The Diabetic Toolbox

Welcome to The Diabetic Toolbox; our mission is to end type 2 diabetes one family at a time. If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, are prediabetic, or have a family history of type 2 diabetes, you, my friend, are in the right place. This show will give you tools and tips to help you lose weight naturally, heal your mindset, and strengthen your body through yoga and walking. Hosted by award-winning podcaster, Emotional Eating and Diabetes Lifestyle Coach, and yoga teacher Renee Reid Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

WTYL Episode 48 My Inner Voice is Kind to Me -Monday Affirmation

Monday affirmation:  My Inner Voice Is Kind To Me A line from today's affirmation, "I choose gentle words and stick to the facts. I ask myself open-ended questions that help me view  situations from a different perspective and clarify my purpose." My Inner Voice Is Kind To Me Too many times we are defeated by the negative self-talk in our heads.  That small voice that tells us what we want to do is stupid, won't work, or we are not smart enough to make it happen.   Let's put an end to negative self-talk now! Recite this affirmation each day this week, make it part of your morning or evening routine and answer the questions at the end. Answering those self-reflection questions will help you to implement and internalize these new words and replace that negative self voice in your head. You can read the entire affirmation here.   One of the questions in today's affirmation is:  What is one positive thing I want to tell myself each morning? This year let's make your dreams come true! PS If you want to tap into some midlife love and support, join The Welcome to Your Life! Midlife Made Easier Facebook group.  In this group, there are extra training, resources, and support from midlife women just like you.  Click here to join! --- Support this podcast:


Episode 47 I Leave the Past in the Past and Focus on the Future

Download your copy of Today's Affirmation Here For additional support, training, and resources, join the Welcome To Your Life! Midlife Made Easier Facebook Group Today is affirmation Tuesday and we begin the journey of using affirmations to center and our minds and refocus our goals. Each of our affirmations will have journaling questions at the end to help you personalize the affirmation and begin to implement it in your own life.   Affirmations have been proven to boost your motivation and confidence.  I know from personal experience that they can give you the push you need to move forward with your dreams. Include today's affirmation in your morning or evening routine, make sure to answer the self-reflection questions at the end so that you begin to implement the affirmation in your life.  It is time, that we learn from our past mistakes and our successes and begin to focus on the future, and leave the past behind us.   Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast. With Peace and Love, Renee --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 27 Stop Being A Midlife Wallflower! Four Ways to Face Your Fears Today

#midlifewomen #midlifecrisis #genxwomen #subscribe I am starting a movement.  I am lending my voice to women in midlife just like me, who feel that society, their families, and their co-workers are trying to keep them silent.  In today's episode, I am sharing with you four ways to face your fears so that you can live the life you deserve.   For many of us, aging has caused us to retreat safely into the background of our lives.  We have become midlife wallflowers who still dream of accomplishing big things in our lives but are afraid that what we have to say will not matter to anyone except us. That stops now!  Being fearless is not about the absence of fear. Being courageous is facing the things in life that scare you, despite the sweaty palms and racing heartbeat. Being fearless is realizing that what you want is more important than any fear you have of achieving it.  But being fearless does not need to involve life or death situations. Fearless is falling in love again after being brokenhearted. Fearless is leaving a successful career for an uncertain opportunity. Fearless is standing by someone who's disappointed you in the past. Fearless is falling and getting back up again (and again). "I've been absolutely terrified every minute of my life—and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do." Georgia O'Keeffe Learn how to  Own your fear. Psychologist Carl Jung said, "What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size." So, it goes with fear, as well; resisting fear expands it. Reshape your fear. You are smart, and that can be a problem. Are you a habitual 'catastrophizer,' always assuming the worst will happen? Take a risk. Playing it safe often feels like a low-risk proposition, but what if the opposite is true? What if playing it safe is a high-risk approach? Build your courage muscle. If you have ever started a new exercise habit, you know that building muscle requires starting slow and working your way up 2020 is your year.  Do not be a midlife wallflower.  It is time to join the party.  The good news is you have what it takes to break through your fears right inside of you. Please share this episode with a family or friend who could use this information; there is nothing more powerful than women helping women. Join the Group  If you are looking for a group of women who understand what its like to struggle through hot flashes, self-doubt, hormonal surges, and hard to lose belly fat.  Join the Courageous Women’s Network our free Facebook group, in this group you will receive love, support, and a little kick in the pants when you need it.  Plus, you’ll get outstanding training from me that will help you cut out the guesswork and get to your wellness goals. Click here to request to join Remember, you are stronger than you give yourself credit, and more blessed than you know.  Talk soon! --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 26 5 Strategies to Survive the Holiday Parties and Stick with Your Wellness Goals.

