Master Sgt. Brooke Emery speaks to Master Sgt. Sean Christian and Master Sgt. Zachary Atkinson of Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) as they reflect on their time in service, discuss ARFS's long-standing partnership with Air Force Bands, and explore the challenges currently facing military recruiters. #AirForce #Recruiting #TheUnitedStatesAirForceBand
As part of our ongoing Guest Artist spotlight, Master Sergeant Ben Patterson talks with jazz legend Chris Potter about his music and career. Credits: Executive Producer: Col. Don Schofield Producer/Host: Master Sgt. Brooke Emery Assistant Producer: Master Sgt. Ben Patterson Recording Production Managers: Chief Master Sergeant Dennis Hoffmann and Master Sgt. Emily Wellington Audio Mastering: Master Sgt. Mike Hampf
This episode features a conversation with classically trained pianist and composer Aaron Diehl. In the episode, he discusses his approach to music, his career and what pushes him forward as an artist. Mr. Diehl was a featured musician on The United States Air Force Band's Guest Artist Series. Credits: Executive Producer: Col. Don Schofield Co-Producer/Host: Master Sgt. Brooke Emery Co-Producer: Senior Master Sgt. Matthew Irish Assistant Producer: Technical Sgt. Ricky Parrell Recording Production Managers: Senior Master Sgt. Dennis Hoffmann Audio Mastering: Master Sgt. Mike Hampf Video Editing: Technical Sgt. Eddie Sanders
In honor of the 75th anniversary of his disappearance, we examine how The USAF Band's Airmen of Note embodies the legacy of Major Glenn Miller and his Army Air Force Band, and we talk with one of Miller's biggest fans about why his music remains so compelling. Credits: Executive Producer: Col. Don Schofield Co-Producer/Host: Master Sgt. Brooke Emery Co-Producer: Senior Master Sgt. Matthew Irish Recording Production Managers: Senior Master Sgt. Dennis Hoffmann Audio Mastering: Master Sgt. Mike Hampf Video Editing: Technical Sgt. Eddie Sanders For more information about The U.S. Air Force Band, visit
To commemorate Veterans Day 2019, we feature the stories of veterans: how they entered the service, how they served, and reflections on their time in the military. This episode features the current Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. David L. Goldfein, as he tells about his own path to service.
Bugle call expert and former Air Force bandsman, Jari Villanueva, discusses the history of Taps. Drum major of The U.S. Air Force Band's Ceremonial Brass, Senior Master Sgt. Daniel Valadie, describes the three parts of a full honors funeral at Arlington National Cemetery.
In this episode, host Master Sgt. Brooke Emery discusses the history of American patriotic music with members of The U.S. Air Force Band. She brings the discussion to modern patriotic songs through an exclusive interview with the iconic country music singer Lee Greenwood. He shares stories about his most famous hit, "God Bless the USA," and explains what it is like to serve as a musical ambassador for America.
Colonel Arnald D. Gabriel, USAF, retired, is a legendary Air Force band conductor who began his military career as a young Army soldier storming the beaches of Normandy, France, on D-Day, June 6, 1944. In this episode, Gabriel shares about how he endured great loss through the horrors of World War II and ultimately fulfilled his destiny to serve as an international ambassador for the United States Air Force. Created by Master Sgt. Brooke Emery.
Matthew Irish
Love music? Love the military? This podcast is a mix of both with a little bit of history thrown in as well.