The David Knight Show

Join the journey with David Knight, a true veteran in the realm of news and analysis, and become part of a community that values historical context, critical think, and spiritual insight in navigating the challenges of our era.  <br />LIVE every weekday morning at 9am Eastern where you'll find an honest, fresh perspective, not partisan cheerleading.  WIth a background as an electrical engineer, David is focused on the interplay of technology & liberty from a Christian perspective.<br /><br />David has had decades of experience in the trenches of politics as an activist, organizer, candidate, reporter, analyst, and news anchor<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href=""></a>.

Thr 26Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - Alex Jones, Sandy Hook, J6, Lockdowns, Free Speech: What REALLY Happened & Where I Think It'll Go Next

Infowars, FreeSpeech, Sandy Hook comments begin about 41 minutes in(2:00) Media Speculates on Romance between Musk & Italian PM Meloni — but are they both in bed with NATO's propaganda arm the Atlantic Council that pushes war, censorship, and globalism? (13:25) Free Speech, Billionaires, and Controlled OppositionReport: Twitter (X) censors more for government than before Musk took it overZuckerberg moves to the right and now identifies as libertarian or "classical liberal".  Is this a sign that Trump will be selected and installed again?Wikipedia pays groups to embed feminism, racism, etc — but it's NOTHING compared to the efforts to embed propaganda and lies into AI Chat programs(41:23) The Right to Speak Evil and What REALLY Happened with Alex Jones, Sandy Hook, J6, Lockdowns and Free Speech What happened and what I think will happen.  Will Infowars be sold and become like the Drudge Report, the polar opposite of its current political orientation? (1:36:10) INTERVIEW Gold Rises as Reset Escalates Tony Arterburn, Gradually is turning into suddenly The Great Reset is picking up speed as we head into the tail end of this Fourth Turning, a major restructuring of financial and political systems. (2:05:32) Listener comments and Jason Barker's grandson prayer request, Handy's emergency patient, 2 years after 4 jabs, Psalm 37 - fret (2:26:42) Lala's Had a Couple of Bad DaysBiden stabs her in the back — and TWISTS the knife.  Was this coming from Jill?Lala's Disastrous Solo Interview.  She thought it was going be safe, that she'd be given a pass on specifics.  Then THIS happened….Lala is VERY specific about one issue, ABORTION.  And the specifics of how she will remove abortion restrictions with national legislation has cost her the support of TWO Democrat Senators, Manchin & Sinema$100 MILLION from the abortion industry to Lala(2:49:56) Nuke Mania: #1 Priority of Govt is to Power AI — What Does THAT Tell You? From Pennsylvania's Governor and Three Mile Island to Energy Sec Granholm — the #1 priority is getting power to AI while they work on SHUTTING DOWN OUR POWER.  AI is critical for their POLITICAL power.Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


INTERVIEW Gold Rises as Reset Escalates

Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.goldGradually is turning into suddenly The Great Reset is picking up speed as we head into the tail end of this Fourth Turning, a major restructuring of financial and political systems.Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Wed 25Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - Property Tax Explosion for Public Schools, From Renter "Homeowners" to Homeless