Episode 26 of the Welcome to Your Life Podcast: Podcast Anchor: Subscribe -Support-Message #holidaywellness #midlifewomen #fitbabyboomer #genxwomen #healthylifestyle #veganwomen Can you believe it, the holiday season is upon us, and for some us this can be the most stressful time of the year as we try to navigate the office parties and family gatherings while trying to get stick with your wellness plan. It can be especially daunting in midlife, because the weight just does not come off as quickly as it used too, believe me I know,  so it’s crucial to stick with our wellness plans so that we don’t have to keep starting over, which can play havoc on us both physically and mentally. In today’s show I am going to give you five strategies that you can use have fun this holiday season without stressing over what you’re going to eat. Now, whether you decide to use one or all five, I promise you won’t regret it. These tips can help you stick to your wellness goals throughout the year. Wellness is a lifestyle, not a temporary state of mind. To be successful, we have to plan for success. To recap: · Eat mindfully and, enjoy experience and savor your favorite foods- stop when you’re full · Don’t skip meals aim at keeping your blood sugar steady all day this will help you to prevent overeating · Don’t skip your workout:  short on time break your exercise routine into two 15-minute intervals. · Get some rest: the holiday season is stressful maintain a regular sleep pattern will help you to continue to burn calories and build lean muscle · Bring your own food: invited to a party bring a dish, you can enjoy your healthier options and so will the other guest. Join the Courageous Women's Network The Courageous Women's Network Would you like to leave me a message, click this link to leave me a message, it just might be used in an upcoming episode. Podcast Anchor: Subscribe -Support-Message Ready to schedule your FREE Total Transformation Call  --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 25 What Are the Dangers of Being Skinny-Fat and Three Strategies to Get Healthier?

#skinnyfat #wtyl #fitbabyboomer #midlifewomen Welcome To Your Life Podcast: Podcast Anchor: Subscribe -Support-Message What Are the Dangers of Being Skinny-Fat and Three Strategies to Get Healthier? Hello my friends, welcome to Episode 25 of the Welcome to Your Life Podcast. WTYL is a podcast for midlife women who want to re-energize their wellness goals and learn how to create a work/life balance without losing their minds. I am your host Certified Health Coach Renee Reid, and I am on a mission to reduce the number of women who die each year from heart disease and diabetes. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button if you haven’t done so already and share this episode with someone you love. Ladies, if you are looking for a safe space and a group of women to love, support you and give you a little kick in the pants when you need it, consider joining our Free Facebook Group, The Courageous Women’s Network, in this group you will have access to  additional training, informative Q/A sessions, and a sisterhood like no other. Click the link below in the show notes to request to join. Let me ask you a question, do you think that being skinny automatically means you’re healthier, or are you a thin person who thinks because of your size, you’re immune to heart disease, diabetes, and the plethora of medical conditions that threaten us each and every day. Hey guys, so in today’s show, we are talking about what it means to be skinny fat, how dangerous is it for you, and how you can learn to protect yourself. I found this topic really interesting because, as a health coach I encounter women in midlife who are so proud of the fact that they’ve never had a weight problem their whole lives. “I am already at my ideal weight,” they love to tell me. I know that we live in a culture that bombards us with diet plans designed to help us lose weight and finally live the magical lives waiting on the other side. Because we have been brainwashed to think that skinnier, we are, the healthier we are- and that is simply not true. Weight loss is daunting, especially in midlife. Because what wouldn’t we give to lose that peri-menopausal or menopausal belly. So many women between the ages of 40-59 look absolutely fabulous in their clothes and still have a high percentage of body fat compared to lean muscle, which leads to osteoporosis the weakening of the bones, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes The medical term for being skinny fat is metabolically obese normal weight or MONW, it occurs when women who are normal weight or underweight, are inactive, have an imbalanced fat to muscle ratio, or who partake of a diet is high in fat and sugar. Ladies, if you are looking for a safe space and a group of women to love, support you and give you a little kick in the pants when you need it, consider joining our Free Facebook Group, The Courageous Women’s Network, in this group you will have access to  additional training, informative Q/A sessions, and a sisterhood like no other. Click the link below in the show notes to request to join. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 23 Are Parenting Pushing Their Kids too Hard too Excel in Sports and Academics? A Conversation with writer Matthew L. Thompson MFA

