The Clueless Business Owner

<p>Welcome to The Clueless Business Owner Podcast! <br><br>Your go-to resource for practical business advice, marketing tips, and entrepreneurial inspiration. <br><br>Do you have a small service-based business? This podcast was especially created for you! <br><br>For the past 10 years I have been working with REALLY small businesses to help them double, triple, and quadrupel their revenue by properly leveraging the Internet. <br><br>I have had tremendous success as a marketing consultant but it has ALWAYS been my dream to teach. <br><br>As a consultant I can only work with so many businesses at once, but with a podcast I can reach and help so many more! <br><br>The consumer is using the Internet to find what you're selling. BOTTOM LINE.<br><br>If they don't find your business - you lose money.<br><br>The Internet can be very difficult to navigate. It's overwhelming, constantly changing, and scammers are a very real threat. <br><br>I want to teach you how to use the Internet to grow your business in a way that is practical and not overwhelming. I want to give you an education that will protect you from marketing scams.<br><br>Join me! Let's grow your business together. </p>

EP 5: The Retail Boutique Owner Episode - 91 Days to Christmas & You Are in a Competition

As I record this podcast Sept 25th 2023 and it is 91 days to Christmas. It's not news the consumer is paying more for rent, food, gasoline and just about everything else. The question I will put out there to any retail business owner listening is how are your sales? Are you concerned about the holidays coming up?The consumer is working with a tighter budget this year. They aren't going to spend like they normally do. One thing I want to drive home to a local small boutique store is you a...


EP 4: A Marketing Guide for the Handyman Business

Post COVID I have noticed there seems to be an influx of handyman businesses. Most seem to be doing this business model as a side hustle or just focusing on building referrals within their local communities. Which by the way BOTH of those things are fine, if its just a side hustle fine - if its just a local community thing fine.But what if it isn't fine? What IF you really want to create a profitable and viable business? Perhaps even something that is viable enough to involve your family in? ...


EP3: Mapping the Customer Journey

Today's marketing lesson requires you to be able to use your phone so if you can listen to this episode on a computer it is helpful. It's a brief lesson - but a very important one! If a business owner has a brick-n-mortar when visited by a customer they get to have a personal impact on how that individual sees and experiences their business. You achieve this impact by communication.But, what if you aren't there to have that impact?What if they are experiencing your business alone, w...


EP 2: A Practical Lesson in Internet Real Estate

Remember the saying "Location is Everything" when it comes to a business? Everyone understands the importance of location when it comes to a brick-and-mortar business. How about those giant yellow books we use to have? Whenever you need a plumber or something you got out the book. Do you remember how many businesses started with A because they wanted to be listed first? Well Mainstreet is now the first page of Google!People now go to the people Internet to find a plumber for e...


EP 1: Taking a Leap Into Change / About the Clueless Business Owner

Welcome to the first episode of The Clueless Business Owner Podcast! A little over a year ago I created my first podcast. I gained quite a few listeners, had some great feedback but it just didn't feel like I was on the right path.Over 10 years ago I started my entrepreneurial journey..... if there's one thing I've done to a fault, I have followed my gut. It has never lead me wrong least not yet anyway.I am however super glad I did start my podcast even when I was unsure of m...


EP 16: Marketing Your Business Properly in Challenging Times - Guest Steve Turman of The Window Guyz

Today's podcast is a little different. I have a guest and we have recorded a phone conversation we had. I am especially proud of this podcast as Steve is one of my favorite clients.In today's podcast we talk about how important it is to market your business properly. Especially in challenging times like we are having today. Steve really drops some wonderful knowledge nuggets about how he runs his business and how is navigating challenges such as longer waits for products and labor shortages.Most importantly we talk about the importance of marketing to the growth in your business when times are good and especially when they are scary or challenging. 


EP15: The High Cost of Comparing Yourself to Others

The transparency of our lives due to things like Facebook and instagram can really make things blurry.We are constantly seeing people post pictures of their new haircut, their new relationship, their wonderful vacations, their successful business, etc. This abundance of information is a constant companion and it can cause us to feel inadequate, overwhelmed and paralyzed.You look at all these things and you start to minimize your own life. But here is the thing this person you are looking at and comparing yourself to only see one piece of the puzzle. They may have a successful business but what if they are struggling in their marriage, or have a drug or alcohol abuse problem or maybe they have depression or anxiety issues. In this episode I share with you a very eye-opening, and COSTLY  experience I had with self comparison.  It was a very costly lesson I want to prevent for anyone if I can. 


