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The Constructionist Podcast: Bible, Renewing & Mind
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The Constructionist Podcast: Bible, Renewing & Mind

Author: Caleb

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An exploration of the Bible and real life. Always asking the question “Is the Bible sufficient?” Recognizing that God is constructing us for a purpose.
124 Episodes
Subjectivism is dangerous, and in this third part of Caleb's review of CS Lewis' The Poison of Subjectivism we deal with the issue of being above the law. Of the Superpersonal God of the Bible, and of human Reason. Enjoy!Support the Show.
C.S. Lewis continues in his essay called the Poison of Subjectivism by bringing up arguments that try to reduce the reality of a universal objective moral law to a frame of living that allows one to ignore some morals but emphasize others to their own benefit. Join Caleb as he explores Lewis' train of thought and the philosophical destruction that comes from lessening the whole.Support the Show.
Some things are objective and others are subjective. The difference is vital to the civilization of Modern Man according to CS Lewis, former atheist, moralist and Oxford Professor who wrote some of the best works on mere Christianity and human experience. This episode of the Constructionist Podcast will walk through Lewis' essay "The Poison of Subjectivism". In it you will find much that will help make sense of our modern world. Support the Show.
Hello friends. In this episode of the Constructionist Podcast Caleb attempts to do his presentation in the car while driving. His subject is Metaphysics and Prosopological reading of the Bible. Heavy subjects while driving along!!Support the Show.
In the temptation narrative of Jesus we read about the devil quoting the Bible to Jesus in an effort to get him to do something that is not the will of the Lord. This is a serious issue in the church today and one that needs to be addressed carefully. Join Caleb in this episode as he explains the nuances of what happens when one person quotes a passage of the Bible that seems to contradict the Word of God. Support the Show.
Humans don’t know it but interpretation is fundamental to our daily existence. A thought in the head must be correctly translated to come out of the mouth. Then the hearers need to have a correct context to fully apprehend the message. Join Caleb on this new Constructionist Podcast in exploring the challenges to communication interpretationSupport the Show.
Do You Love?

Do You Love?


Love, love, love. It was the main topic of 60s music and the Beatles said all you needed was love. But what kind of love are we talking about. 60s music philosophy has failed but God gives us clear guidelines in the Bible about how to love. What's needed is knowledge and discernment. Join Caleb in this episode as he explores this much misunderstood topic. Support the Show.
Do You Eat?

Do You Eat?


Every day people eat. And people eat a LOT every day. But statistically almost nobody reads their Bible every day. Why? The Bible calls itself food for the spirit and the spirit is more important than the body. Join Caleb in this episode to discover the extreme necessity of spiritual food.Support the Show.
Many years ago the prophet Jeremiah explained how to make Israel cease as a nation. In this episode Caleb lays out what the prophet Jeremiah said and how to make it happen today. Support the Show.
Last week the Islamic organization called Hamas illegally entered Israel and killed over a thousand people. They also took over 100 people hostage back into the Gaza Strip. This act of aggression caused Israel to declare war on Hamas. This is a war that they will not win. In this episode of the Constructionist Podcast Caleb explains from ancient prophecies in Genesis why Hamas has no chance of winning. Support the Show.
Psalm 41 is a challenge to read in that Jesus Himself says that it must be fulfilled and yet the Psalm has no prophetic language in it. How are we to understand the way Jesus understands the Old Testament? What's up with Judas and Peter?Support the Show.
Many get baffled by how the New Testament uses the Old Testament. Part of why we are baffled is because we read the Bible not from the perspective of the 1st century readers, but from our own Western modern cultural view. Join Caleb in this episode as he examines the way the writer of Hebrews uses David's Psalm 40 in such a way that both David and Jesus are able to speak clearly and freely.Support the Show.
We tend to say things and assume we are understood. The Reality is that there is much more to understanding meaning than meets the eye. In this episode of the Constructionist Podcast Caleb brings an introduction to the mental discipline of hermeneutics, or discovering meaning in words. Support the Show.
The New Testament and the Old Testament work together in one harmonious whole. This episode has Caleb exploring the meaning of the resurrection as presented in Psalm 16 and preached on by Peter in Psalm 2. Paul calls the resurrection an absolute necessity in order for our faith to have any meaning. It's a vitally important topic!!Take a Course on Interpreting the BibleSupport the PodcastSupport the Show.
In our series on the Psalms Caleb is looking now at when a Psalmist says something mean and nasty about somebody. Is the Psalmist just being mean, or is there something deeper going on? Like a misdirected perspective on our part?Care to support the show? Click hereEmail to: calebtheelectrician@gmail.comSupport the Show.
All media has a message of some kind. In this episode Caleb will explore the ideas presented in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and how these topics cannot be in agreement with any Biblical understanding of the universe. Please consider supporting this Podcast by clicking here.Support the Show.
What does it mean to disentangle one's self from the ickiness of what Christianity sometimes looks like? What does the Bible say about the life of Jesus and then our own lives as well? What does the future look like? Caleb address several of these issues in this series going through the book of Psalms.Care to support the show? Click here.Support the Show.
Psalm 2: The Son

Psalm 2: The Son


When we read the Bible we must take into account the nuances of the words being used. Join Caleb in this episode as he explores the various meanings of the title Son, and how Psalm 2 is used in the NT. Care to support the podcast? Click Here.Support the Show.
Join Caleb in this first installment of a series on the Psalms. Beginning with Psalm 2 Caleb explains what the Bible is not and also what it is. If you would like to support this podcast please visit the support page.Support the Show.
When we read the Bible we must do so slowing and deliberately, taking into account all of the little details everywhere to make sure we get a full picture of what we need to grasp hold of. This episode has Caleb explaining in detail what it is to be in the Law of the Spirit and not the Law of the letter. Support the Show.
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