The Civics Nexus

<p>'The Civics Nexus' offers a unique and sometimes scary perspective on today's headlines, culture, and pressing political issues. Patrick's distinct way of viewing the world's nexus via the reflection of history exposes the connections from past to present. His thought-provoking questions, analogies, and perspectives challenge conventional thinking and will surely help uncover hidden connections that make up the big picture. <br><br>Tune in Monday through Friday to see the patterns that shape our world today.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>

Ep. 80 The Dark Side of Tax Cuts: Will the Government Strike Back With Censorship, Worse or Both.

Join us today on The Civics Nexus as we dive into the insane lengths the government is going to censor you as I type this. From colluding with Big Tech and social media to enlisting non-government organizations and academic research groups, we uncover how deep the rabbit hole goes. Is it possible that the 10-year security deal Biden just signed with Zelensky includes hidden clauses for censorship? We'll investigate this along with NewsGuard’s role in silencing conservative media.This is just ...


A message for any Member of Congress

I apologize for some of the language, I got emotional. The message is Raw from the heart though.Let me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!


Ep. 79 Shaking Up the Separation: AOC's Bartending Guide to Blending Power

Get ready for a deep dive into the headlines of politics with our latest episode, We'll dissect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s INSANE claim that the separation of powers must be dissolved to prevent authoritarianism—a bold statement my 9 year old knows is incorrect civics. Join us as we explore the circular logic of power dynamics, revealing how governments have historically concocted narratives not to solve real issues but to expand their control.This episode unveils the mechanisms behind ...


Ep. 78 AI Evolution: Are You Choosing Your Future Species Wisely?

Today on The Civics Nexus, we go all over the place because we can. Ever pondered the ethics of retribution? We’ll discuss "an eye for an eye" versus "turn the other cheek" and explore how not to be gaslit by modern interpretations. I can convince you and eye for an eye is the way.In the animal kingdom, there are about 11,000 bird species, millions of insects, and over 34,000 fish species. Why is there only 1 human or is there more? What does this diversity tell us about AI's potential to cre...


Ep. 77 No One Above the Law: How to Sue the Government for Citizen Harm

On today's episode of The Civics Nexus, we're diving into the legal labyrinth of sovereign immunity and how to challenge it and freaking win! Our government has caused harm to us all as U.S. citizens—whether through misinformation about vaccines, funding harmful gender-related procedures, or neglecting immigration checks. We’ll explore the history and mechanics of sovereign immunity and how it’s been successfully contested worldwide. Can we sue the government? It’s time to find out! Plus, we’...


Ep. 76 Silencing Dissent: The Financial Warfare on Media.

Today on The Civics Nexus, the recent attacks on the Supreme Court were predicted in yesterday's show. Justice Alito fired back with a witty, snarky, and 100% correct retort, drawing inspiration from Boston Celtics head coach Joe Mizzula. Even though I'm not thrilled about the Celtics beating my Mavs in the NBA Finals, Mizzula's point is spot on.We'll look at how authoritarian regimes have historically used defamation and bankruptcy to silence right-wing media and all the cases they are in ri...


Ep. 75 Supreme Court Showdown: The Left's Battle to Undermine Judicial Authority.

Today on The Civics Nexus Weekend Update, we're diving into the heart of the Supreme Court's hottest battles to be ruled on in the next week or two. From U.S. Soccer’s forced speech controversy to Macron’s political gamble in France, we’ll explore the seismic shifts in global politics. We’ll break down the Chevron case’s potential to overhaul U.S. agency power and uncover why the left is fiercely attacking the Supreme Court. Plus, we’ll finish with the top 5 driving habits that make traffic u...


Ep. 74 WTF Friday Chaos and Left Braces for Legal Reckoning

Today on The Civics Nexus, we bring you WTF Friday! The left is in sheer panic as Donald Trump faces an imminent legal reckoning, and you can see and hear it. In today's wild headlines: Rumor has it Biden travels with two suits just in case of an accident. The trans manifesto blames an imaginary penis. Joe Biden is suing a Texas doctor for trying to stop the mutilation of children. A 400-pound woman wins Miss Alabama and a man with a penis wins Miss Maryland. Donald Payne Jr. wins an election...


Ep. 73 Why Trump’s 'Threat to Democracy' Is Exactly What America Needs

In this episode of Civics Nexus, we lead with an exploration of why America should strive to be a constitutional republic rather than a democracy, exposing how most people don't know the crucial differences. We highlight the lunacy of the left with Chuck Schumer's outrageous quote: "Nelson Mandela was imprisoned by his own government, which means he was clearly a bad guy who totally deserved it. Tear this dangerous statue down immediately!" You have to admire their valor to stick to the narra...


This Is D.E.I. I Can Stand Behind

In the ongoing journey to preserve history and recognize the unerasable contributions of countless individuals, statistics serve as a beacon of truth. Just as history cannot be rewritten, these quantitative records stand resilient against the tides of cultural shifts. Today, Major League Baseball's integration of Negro Leagues statistics into its official records is a testament to this enduring principle. By acknowledging the exceptional talent of Black athletes in the pre-Jackie Robinson era...


