [21:42] Overcoming the fear and being okay with what other people think [26:54] Follow Amberly on Instagram:   Apply to Christian Life Coach Business Academy:   Christian Life Coach Business Academy:
I don't think I've done an episode on the topic of niches in particular, though I actually teach something in my program that we will call the opposite of niche distraction, and then the idea of a simple offer commitment, or clean offer commitment. But what does this all mean and how can it apply to you? Well, during this episode I discuss how to determine a niche, build the perfect offer, and how to effectively overcome niche distraction.    In this episode we cover: What is a niche [1:52] If you need a detailed niche in the beginning [4:58] How to define who you coach and what packages to offer [9:58] Deciding the number of clients and refining your offer  [15:09] Dealing with overwhelm and overconsumption [19:25] What is keeping you from marketing effectively [27:35]   Follow Amberly on Instagram:   Apply to Christian Life Coach Business Academy:   Christian Life Coach Business Academy:
Today we are going to be talking about deliberate thought construction because I feel like I have a new lease on my business life, and I have to share with you how this happened. I explain what it means to engage in deliberate thought construction, why you sometimes overlook what is sitting right in front of you, and questions you need to ask yourself that will completely transform how you view your life.    In this episode we cover: Directing our brains to see what we are looking for  What is deliberate thought construction Questions you need to ask yourself Why we need to avoid thought destruction How you can get involved in growing your business   Follow Amberly on Instagram: Apply to Christian Life Coach Business Academy: Christian Life Coach Business Academy:
Today’s episode is all about tackling the feeling of not having everything figured out even when you think you should. Listen, we've all been there, and we tend to think linearly that if we finish this task we will have this part of our life figured out. But let’s be real, that’s not how it works out in real life, and I know that firsthand. In this episode, I talk about how I plan my own days to have a more productive week, the power of scaling your time, and how to tackle feeling overwhelmed. In this episode we cover: You don’t have to have it all figured out [1:22] Planning your days [4:51] The power of scaling your time [11:16] Why it’s important to delegate and organize your time [16:28] How to focus on growth and avoid feelings of overwhelm [19:35] Prioritizing your health journey [24:07] Christian Life Coach and Business Academy: Instagram:
The Christian Life Coach & Business Podcast is for all the high-achieving Christian women in the world who want to create a 6-figure (& beyond) coaching business. WHILE prioritizing Biblical womanhood in the home. Amberly Deavours is a certified life coach and married mom of five. She has the experience of creating multiple six figure businesses from both hype and hustle, AND peace and calm. While you walk, drive, or simply close your eyes and listen, follow along in the journey of all things: Christian. Woman. Mother. Life. Coach. And Business. Together, let’s step into WHO God created us to be so we can DO what He’s called us to do as Christian Coaches. And of course, from a place of peace and calm.   Find Amberly on Instagram:   6 Figures Simplified Pop Up Workshop Replay:   3 Step Launch Guide:
Thanks for joining me today.  There is part about having a coaching business that you don’t hear anyone talking about.  It’s the part that’s emotional.  And the part that’s a journey. The business you have and the business you want to have is an emotional journey very few are willing to take and complete. Because no matter how far you are, or are not, INTO your coaching businesses; you will have the business you have, the business you want to have, and the business you don’t want to have depending on what’s going on. I know for me, there are definitely the parts of my business I have, want to have, and don’t want to have and I may share some of that here. I’m just gonna go out and say it that the key to success in the business you have, the business you want, and the business you don’t want will be how you manage the emotions you experience in life and business. Passion alone to coach others into life change OR completion of life coach certification or a fancy website or a course module that you haven’t even walked someone through for proof of concept does not guarantee success in your business. Here are just a few things that WILL guarantee success in your business. I am sharing them on today’s podcast episode. And it’s why I teach The Deliberate Method.  The fail proof method to get started and keep going.  The one that has you getting there.  The one that keeps you out of ALLLLLL the emotions that start holding you back and keeping you from taking ANY action. It lessens the recovery period.  It strengthens the emotional stamina of your business.  And it’s the part you need.  Passion and a prayer alone don’t build your business.  Understanding the emotions that happen in your business do. IT’s not just happening to you.  We’re all doing it.  It’s part of the process. Have a listen today, and be encouraged.   Links: Follow Amberly on Instagram: Christian Life & Business Coach (@amberlydeavours) 6 Figures Simplified: Opt In To 6 Figures Simplified Produced and Edited by Lainie Thomas with Angie Elkins Media Contact: for more info  