(2:00) From Flashpoints to Nuclear Flash: Incrementally Rolling Out World War 3Yemen v Saudis - another tanker explosion as shipping protection failsJapan fire flares at Russian jets violating its airspace in dispute over islandsChina's disputes over Taiwan, Philippines & artificial islandsIsrael escalates wars on 5 frontsUltra Orthodox don't comply with draft but don't worry Pentagon is sending more troops to fight for them(17:10) NewsZebra crossings, cops in chicken costumes, dogs painted to look like pandas, and real pandas that have turned into white elephants"New Arrivals" are burning churches at the rate of about one a day in EUROPEForget about risks — Pennsylvania governor "fast tracks" Microsoft's Three Mile Island nuclear plant to proceed like WarpSpeed.  ALL the power generated will go to feeding the AI surveillance/propaganda/censorship machine(36:05) Mayor After Property Tax Hike: "Get a Reverse Mortgage" We will defund public schools or property taxes will make us all homeless, not just perpetual renters called "homeowners". (47:48) News continuedDOJ releasing Trump assassin letter while fighting to hide Nashville tranny killer manifestoTesla Cybertruck owner, big fan boy of Musk, shadow banned by Musk for talking about his Cybertruck issues(1:00:20) Battle Over Monuments is NOT About THAT Civil War, But THIS CURRENT ONE Battle over the Confederate Monuments tells us more about the crucial time we're in than it does about the Civil War.   Do you understand the time (Fourth Turning), the players, and the parallels to that revolution? (1:22:38) Hospital: Bait/Switch/Kill with Impunity and Immunity Hospital switches out Ivermectin for Remdesivir.  Patient dies and state supreme court says PREP Act trumps informed consent (1:26:51) Alberta Premiere does what Trump, GOP won't — acknowledges the violations of human rights by medical martial law and takes steps to stop it from happening again (1:32:50) FDA Approves Dangerous Nasal Vax for Children to be Given at Home A flu vaccine pulled from the market 8 yrs ago for being ineffective and dangerous has now been approved by FDA (Free to Do Anything with drugs) for parents to give their children at home.  No parental choice except for abortion & injection (1:36:01) Even geneticists are complaining about lax oversight of genetic modification and re-labeling that will cover it up (1:46:11) Gold is about to explode in Metal Mania — What Will Be the Trigger Price?The decoupling and "paper gold" from gold — what caused it and when did it happen?Why there's much more room for growth in gold and the price that will trigger retail mania"Black Swan" author says people don't see de-dollarization even though it's already happening(1:59:28) Bank of Canada says it is scrapping its plans for CBDC.  I don't believe them and here's one person who makes it clear that this is just a head fake — "eco-warrier" globalist banker Mark Carney (2:16:38) The War Against Families as Father Calls Cops on His 10 yr old SonFear, intimidation, helplessness and abdication of family responsibility — family calls cops after 3rd grade son makes comment on social mediaCalifornia city sues state after Newsom overrides their requirement that schools tell parents if a child is gender confusedParents beg SCOTUS for help after federal court says they can't have their children opt out of LGBT grooming for religious reasons — and Christians are not taking a leading role, to their shame at being intimidated by name calling and labelingCity demands "Jesus '24" sign be taken down since its not political — but isn't it?Church of England under fire for soliciting a "social justice DEI" job that pays double what their priests are paid.  But the fight is all about the MONEY(2:52:25) Company celebrating replacing people with AI hires comedian who brutally roasts them (2:56:26) Sam Altman's AI "Predictions" and His New Unit of TimeFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Tue 24Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - UN Fake Treaty to Steal Our Money, Land, and Liberties

(2:00) The UN Beast is Growing in PowerThe "silent" assent of governments was part of the formal process.  And the silence assent of a distracted public is also essentialTo accelerate the Paris Climate Accord (another fake "treaty" that both USA political parties pretend is law)Consolidation of "global governance"Remember when globalists said "unilateral" was an evil thing?  Now having multiple sovereign nations is denounced as "multilateral"All power is to be consolidated not merely into the UN but to the UN Secretary General as global dictatorMassive transference of wealth in the name of "equity"The Debt/Land Swap — Crushing debt of countries robbed by the Green Grifters will be traded for land(32:09) Billionaire "Saviors" of Free Speech CAVE to GovernmentsDurov at Telegram and Musk at Twitter have caved to governments and obey their commands.  Did you really think they wouldn't?  Why do conservatives continue to want to portray billionaires as the good guys?"Free" Speech that doesn't cost anything is — CHEAP (and worthless)(49:43) Ireland, Australia and the Aspen InstituteA victory in Ireland? Or did Ireland's tyrants realize they were moving too fast to extend speech prohibitions?  Either way, they've ramped up the PRISON sentences for "bad" speech to insane levels for hated speech and mere possession, not publication, of content they hate.  Will it be like North Korea, jailing people over possessing the Bible?The Aspen Institute and other liberal/statist organization have a hand in Australian government's horrible misinformation bill.  Small world, right?(1:09:51) Post-Christian LifeDisgraced Mega "Church" Leader Slanders Street Preachers. Hillsong's Carl Lentz, fired for adultery and other things, says street preachers are lazy.   Presumably they should invest in the hard work of hanging out with celebrities like Justin Bieber as Carl did"Safeguarding Minister" takes even more steps to protect child sacrifice in the UKSurvivor of an abortion (attempted at 31 weeks) talks about meeting his birth mother(1:31:54) Twisting the ScripturesPresbyterian pastor reinterprets Prodigal Son parable to condemn — the FatherChristian Zionists think the pager attacks were inspired and justified by THIS story from the Old Testament. Maybe it says just the OPPOSITETeen leaves school and blasts school board for having pornographic, INCESTUOUS, material pushed on her in high school(1:52:03) Listeners — nuclear reactor risk, cover up, wasted opportunities to do something about nuclear waste, and Roku (2:02:16) INTERVIEW What You MUST Know About MEDICAL MURDER Scott Schara,'s daughter was murdered by the pandemic protocols and he's fighting back in an unprecedented lawsuit where the judge will allow allegations of abuses that do not fall under malpractice insurance.But Scott also talks about the REAL solutions that lie outside of our corrupt judicial system, BigPharma, and BigGovt. How did we get to this point and how do we stop it?(2:56:11) WATCH Russian simulation of London hit with a single nuclear bomb.  And remember rally this weekendFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:



