The Construction Influencer with Nicole Miller

<p>Are you in construction? Get ready to be inspired by Nicole as she goes one-on-one with the movers and shakers in the industry as they tackle leadership, sales, and most of all, inspiring and influencing others.</p>

Ep. 26 Crafting Excellence: How Communication and Method Build Success

I sat down with Bill Rupert, President of RCS-CM LLC the leader for construction management and he shared the evolution of his company from inception in 2015 to present day. Bill has recently joined forces with Dave Hellman to form his company today. They both had different areas of passion in growing their businesses, that complimented each other, so it made sense to merge. He also share what that meant for his family. He shared his passion to be an example for his children...


Ep. 25 Blueprints for Growth: Mastering the War Over Talent Acquisition in the Construction Industry

Hmm? The importance of marketing to attract talent rather than to attract clients? Yes! I talked to Ryan Kovach, fractional CMO, about how important marketing is to attract the right talent. With so many years of experience, Ryan only felt it appropriate to write a book to help others. This is no ordinary book, it’s meant to be a guide. You can skip around to the parts that pertain to the struggle you are currently having. We all joke that we’d like a manual to life. While Ryan can’t offer th...


Ep. 24 Turning a Layoff into a Launchpad and The Advantage of a Supportive Network

It’s so easy to let your identity to get lost your career. And also dangerous. Brandon Clements, Principal at FQF Advisors, joined me today and discussed how he moved forward from a lay off. And that afternoon in his car while he was hiding from his family so they didn’t see him at his lowest, this is when he got a call from someone in his network offering help, coaching, and a solution.Brandon explained how he shifted his thinking to this actually being an opportunity. Brandon has alwa...


Tough Turns and Strong Bonds: The Business of Partnering

It made sense for these two to partner, John Lenker and Assaf Arrie, but that doesn't mean it was easy. There were so many changes that Assaf knew needed to take place, that now they joke that Assaf "came in like a wrecking ball."John knew that he needed Assaf's skill set to grow his business and he shared that this year, in fact, the business has grown 10X! John humbled himself and made Assaf the CEO so he could be the Chief Visionary Officer. Now they are both succeeding in their zones of g...


Leadership: from Disney to Design with Erik Chrestensen

Dive deep into the world of design and leadership with the visionary Erik Chrestensen, President of Chrestensen Design, on our latest podcast episode. Erik opens up about the magical influence of Disney on his foundational business philosophies and how it has sculpted his approach to creativity and innovation. But that's not all - Erik goes beyond the surface to share invaluable insights on permeating your leadership philosophy throughout every layer of your company, ensuring it doesn't ...


A Visual Story Teller Pushing Design Boundaries through Brand Authenticity with Erik Chrestensen

With authenticity as his goal, Erik Chrestensen, President of Chrestensen Designs, pushes boundaries to create a space that tells the story of the business. Erik collaborates with Architects as well as designers. He gave examples of working with each. In each example, he answered the question why work with an outside design firm in addition to the builder/architect or marketing design team.His designs come from genuine conversations with the businesses, observation, and accurate historical de...


Empowering Leaders with Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence with Hakim Lakhdar

I'm not sure who needs to hear this but it's ok if you are an individual that needs to work on being vulnerable to empower your self-awareness and emotional intelligence. These qualities may come naturally to others the way you drive business naturally based on analytics and your goals!My guest, Hakim Lakhdar, coaches business professionals to unlock their abilities to better connect emotionally with others. He offered some tips on how to better access those rarely utilized ...


From Blueprint to Reality: How Ripple Intent is Transforming the Construction Industry Through Collaboration

What if I told you there's a transformative solution when your business faces familiar challenges alongside others in the same industry? Enter Kyle Majchrowski, the visionary behind Ripple Intent, who not only recognized this common struggle but also dared to ask himself a crucial question: What can be done about it?Driven by a burning desire to foster genuine connections and meaningful conversations with fellow business leaders, Kyle embarked on a mission that would change the game forever. ...


Blaze Your Trail: Kristin Larson

Join me on a journey as I dive deep into the world of leadership with none other than Kristin Larson, the CEO of SouthWest Electric. In this episode, Kristin reveals her awe-inspiring journey to the top, sharing invaluable insights and advice for those striving to climb the corporate ladder.Discover the secrets behind Kristin's phenomenal rise as she candidly opens up about her experiences and the lessons she learned along the way. Brace yourself for a wealth of wisdom and practical tips that...


