The Compliance Manifesto

This Podcast suggests a way forward for transforming the compliance function. It does so by postulating axioms and best practices for transforming your compliance DNA. The waves from the compliance tsunami have already started hitting the shore, but the largest ones are in the visible distance. Analogous to the perfect storm there will be considerable destruction before the rebuilding can begin. To quote Hugo: “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.” Compliance or anarchy; you choose. You may contact us at

Episode 10 - Process-Centric Regimes

This episode describes the differences between Rights and Risk-based Regimes.Support the show (


Episode 9 - Universal Grammar for Privacy & Security Regimes

This episode describes the Universal Grammar that can be used for Risk and Gap Analyses regardless of the Compliance Regime.  We also offer further explanation via email at support@3lionspublishing.comSupport the show (


Episode 8 - The Compliance Continuum

Learn how to make your compliance story better and understand tools to help achieve that goal.Support the show (


Episode 7 - Visible Demonstrable Evidence (VDE)

VDE is a first principle of compliance. It is axiomatic and a cornerstone of our methodology.Support the show (


Episode 6 - Business Partner Vetting

This podcast explores risks related to Third-Parties and how Expresso V3.0 helpsSupport the show (


Episode 5 - Methods for building a Culture of Compliance

Compliance is a Wicked ProblemMethods to build a Culture of ComplianceWhy are soft skills required to create a Culture of Compliance?Why is it important to create a Culture of Compliance?Culture is tied around a purpose that transcends diversity in traits, characteristics, and views.What is Walking the Ridge?Understand the importance of Walking the Ridge as a springboard to inspire, empower, teach skills and provide insights to improve.We recommend healthcare companies and Business Associates add the WALKING THE RIDGE cutting-edge online learning program. It's a uniquely personalized, benefit-rich development tool that helps build a Culture of Compliance.Learn more at the show (


Episode 4 - Magic Controls, Taxonomies, Partner Vetting

This Podcast covers a final review of The Compliance Manifesto, 2nd Edition contents (available at covers the following topics:Scorecards: Why are they important, how do they help your compliance effortThe 10 "Magic" Controls: Discussion of controls relevant to many or all Compliance RegimesTaxonomies: What are they used for, why are they important?Why is Business Partner Vetting the most insidious problem facing organizations?Support the show (


Episode 3 - Methodologies & Checklists

In this episode we discuss:What is Agile Compliance and where did it originate?Why is Agile Compliance the only methodology that matters going forward?What are Wicked Problems?How do Wicked Problems relate to an Agile Methodology?What is the opposite of a Wicked Problem?What are Checklists and why are they important? the show (


Episode 2 - Compliance Axioms

This episode provides insight into the top Compliance Axioms including:GovernanceThe Compliance ContinuumThe Journey of ComplianceDefining RequirementsVisible Demonstrable Evidence of ComplianceEnforcement the show (


Episode 1 - The Compliance Manifesto Introduction

This podcast introduces our speakers and discusses their new publication, The Compliance Manifesto, Second Edition and its applicability to various compliance regimes. This is the first of many podcasts that will discuss various compliance topics with noted individuals and organizations.They will provide insight into current and future compliance issues both local and globally.Support the show (


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