Scott Schara,'s daughter was murdered by the pandemic protocols and he's fighting back in an unprecedented lawsuit where the judge will allow allegations of abuses that do not fall under malpractice insurance.But Scott also talks about the REAL solutions that lie outside of our corrupt judicial system, BigPharma, and BigGovt. How did we get to this point and how do we stop it?Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Mon 23Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - It's the "Economy", Stupid? No, It's the 3D's: Deindustrialization, Debt, Dollar

(2:00) It's the "Economy", Stupid? No, It's the 3D's: Deindustrialization, Debt, DollarMicrosoft, which brought you the "Blue Screen of Death" will revive Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant.  All the power will belong to them, not for the grid and, of course, no safety concerns as they green light it at the velocity of Warp Speed!Both Toyota & Musk agree — there's no way the grid can support everyone having an EV that has a car today.  So, therefore….As automakers back off from EV's, Tennessee's GOP Globalist Governor Lee is dumping BILLIONS into a Ford EV factory.  When someone does this in the stock market the amateur investor is known as the "greater fool"Swiss Alpine solar installation is falling apart because they forgot THIS…Time to Wake Up to the "Wake Effect" of Windmills(50:09) Listener whose wife was murdered by hospital (ventilator, midazolam, remdesivir) tells what happened (55:37) "Humanity's Last Exam" being prepared to gaslight the public over AI, sponsored by a company that has humans install the bias into AI (1:03:22) Global ID being brought in INCREMENTALLY by Google's digital wallet partnership with governments and the UNWoman sues after her cruise vacation turned into an unbelievable nightmare by an obstinate cop in FL who didn't care that he obviously had a woman whose description didn't match the suspect in a single area(1:18:33) OpenAI is banning users for asking about the AI feature it touted — its "reasoning" ability (1:25:38) Listener comments, questions, and donors (1:32:01) Listeners tell their experience with poisoning from floxin antibiotic that FDA refuses to take off the market and that doctors and pharmacies dispense without informing anyone of the SEVEN BLACK BOX WARNINGS (1:47:32) Congressional candidate Lily Tang relates some of her story growing up in Mao's China and why the Democrats (Marixist/Maoists) are gunning for her in a close race (1:55:37) The Next Germ Game Begins to Ramp UpHHS primes the pump with "FREE" Covid test.  Just in time to test your friends and family for the holidays before you let them inThe fake "research paper" claiming 17,000 people died from HCQ.  Ludicrous and fraudulentNHS Whistleblower Doctor: We were told to euthanize patients to inflate Covid death toll while hospitals were empty — FINANCIALLY INCENTIVIZED MEDICAL MURDERWhat was the purpose of the Deagle 2025 report predicting 2/3 ofAmericans would die by 2025 and 3/4 of UK dead by 2025?Sheryl Atkinson interviews Trump and asks THE question — about harm from HIS vaccines.  What sayeth he now?Yale to honor Peter "The Ho" Hotez.  MAGA media forgets who honored Fauci with a medal"Self-Amplifying mRNA" the latest nightmare from BigPharma to transfect the population.  FDA has laid the "ethical" precedent to approve itFormer Japanese minister apologizes to public for vaccine and ends with "let's overthrow this government"RFKj says he will fix the corrupt medical industry — do you believe it?(2:38:37) Politics — Lala gets IRS endorsementMAGA media is pulling your leg about a "crippling port strike" affecting the Presidential election.  It will NEVER happen.  Here's why…Greg Gutfeld's ratings for his Trump interview show why MAGA media won't tell you the truth and won't talk about issues with Trump"Who's Running the Country?"  Jill Biden chairing cabinet meeting and her name on documents.  But who was running the country in 2020 during the germ game?  Do we vote for the people who run the country?Trump says if he wins, "women will no longer be thinking about abortion"RFKj talks about a national emergency to begin a war with BigPharma.  He now has 44 mistresses (and maybe one less wife)Lala can't do interviews says her campaign because she's very business being Vice President.  Now THAT's worth a laughWill the NC GOP have the principle to oppose Robinson?  His entire upper level staff resigned, so THEY believe the charges(2:58:08) Defund the Schools before they de-home you. School districts are passing along the costs of multi-million dollar lawsuits for behavior by their teachers to homeowners.  In one town, $1,000 billFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Fri 20Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - Climate Lockdowns BEGIN in Republican Indiana

