The Dance Of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander

Sharing biblical truth and spiritual encouragement, as well as information on how to stay healthy in these crazy times.

The Truth About Hell: The Message of the Gospel

Today we continue our segment in the Afterlife series titled “The Truth About Hell” by looking at the message of the Gospel. Throughout the bible we see a consistent point about God: that He is love, and that only through a relationship with Him do we have eternal life. With this in mind, the concept of eternal conscious torment is not consistent with what the New Testament reveals about salvation. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


How the Light Will Use the Dark

Many people believe that we are on the cusp of a shift in humanity’s history, a shift from the dark world order into a glorious age of love, light and prosperity. This is actually true, yet it is also exactly what the bible warns us will be the final test. In this episode we will see how the Light will use the Dark in the final stage of human history before Christ’s return. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


The Truth About Hell: Destruction as Judgment

When we study the pattern of God’s justice throughout history, we reveal a striking and important truth about hell: that it is not a current place of ongoing torment but rather a future destination where the wicked will be destroyed after being resurrected. Today we will explore many places in scripture that show God’s punishment to the wicked is destruction, not eternal torment. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


Did the Catholic Church Create Islam?

Islam is a massive religion with an interesting history, and the bible predicted the rise of this power primarily as a judgment against the medieval papacy. But how was Islam created and, more importantly, how will it come to wander after the Beast like the rest of the world in these final days? By studying history carefully, we can understand Islam’s origin and also it’s role in the coming great delusion. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


The Truth About Hell: God's Sense of Justice

Many believe that hell is a current place of ongoing torment, and will also be the eternal home of the wicked once Jesus returns. Yet careful study of the scriptures reveals a very different picture of what hell is. Hell is not a current place that exists, nor will it be a place that the wicked will live forever in. Hell is a future place of final judgment, where the wicked will be destroyed in agony by God’s wrath. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


Voluntas Dei Est Catholica

“Voluntas Dei Est Catholica” means “The Will of God is Catholic,” and in fact this is true for those who have diligently studied the scriptures. Revelation tells us that the world will marvel after the beast and the kings of the Earth will give their power to a church-state system just like they did for 1400+ years. Christ also tells us that He will draw all kinds of men from every tribe to Himself (John 12) and so the mark of the beast that God has decreed is so to separate the true universal church from the counterfeit in the last days.Today we will see key examples of these prophecies unfolding through political and social figures, as the continue to magnify the beast and seduce the world into its system. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


THE AFTERLIFE #5: Angels & Demons | The TRUTH About the Nephilim

Genesis 6 is a famous chapter in the bible because it describes the union of the sons of God with the daughters of men to create a people called the Nephilim. Later in the bible these people are associated to fearsome giants that terrorize mankind and war against God’s people. Today these things have evolved into great mythologies and distractions, so in this episode we will learn the truth about the Nephilim from the bible and history. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


Art of War: The Jesuits, Napoleon & The French Revolution Conspiracy

We are told by our history books that the French Revolution was a momentous step toward human rights, freedom and democracy. Yet those who study history know that history is written by the winners. Today we will examine what history really says about the French Revolution, why the Art of War is intimately connected to this event, how Napoleon was used by the Beast and what all of these things have to do with the book of Revelation. The connections will be profound and hopefully open your eyes to the real antichrist power on the Earth. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


THE AFTERLIFE #4: Debunking the Tripartite View (Body, Soul & Spirit)

A popular belief today is that we have a body, mind and spirit — or body, spirit and soul. This is called the Tripartite view of the human being and it has led to many errors in thinking within Christianity. Most do not realize the pagan and occult connections of this view, as well as the sinister Satanic agenda behind its mainstreaming in society. Today we will use scripture and history to debunk this view for good. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


The Great Delusion (Full Documentary)

Embark on an epic journey through history and scripture to discover The Great Delusion. In 2 Thessalonians 2, the apostle Paul warns that at the end of time Satan will leverage all of his power to deceive the world. This great delusion is consistent with the first beast of Revelation 13 coming back to life and being worshipped, and with people taking the mark of the beast — as well as the kings of the Earth giving their power to Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17.Today you will see just how close The Great Delusion is to becoming a reality as all threads integrate into the final deception that will be played upon mankind. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


