The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio

Award winning, world renowned authors, psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, advocates and respected children's foundations join us to help you better understand a special needs child.... and yourself. You are your child's best advocate - if not you then who - become an informed educated parent here at The Coffee Klatch.

Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy! 21st Century Teens: Understanding 'em - Parenting 'em

Host Dr. Richard Selznick Guest Dr. Michael Bradley Raising a teenager was never supposed to be like this. In today's world, every thirteen-year-old child lives with issues like sex, violence, drugs, alcohol, divorced parents, and easy access to guns. Yet in this new and sometimes terrifying 21st century, many parents struggle in vain to raise teens with 30-year-old rules that no longer work. Parents of adolescents who need help, but haven’t got time to read a book, can get the answers they need by listening to this audio book during the daily commute. David Kropp’s brilliant reading breathes new life and meaning into the stories, the wisdom, and the wit that Dr. Bradley is famous for. In Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy! psychologist Michael Bradley updates the rule book, giving you the insight, the hope, and the help you need to safely steer your teenage children through the stormy waters of adolescence. Explaining that you are the most important influence in your teenager's life, Dr. Bradley gives you the training and skills you need to transform your 21st century teen into a  strong, confident, productive adult.


The Out Of Sync Child Grows Up - Carol Kranowitz

At last!  The long-awaited follow-up to the million-copy bestseller, The Out-Of-Sync Child! [is here! The Out-Of-Sync Child Grows Up, the latest in the “Sync” series, offers practical advice for coping with Sensory Processing Disorder in the tween, teen, and young adult years.  As a generation of kids with SPD enters young adulthood, this guide will help them and their families navigate the world that seems too loud, bright, fast, close, or otherwise overwhelming and confusing to the senses. The Out-Of-Sync Child Grows Up delivers revealing and inspiring first-person accounts from young people living with SPD.  These accounts highlight their strategies for thriving in the face of daily challenges such as grooming, eating, sleeping, and managing school, work, and the shopping mall.  Other topics touch upon emotions, family relationships, making friends, dating, nurturing one’s passion and developing “extrasensory grace,” as well as making the most of occupational therapy and other resources.   In addition, the book provides advice from researchers, parents, adults with SPD looking back, and other experts, including Lucy Jane Miller, Lindsey Biel, and Kelly Dorfman.   A unique resource for young people with sensory processing challenges as well as their parents, educators, and professionals, this insightful book gives voice to the millions of individuals with SPD, offering much-needed sensible advice and emotional support.


The two most frequently asked questions by special needs parents

Host Marianne Russo Guest Amalia Starr I Have Autism…What’ll I Do Without You, Mom? How to Prepare for When Your Special Needs Child Outlives You  In Starr’s latest book, “I Have Autism…What’ll I Do Without You, Mom?” she writes all about this subject matter and includes a separate in depth section on “How to Achieve Independence.”  The more independent our children are, the better it will be for them now and after their parents are gone. Yes, talking about one’s mortality is never an easy or pleasant topic, but with our special needs children it may be the single most important thing a parent can do. Starr discovered that when parents address this issue head on they feel a tremendous relief. No reason to put this off anymore, Starr’s book will take you hand in hand as she shares how she achieved this goal and how you can too. Are you concerned about your child’s future?  Then you have come to the right place. Amalia Starr has been a pioneer and trailblazer on the autism and special needs path for the past forty years.


Your Legal Toolbox For Kids With Behavioral Issues - Part 1

Do you have a child with behavioral issues? How do you get the right accommodations and appropriate placement under special education law? Part 1 Committee Meetings – The Process 504  IEP IDEA Classification How is classification determined? What is the difference between a 504 plan and an IEP and why it’s important to know. My child is very bright and does well academically but cannot learn due to behavioral/neurobiological issues so the school will not classify him? Part 2 The IDEA FAPE – Free Appropriate Public Education LRE – Least Restrictive Environment What if my child isn’t failing but is unable to learn or attend class due to behaviors? What are different classifications for children and teens with mental illness or behavioral issues? Do I have to use an attorney to get my child classified? What rights attach to someone who has been classified? What if my child has been classified and I don’t think that problems are being solved? The District offered my child a seat in a program and I’ve heard things about it that I don’t like and feel it will worsen her behaviors, do I have to accept it? How can parents enroll their child in a private school that best accommodates their child at district expense? Is an IEP a legal contract?