(2:00) The Solution to P Diddy, Justin Bieber, Melania's Porn, NC Lt Gov Peeping Tom The United States of Sodom & Gomorrah.  Debauchery, addiction, pornography — and the people we idolize and celebrate.  Politics and culture are in the toilet and have been for some time. How do we change this? Here's someone who is determined to take personal responsibility and take action that doesn't depend on government permission, getting elected, getting someone else elected, or taking government money(10:46) Settler Colonization: The Voodoo Religion of Your New Neighbors A look at Haiti's history, culture, and religion since both Democrats and Republicans demand they be your neighbors (21:09) Olympic Judo Champion banned for making the sign of the cross (24:17) US Governor does Executive Order to stop "conversion therapy" of minors (in only one direction).  It's a direct attack free speech, parental rights, and the free exercise of religion (34:17) Melania Trump brags about her pornography and prostitution and if you don't like it, you're a book banner.  Biden administration has taxpayers paying for a disgusting, sexualized play to be performed in North Macedonia that recruits for LGBT and attacks Christianity(40:58) Billionaire Bond Villains — Have You Had Enough of These Greedy Meglomaniacs?"Conspiracy Thierry" Breton is out at EU censorship chief after he tries to interfere with US electionGates demands not only censorship over vaccine speech, but demands it be done by AI so it can be done quickly.  But he's already a part of CCPA that would censor content from a marked person before it can be uploadedLarry Ellison thinks you haven't read Orwell's "1984". Or maybe he doesn't care.  Telling us police and citizens will be so much better behaved if his AI controls us allBanks told to defund farms (like they tried to do to gun manufacturers/retailers with Operation Chokepoint)(57:32) Amish — Control Group That Exposes BigTech, BigPharma, BigPolitics, BigEd and showing how we can escape TechnofeudalismHow the Amish helped establish freedom to homeschoolA community, not government welfareEscaping the darkness and isolation of techFighting the perpetual Peter Pans — kids who actually grow upExposing "Covid" germ gameHealthy foods and freedomNo Farms, No Food — No Farms, No Liberty(1:23:23) Amazon's Ring of Power: Copy of a Copy of a Copy It's a tale — not so much about Tolkien's world but of what has happened to "entertainment"(1:40:45) Trump Says Cap Credit Cards Interest at 10% Finally someone talks about the usurious interest rates  that are nothing short of organized crime loan sharks.  A step in the right direction, but, assuming he'd do it, there's a flaw in what he's proposing(1:49:48) PoliticsMAGA media freaks out after 20 people on stage with Trump get sick.  If they wanted to kill him, they'd give him a dose of his own "medicine" — WarpSpeed mRNA, Remdesivir, or ventilatorMatt Gaetz says there's 5 assassination teams gunning for TrumpNC Lt Gov Mark Robinson, candidate for Governor, accused by CNN of living a double life of porn addiction and perverse confessions.  Are the charges credible?(1:58:27) Climate Lockdowns BEGIN in Republican Indiana Turn off your lights.  Stay indoors. Be afraid, be very afraid of emissions from power plants (2:06:09) INTERVIEW As War Escalates Will YOU Stand for Peace? Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.comAs Gerald predicted in January 2024 — a golden year for goldIn one week a chance to stand up and be counted for peace at the rally, September 28th on the Four Corners of Freedom, John and Crown St. in Kingston, NY.  Starting at 3 pmGerald on the future of Springfield, Ohio and how we got to this pointFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


INTERVIEW As War Escalates Will YOU Stand for Peace?

Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.comAs Gerald predicted in January 2024 — a golden year for goldIn one week a chance to stand up and be counted for peace at the rally, September 28th on the Four Corners of Freedom, John and Crown St. in Kingston, NY.  Starting at 3 pmGerald on the future of Springfield, Ohio and how we got to this pointFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Become a supporter of this podcast:


Thr 19Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED 21st Century of Murder — Foundation by Kissinger, Warning from Solzhenitsyn

(2:00) Second Wave of Exploding Devices Hits HezbollahPagers — the Taiwanese manufacturer, the Hungarian shell corporation, the honey trapIt wasn't lithium batteries — what we know about the mechanism and the explosiveWalkie Talkies in the 2nd waveIt was a decapitation strike as war with Lebanon is formally approvedBloodbath? Is this a harbinger of attack using "Chinese EVs"? Michael Hasting's assassinationHow about the people killed slowly by EMF damage to their bodies?  Infertility, cancer, DNA damage of current radiation and what's to come(31:59) World War 3 is being pushed relentlesslyUkrainian escalation, Russian intimidation in Alaska — USA respondsUkrainian drone attack destroys arsenal deep inside Russia in massive explosion like an earthquake.  How is this possible since it was supposed to be fortified?China, Phillipines, Taiwan(47:52) It Wasn't Covid: Murder by Ventilator (USA), by Midazolam (UK) Whistleblowers and data show the deliberate murder of people by their own government, labeled "Covid"Hospital respiratory specialist describes the ventilator murdersIn the UK, data correlates respiratory suppressant drug with "Covid" labeled deaths(1:29:40) INTERVIEW Fed Shakes the Markets, Gold ATH, What's Next? Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.goldLess than 10% of analysts expected this big a rate cutGold passes $2,600What does it say about the economy, the election, inflation and what comes next?(2:07:48) Listener comments on pharma murders…Audi MRR podcast…Man March 2024 in the Cathedral of Creation (2:15:35) Ex-WSJ reporter investigates Springfield — "it's not about cats & dogs but mules".  Human trafficking by a company called "First Diversity" (this is NOT Babylon Bee)Settler Colonialism — let's use this term.  Leftists can't handle it.  But it also explains God's judgment(2:27:40)  FBI Releases Kissinger Death Threat Files A look at his globalist murderous legacy, the FBI history of surveillance, and Stasi-America (2:33:53) Musk and his BlindSight Neuralink get fast tracked by FDA. A brain implant to restore sight. What could possibly go wrong?  Signs and wonders for the MAGA crowd looking for a billionaire to worship? (2:49:34) Solzhenitsyn's Double-Barrel Shotgun Blast at the West - Harvard Commencement 1978. It was true then and painfully obvious to everyone todayFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


