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The Connecting Podcast with Paul Tripp
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The Connecting Podcast with Paul Tripp

Author: Paul David Tripp

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The Connecting Podcast with Paul Tripp features lengthy discussions - up to 2 hours - with special guests that will dive deep into the gospel and how it transforms our daily lives. Conversations will cover topics like suffering, evangelism, work, sexuality, culture, and so much more.

Each episode is released on the second Friday of the month.
34 Episodes
034. Matt Martens

034. Matt Martens


"When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers" (Proverbs 21:15). But what if the justice system is unjust?This month, attorney Matthew Martens joins us on the Connecting Podcast. He has both prosecuted and defended accused murderers, served a US Supreme Court Justice, and worked for the President Bush Administration.In his 25+ year career, he is one of a few attorneys who has won cases in all four areas of law: civil plaintiff, civil defendant, criminal prosecution, and criminal defendant.Let's discover what the Bible has to say about justice, and Matt's new book, Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal.
How does the gospel comfort us during the most painful experiences of life?Jackie and Jonny Gibson experienced crushing grief with the death and stillbirth of their child at 39 weeks. They have written two books—one for mothers and one for kids—to help the Church process this devastating form of loss while holding on to the comfort of Christ.Jackie is from Australia, and Jonny is from Northern Ireland. I know you'll be blessed by this gospel conversation on this month's Connecting Podcast!
032. Drew Dyck

032. Drew Dyck


Becoming like Christ is a process, not an event. While we may only remember three or four dramatic life moments, grace transforms us in the 10,000 little moments of everyday life.So when Drew Dyck wrote his book, Just Show Up: How Small Acts of Faithfulness Change Everything, we had to invite him on to the podcast. He's hilarious, brilliant, and transparent.Faithful living in a fallen world can be exhausting, but the gospel is refreshing! Drew will remind you of that by pointing to Jesus!"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." - Philippians 1:6
The word GRACE appears in the New Testament almost 125 times. That's why Paul Tripp and Shelby Abbott decided to spend 8 hours discussing 15 different ways that GRACE transforms our lives over the course of 4 episodes of The Connecting Podcast!If you missed parts 1-3, check out The Connecting Podcast episodes 018, 019, and 030. What Even Is Grace? (Part 1): Even Is Grace? (Part 2): Even Is Grace? (Part 3):
As Christians, we talk about grace all the time. But what even is grace?In this month’s episode of The Connecting Podcast, Paul Tripp and Shelby Abbott dive into part three of their conversation on the marvelous grace of our Lord. If you missed the first two episodes on grace check out The Connecting Podcast episodes 018 and 019. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.”  -2 Corinthians 8:9
029. Joey Tomassoni

029. Joey Tomassoni


What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? Do you say the word "beautiful" so much that beauty has lost its significance?Joey Tomassoni will help you discover the theology of beauty in this month's episode of The Connecting Podcast. Joey is a pastor and painter with a degree from Oxford University. He loves to explore the intersection between faith, beauty, and life."He has made everything beautiful in its time" (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
028. Ross Wilson

028. Ross Wilson


The Queen of England, the President of the United States, and Harvard and Oxford University have all requested renowned painter and sculptor Ross Wilson to be their honored guest. And now, he's our guest on The Connecting Podcast!For more than 30 years, Ross has been commissioned to paint and sculpt on an international stage. In his private life, he is passionate about peace and serving the marginalized in Rwanda, Northern Ireland, and elsewhere.In this episode, Ross talks about the significance of art, the stewardship of gifts, and his everyday faith in Christ.
027. Pastor Peter Kasirivu

027. Pastor Peter Kasirivu


Planting 700 churches. Sponsoring 15,000 children. Educating 2,700 leaders. That's what Pastor Peter Kasirivu and his team are doing in Uganda.Pastor Peter flew all the way from Africa to join Paul as a guest on this month’s episode of The Connecting Podcast. They talk about poverty, witchcraft, and how the gospel is transforming lives.
What does it look like to live out the gospel in your profession? How can you make an impact for the Kingdom in the public sphere?In this month's episode of The Connecting Podcast, Paul has a conversation with husband and wife Makoto and Haejin Shim Fujimura. Makoto is a prolific painter and artist who formed the International Arts Movement and was appointed by the president to the National Council on the Arts in 2003.Haejin is an attorney and is the CEO of Embers International, a global organization that seeks to protect, restore, and empower victims of injustice.We discuss their professional ventures and more on this month's episode of The Connecting Podcast.-Most Sundays we are unprepared to offer to our Lord the worship he deserves and open our hearts to instruction from his word. In his newest book, Sunday Matters, Paul Tripp will help you slow down, pay attention, and fall deeper in love with the gospel of Jesus Christ before you walk through the doors of church every week. Get your copy today at
025. Nancy Guthrie