Switched On - John Elder Robison

Host - Marianne Russo Imagine spending the first forty years of your life in darkness, blind to the emotions and social signals of other people. Then imagine that someone suddenly switches the lights on. It has long been assumed that people living with autism are born with the diminished ability to read the emotions of others, even as they feel emotion deeply. But what if we’ve been wrong all this time? What if that “missing” emotional insight was there all along, locked away and inaccessible in the mind?  In 2007 John Elder Robison wrote the international bestseller Look Me in the Eye, a memoir about growing up with Asperger’s syndrome. Amid the blaze of publicity that followed, he received a unique invitation: Would John like to take part in a study led by one of the world’s foremost neuroscientists, who would use an experimental new brain therapy known as TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, in an effort to understand and then address the issues at the heart of autism? Switched On is the extraordinary story of what happened next.  Having spent forty years as a social outcast, misreading others’ emotions or missing them completely, John is suddenly able to sense a powerful range of feelings in other people. However, this newfound insight brings unforeseen problems and serious questions. As the emotional ground shifts beneath his feet, John struggles with the very real possibility that choosing to diminish his disability might also mean sacrificing his unique gifts and even some of his closest relationships. Switched On is a real-life Flowers for Algernon, a fascinating and intimate window into what it means to be neurologically different, and what happens when the world as you know it is upended overnight.


Life With Autism - Autism From The Dads Perspective Hearing The Diagnosis Pt2

In this episode, Joel and Rob continue their discussion on the emotions dads go through when recieving an autism diagnosis for thier child.


Managing Teen and Parent Anxiety in the Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood

Host Dr. Marla Deibler - Mind Matters   Guest:  Dr. Anne Marie Albano   The transition from adolescence to young adulthood is naturally fraught with excitement as well as anxiety. Responsibility increases for the adolescent, on matters of personal care, finances, managing their social relationships, romance, and working on their goals for entering college or the workforce.  Eventually, they must launch into adulthood being fully independent from their parents. For adolescents with anxiety and related mental health conditions, the launch is often postponed, and indefinitely, as each developmental task associated with emerging adulthood seems insurmountable to the youth, and to his or her parents. Dr. Albano will discuss the process of this transition to adulthood and what signs to look for of anxiety, and make recommendations for parents and youth in now to manage anxiety, move forward into challenging situations, and to engage resources found on campus, in the community, and within one's self to make a healthy transition into adulthood.


Life With Autism - Autism From The Dads Perspective : Hearing The Diagnosis

Hosts Joel Manzer and Rob Gorski Two part series In part one of this two part series, Rob and Joel discuss the emotions felt when first getting an autism diagnosis


Rapid Naming & Phonemic Awareness; Two Top Contributors to Dyslexia

School Stuggles with host Dr. Richard Selznick Michael Hart, Ph.D. is a child psychologist with 25 years of experience in teacher training, clinical psychology and the diagnostic assessment of a full range of learning differences, including dyslexia as well as attention problems (AD/HD). He is the founder/owner of and is currently providing webinars, online courses and onsite presentations/training regarding the proper educational care of our dyslexic students.   Dr. Hart has been creating and presenting curricula for professional training and development for many years.  In the recent past, he served as an instructor/facilitator for a Masters-level educational psychology course focused on cognitive learning theory and behavioral management.  In that role, he taught advanced course materials in psychology to educators and administrators and received average instructor performance ratings of 97 out of 100 for six straight quarters.   Prior to his current role, Dr. Hart served as a clinical psychologist, educational administrator and expert witness for learning disabled students in various settings including pediatric inpatient psychiatry, outpatient psychiatry, private practice and K-12 school settings. During his practice, he administered the full spectrum of psychological tests, behavioral assessment tools, affective inventories, projective tests, academic achievement tests and behavioral interviews.  His experience spans from infants to adults and he has conducted approximately 1000 evaluations.   Michael enjoys mentoring other professionals and is intensely focused on supporting teachers, specialists and parents as they become better informed and more experienced in the effective treatment of our dyslexic students.


