The Data Democracy

The Data Democracy is a weekly data podcast that focuses on the ultimate goal of data management - exploring how to install a true data democracy in your company. We want to help you make all data discoverable, so that any employee can find anything from anywhere at any time. Each episode guest-stars a leading data visionary who shares valuable testimonies and key takeaways to help other data leaders make their enterprise data accessible and discoverable to all. Join us for stimulating conversations around data democratization and data discovery now! 🎙️ Presented by Ole Olesen-Bagneux | powered by Zeenea 🚀 Ole Olesen-Bagneux is a globally recognized thought leader on data catalogs and enterprise data management. He has written 'The Enterprise Data Catalog' published by O'Reilly. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Copenhagen, in Library- and Information Science. His expertise of data management and -mesh is that of a specialist, a leader and an architect. After a rich experience as Enterprise Architect with GN Store Nord, he recently joined Zeenea as Chief Evangelist. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

Episode 33 w/ Amy Raygada - Data Before AI: Ensuring Foundations for Future Technologies

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux is joined by Amy Raygada, Senior Data Solutions Program Lead at BayWa r.e. Global. With roots in Costa Rica and now based in Germany, Amy shares her insights from a dynamic journey across different industries spanning IT, data engineering, and governance.Throughout their discussion, Amy emphasizes the evolution of data tools from rudimentary Excel sheets to sophisticated data catalogs and governance systems that not only accommodate but empower business users. She delves into the concept of master data within the framework of data mesh, underscoring the need for domain-driven approaches to improve both data quality and organizational efficiency.As the conversation turns to the future of data and AI, Amy voices concerns about the rush towards AI adoption without adequate data foundations, stressing the implications for privacy and data security, especially under regulations like GDPR. She highlights the importance of strategic planning and clear objectives to leverage AI effectively in business contexts.🎧 Tune in to hear Amy Raygada articulate the intersection of data governance and technology, offering strategic insights into managing data and her visionary outlook on the evolving role of AI and data integration within global industries.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download our ebook "The Practical Guide to Data Mesh"Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 32 w/ Tom De Wolf - Data by Design: A Journey from Software Architecture to Data Mesh Mastery

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux sits down with Tom De Wolf, a pioneer in Belgium's data mesh community and the founder of Data Mesh Belgium Meetup. Tom recounts his transition from software architecture to passionately advocating for data mesh, spurred by his insights into domain-driven design and microservice architectures.Throughout the discussion, Tom highlights the challenges and solutions in defining and managing data products, emphasizing the need for platforms that reduce complexity and cognitive load for data producers. He shares his experiences with initiating community dialogues through meetups, which play a crucial role in fostering the adoption and understanding of data mesh across Belgian industries.Tom also reflects on the future of data mesh in Belgium, envisioning its broader application and the transformative impact it could have on data management practices within the region. 🎧 Tune in to explore how Tom De Wolf is shaping the data architecture landscape in Belgium, and learn about the practical steps and visionary approaches driving the data mesh initiative forward.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download our ebook "The Practical Guide to Data Mesh"Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 31 w/ Jessica Talisman - Cataloging the Digital Age: The Intersection of Librarianship and Modern Technology

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes Jessica Talisman, a senior information architect at Adobe, who shares her vast experience across various IT domains and her unique perspective combining library information science with modern data architecture.Throughout their conversation, Jessica highlights the potential of knowledge graphs to add depth and context to data, making a case for their integration into AI and IT systems based on principles she adapted from her past as a librarian. She further explores how traditional library sciences, especially models like FRBR and MARC, can influence modern data management practices and help maintain data provenance and rights management in AI applications.Ole and Jessica delve into the challenges and advancements within the data community regarding the understanding and application of taxonomies and ontologies. They discuss how these can act as a business's 'fingerprint' in the AI landscape, emphasizing the necessity for curated and domain-specific data architectures to enhance business representation and functionality in technological settings. 🎧 Tune into this enlightening episode to hear Jessica Talisman articulate the convergence of library information science and data architecture, her insights on fostering a more structured and ethical approach to data in the tech world, and the ongoing evolution of data understanding in the community.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download our ebook "The Practical Guide to Data Mesh"Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 30 w/ James Serra - Retrospective Reflections: Unpacking the History and Hype of Data Architectures