From Mountains to Boardrooms: Developing Grit in Leadership

In this episode of The Construction Influencer Podcast, the host Nicole Sanchez welcomes Wendy Cohen, President of Kitchell, to discuss leadership, perseverance, and personal growth. With over 25 years of experience in the construction industry, Wendy shares her insights on pushing through obstacles and building grit - learned through extreme feats that she believes can be translated into her professional journey. Wendy emphasizes the importance of leaders creating a safe environment whe...


Credentials vs. Character: How Passion Trumps Experience With CEO Lori O'Keefe

Discover the secrets to building and sustaining passionate teams in the latest episode of The Construction Influencer Podcast! Join host Nicole Sanchez as she engages in a riveting conversation with Lori O'Keefe, CEO of MAAS Companies, a program management firm specializing in the education sector in California. Learn how to identify passion in potential hires, understand the difference between burnout and lack of passion, and explore ways to foster an environment that encourages authent...


It's Not About You Or Me

Leaders have to grapple with the reality that they're never going to be able to control everything that happens at work. That's why it's so important to create an environment where everyone feels safe and comfortable speaking up, whether it's about a new idea or a problem they're experiencing. I've seen firsthand how companies can fail to foster this kind of culture—and it's not pretty. When people don't feel like their voices matter, they become disengaged and less productive....


You Don't Grow When It's Easy

We all have a story. A journey that has brought us to where we are today.But what about the messes? The hard times we experience along the way? I know that feeling well. I've been there, and so have many others, especially my podcast guest Jason Romero who happens to be a keynote speaker, ran 3,063 miles across the US, author, CEO, attorney, a Paralympian, and holds 10+ World Records just to name a few. And oh yes. He's also blind. John shares that even ...


Empowering Your Team Drives Growth

Successful leaders empower.But one of the biggest mistakes leaders make is not empowering their teams which really impacts team morale and the overall success of their company.Be it a lack of awareness, or fear of being vulnerable, most leaders end up holding back in this area. On this podcast, the President of MAAS Companies Lori OKeefe, and Jennifer Vasquez, V.P of Business Development and Corporate Communication share their insights on how empowering their teams have helped their comp...


What Successful Companies Do To Scale Their Business

Imagine, if you could build a company culture that would bring out the best from your employees. A culture where people would come to work excited and happy every day, knowing that they will accomplish something great.This is exactly what Chad Prinkey of Well Built Construction Consulting shares on this week's #podcast. He goes over some key strategies that he's taught many business owners and leaders in the construction industry to perform and compete at the highest level. G...


The #1 Must Have Quality To Have For Leaders with Sasha Carter

On this podcast, Midstate Mechanical's Sasha Carter, shares some amazing insight on how different the work culture and leadership in America, compared to Australia where she was born and raised. Plus, she goes deep into why it's important to not let fear hold you back from taking the next step which could be the move that actually changes the whole game and, she'll tell you what her #1 quality that not just some, but ALL people who are in a leadership position to have if they want to se...


The King of Networking & Business Development

If you were to look up the word #networking in the dictionary, the picture of one of P2S, Inc's finest and "The King of Networking & Business Development" Jesse Urquidi would pop up. Hands down.To be fair, Jesse did not give himself that title. However, if you were to ask his colleagues and clients if that were the case, it would be a unanimous yes.You don't earn that type of reputation by going to networking events, constantly following up with clients, and winning projects......


You Don't Need 9 Million Or 900 Followers To Be An Influencer

Whether you are in a #leadership position or not, you have the power to #influence those around you. It's not about your follower count that makes you an #influencer, but it is literally the impact you have on your teammates, and those closest to you. I wanted to go solo on this podcast to remind folks that you don't need permission, millions, or even hundreds of followers to start influencing. How someone Influences will be different from one person to the next. Some na...


Walk the Talk with CEO of PrimeCo. David A. Hopkins

“He that will not sail till all dangers are over must never put to sea.” - Thomas Fuller This quote reminds me of David A. Hopkins, the #CEO of PrimeCo. in this latest podcast of #theconstructioninfluencer, "Walk the Talk." No matter how many logical excuses and reasons he had and could have easily said, "Nope, looks too risky...and it could go horribly wrong," he and his team found an even greater reason to believe and work hard to take #PrimeCo to a whole new level of success.&n...


You'll Never Lose When You Invest In Your People

I am so excited to launch our first podcast of 2021 and our second season! In this episode, I had the opportunity to sit down with the President of C.W Driver and Driver SPG Karl Kreutziger. Knowing how to lead is such a rare talent that takes years to develop and that's exactly how Karl got to where he is today, by being patient and consistent. One of my favorite take-aways of this show is when leaders focus too much on spreadsheets and sales reports and then wo...


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