EP 14: An Education in Voice Search - The Facts, The Scams, and What to Do for Your Business

Today's podcast is going to be all about Voice Search.If you didn't know this already I am a marketing consultant. I design lead-generating strategies for service-based businesses that makes them more profitable in the online space. I am telling or reminding you this because I know first hand marketing is overwhelming, there is a lot to learn, it's constantly changing, and there is a ton of bad information swarming.There are sharks constantly swimming around to sell you their products and services - when they smell the blood of an uneducated business owner they attack. I want to prevent that for you if I can. In today's podcast we will cover the various topics on Voice Search:What it REALLY isHow it REALLY worksWhy it matters to your businessHow ranking in search is a GAME-CHANGER to your bottom-lineHow to optimize your business for voice searchAll the scams and misinformation out there surrounding itThe takeaway from today's podcast on Voice Search: To learn exactly what voice search isWhat to do to make your business voice-searchable To make sure you're educated enough so that you do not fall prey to the many scams surrounding itIf you prefer to see the video version of this podcast I have a free masterclass located on my website.What is cool about the class is it's more visual and I also have worksheets you can download to help explain the process more. You can sign up for the free Voice Search Masterclass here: will have some homework to get your business ready for voice search. I do have additional training available which takes you through the process step-by-step. A look-over-the -shoulder so to speak. This training has a bonus attached. I take you through the process of optimizing your Google My Business and how to get more reviews for your business. The training course is $39, you can find it here:


EP 13: What is Your Business Mode - Growth, Management or Peril?

Today's episode is a little different. First we talk a little bit about our current supply chain crisis which is impacting just about everyone's lives in one way or another.I want to talk about how one of my client's has taken the experience and the opportunity to be stronger in his business. As a business owner you will face challenges, it just goes with the territory.But today's business owner due to our fast-paced and always changing landscape has to recover, learn-quick, and then get right back to business.After a crisis so many business owners just slip back into their old ways and habits - but some - they will learn and be better from it.I talk a bit in this podcast about human conditioning and how we learn. The reason why this is so important is because as business owners we need to understand these things when we are in a crisis not for our benefit mind you, but the benefit of our customers, clients and patients. We have to stay attached to how things are impacting THEM. We will also discuss various business modes. At any point in time a business owner is going to find themselves in one of 3 places or modes as I call them. We have growth mode, management mode, and peril mode.Decide where you are in the spectrum and ask yourself do your actions line up with the current mode you are in?


EP 12: Entrepreneurial Indecisiveness & The New Name of My Podcast

In today's podcast, we're going to talk about something almost everyone suffers from: indecisiveness. As a business owner or an entrepreneur whatever you want to call yourself - the fear of not making the right decision or having resolve that we did make the right decision about something can be excruciating.If we don’t feel resolve or if we don’t feel like we’re moving in the right direction with our business or a special project whatever it is - we tend to be frozen or we procrastinate.I have hit a few stumbling blocks with my podcast since I created it almost 1 year ago.I just needed some clarity to figure out my direction so I got a wrong a few times but here is the thing about clarity it is an ACTION process not a thought process.Do the stuff, make some mistakes, don’t quit just because you hit some bumps. This is how you figure stuff out. This is why there are so many people in the world that probably would be doing something wonderful. But instead they're stuck they're stuck. Because they are thinking it to death. Then they just give up.Don’t do that. See it through if it feels like something you are supposed to do.I spent a ton of time thinking about it and I have came to a conclusion. I finally found my resolve or my resolution whatever you want to call it and I am definitely going forward with my podcast.


EP 11: Should You Do Business with HomeAdvisor?

If there is one thing in the world I have ZERO tolerance for, it is dishonesty. That is true in my personal life and in business.If I find that someone I am doing business with has been dishonest with me it's a definite end to the relationship. If I cannot trust your word, I cannot do business with you.So what happens when literally at HELLO you are lied to? Would you STILL do business with that person or company?Today we are going to talk about a company that is infamous for dishonesty. It is not my intention to harm any business. It is merely my intention to educate, so that you the business owner... can make informative decisions about marketing your business with the least amount of risk.Today's episode will be about some first hand experiences with HomeAdvisor and a share of some research I conducted. 


EP: 10 Fixed VS Growth Mindsets - Which Business Owner is More Successful?

What happens when you have 30 people running the same franchise business, with the same playbook, and give them access to the same resources?Some will have great success, some mediocre, some poor and a few will fail entirely.What's the dividing factor? Their mindset.When you have a proven path right in front of you and you do not have the same level of success usually the only thing holding you back - IS YOU.In this podcast I share some actual experiences with clients that have both fixed and growth mindsets. I also share some great tips on how you can take steps in your business to break out of a mindset that is limiting your ability to be as successful as you can be. 


EP 9: Changing Focus with My Podcast / When the Time Comes for Change Lanes

This episode is going to be a little different. I haven't recorded a podcast in a while and it's because I hit a bump in the road. As many entrepreneurs do we sometimes we hit roadblocks or a lifechange causes us to rethink things. I experienced a crash of sorts and it caused me to refocus my business. This episode explains the change and what types of content you can expect from my podcast going forward. 


Ep 9: Do You Have a Growth or Fixed Mindset?