INTERVIEW Fed Cuts, Shakes the Markets, Gold ATH, What's Next?

Tony Arterburn, Less than 10% of analysts expected this big a rate cut.  Gold passes $2,600.  What does it say about the economy, the election, inflation and what comes next?Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Wed 18Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - Messages We Find in the Pager Attack of Mossad vs Hezbollah

(2:00) The Messages We Find in the Pager Attack of Mossad vs HezbollahApart from the absurd initial story that cyber hacks had detonated lithium batteries, the message of this escalation is WARThe Syrian attack of a week ago that killed 18 and injured over 40What are the moral principles involved or do we just celebrate owning the other side?WE should ask what does it take for peace? — even if the governments don't want itRFK Jr & Trump Jr's op-ed piece about "brinksmanship" policy of the USA — it's worse than they say(31:51) "Failed Trump Assassin Tried to Buy a Used Rocket From Elon"Nonsensical minutia from media focusing on every detail of events that polarize us into a civil warBoth sides accuse the other of hate speech and incitement and threaten recrimination & censorshipBrazilian political debate ends when one candidate physically attacks another with a chairLead singer for Creed gets it right — it's about divide and conquer, time to get back to the Constitution instead of this reality TV show(48:00) Thank you to our recent Zelle donors/producers and more about the ad-free podcast for SubscribeStar supporters (50:14) David Muir, ABC anchor and biased debate moderator, doesn't need to be punished by Trump pulling his license — viewership is down 12%What matters and doesn't matter in allegations about debate rigging from an ABC whistleblower(56:30) Hillary's Hypocritical Hate Speech calling for escalation of punishment for those whose speech she hatesThe nonsensical lies and ignorance in a Harvard professor's Jan6 comic book that he has printed and sent to ALL high schools in PennsylvaniaFree Speech in the Age of Rage by Jonathan Turley gets it right — BUT refuses to call out the same issues he correctly identifies in the left that are also present in the rightUSA Today goes the other direction — focusing on conservatives, who won't believe it if Trump loses and "want to take action" that they imply as violence, ignoring the sizable numbers of leftists in the same studyThe false assumption that fuels the rage and tribal warfare(1:19:26) Listener question about Christian medical expense sharing organizations instead of insurance companies.  The advantages of being a "cash patient" (1:31:21) More "friendly fire" by professing Christian writers against homeschool & private school — Render to Caesar What's Due to Caesar But Don't Give Him Your ChildrenBlind faith and love in government and recycling long debunked criticismsGrowing Up Alone — children without friends maybe a bigger problem for government schooled kids but the biggest problem for ALL children is social mediaWidow's child kidnapped by California government after social media and schools attack her mindMath, English, homework, and testing are OUT because too "stressful".  But pushing fear that the world is ending because of man made climate change is "healthy".(2:05:33) INTERVIEW Getting Off the FINANCIAL Grid Aaron Day, DaylightFreedom.orgAaron stresses that CBDC is effectively already in place with the surveillance state currently operating in the banking system AND with crypto. Aaron is living off the financial grid using gold, silver, and privacy coins and he talks about the practical aspects of what that looks likeFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:



Aaron Day, DaylightFreedom.orgAaron stresses that CBDC is effectively already in place with the surveillance state currently operating in the banking system AND with crypto.  Aaron is living off the financial grid using gold, silver, and privacy coins and he talks about the practical aspects of what that looks likeFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Tue 17Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - Woman Found Guilty of Infecting Another with Covid

