The Dharma of Queerness

Exploring the topics of loving kindness, compassion, joy, equanimity and their connection to ordinary life and contemplative transformation – in secular mindulness and classic Tibetan Buddhism

Queer meditation: integrating our lived experience

This time we turn to a meditation for queer practitioners: a way of integrating our lived experience by both admitting its trials and finding inspiration in the qualities it inspired. This practice can either be applied to our overall experience of being queer or to specific episodes, relationships or even problems from our life. Enjoy the journey!


Guided: Short refuge and bodhicitta practice

This guided meditation is perfect for establishing the refuge and bodhicitta attitudes in the morning—but can also be used at any point throughout the day. It is often taught that taking refuge (over and over again) is what makes our practice truly Buddhist, whereas generating bodhicitta is what truly places us on the bodhisattva path. The deeper we generate these feelings, the more support and stability we would feel in any situation.


Five minutes of shamatha meditation: waves of breathing

A very abbreviated mindful breathing practice for restoring the clarity and abiding with the breath envisioned as rocking waves


Guided meditation: Breathing with the Earth for somatic support

A brief guided meditation on mindfulness of breathing conjoined with somatic awareness of the whole planet. If you are feeling isolated and in need of a firm support, try unwinding with this simple practice


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