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes James Serra, a Data & AI Solution Architect at Microsoft and the author of 'Deciphering Data Architectures' published by O’Reilly. With four decades of experience in IT and data architecture, James shares his journey through numerous roles and the technological advancements that have shaped data management practices.James delves into the motivations behind his latest book, aiming to demystify the complex landscape of data architecture for both professionals and enthusiasts. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the pros and cons of each data architecture model and the need to learn from historical data management strategies to avoid repeating past mistakes. His guide helps organizations understand and navigate the nuances of modern data architectures, such as data mesh and data lakehouse.The episode also explores the significance of Architectural Design Sessions (ADS) in tailoring data solutions to specific customer needs. James discusses his approach to simplifying complex concepts, making data architecture more accessible and understandable. 🎧 Tune in to discover James Serra's valuable insights on the evolution of data technologies, receive practical advice on data architecture, and understand his strategic approach to educating about data systems.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download our ebook "The Practical Guide to Data Mesh"Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 29 w/ Jon Cooke - Meshed Up Terms: Aligning with Data Mesh, Debating the Dictionary

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux sits down with Jon Cooke, the founder of Dataception and a seasoned pioneer in the realms of data architecture and AI. He takes us through his diverse career journey, starting from his early days in virtual reality and aerospace to spearheading innovations in data strategies and AI at major consultancies and enterprises.Jon delves into the practical challenges of implementing data mesh architectures, sharing his nuanced views on the transition from vision to execution. He critiques common terminologies like 'data products’, proposing clearer communication to bridge the gap between technical teams and business stakeholders. Throughout the conversation, he emphasizes the importance of composable data architectures and the evolving role of generative AI in transforming how businesses handle and leverage unstructured data.As the discussion unfolds, Jon highlights his current work on cutting-edge projects that integrate AI with traditional data processes, reshaping risk assessment and decision-making frameworks. His insights offer a glimpse into the future of data management, where AI and data mesh principles converge to create more adaptive and intelligent enterprise ecosystems. 🎧 Tune in to this episode to explore Jon Cooke's visionary approach to data and AI, his strategic insights on overcoming the hurdles of data mesh implementation, and his predictions for the next wave of data innovation.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download our ebook "The Practical Guide to Data Mesh"Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 28 w/ Simon Harrer - Crafting Code Clarity and Championing Data Mesh in Germany

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes Simon Harrer, celebrated for his influential work in the realm of software engineering and his pivotal role in championing the Data Mesh movement in Germany.Simon takes us on a journey from teaching Java programming and co-writing the book "Java by Comparison" to transitioning into the data world, spurred by his fascination with the transformative potential of Data Mesh. He recounts the challenges and triumphs of translating Zhamak Dehghani’s "Data Mesh" book into German.As the conversation unfolds, Simon elucidates the relationship between software engineering principles and Data Mesh, emphasizing the significance of data contracts and the process of fostering a data-centric culture within traditionally software-focused teams. His insights shed light on the early adoption stages of Data Mesh and the first data decentralization success stories in Germany.🎧 Tune in to this episode to dive deep into Simon Harrer's journey of bridging the worlds of software engineering and data architecture, exploring his visionary take on Data Mesh in the German tech landscape, and the narrative of data contracts as a cornerstone for the future of data utilization.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download our ebook "The Practical Guide to Data Mesh"Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 27 w/ Jason Hare - Unautomatable: The Human Essence of Data Governance

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux is joined by Jason Hare, a distinguished figure in the field of data governance, who shares his journey from pioneering data security measures to becoming an emeritus expert in governance.Jason discusses the vital need to delineate data governance from data management. Unlike data management, data governance is never an operating model but people, and from his point of view there is no way to automate it. Further enriching the discussion, he delves into the nuances of data mesh, critiquing its misapplication, and advocating for a balanced approach that aligns with organizational risk management.Despite retiring and fighting against a stage four cancer, Jason remains a resilient and vibrant contributor to the data community, offering insights through his critiques, participating in discussions on LinkedIn, and nurturing the next generation of data governance professionals through teaching and thought leadership. 🎧 Tune in to this episode to explore Jason Hare's legacy of resilience, his critical perspectives on data governance versus data management, and his vision for a balanced and ethical approach to data architecture.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download our ebook "The Practical Guide to Data Mesh"Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 26 w/ Manuel Brnjić - Where were you when you discovered Data Mesh?

