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The Creative Shift with Dan Blank

Author: Dan Blank

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In The Creative Shift with Dan Blank, I interview writers and artists who have doubled-down on their creative vision. I delve deep into how they moved from merely dabbling with ideas to becoming a doer — someone who creates, finishes, and shares their work.
181 Episodes
In the past year, I have worked with author Mary Carroll Mooreto help her release two novels within six months of each other. There is so much to learn from this experience, I wanted to share it in a mega case study today. You can listen to the podcast by clicking ‘play’ below, or in … Continue reading "Launching Two Books in Six Months, a Case Study (podcast)" The post Launching Two Books in Six Months, a Case Study (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Today I want to share a case study on how to engage your readers by focusing on story and emotions. As a writer, you share in your newsletter or social media because you hope it connects with people in a meaningful way. What do we all feel before clicking “publish?” Crickets — no one engaging, … Continue reading "Moving Beyond ‘Likes’ to Real Connections with Readers (Podcast)" The post Moving Beyond ‘Likes’ to Real Connections with Readers (Podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
It is so tempting for each of us to just focus on the items that are still undone on our to-do lists. To constantly be focused on tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. But when we pause, even for a moment, to recognize what we have created and learned, I feel that is … Continue reading "Celebrate What You Create (podcast)" The post Celebrate What You Create (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Today I want to remind you of something incredibly important: you get to choose. You get to choose if and how you create. You get to choose if and how you publish. You get to choose if and how you share. I want to share two stories of people taking a bold creative risk, and … Continue reading "Take the Creative Risk (podcast)" The post Take the Creative Risk (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Recently, I was speaking with a writer who described feeling stuck. They were in a rut, believing in the work they do, but just demotivated on a day-to-day basis. This conversation resonated with me for many reasons. If you are a writer or creator who sometimes wonders if you are in burnout, if you are … Continue reading "Feeling stuck? Define your values. (podcast)" The post Feeling stuck? Define your values. (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Art lasts… (podcast)

Art lasts… (podcast)


Today I want to talk about why we create and share. This is something I meditate on all the time, and it is why I work with writers. This week in particular I’ve been thinking about it a lot because I heard of the death of one of my favorite musicians. As I considered his … Continue reading "Art lasts… (podcast)" The post Art lasts… (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
I have heard versions of this from many writers over the years: “An agent told me that if I had 10,000 followers, they would sign me.” Is that true? I don’t think so. Largely, I think this number is entirely made up. What agents and publishers may instead be seeking is a writer’s ability to … Continue reading "Will 10,000 followers get you a book deal? (podcast)" The post Will 10,000 followers get you a book deal? (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
If you are a writer, why bother sharing? Why spend your time and energy sharing on social media, starting a newsletter, or vying for attention at all? Sharing is a risk. Yet, I find that sharing what we create and why opens up the possibility for so many good things. I believe that sharing deeply … Continue reading "Why take the risk of sharing? (podcast)" The post Why take the risk of sharing? (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Today I want to share a step-by-step guide to publishing a bestselling book. There are just 6 steps, and I will be clear about each one. As a model for this guide, I am going to use one of all-time favorite stories of creative success. Please bear with me here… I want to use the … Continue reading "A 6-Step Guide to Publishing a Bestselling Book (podcast)" The post A 6-Step Guide to Publishing a Bestselling Book (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
The more I see of it, the more I am understanding how AI (artificial intelligence) will change the fields of writing, art, and all creative fields in a profound way. Today I’ll share examples of what I’ve been seeing, but my first goal today is to make this episode useful to you. If you are … Continue reading "How Writers, Artists, and Creators Can Thrive in an AI World (podcast)" The post How Writers, Artists, and Creators Can Thrive in an AI World (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
If you are reading this, chances are you are a writer, illustrator, artist, or creator of some sort. You have embraced your creative craft, and work to develop it year after year. I’ve always considered how we share to be a craft as well. How we show up. How we listen. How we connect. How … Continue reading "How you share is a craft (podcast)" The post How you share is a craft (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
I’ve sent a weekly email newsletter for 18 years. Recently, I moved it to Substack. In today’s episode I want to share the story of my newsletter, and why I am finding Substack to be interesting for writers. You can listen to the podcast by clicking ‘play’ below, or in the following places: Apple Podcasts … Continue reading "Why I moved my newsletter of 18 years to Substack (podcast)" The post Why I moved my newsletter of 18 years to Substack (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Last episode I talked about the potential impact that artificial intelligence will have on writing, art, and creative work. Today, I want to focus on the opposite: the value of handcrafted creative work (writing, art, etc.), that by their nature are limited edition and deeply personal. What I will cover today: 1.) Why one writer … Continue reading "Handcrafted vs AI writing and art (podcast)" The post Handcrafted vs AI writing and art (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Maybe you may have seen a lot of headlines recently about artificial intelligence (AI) writing or art. Recently, I’ve seen things with both that are giving me pause. Today I want to share three things: 1.) Why artificial intelligence in creative work is compelling. 2.) Why AI is likely to create a crisis in creative … Continue reading "How AI may change writing and creating (podcast)" The post How AI may change writing and creating (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Today I want to share details on how one writer I’m working with is selling more books, getting rapid growth in her audience, and increasing the revenue she earns from her writing. Melinda Wenner Moyer is a science journalist and author of the book How to Raise Kids Who Aren’t Assholes. She and I began … Continue reading "Case study: Book sales, audience growth, and earnings from an email newsletter (podcast)" The post Case study: Book sales, audience growth, and earnings from an email newsletter (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
In the work I do in helping writers connect with readers and grow their platforms, I find that there is often this pressure to “go viral.” To identify a tactic that reaches the most people with the minimum effort. And sure, that’s definitely useful. But that can also be elusive. Today I want to talk … Continue reading "Simple Ways to Connect with Others (podcast)" The post Simple Ways to Connect with Others (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Every week, my friend Jennie Nash and I have a mini-mastermind call. On it, we discuss business challenges, creative goals, new ideas, and so much else. Today, I want to share two of the biggest and most consistent insights we have had, and how they relate to how you can approach sharing your work and … Continue reading "Doing stuff works (podcast)" The post Doing stuff works (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
I want to encourage you to do is be intentional about connecting with potential readers. No, I am not saying that you have to embrace networking. Instead, consider how you can regularly create moments and experiences around the kind of books or themes that inspire you. Joy should be infused in the process. You can … Continue reading "Find your readers with intention (podcast)" The post Find your readers with intention (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
It’s common for me to read a headline or social media post from someone who shares a story or statistics that illustrate that a specific channel is “too crowded” and not worth pursuing. That may include email newsletters, podcasts, social media, or Zoom events. Yet if you are someone who writes or creates, without these … Continue reading "Are newsletters, podcasts, and social media too crowded? (Podcast)" The post Are newsletters, podcasts, and social media too crowded? (Podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.
Recently I have seen people begin using the word “brand” a lot more. The context being that you have to “define your author brand” or “establish yourself as a brand” if you want to get the attention of readers. But you are not a brand. You are a person. Who you are and what you … Continue reading "You are not a brand (podcast)" The post You are not a brand (podcast) appeared first on WeGrowMedia - Dan Blank.