How Does Your Mindset Impact Your Business?The podcast I published today is one of my favorites. I talk about one of the best and most interesting marketing experiences I have ever had.What happens when a group of entrepreneurs have the same business model and access to all the same resources?Just like in any setting some will be at the top in terms of revenue, some in the middle and some will be lower revenue performers.Why?Well, because everyone's mindset is different. It's your mindset that determines how you perform.Being an entrepreneur is hard. Running a business is hard. There are some mindsets which are more equipped for the ride. Hand over a business that is busy or thriving with a rule book and practically anyone can succeed. But that's not reality is it?Eventually you will face adversity and THAT is when you start to see someone's real capability.


EP 8: It's NEVER Just About Business. It Should ALWAYS Be Personal.

I feel certain you have heard the phrase, “It’s not personal, it’s just business”.No set of words have ever outraged me more. I remember the defining moment when I lost my corporate job during the recession, the gut-wrenching change to my life that made me leave the cubicle world to never return.I remember leaving my managers office feeling like I was punched right in the gut. A coworker greeted me in an effort to console me, "Tammy, don't be so upset, don't take it so personally, it's just a job."That is the biggest line of bull**** anyone can ever say in that moment. IT. IS. PERSONAL. The world is changing around us so quickly. It seems more and more I hear people talk about how hard it is to find good help. Work ethic is declining.  Perhaps that is so.But I seem to think there is more than one side to this problem. Perhaps there are employers who have forgotten what's really important? I have been heart-hurt in my business on more than one occasion. My husband tells me I take things too personally.I disagree whole-heartedly. If you ever want to make a real difference in the world, a difference to your client or your customer – take it personally. It should ALWAYS be personal.In today's podcast episode I talk about the largest organic tool/weapon you have as a human being - your words. I also share some pretty personal experiences that I feel are a great argument as to why things should ALWAYS be personal and not just business. 


EP 7: 3 Life-Changing Mindset Hacks to Combat Entrepreneur Challenges

There are plenty of folks out there selling entrepreneurism. They make it seem so wonderful as they talk about working only 10 hours a week, vacation homes and big paychecks.You know what they don't talk about? The dark stuff.The real stuff that happened before they got to take all those trips to the bank.Here's the thing, hardship doesn't sell. Yes, I have a great life. But YES there are times I do not want to get out of bed.Yes, there are days I struggle.The other consideration is life is messy sometimes. Things get hard to navigate.But what about when you still have a business to run?That is what this episode is about. How to navigate the tough times and I want to arm you with some of my hacks that I have found literally - LIFE CHANGING! 


EP 6: Using the Law of Attraction to Have My First Big Month in My Own Business

My first business venture had failed and I was beginning number two. It was in month two of my new venture I discovered the a book about the law of attraction. I was desperate and could not afford to fail again. One more failure and back to corporate life I go. I decided to test the theory of the law of attraction. This process was life-changing for me on so many levels. I learned what I was capable of.  However, most importantly I learned how successful I could be when I was not in my own way. I still to this date use this exact process when I am trying to accomplish a large task in my business. 


EP 5: Treating Myself Like An Employee

I was failing miserably to get my new business effort off the ground. No one was responding to my emails or phone calls. Once I sat down and simply retraced my steps in my past career I found the missing link. It was structure. Goals. I had goals - really big goals and every action that I took every single day in my corporate job was aimed at reaching those goals. My next statement is going to sound so cliche but - I had to stop working so hard - I had to STOP stressing myself out so much. I had to work smart. I had to stop being so afraid and just get it together and move forward in a productive way. Or I was heading right back to the cube. 


EP 4: The VERY Expensive Oversight

I have had a few hard bumps in my journey as an entrepreneur, some more rocky than others and…... some just downright gut-wrenching hard. The beginning of my journey as an entrepreneur is such a blur. I was so consumed with fear some days all I did was pace... for hours.  I had a ton of pressure on me to make money. There were times I literally at times worked 18 hour days. I neglected my family- I neglected myself. I was incredibly lonely early in. I didn’t have any really close entrepreneurial friends.  I was afraid to tell my husband how scared I was. I didn’t want him to be afraid.


EP 3: 18 Hour Days & Giving 150% = Failing?

I gave it all my effort, armed with the knowledge and expertise I had at that time. I gave it a year, working sometimes 18-hour days – seven days a week. That is not an exaggeration. My kids were in their last years at home and I missed it. I was behind close doors. Everything has a price.  I was like a mad scientist, literally shutting myself off from my family and the world for hours and sometimes days. I tried to create a business that would give me financial freedom and a permanent get-out-of-corporate- america pass.It took me about six months to realize there were some holes in my plan. It just wasn’t happening, and I certainly couldn’t see how this business was going to support my family. We were barely out of the recession and it was hard to sell products that were a want versus a need. I was under the very naive impression that because I was a smart business woman, was willing to work my ass off and gave it 150 percent of myself that I could NOT fail. I was so incredibly wrong.


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