(2:00) FOUND GUILTY of HOMICIDE for Spreading Covid!Found guilty of negligent homicide.  The "evidence" is absurd in many, many ways but it's a harbinger of how they'll take it to the next level in the next germ gameWEF says the GERM GAME was a test of compliance — but we can use it as a litmus test for politicians to test their loyalty to the real killersCDC comes back with more baseless fear mongering about "bird flu" — even left-wing Slate scoffs at their absurd fatality rate assumptions and the methods they useBe afraid of "antibiotic-resistant superbug" infections by 2050?  NO, be afraid of their toxic antibioticBigPharma's rap sheet — and how they keep beating the criminal rap.  Trump wants to execute drug dealers?  The companies the government corrects kill FAR more people(1:00:31) Albert Bourla's "pseudo-virus" (is there any other kind?) used for the "vaccine" (1:03:00) The Climate MacGuffin — Depopulation thru DeindustrializationLabor government aborts the opening of the first new coal mine in 30 yrsWho needs metallurgical coal when the England's last steel mill shut down this year?Labor unions push back against Labor Party as they realize "net-zero" means zero jobs, zero moneyParis Climate accord is now a huge component of the "China Price", their competitive advantage bestowed by globalists on the dictatorship(1:29:19) Gate's NetFlix Documentary "What's Next"More austerity pushed by one of the richest people in the world, along with pseudo-science from a copyright thiefUN's "urgent SOS Save-Our-Seas" tells us the Southwestern Pacific is rising far faster than other parts of the ocean and some South Sea Islands are seeing way more rise than others.  What utter, complete nonsense!EV Semi prices are absurdly non-competitive with diesel — but we're talking central planningHere's what happens when an EV Semi crashes and burns (and burns, and burns)How to make steel completely unaffordable in order to deindustrialize the West? Require it be made from hydrogen instead of reliable, efficient and clean coal.  (Of course China will be able to use as much dirty coal for power and steal as they wish)(1:54:48)Ad-free podcastcomments from listeners about detox and treatments for antibiotic poisoning with floxinsList of Zelle supporters ( for first week of September(2:01:59) Will the loss of the dollar's reserve currency status be the biggest legacy of the Biden mafia?How one man became the richest man in Germany DUE TO HYPERINFLATION?What are central banks doing to prepare for global financial reset that you can also do?NJ becomes the 45th state to remove sales tax on gold and silverSaudi Arabia was secretly buying huge amounts of gold before they openly abandoned the petrodollar(2:29:54) The War on Family and Parental RightsGeorgia charging the parent of the school shooter (while holding all government employees at both school and police harmless) is a dangerous anti-parent, anti-family precedent that will be used in other waysLA Times says it's SHAMEFUL to want childrenClimate Anxiety and the Kid Question: filled with fear about greenhouse gases, young woman wants a family but not unless she can control other people(2:38:30) I WANT MY BABY BACK — she wasn't prepared for what happened with the at-home, abortion by pill (2:42:37) Attacked by Antifa, then jailed by police — FOR READING THE BIBLE ALOUD (2:57:41) Tinder does "hookup" with Planned Parenthood — an ancient pairing of pagan religionsFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Mon 16Sep24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED Who's Paying the Trump Assassin Wannabe?

(2:00) Who's Paying the Trump Assassin Wannabe?Connections to Ukrainian neo-Nazi group AZOVEqually curious his connections to Afghans and others that he tried to get into Ukraine as mercenariesWho's REALLY paying this "roofing contractor" that had enough money to move to Hawaii and then travel the world, connecting with mercenaries and lobbying in Washington & Kiev?(18:34) "Haiti" SpeechDueling billboards: FBI shows its loyalty to Haitians and opposition to Americans & AZ GOP uses humor to get its point acrossNo license? No problem.  Fatal accidents quadruple as Haitians do whatever they wish, unencumbered by rules & regulations for the rest of us.Why is it OK for Dominican Republic to have border & limitations on Haitian migration, but "racist" for US?Why is there no compassion from the establishment for black Nigerian Christian being murdered by the 10's of thousands?The role of GOP Governors in mass invasion is ignored by most in conservative media.  But Revolver spins it to cover up Trump's roleConservatives still ignore Biden's policy in HaitiWATCH Statements from citizens in Springfield that mainstream media wants to ignoreWATCH Former NFL Christian missionary explains the Haitian problem with cannibalism and animal sacrificeGang wars are going to explode in Denver as Venezuelan gang battles others for turf(1:02:14) EXPOSED The Most Cynical Lie: Abortion is About Women's HealthSTUDY RESULTS WILL AMAZE YOU…Which groups of women had most serious ER visits of these 4 groups:those who had babiesthose who weren't pregnantthose who had surgical abortionthose who had chemical abortion?(1:10:01) Marxists & Muslims depopulation and mass murderGlobalists achieve DEPOPULATION in China.  As births collapse, China abruptly aborts adoptions that were a response to the one child gendercideLook at these African Christians being ignored by Feds while Haitians are weaponized against conservative states(1:23:38) Listener comments & questionsCensorship — of EVERYONE, everywhereTeacher fired for not getting vaccine — lawyers won't defend because of their involvementThe New Abnormal — defibrillators as standard equipment for K-12 schools. The number of kids having heart attacks in schools comes out as they argue for defibrillators to be standard equipment.  So how many young children are dying?  And one study proves without a doubt that the sole reason is the Trump mRNA shotREAL IDTMZ says Haitians seen with geese were likely hunting them WITH A LICENSE?  Ya think?(1:59:20) From Food to Drugs, FDA Lies & Covers for Murdering CorporationsThe REAL purpose of RFKj's endorsement of TrumpBigPharma says children should take STATINSFDA says dried cherries and cranberries are not healthy while it promotes Pop-Tarts and other junk food and sugar cerealsWARNING: Antibiotics ATTACK YOUR BODY and FDA Keeps Deadly Floxins on the Market(2:40:31) Professing Christians Use Pro-Vax Arguments to Support Public Schools Here's what the WOLVES are telling the SHEEPFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Fri 13Sep24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED - Governors Bribed by Feds on Immigration