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux sits down with Manuel Brnjić, pioneer of the Austrian data meshing community and CTO of Blueprint. Manuel shares his transformative journey from a software engineering background to becoming a leading advocate for data mesh and innovative data management strategies.Manuel reflects on the pivotal moments and challenges that shaped his career, emphasizing the shift from traditional data warehousing to embracing data mesh's decentralized approach. He discusses the critical role of effective data discovery and management in facilitating collaboration between data scientists and engineers, and advocates for the Product Owner for Search role in organizations.Throughout the conversation, Manuel offers insights into the evolving landscape of data management, the importance of understanding and leveraging data for machine learning and AI projects, and the emergence of data marketplaces as a means to democratize data access and collaboration.🎧 Tune in to this episode to hear Manuel Brnjić's journey through the realms of data mesh, his insights on bridging the gap between data science and engineering, and his vision for the future of data management.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download our ebook "The Practical Guide to Data Mesh" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 25 w/ Ayodele Oluleye - The Community Builder: Fostering Data and Development Across the African Continent

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes Ayodele Oluleye, a trailblazer in Africa's data and tech scene. Hailing from Nigeria, he unfolds his transformative journey from an engineering student and graphic designer to becoming a leading data professional and author.The conversation delves into Ayodele's pivotal career transitions, highlighting his leap into analytics and his passion for writing, which led to the publication of his influential book on exploratory data analysis with Python. He shares the challenges and triumphs of authorship, as well as the impact his work has had on budding data scientists.Further enriching the discussion, Ayodele introduces DataFest Africa, a groundbreaking conference he played a crucial role in organizing, aimed at unifying the continent's data professionals and enthusiasts. He provides insights into the evolving data and tech landscape across Africa, emphasizing the community-driven growth, governmental support, and the continent's emergence as a tech talent hub.🎧 Tune into this insightful episode to explore Ayodele Oluleye's contributions to data analytics and technology in Africa, his visionary outlook on the continent's tech future, and the vibrant community driving its transformation.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 24 w/ Scott Hirleman - The Data Mesh Advocate: Empowering Business with Empathy & Tech Diversity

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux sits down with Scott Hirleman, the host of the Data Mesh Radio. Scott takes us through his unexpected journey into the heart of the data mesh community, sharing insights from his foundational role in fostering a global conversation around this revolutionary approach to data architecture.From the misinterpretations that led him to dive deep into the subject, to the establishment of the influential Data Mesh Radio, Scott recounts the story of how his engagement with the concept grew from a curiosity to a passion, culminating in the creation of his company, Data Mesh Understanding. He delves into the challenges of democratizing data, the critical importance of empathy in tech, and the transformative potential of data mesh to enhance not just business operations but the very culture of data management.Scott emphasizes the ongoing struggle to realize the full vision of data mesh, noting the progress made and the hurdles that remain. He discusses his mission through Data Mesh Understanding to help organizations align their data strategies with their business objectives, thus unlocking new levels of efficiency and innovation.🎧 Tune in to hear Scott Hirleman's compelling narrative, from fostering a vibrant, inclusive community around data mesh to advocating for a shift in how businesses perceive and utilize data.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 23 w/ Christopher Chin - The Data Communicator: Mastering the Art of Impactful Tech Presentations

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes Christopher Chin, known for his transformative work as the Data Communicator. Christopher shares his journey from data visualization engineer to a leading coach in data communication and presentation. He highlights the critical role of storytelling and effective communication in transforming complex data into impactful insights.Christopher recounts pivotal moments that steered his career towards empowering data professionals with soft skills, drawing from his unique background in music composition and experience as a data journalist. These experiences, he believes, laid the foundation for his approach to making data accessible and engaging to a wider audience.Throughout the discussion, Christopher provides valuable insights for introverted tech professionals on leveraging their strengths in public speaking and leadership. He addresses the importance of ethical communication and the potential of skilled communicators to positively influence IT departments and organizations. 🎧 Tune into this episode to explore Christopher Chin's expertise in enhancing the communicative power of data professionals.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 22 w/ Pia Jøsendal - The Data Architect: Forming the Vessels to Connect Business and Tech

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux is joined by Pia Virmalainen Jøsendal, a leading authority in the field of enterprise architecture. Pia tells us about her background, from her studies in humanistic informatics to her extensive experience in both the industrial and public sectors. She emphasizes the nuanced impact of technology from a humanities and social sciences perspective, and her role in helping to bridge the technology-business divide through innovative enterprise architecture practices.The core of the conversation focuses on Pia's unique approach to enterprise architecture, which she compares to an organization's vital circulatory system, highlighting how it can infuse agility, connectivity and innovation into business and technology landscapes. She shares her insights into the evolution of enterprise architecture in the age of the data mesh, addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by decentralized data architectures.Further exploring the stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding enterprise architects, Pia argues for a more integrated and organic approach to her discipline, stressing the importance of collaboration, adaptability and the essential role of architects as facilitators and translators between technical and business domains.🎧 Tune in to this captivating episode to discover Pia Virmalainen Jøsendal's perspectives on enterprise architecture and the metaphorical blood vessels connecting business and technology.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 21 w/ Tiankai Feng - The Data Musician: Harmonizing Data Governance with Creativity and Innovation