Mind Matters 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12

Host Dr. Marla Deibler  Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but every family faces challenges that can be frustrating and overwhelming. For more than twenty-five years, internationally renowned clinical psychologist Thomas W. Phelan's 1-2-3 Magic has helped millions of parents, teachers, and caregivers raise independent, emotionally intelligent children and build happier, healthier families?all through an easy-to-understand program that you'll swear "works like magic." 1-2-3 Magic helps you discipline and set limits for your children by breaking down the complex task of parenting into straightforward steps. The 1-2-3 Magic program offers parents, pediatricians, mental health professionals, grandparents, teachers and even babysitters a simple and gentle-but-firm approach to managing the behavior of 2 to 12-year-olds, whether they are average kids or special-needs children. 1-2-3 Magic books sales have crossed the 1,500,000 mark, the number of foreign translations has passed twenty, and the 1-2-3 Magic book has consistently been the #1 child-discipline book on Amazon. Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. has worked with children, adults and families for over 35 years. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Illinois Psychological Association. In addition to writing and producing, Dr. Phelan maintains an active schedule of international lectures, and is a frequent guest on radio and television. His articles appear in numerous regional and national publications.


Life With Autism - Autism From The Dads Perspective : Support Systems

Hosts Joel Manzer and Rob Gorski give the dads perspective on raising a child with autism.    Todays topic - Finding and building support systems for families of children with autism


Premiere Life With Autism - The Dads Perspective

Hosts Joel Manzer and Rob Gorsky kick off - Life With Autism - The Dads Perspective! Most shows and parenting blogs are directed to the "moms" of children with autism, what about the dads?  The Coffee Klatch is bringing an incredible show to the network bringing two dads together to give the dads perspective and interact with amazing autism dads on the show and on simultaneous upcoming Tweetchats. Joel is the creator and lead editor of Autisable and a respected advocate in the autism community, Rob is a single dad of three boys on the spectrum, together Joel and Rob will bring some reality, support and much needed laughs to their fellow dads. Join Joel and Rob as they discuss the challenges of dealing with sensory issues in their children.


Helping Children Overcome Fears and Unwanted Behaviors: Courage Critters

Host Dr. Marla Deibler - Premiere of Mind Matters Renae M. Reinardy, Psy.D. received her doctorate at Argosy University, Washington, D.C. She is the Director of the Lakeside Center for Behavioral Change. Dr. Reinardy specializes in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, hoarding disorder, and related conditions. She has been an adjunct professor at the doctoral level and has presented numerous times at national conferences and at local meetings and trainings. She is also the Program Developer of Courage Critters, on on-line and plush animal system.  Dr. Reinardy has been interviewed on Good Morning America, North Dakota Today and the Joy Behar Show. She has also had her treatment techniques featured on Dateline NBC and A&E’s Hoarders.   The Courage Critters program is a tool that parents, caregivers, teachers, doctors and children can use as a guide to decrease common childhood fears and body focused repetitive behaviors. If every child knew these skills it would be of great benefit to our children's mental and physical health. The Courage Critter provides the child with comfort while the website offers a fun, and informative program. The Critter is a high quality plush toy that arrives with a password allowing the child membership into the Courage Club. This will give children access to all pages on the website. There are many stuffed animals available on the market, but none serve the same function as Courage Critters. Children often hold a beloved stuffed animal close to them in difficult situations, but only the Courage Critter has the training to stand up to fear bullies and body focused behaviors! This is a unique system for issues that impact most children and their families.


Found! The biological basis for Sensory Processing Disorder

Dr Pratik Mukhrjee and Dr. Elysa Marco on their Breakthrough study of biological basis for sensory processing disorders in kids In a groundbreaking new study from UC San Francisco, researchers have found that children affected with SPD have quantifiable differences in brain structure, for the first time showing a biological basis for the disease that sets it apart from other neurodevelopmental disorders. One of the reasons SPD has been overlooked until now is that it often occurs in children who also have ADHD or autism, and the disorders have not been listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual used by psychiatrists and psychologists. "Until now, SPD hasn't had a known biological underpinning," said senior author Pratik Mukherjee, MD,


Dr Temple Grandin -The principle emotion experienced by autistic people is fear

Dr Temple Grandin - Author, Advocate, One of Time Magazines Most Infuential People Of The Year - Emmy Award Winning HBO Movie "Thinking In Pictures"   An impromptu phone call between Marianne and Dr Grandin lead to an incredible interview on the airwaves.    Dr Temple Grandin has had eight appearances on the show.  Tonight we discuss a topic that we just had to bring to our listeners    "The principle emotion experienced by autistic people is fear" Temple Grandin