(2:00) Cat Fight Over Immigration Ignores the UNI-PARTY Behind It AllDeWine signed a letter to take all migrants from Feds in 2019 — FOR MONEYDeWine wasn't the only Republican governor — Lee in TN also sent a letter to PompeoAltogether 30 states in Dec 2019 agreed to take and and all refugees for cashDiscrimination against Christians as refugees — surprised?PBS & a local Springfield employer talk about how much better employees Haitians are compared to Americans BUT welfare roles tell a different storyAnother employer: ENGLISH-ONLY employees need not applySweden, EU leader in accepting migrants, is paying them a tremendous amount to go back homeGermany has had enough and is re-enacting borders it shut down as part of the Schengen agreement(52:36) NewsNORAD jets scrambled on 23rd anniversary of 9/11 — this time for Russian jets.  Was it a Russian signal as America indicates an escalation of war?Survey of Americans on what they know about American government — many know more than SCOTUS' Amy Coney Barrett and the Annenberg Foundation, sponsor of the surveyNations to swear allegiance to UN in Summit for the Future.  Here is some of the text of the comprehensive agreement for 2030 Agenda and info about the 3 Pacts they will agree to(1:24:45) State Police Raid Local Police Over Bank & Election Fraud Allegations Local law enforcement uncovers evidence of international crime involving bank and election fraud.  After contacting State Bureau of Investigation, the state first ignores, then raids local LEO after they take the story public (1:37:34) Choose War or Plague — Devil Gates Gets DarkerBill Gates' False Dichotomy — War or Plague.  What he doesn't say is that the germ game WAS a warPutin issues strong warning to NATO about long range missiles.  Here's why he says it would clearly be NATO and USA directly targeting and firing missiles…(1:58:17) HighTech Remorse: Desire for Dumbphones, Fax Machines, and Video Rental Stores Tech, like government, is no longer our servant but seeks to be our master.  What does the nostalgia for video stores and the desire to be offline tell us about how human nature is NOT being nurtured by tech but opposed (2:35:28) AI is a Bad, Even Disgusting Joke Being Foisted Upon Us for the Usual ReasonsSurvey shows Americans "absolutely detest" the idea of AI making decisions for us, but big government and big business are intent on doing just that neverthelessWhy AI is Like Smearing "Poop on a Balloon". AI's instructions on potty training make you wonder how we ever learned to wipe our behinds without Google's AI helpWaymo is selling 100,000 paid rides per month and still losing billions per year.  If we contrast their business model with Uber's business model it tells us something very interesting about the mindset of technocracy(2:27:44) Trump's inability to debate false attacks by pro-abortionists gave the left a field day.  But now there's a tsunami of blowback from pro-life people who know what's going on and care — unlike Trump (2:35:28) INTERVIEW Defending Home & Neighborhood From Imported Chaos Jack Lawson, The deliberate chaos with massive immigration is going to get worse.  What can you do to counter?  Effective, low visibility, under-the-radar defense of your neighborhood with your neighborsFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


INTERVIEW Defending Home & Neighborhood From Imported Chaos

Jack Lawson, CivilDefenseManual.comThe deliberate chaos with massive immigration is going to get worse.  What can you do to counter?  Effective, low visibility, under-the-radar defense of your neighborhood with your neighborsFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Thr 12Sep24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED - The FRAUD of "Public Health": A Marxist Institution Like "Public Education"