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes Tiankai Feng, acclaimed as the Data Musician, who holds a position of Data Strategy & Data Governance Lead at Thoughtworks Europe. Tiankai recounts his journey to the pinnacle of data strategy and governance, while harmonizing his career with his passion for music.Tiankai opens up about his innovative approach to demystifying data through melody, which has not only made data governance more accessible, but has also infused fun into the traditionally serious field of data work - challenging and reshaping stereotypes along the way. His songs simplify complex data concepts into catchy tunes that resonate across professional and personal boundaries, improving literacy and reducing resistance to data governance.The episode also discusses the challenges of balancing compliance with innovation in data governance, the dynamics of remote work, and the impact of music on fostering a positive data culture. Tiankai shares insights on how proactive, ethical data management practices and a creative approach can align to navigate the evolving landscape of data strategy and governance. 🎧 Tune in to explore Tiankai Feng's symphonic journey into the world of data, where his role as data musician makes data strategy and governance not only effective but truly resonant.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 20 w/ Pierre-Charles Igras - The Data Evangelist: Spreading the Gospel of Data Literacy and Culture

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux sits down with Pierre-Charles Igras, the visionary behind the Data Literacy Institute and a leading Chief Data Officer in the energy sector. Pierre-Charles shares with us his background, from network engineering to leading data transformation programs within multinational corporations, and talks about his mission to democratize data understanding through the foundation of the Data Literacy Institute.Throughout the conversation, Pierre-Charles outlines the pivotal shifts in his career that led him from the technical trenches of data management to the strategic forefront of data governance. He elaborates on the inception of the Data Literacy Institute, a platform designed to empower individuals and organizations with the essential skills to navigate the data-driven world, offering courses in both English and French.The discussion also focuses on the challenges and successes of implementing data catalogs and governance frameworks in large-scale enterprises, highlighting Pierre-Charles' unique insights into auditing, reporting, and ensuring data privacy and security. His experiences reveal the critical role of data catalogs in regulatory compliance, data protection, and fostering a culture of data literacy within organizations. 🎧 Tune in to this episode as Pierre-Charles Igras shares his passionate pursuit of data literacy, illustrating how data governance and strategic data management are instrumental in unlocking business value and fostering a culture of informed decision-making.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


EU Data Act Special w/ Matthias Niebuhr: Decoding the Future Impact of the Act on Technology and Society

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes Matthias Niebuhr, a renowned IT law expert and key figure at BDO Legal, and Member of the EU Commission's expert group on B2B data exchange agreements under the EU Data Act. This special episode explores the revolutionary changes and challenges the EU Data Act will introduce in the realm of data management and digital rights.Matthias brings over two decades of legal expertise to the table, delving into the intricate details of the EU Data Act. He lays out the significance of this legislative milestone, particularly in empowering users and reshaping the landscape of data access in the European Union. From public transport to IoT devices, Matthias illuminates how the Act will transform data dynamics across various sectors.The dialogue traverses various critical aspects of the EU Data Act, including its implications for large-scale manufacturers and the inevitable shift towards user-centric data management. Ole and Matthias discuss the potential broader societal impacts of the EU Data Act, contemplating its role in democratizing data and fostering a new era of transparency and fairness in digital data exchange.🎧 Tune in for a deep dive into the EU Data Act with Matthias Niebuhr, as this episode unravels the layers of this groundbreaking legislation through a blend of legal insights and forward-looking perspectives on the future of data in Europe.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 19 w/ John Thomas - The Data Contractor: Crafting the Blueprint of Data Mesh and Quality

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes John Thomas, a distinguished expert in data management with a deep background in engineering and over 15 years of experience in data space. John discusses his journey, touching on global trends in data technology adoption and the persistent challenge of ensuring data quality.The heart of the conversation delves into John's pioneering work in data contracts and data mesh. He elaborates on the practicalities and innovations of contract-driven architectures, highlighting his role in their implementation at Volvo Cars, offering a glimpse into real-world applications and challenges.The discussion further explores the balance between legacy and modern technologies in data management, with John voicing his concerns about maintaining fundamental data modeling principles amidst rapid technological advancements. He also reflects on the future of enterprise data management, particularly the critical role of data quality in the age of generative AI.🎧 Tune in to this insightful episode to hear John Thomas unravel the complexities of data contracts and mesh, sharing his unique perspectives on the future of enterprise data management and the pivotal role of data quality in the era of generative AI.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 18 w/ Svyatoslav Kotusev - The Framework Mythbuster: Unraveling the Tangles of Enterprise Architecture