Autism With A Side Of Fries - Getting out of the house - Easier Said Than Done

SHOW PREMIERE - Getting out of the house - Easier said than done!  Are you a parent of a child with autism?  Often going out to eat, to a movie, library or a place of worship can be very stressful for autism families, tonight we talk about the importance of getting out with and without the kids.  Breaking the isolation and starting early.    You all know her and love her ..... Dianne Porter's first guest on Missing Piece Autism Awareness Show is Eileen Shaklee author of Autism With A Side Of Fries  Autism is a trip this mom didn’t plan on taking but she sure does love her tour guide. This week we talk with an amazing mom, Eileen Shaklee,  founder of the blog "Autism with a Side of Fries" which provides a fun place to share, support and have a laugh.  It does not matter what socioeconomic status, race, religion or creed you are, if you have a family member with autism you have been put on the path of a trip you didn’t plan on a path with no predictable itinerary.  Eileen's inspirational message reminds parents to laugh as they face real life battles. Her message is empowering and reminds parents that you are not alone on this journey.


Homeschooling Options for the Dyslexic Child

Host Richard Selznick   Guests LORNA WOOLDRIDGE has a Bachelor of Education degree from Bath College of Higher Education in England, and holds a Certificate of Professional Practice from Roehampton Institute in London: "Teaching Children with Reading and Writing Difficulties/Dyslexia." Lorna is certified by the Dyslexia Training Institute, and is experienced in implementing the Orton-Gillingham approach to teaching. She has also completed the DTI Dyslexia Advocacy Certification Course and the Orton-Gillingham Online Academy Basic Language Course (Based on Orton-Gillingham Principles.)  Lorna has a unique perspective on this condition as she is dyslexic herself. PHIL WOOLDRIDGE has a Masters Degree in Engineering and brings twenty five years of experience as a consultant, team leader and homeschool science teacher.


Life With Autism - Autisable Dads - Autism Parenting From The Dads Perspective

“Joel Manzer is an autism father from Norfolk, Virginia. His son whom he calls “Short Stack” has autism. Joel Manzer serves as the Lead Editor for Autisable, a blogging community with that was created in May, 2009, and is dedicated to sharing real blogs from people tackling the puzzle of autism. Joel Manzer who describes himself as “just one person among the thousands sharing their stories online” is an Autism Light for his dedication as an autism father and for his vision in leading Autisable today to be a helpful resource on the voices of the diverse autism community. “When my son was diagnosed with autism, we searched online for an open source blogging community that we would show daily life with autism. By open source, I mean one where someone didn’t have to sign up to join to read information. I’ve been blogging on for many years, and one day I was in a discussion with the people at and through that was birthed Our mission is rather basic, to promote discussion of autism. We don’t take a stance on a specific viewpoint or concept about it, but want to provide an environment where people can share their ideas and journey. ” Rob Gorski is a 36 year old Autism advocate, writer, hardcore techie, Google android fanatic, creator of the My Autism Help Forums and co-founder of Guardian Locate. However, more importantly, he is a single Dad to 3 amazing boys. All 3 of his boys are on the Autism Spectrum and have other serious health issues. His Autism Dad blog is to educate people and help them better understand what life can be like for families with a special needs children. He shares this story from his perspective as a single parent, in a very honest and transparent way.


Ask The Pediatrician with host Dr. Paul Dempsey

Dr. G Paul Dempsey is a pediatrician and the medical director of Quinte Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Belleville, Ontario. His other professional experience includes: Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and licensed in the Province of Ontario and the State of Maryland, Past President of the Quinte Health Care Professional Staff Association and previously Chief of Pediatrics at Quinte Health Care Past Director, Quinte Health Care. Quinte Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine is a community pediatric practice that provides medical care to infants, children and adolescents. Lead by pediatrician Dr. Gerald Paul Dempsey, they strive to provide expertise in medicine, timely service and up-to-date resources to our patients and to referring physicians. While they aren’t a primary care facility, they do offer a variety of services that you won’t find anywhere else. Dr Dempsey sees patients that have been referred by physicians for medical consultation, our Special Kids, Special Care services, and Sport Medicine Clinic. As with medical consultation, his Special Kids, Special Care services for children with special needs are by hospital or physician referral only. Some of the conditions for which shared care would be an option include: cerebral palsy, congenital heart diseases, Down Syndrome and other genetic disorders, epilepsy and other problems. In Special Kids, Special Care situations, patients continue ongoing primary care with their family doctor, while he assumes responsibility for monitoring and coordinating care of medical issues which require specialized training, or additional time not available to most family physicians. Ultimately each diagnosis has a different list of needs and as such the treatment options he handles vary on a case by case basis.


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