THE AFTERLIFE #3: The History of Life After Death

Many do not know the important history of how beliefs on the afterlife shifted in God’s people, yet a broad review from the Hebrews to the modern Church reveals a sinister truth: the enemy has corrupted the truth through countless assaults and false narratives. Today we will uncover this very important history, so that you aren’t deceived by what is coming on the horizon. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


The Sexual Escapades of Mystery Babylon

Over the last 50 years the world has witnessed countless claims of child and adult sexual abuse emerge against the Catholic Church, with the recent 2018 “Summer of Shame” demonstrating that that these things are far from over and continue to be revealed. Yet these difficult situations offer a priceless lesson about who the true Church is and what the nature of salvation really means, as well as a power warning for the end times. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


THE AFTERLIFE #2: What the Bible Says About Death

The authors of the bible did not believe in an immortal soul that persists after death. Rather, they hoped and longed for the day when God would resurrect all life and return the world back to paradise. Death, as a result, was often seen as “sleeping” because the next waking moment would be with God. The only question was whether one died in faith or not. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


The TRUTH About Revelation 20

Revelation 20 is one of the most famous chapters in the entire bible, known for its vivid imagery of a thousand year kingdom, of people coming to life and reigning with Christ for 1,000 years and of Satan being bound so as to not deceive the nations any longer — only to be released after the 1,000 years are ended. Many have debated what these things mean, and one’s conclusions on this chapter alone determine one’s end times position. Today we will use scripture and history as our guide to discover the mysteries in this illusive chapter. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


THE AFTERLIFE #1: Ancient Views on Death

What happens after we die? This is perhaps one of the greatest questions of history, and today we will learn what the ancient Hebrews, the people who wrote the bible, believed was the answer. Contrary to what most believe today, these ancient authors did not subscribe to the notion that the soul was immortal and persisted after death. Rather, they knew the truth: that all life is dependent on God and those with faith alone will receive immortality at the resurrection. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


Timeline to the End

People are increasingly coming to realize that what the bible said about the end of time was true, yet the enemy has created countless narratives and false signs and wonders, false flags and distractions to confuse and deceive. Today you will learn the truth about what to expect and what to watch for, based on bible prophecy and history, from now until the return of Christ. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


Should Christians Be Involved in Politics? (2024)

Today many Christians have been polarized by divisive politics and an increasingly more volatile world. The evils of the political Left are being revealed, and those on the Right warn of a globalist take over unless we return to traditional values and religion. Yet when we compare this modern-day storm of events with what the bible says, a stark reality emerges: the world is headed toward the greatest deception in history. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


THE SABBATH #9: The Sabbath Fulfilled in Christ (Hebrews 3 & 4)

In this final episode of our Sabbath series, we will take a look at why the Sabbath is so important, strategies on how to keep the Sabbath in a busy world and how it is fulfilled in Christ. We will also look at some important passages in Hebrews 3 and 4. According to these key verses, the most Christian thing we can do is to celebrate the Sabbath, as it is a picture of many things — including the day of Christ’s return. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


True Antichrist: The Man of Lawlessness Revealed

Many Christians today believe that the antichrist is a person that will be indwelt by Satan and will walk into a rebuilt Jewish temple to proclaim himself to be God. Yet careful scrutiny of scripture and history reveals that this is a lie, and also one that has been propagated intentionally by the true antichrist power on the Earth to hide its identity. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


THE SABBATH #8: The Coming Sunday Laws & World Obedience to the Beast

Many Christians today do not know that the last 2,000 years of Christianity’s history is riddled with persecution of Christians through Sunday laws and Sunday observance. In this episode we will cover that history, as well as the powerful resurgence in a desire to mandate Sunday as the day of rest throughout the world. The bible warned of such things long ago, and in this generation we will likely see them come to pass.Those who ignore history will be swept up in it when it repeats. Get full access to The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander at


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