025. Nancy Guthrie


How does the gospel comfort us in the middle of unimaginable heartbreak? Nancy Guthrie lost two children at six months old, but she found Jesus to be close and sweet during her grief.This month's episode of The Connecting Podcast with Nancy Guthrie is brimming with hope, wisdom, and resilience in the face of tragedy.Paul and Nancy also discuss a few of her amazing books, exploring topics like why we often misunderstand Revelation and the intriguing "scoundrels" of Scripture!-Most Sundays we are unprepared to offer to our Lord the worship he deserves and open our hearts to instruction from his word. In his newest book, Sunday Matters, Paul Tripp will help you slow down, pay attention, and fall deeper in love with the gospel of Jesus Christ before you walk through the doors of church every week. Get your copy today at
024. The Theology of Food

024. The Theology of Food


When was the last time you had a piece of cake? Did you thank God for his creativity and wisdom in providing it for you?In this month's episode of The Connecting Podcast, Paul Tripp and Shelby Abbott devour the theology of food as they feast on God's grace and wisdom throughout Scripture.So grab your favorite food and beverage, open your Bible, and enjoy the nourishment of this gospel discussion in this month’s episode of The Connecting Podcast.
023. Samuel James

023. Samuel James


Are you trying to get a taste of heaven ... from the internet? You might be surprised by what you find out in this month's episode of The Connecting Podcast with Samuel James, author of the new book "Digital Liturgies." He highlights some of the dangers of digital technologies while offering wisdom for navigating an internet-saturated world.Find out what a digital liturgy is, and so much more, in this month’s episode of The Connecting Podcast.
022. Dave Harvey

022. Dave Harvey


Leadership…Loss…LoveDave Harvey is our guest on this month’s episode of The Connecting Podcast. His life experiences and seasoned biblical wisdom make this a can’t-miss episode. He’s one of Paul’s longest and dearest friends and peers in ministry.
021. Art Rainer

021. Art Rainer


Money. The thought of it can be overwhelming. The pursuit of it can be addicting.On this month’s episode of The Connecting Podcast, we talk about your finances with Art Rainer.Learn how to manage your money practically, wisely, and generously to the glory of God!
020. David Kim, Violinist

020. David Kim, Violinist


What does it take to become one of the best violinists in the world? For starters, you have to begin practicing at 3 years old... and never stop!Meet David Kim, the concertmaster of The Philadelphia Orchestra. In this month's episode of The Connecting Podcast, you'll hear his story of success, failure, and coming to discover Jesus by accident.Scroll to the end to hear a few more selections of David playing the violin
G R A C E ... the conversation continues!It's simply impossible to capture or define the grace of God, but Paul Tripp and Shelby Abbott give it their best shot in this month’s episode of The Connecting Podcast, where they continue their conversation on grace. If you missed the first episode on grace, check out The Connecting Podcast episode 018. SPOILER ALERT: They don't even come close to finishing, so we've already scheduled our third conversation on grace in the future.
018. What Even Is Grace?

018. What Even Is Grace?


Grace. Other than the word God, there is no more important word in the Christian dictionary.Grace is the ultimate spiritual game changer, and in this episode of The Connecting Podcast, Paul Tripp and Shelby Abbott begin a multi-part discussion on the word grace and everything it means for a follower of Jesus.If you've been enjoying The Connecting Podcast, please leave us a review! Your review helps us reach more people with the gospel's transforming power.
Francois is a Global Transformational Engineer. What does that mean? I guess you'll have to listen to this episode of The Connecting Podcast to find out!SPOILER ALERT: It means that he travels all around the world planting churches and training church planters. Francois is part of a movement that wants to plant 1 million new churches, train 1 million pastors, and evangelize and disciple 100 million believers by 2030.If you want to be excited about what the Lord is doing in his Church around the world, you can't miss this episode. Available on Facebook, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts!
016. Ruslan and Faina

016. Ruslan and Faina


There are no words to properly introduce this month’s guests on The Connecting Podcast - Ruslan and Faina from Kazakhstan. Their testimonies of salvation are remarkable and what God is doing through this young couple will leave you speechless. This might be the most exciting Connecting Podcast yet. We only had the opportunity to interview them on one day while they were in Los Angeles, so we set up a portable studio to capture their story. The video is available on Facebook or YouTube.
015. Doug Logan

015. Doug Logan


In this month’s episode, we welcome a wildly entertaining guest - Doug Logan. Doug is the president of Grimké Seminary and a vice president for the Acts29 church planting network, with an expertise in urban ministry. He’s also the Pastor for Church Planting at Remnant Church in Richmond, VA.If you have a heart for urban cities and want to see the gospel proclaimed, please share this episode!