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux is joined by Svyatoslav Kotusev, a renowned Enterprise Architecture Researcher and author of ‘The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment’ (SK Publishing). Svyatoslav recounts his evolution from a software developer to an enterprise architecture researcher, laying the foundation for his innovative CSVLOD model, which challenges conventional enterprise architecture practices.Delving into the shortcomings of traditional frameworks like TOGAF, Svyatoslav advocates for an empirical, communication-focused approach in enterprise architecture. He emphasizes the necessity of bridging the gap between IT and business leaders, crucial for effective decision-making and democratizing data within organizations.The discussion pivots to the future of enterprise architecture, where Svyatoslav offers his perspective on the evolving role of architects and the natural development of practices, independent of prescriptive frameworks. He predicts a more integrated, IT-dependent organizational landscape, necessitating adaptive and dynamic enterprise architecture strategies.🎧 Tune in to this insightful episode for a deep dive into the transformative world of enterprise architecture, where Svyatoslav Kotusev’s empirical insights challenge the status quo and shed light on the future directions of this vital field.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 17 w/ John O'Gorman - The Disambiguation Guru: Weaving the Tapestry of Data and Language

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes John O'Gorman, a visionary in data management and semantic analysis, and Co-Founder and CEO of Semantium, Inc. John traces his path from the University of Calgary to his pioneering work in knowledge graphs, highlighting pivotal moments and significant breakthroughs in his career.Delving into his nuanced approach to data classification and knowledge graphs, John discusses the complex dance between language and data. He shares key insights into making data more accessible and the critical role of precise language in the realm of data analysis.The conversation also explores John's strategies for managing both structured and unstructured data, with a particular focus on technical documentation. He stresses the importance of uniform language usage in effective data management, and how it forms the backbone of data comprehension and utility.🎧 Tune in this captivating episode as John O'Gorman navigates the interdependent world of data and language, revealing how language fundamentally shapes data creation and comprehension.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 16 w/ Jesse Anderson - The Big Data Maestro: Orchestrating the Symphony of Science, Engineering, and Operations

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes Jesse Anderson, an esteemed figure in big data, Managing Director at Big Data Institute, and author of "Data Teams: A Unified Management Model for Successful Data-Focused Teams". Jesse shares insights from his experiences at Cloudera and as a software engineer, emphasizing a holistic approach to big data that integrates both technical skills and organizational strategy.Jesse highlights the importance of structuring data teams effectively, advocating for a triad of specialized groups: data science, data engineering, and operations. He critically assesses the common pitfalls companies face in big data, such as overestimating their capabilities and neglecting the organizational aspects essential for success.The conversation pivots to the evolution of big data, where Jesse addresses its maturity, challenges, and the misconceptions fueled by industry hype. He offers a pragmatic view on the value creation of data teams, urging a focus on tangible business outcomes and a strategic approach to technology adoption.🎧 Tune in for an enriching dialogue that delves into the intricate world of big data, offering a blend of practical advice and expert insights for data management and strategy.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Episode 15 w/ Joe Reis - Reigning in the MMA (Mixed Model Arts): From Recovering Data Scientist to Modeling Champion

In this podcast episode, host Ole Olesen-Bagneux welcomes Joe Reis, a distinguished data science and engineering expert, CEO of Ternary Data, and co-author of "Fundamentals of Data Engineering". Joe opens by recounting his rich career spanning over two decades, from data science to machine learning, and his transition to influential author and educator.Looking back at the genesis of his best-selling book, Joe outlines his intent to bridge the educational gap in data engineering, the challenges he faced in its publication, and the importance of effective book promotion. Joe also introduces his forthcoming work, "Practical Data Modeling", which advocates for a 'Mixed Model Arts' approach akin to mixed martial arts, essential for navigating today's complex data landscape.The episode wraps up with a discussion on the current state and future of AI and data modeling, where Joe offers his candid perspectives on the hype and reality of AI, underscoring the need for a balanced view that recognizes AI's potential without falling prey to over-enthusiasm.🎧 Tune in for a fascinating exploration into the realms of data engineering, authorship, AI realities, and the art of adapting in a rapidly changing technological landscape.Bonus ⭐▶️  Watch the episode (video) on Youtube📖  Download Ole's ebook series "The Data Democracy" Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


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