Ep. 72 Putin's Defensive Stance: Why Biden is to Blame for WWIII

In today's explosive episode of The Civics Nexus, we unravel the critical issues plaguing our nation and the world. Biden's reckless policies push us dangerously close to World War III, and we explain why Putin has every right to defend his country. Check out this discussion from Tucker Carlson: Tucker Carlson on Twitter.Next, we turn to Capitol Hill, where Dr. Fauci faces a grilling from Ronnie Jackson. We expose how Fauci has been hiding crucial FOIA documents and debate why he should be pu...


Ep. 71 250 Years of Lies: From Native Slaughter to Trump's Trial - Why Are You Shocked?

Today's episode of Civics Nexus, "250 Years of Lies: From Native Slaughter to Trump's Trial - Why Are You Shocked?", unravels the tangled web of American history to expose the truth behind the façade. From the brutal slaughter of Native Americans to the political prosecution of Donald Trump, we'll show you how the patterns of deceit are 250 years old. Discover how the narratives you see on your TV are meticulously crafted by the CIA to control the public, and why gaslighting is the government...


Ep. 70 The Price of Patriotism: From the Founding Fathers to Donald Trump

In this episode of "The Civics Nexus," we explore the heavy cost of speaking truth to government power, from the Founding Fathers to Donald Trump. Discover how history is connected by the nexus of today, with political prosecutions targeting those who dare to speak truth. Learn about Trump’s unprecedented conviction and its echoes in the stories of revolutionary heroes like Richard Stockton, Thomas Heyward Jr., and Nathan Hale. This is not just the US, Nelson Mandela and Sophie Scholl h...


Ep. 69 If you Come for the King (Trump or Putin), You Best Not Miss.

Trump found Guilty is a distraction for Biden to drop bombs on Russia. I think George said it best in his farewell speech........"However these associations or parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lift...


Ep. 68 Is Biden Just a CIA Puppet?

In today's episode of "The Civics Nexus," we explore the tantalizing possibility that Joe Biden is a puppet controlled by the CIA. From James Comey's "mirror, mirror" antics to Hunter Biden's shady business dealings, we expose the government's indifference to the average citizen and its profit-driven schemes. We'll connect the dots, revealing a playbook of power and manipulation that benefits the elite while leaving the rest of us in the dark. Join us as we pull back the curtain on Biden's pr...


Ep. 67 The CIA Playbook: Sextortion and Silence in Politics

In today’s episode of "The Civics Nexus," we dive into the dark arts of political control, from ancient Rome to modern-day Washington. Learn how the CIA and other powerful entities have used sextortion and scandals to manipulate influential figures throughout history. We'll explore cases from Julius Caesar's Rome to Donald Trump's legal battles, revealing how personal crises are engineered to maintain power and control. Discover why dissenters like Kanye West and Andrew Tate face sudden accus...


Ep. 66 From Conan to Biden: The Art of Speeches and the Cloward-Piven Strategy

In this episode of The Civics Nexus, we unravel the Cloward-Piven strategy, from its 1966 origins to today’s chaos. Discover how governments from ancient Rome to modern America have used crises to push reforms and benefit the elite. We’ll laugh at Biden’s “erectionists” gaffe and his pandemic VP mix-up, cringe at Harrison Butker’s controversial speech, and compare them to Jerry Seinfeld’s hilarious commencement and Conan O’Brien’s legendary 2011 address. Join us for a witty dive into how spee...


Ep. 65 The Devastating Impact of Government Control Has Ruined My Spirit

In today's episode of "The Civics Nexus," we jump into how governments and tech giants have perfected the art of not caring about you. From the secretive "Selfish Ledger" video to the exploitation of your personal data, it's all about profit and control. We'll explore how these entities are driving society into the ground and why humans might soon lose their reign as the dominant species. The world is literally and figuratively on fire—your bank account is crumbling, but the banks are c...


Ep. 64 Shadows of the War Machine

The Civics Nexus jump into the labyrinth of the Military-Industrial Complex. Discover how budget spikes, fear tactics, and crises—often manufactured—have fueled defense spending from WWI to today. From the Lusitania to 9/11 and the Biden administration, we expose the cyclical dance of the MIC. Patrick's witty, circular logic unravels these historical patterns, highlighting the urgent need for transparency. Get ready to challenge conventional thinking and uncover the hidden threads connecting ...


Ep.63 From Elections to Incarceration: The Prison Industrial Complex.

Today on The Civics Nexus, Donald Trump's political prosecution and the unexpected ties to the lucrative prison industrial complex. This gripping analysis peels back the layers of politics, business, and media, exposing how the current election interference keeps the elite's coffers full. It's a masterclass in power dynamics, where every move follows five unspoken rules: the government doesn't really care about you, profit is the ultimate goal, fear and limited choices keep everyone in line, ...


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