The Connection Church

Welcome to the audio podcast of The Connection Church! Included are sermons by our lead pastor, TJ Hall, as well as others on our leadership teams and guest speakers. This podcast is a convenient way for you to catch up on a sermon that you missed, or to have another listen to be sure you got all that you need to grow in the grace, wisdom, and love of God in Jesus Christ. The Connection Church is a growing congregation meeting in the Northern Virginia area of Woodbridge. We are connecting with God, each other, and the community. Join us!

Hope in God (part 1)

At times, our lives can touch a deep place of despair, which results in feeling distanced from God.But instead of surrendering to those feelings, we can hope in God.Join us as we look at Psalm 42.


The Secret Place (part 3)

Isn't it wonderful that our God is a shelter, fortress, and refuge? When we dwell in The Secret Place, we discover all this about God and more. Join us as Pastor TJ concludes this sermon series on Psalm 91.


The Secret Place (part 2)

Join us as we continue looking into the richness of Psalm 91.


The Secret Place (part 1)

Psalm 91 is about a trusting and faithful person who affirms their status as safe and secure even during a time of calamity and distress. We serve a God who is a shelter, fortress, refuge, and more. For the believer, this status all begins in The Secret Place.


An Act of Trust (part 2)

Back in the day, Michael Jordan was almost universally known as the greatest of all time in college and professional basketball. When the game was on the line and there was only one shot left to win, you wanted the ball in Jordan’s hands. He was going to make sure his team won.The final words of Christ on the cross are words expressing full trust: “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” What a powerful moment when all the results of what happens next are put into the hands of someone else! Jesus had full confidence that His Father would “make the shot.” He trusted not only that His Father would not let Him decay in a tomb, but He would win eternity for everyone who puts the ball in His hands. Whose hands are you putting your life into with full trust?


An Act of Trust (part 1)

This is Palm Sunday, when we remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as Savior and King. The disciples who followed His instructions that day set into motion the greatest events ever recorded in history.It was An Act of Trust.


Conformed to Christ

At least a couple times, we can find in the letters of the Apostle Paul that he compares his life of faith to running a race. Additionally, in the twelfth chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews, we read that we too are in a race. The goal is not simply to run but to win. This race has a prize. 


Characteristics of a Dreamer (part 3)

Join us for the final part of this sermon series.


Characteristics of a Dreamer (part 2)

It’s easy to get frustrated when we are not where we want to be in life. When we don’t see our God-given dreams coming to pass, we must patiently wait on the Lord and trust that He is working on our behalf—even if we can’t see it. Join us as we continue examining the story of Joseph to unpack the Characteristics of a Dreamer.


The Lamb, the Blood, and the Doorpost

For this particular Sunday, we interrupted our current sermon series, Characteristics of a Dreamer, to have a joint worship service with our friends at Freedom Fellowship Church. Our very own Elder Joe Thompson shared a message as part the series that FFC is currently exploring. Enjoy!


Characteristics of a Dreamer (part 1)

While we are patiently waiting for the tangible realization of our God-given dreams, there are things we should and shouldn't do. Join us as we continue combing through the story of Joseph, examining the Characteristics of a Dreamer.


Living the Dream

Are you a dreamer? As a believer in Christ, we can all be dreamers. God gives us dreams, hopes, and desires to fulfill His Kingdom on the earth. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult when we are waiting and waiting and waiting for them to come about. Join us as we explore how faith can help us live the dream while we wait.


Manifesting Kingdom Promises

When we read the scriptures and see all the promises of God but realize we are not seeing them in our lives, we can quickly start to doubt that His promises are for us today. Discover adjustments we can make in our lives to experience the manifestations of the Kingdom of God on a daily basis.


What is God’s Will for Me?

Are you living in the perfect will of God? There can be such pressure to hear from God regarding a special path or plan that He has just for you. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Discover the freedom, relief, and comfort of knowing God’s will for you.


The “H” Word

When you say the word holiness, you might as well spray a can of conversation-repellant on everyone around you. It might even seem to have been turned into a “gotcha” whip or weapon by some who preach, teach, and claim to adhere to a life of holiness. In spite of that, we, the church, desperately need to pursue being holy. It is not just some archaic idea from past generations. It’s the unyielding pursuit that defines the Christian life. We need holiness, whether we realize it or not! Discover the result of real holiness: freedom.


Experience the Kingdom

Just as there are advantages to being a citizen of the United States, being a citizen of the Kingdom of God comes with many benefits as well. A Christian’s primary, daily focus should be to live like a citizen of God’s Kingdom. But what must we do to experience the Kingdom with all the rights and privileges given to us by our King?


The Great Commission

Today our focus is on the Kingdom of God. As citizens, we submit to God’s authority and His spiritual rule over our lives. Join us for this powerful time as we examine the first directive issued by Jesus, the Commander-In-Chief of the Kingdom of God. 


Making the Kingdom of God Our Priority

Enjoy this special message from our friend and guest speaker, Peter Markgraaff!


God With Us (part 3)

Enjoy this wrap-up of our Christmas series, "God With Us."  


God With Us (part 2)

Join us for the next part of this year's Christmas sermon series, God With Us!


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