(3:15) The FRAUD of "Public Health": A Marxist Institution Like "Public Education"A look at the history of "public health" and recognizing the enemy we faceFrom HEW (Health, Education, Welfare) to Dept of Education and HHS (FDA,CDC, NIH, etc)Pestilence and PresidentsFear of "contagion" for control(42:20) VAERS is a Cover-Up But This Group is Making a Real Tool After most damning info "disappeared" (57:10) PharmaDebate concern for pets, but not children or adults being harmed by jabsPharma is about autism, not altruism.  Jim Carrey laid it out about vaccines 17 years ago before he lost it(1:08:43) Titanic DebateAs America sails for the iceberg, neither Trump nor Lala have any idea where to steer.  They're not even rearranging the deck chairsTrump vs Kamala on free press — how do they differ?Did ABC's bias help or hurt Trump?Lala flips and flops on guns.  Is she fooling anyone?The lies of Lala, yet Trump supporters focus on whether she was getting coached via earrings(1:35:41) INTERVIEW Stacking BRICS Against Dollar; Buffet Bails on Bank of America Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.goldIs BoA too big to fail?  Even so, Buffet gets his money out.  What does he see comingTurkey goes cold on dollar as there's no place for it at the table in the EUWhy so much MSM attention paid to Tether, the dollar backed stable coin?(2:05:34) Listener comments about Springfield, DeWine and the Germ Game (2:08:09) How does The Resistance piece back together our broken society?Thoughts from several people on what to do next as institutions, economy, people, society are all failing (2:21:35) The Spiritual War…The same theological wolf that was advising pastors on how to manipulate the sheep to get vaccinated during Covid is now taking on abortionGun control groups argue at the Supreme Court that gender mutilation of minors is necessary to prevent gun violenceMusic of the Spheres and the Image of God(2:48:15) How the Media Covered 9/11 Attack on 23rd Anniversary vs RealityFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


INTERVIEW Stacking BRICS Against Dollar; Buffet Bails on Bank of America

Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.goldIs BoA too big to fail?  Even so, Buffet gets his money out.  What does he see comingTurkey goes cold on dollar as there's no place for it at the table in the EUWhy so much MSM attention paid to Tether, the dollar backed stable coin?Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Wed 11Sep24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED - When a Silly TV Debate Matters More to Americans Than 9/11

(2:00) American Coup: 23 Years of 9/11 and the Other Shoe to Drop, The Germ Game (8:06) A look at the "debate"No polls yet but there's already a consensus about the debateMean girls and demeanorHaitian pet food — Trump lets Lala make the open borders about whether Haitians are eating pet catsTrump was completely unprepared to talk about abortion even though it was obviously going to be Lala's top issue.  He doesn't know, doesn't care about the moral or constitutional issuesWho prepped Trump?(44:19) Oikophobia is destroying the West (1:02:03) Prayer request for a listener (1:04:07) What Trump could have said about abortion (1:09:17) The border issues Trump didn't talk aboutVenezuelan gangs in El PasoPakistan Mall Destroyed: "Dream Bazaar", the Perfect Metaphor for Open Borders WATCH Mall destroyed by mob promised free stuff.  This is the future for the West with open bordersUN legal officer boasts about UN world governmentGovernor strips state employees of speaking anything "scandalous" or "disgraceful" even when not on the job(1:43:36)  Gold & IRS "Free" MoneyGoldman Sachs on gold (in sacks?)IRS plans to match your $1,000 savings with "free" money.  Where did THIS come from?(1:53:57) More FDNY rescue workers have died from World Trace Center Disease than from the initial event (1:56:15) UkraineNow SecDef Lloyd Austin is telling Zelensky that LONG RANGE MISSILES to strike deep into Russia are coming.  Unlimited money to push World War 3(2:03:26) INTERVIEW World Governance & the UN Summit of the Future Ryan Cristian, TheLastAmericanVagabond.comHow the Trump-Harris debate is a perfect example of the false dichotomy of the tightly controlled political processCreating UN 2.0 and World Governance with UN Summit of the Future, Pact of the Future coming up in just 11 daysWhat does Prospera, Thiel's technocratic utopia in Honderas, tell us about the technocracy and its goals?Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


INTERVIEW World Governance & the UN Summit of the Future

Ryan Cristian, TheLastAmericanVagabond.comHow the Trump-Harris debate is a perfect example of the false dichotomy of the tightly controlled political processCreating UN 2.0 and World Governance with UN Summit of the Future, Pact of the Future coming up in just 11 daysWhat does Prospera, Thiel's technocratic utopia in Honderas, tell us about the technocracy and its goals?Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at TheDavidKnightShow.comIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to for great deals on physical gold/silverFor 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast:


Rob Phillips

I'm willing to bet that within the first 20 minutes of every episode there will be . 1. Trump 2. Alex Jones 3. Jesus/God 4. David was banned off platforms

03-12 Reply

Interim Committee

Alex is losing it.

08-15 Reply

turn to CHRIST 503

David is the best! Support him!

08-15 Reply


I think it is important to still talk about Jan 6th because of the outrageous treatment and persecution of the political prisoners. A thousand more people were recently arrested by the DOJ in regards to Jan6th. The totalitarians in charge don't want us asking questions.

05-07 Reply

David Coleman

Love this lady. Would love it if you brought Max Keiser, David Stockman, Bill Engdahl and Michael Hudson on as guests. And oh yeah, don't forget Jon Rappoport, Ed Group.🌻

07-02 Reply
















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