DiscoverThe Cross Covenant Tidings with Jonathan Heng
The Cross Covenant Tidings with Jonathan Heng
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The Cross Covenant Tidings with Jonathan Heng

Author: Jonathan Heng

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For over 30 years, through mass communication ministry products and platforms, Jonathan Heng's goal has been to champion the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news that Jesus saves, heals, delivers, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again! Download the free Jonathan Heng Library app on your mobile device and visit
15 Episodes
We invite you to connect on social media and receive updates on this ministry. Through sharing of insights from God’s Word and stories of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives, we want to champion the glorious gospel and connect people to the One who saves, heals, delivers, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again. Visit our ministry’s websites to view a list of various social media pages and podcasts. Be sure that you are linked with sites that are authentic and official. Let’s stay in touch and together, touch others with the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God’s plan for the ages has already been in place way even before the universe existed and before man was created. His Everlasting Covenant was established before the foundation of the world and revealed to us when we are in Christ.
The New Covenant

The New Covenant


The New Covenant in Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of all the Old Testament covenants. All the preceding covenants made during the periods of the Old Testament are foreshadows and types of the final, supreme and eternal covenant - the New Covenant of grace. The Old Testament prophets have prophesised, and Jesus has fulfilled each and every one of these prophecies. The body and blood of Jesus that was crucified and shed on the cross, is the only perfect, sinless and spotless sacrifice for sin once-for-all, forever and forever. The New Covenant promises abundant and eternal life to anyone who believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. The finished work of Christ on the cross is the cornerstone and foundation of our faith. We can boldly declare that He saves, heals, delivers, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again!
The Davidic Covenant

The Davidic Covenant


The Davidic Covenant was made with David when he was enthroned, after the death of Saul. This covenant reveals the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Through David’s seed and house, the everlasting Kingdom and throne of Jesus would be established. Jesus Himself is called the Son of David. As David was enthroned at Jerusalem, the city of David, we will see the greater Son of David, Jesus Christ, crowned with many crowns in Jerusalem too during the Millennial reign.
The Mosaic Covenant

The Mosaic Covenant


The Mosaic Covenant was made with the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai, after the exodus from Egyptian bondage. The Mosaic Covenant is filled with conditions – “if you obey” and “if you do this”. There is blessing for those who obey the law (according to Deuteronomy 28:1 to 14) and curse (according to Deuteronomy 28:15 to 19) for those who break it. In many ways, it promotes righteousness by works and self-effort. While the law is good, it is meant to be a “schoolmaster” to bring Israel to the coming Messiah and Saviour Jesus Christ. This covenant is to foreshadow and prepare the way for the New Covenant of grace. It was the foundation of the greater promise to come, and would find perfect fulfilment only in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was the only Man who ever kept the demands of the law fully and completely. Outward ritual cannot remove sins, but inward faith in the Lord and His finished work on the cross!
The Abrahamic Covenant

The Abrahamic Covenant


The Abrahamic Covenant is a covenant of promise. God promised Abraham that he would be the father of the chosen nation, Israel and that the families of the earth will be blessed. That through his seed, his descendants, would come forth the Messiah and Saviour of the world. Praise God for such amazing love and grace!
The Noahic Covenant

The Noahic Covenant


The Noahic Covenant was made after a great flood. In the midst of a desperately corrupt and wicked time of the human race, Noah’s life shone with righteousness. Praise God for the Noahic Covenant, where humanity would be preserved. Out of a time of judgment, there was a godly man Noah, where his seed will ultimately bring forth God’s plan of redemption that was to be fulfilled by Jesus Christ on the cross!
The Adamic Covenant

The Adamic Covenant


When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin and death came into our world. We use the term, the fall of man, to refer to the transition from a state of innocence to a state of guilt, where the conscience is flawed and corrupted. Yet, God had in mind a plan of redemption. The Adamic Covenant is where God will judge Satan and sin, as well as to ultimately restore man through Jesus Christ the Promised Redeemer.
The Edenic Covenant

The Edenic Covenant


The Edenic Covenant is the covenant God made with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was in essence, during the dispensation of innocence, before sin came into the world.
Covenants In The Bible

Covenants In The Bible


An overview of the major covenants in the Bible
What Is A Covenant?

What Is A Covenant?


A covenant is an agreement and commitment between two or more parties based on a mutual relationship. A covenant is a spiritual agreement, which can be written or spoken. Today, we frequently use the word “contract” rather than covenant. Most contracts are written and are legally binding. If one party defaults on any of the contractual terms, the other party can take legal action. Regrettably, contracts made by human beings can fail. People break promises and contracts time and again. Yet, a covenant which is initiated and established by God is powerful and eternal. In this relationship, it is one of unequal and unilateral partners. What do we mean? The Lord God Almighty is the King of kings and the Lord of lords and still, He makes and keeps covenant with those who love and obey Him.
To build intimacy in our relationship with God, we need a glimpse of His glory. We need holy revelation, not just information. We can manifest God’s glory and Kingdom authority in being “partakers of the divine nature... ” (2 Peter 1:4) but it involves obedience and submission to the will and Word of God in our lives. We are living in the last days. We are the generation that will see the greatest demonstration and manifestation of God’s glory and grace. We have a ministry of reconciliation, not just a message of reformation.
A teaching on spiritual warfare
We are pleased to announce the launch of our app on Apple TV, where the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed through preaching, teaching and music videos. Invite your loved ones and friends to watch our programs. Together, let us fulfill the Great Commission under the anointing of the Holy Spirit!
The Jonathan Heng Library App offers preaching/teaching and music videos and print resources. You can watch, listen and read these media anytime and anywhere when connected on Wi-Fi or mobile data. Available for free on iTunes App Store, Google Play and Amazon Appstore. We regret that Microsoft is no longer supporting the operating system for Windows Phone on which this app is built. The app has been, or will be, removed from the Microsoft app store. For those of you who have downloaded the app on Windows Phone, you can continue using it. However, updates, upgrades and new features for this app will no longer be supported in future. To continue using the app seamlessly, we encourage you to download the app on iTunes App Store, Google Play, Amazon Appstore and Apple TV that are compatible with your devices. We also invite you to visit our websites, connect on various social media pages and subscribe to our channels and podcasts.