Just play, have fun, enjoy the game- Michael Jordan  Today’s show is a special edition of Welcome to Your Life, I am calling it Generation Gap. Can a baby boomer and millennial agree on anything? In this episode, my son Matt a former scholar athlete talk about how parents can support their kids while they journey this sometimes overwhelming road of mixing life with the business of sports and academics.  Matt is a writer & filmmaker from Cleveland, Ohio now living in Brooklyn, New York. Poems, essays, and his mama's church plays brought him to writing. Also, he can't discount the time he spent riffing jokes in high school math classes. Born out of Midwest existential worlds his work thinks through sanity, sex, religion, music, nostalgia. Matthew is a graduate of The New School’s writing program. You can find his things in The Seventh Wave, Racebaitr, NBCC blog, Brooklyn Magazine, Juked Poetry, and elsewhere. Matthew has performed and shown his film work across the U.S. and internationally including: Melrose Ballroom, Nuyorican Poet’s Café, Pratt Institute, Godsbanen Museum, and Apache Café. Matthew is currently a Writer-In-Residence at Teachers & Writers Magazine. Also mentoring with St. Ann’s School and Urban Word NYC. Connect with his headspace @blondemattmatt on Instagram and Twitter.  Are parents pushing their kids too hard to excel at sports and/or academics. What does this vigorous encouragement do the parent/child dynamic. A new school season is about to begin, so If you or someone you know has a budding scholar athlete or mathlete, you want to share this episode with them. Are parents pushing their kids too hard to excel at sports and academics. What happened to the lazy days of summer when kids could enjoy running through the water hose, going to the park, or just playing video games with their friends. Well, that kind of summer appears to be over, to prepare kids for college and for life parents have to become life coaches to their kids and not just mom or dad. But, what about the system itself that supports the socialization of our children as athletes or scholars What can a parent do to support their athletes and scholars, while helping them to have a balanced and healthy life?  We would love to hear from you email us at  If you have a topic you would like matt and I to tackle in a future episode please email me at  The Ruby L. Stewart Health Coaching Scholarship is now open , there are only ten available the scholarship allows the winner to take $200.00 off the Welcome to Your Life 30 day or 90 day health coaching programs. Your health is too important to put on hold, lets schedule some time to talk, Your discovery conversation is completely free, remember you are not alone!  Click here to schedule  Don’t forget to subscribe, when you subscribe you actually help the podcast to get out to more women who need this information. Let’s talk soon  Study mentioned on the show:    Academics versus athletics: An examination of the effects of background and socialization on African American male student athletes Krystal Beamon and Patricia Bell --- Support this podcast:


Episode 22 Four Strategies to Move Pass Fear and Into Your Purpose

 Grab your journal, On today’s show, I am giving you four strategies that you can use today, to move through your fears and get what you want. Fear will always be with you, once you understand that and use the proper coping strategies you can move through it and not stay stuck in it.    These four strategies include: acknowledging your fear, saying your fear out loud, giving yourself a time limit to make your decisions, and asking for help.  Your don't have to do them in order, but you do have to get started.  Choose one and get started today!  Sometimes,  we don’t move because we tell ourselves that we don’t have a choice. If you are a woman between 40-60  Midlife. You can get stuck in the way things are,  you tell yourself that you don't want anyone to know your business but the truth is you are afraid to move. Once you realize that you have a choice. Then the option to move forward falls squarely on your shoulders.  You have a choice, so will you stay where you are, or move!  Ultimately, our lives are a cumulation of the choices we make-whether you are afraid or not you have to live with the outcome.  Giving up is not an option-someone is waiting for you to move in your purpose.  Yours is not the only life you will save.    Schedule Your Transformational Confirmation  Are you ready to find out what is holding you back from living the life you deserve? Is it fear?  Lack of support? Or, is it that you just don’t have a doable plan?  Are you frustrated with trying to figure out what to eat and how to eat foods that will help to heal your body so that you can stop dieting? Let me help you, during our transformational conversation you will discover what is holding you back and together we will create a plan that will help to heal you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The call is absolutely free and you can click this link to register *** JOIN THE COURAGEOUS WOMEN’S SELF LOVE AND SPRITUAL RENEWAL NETWORK*** Just click here to join:  Being a Courageous Woman doesn’t mean that you go through life unafraid it means that you're are aspiring for more and that you are willing to choose your faith over fear... even when it's hard. This group for woman juggling midlife, chronic health conditions, and work/life balance and much more. If you need help, accountability, and a whole lot of love to take the leap into your dreams then you want to join us.   When you join The Courageous Women’s  Self-Love and Spiritual Renewal Network, you have access to the support of other, like-minded women, and access to FREE trainings and resources from me! It's basically my Podcast content but this exclusive and personalized content is only for the women in this group.   Doesn’t sound wonderful? REQUEST TO JOIN! Join Today Click Here --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 21 Dreams Do Come True If You Don't Give Up: A Conversation with author Andrea L. Ellis

Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you’re waiting. Joyce Meyer    On today’s show, I had the pleasure of interviewing Andrea Ellis,  Andrea is  the author of Business Left Unfinished, The Final Winner.    it is available on Amazon and trust me you are going to love it. Andrea is a 50 year old mother of two lovely daughters. She’s been  married for 21 years to her wonderful husband.  She is an  administrative assistant for surgical oncology at the University of Cincinnati.  She likes to do crafts, read, bake,  and drink wine.    Andrea had a dream to write a book, it took her 19 years through working a full time job, raising two girls, and being a loving wife to get it done and published but she did it.  Her story proves that dreams can come true with hard work, determination, and faith.  In today’s episode, she tells us how she found the time to complete her dream. She gives us a hint on her upcoming project and tells us all how we have the power to add a little peace in the world. There are so many of us waiting to fulfill a dream and some of us have  been waiting so long that we have given up hope. But, Andrea gives a loving kick in the pants and  tips to help us  get it done.     If you need help making your dreams a reality, let’s talk, please email me   If you haven’t done so already click the link in the show notes and download the Healthy Journey Journal. This is my free gift to you, get organized the inside/out and live a happier  and healthier life. Until tomorrow, Wishing and peace and love Bye for now,  Healthy Journey Journal    #womenauthors #womenwriters #womenover50 --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 20 Taking Your Power Back: Creating Your Own Forgiveness Ceremony

You deserve to be happy. But,  that cannot happen until you take your power back and forgiveness allows you to do just that.  Forgiving someone doesn't mean that you have to like them, invite them for a coffee, or even speak to them ever again.  Forgiveness is your way of telling them that you are ready to put the incident behind you and move on with you life.  In this episode, I teach you how to create your own forgiveness ceremony.  This ceremony can be as simple or elaborate as you like, the important thing as I've said before is that you feel safe and supported.   When I think of how something so simple could help women break free -I am so grateful to be able to offer this gift to you. As a coach, No matter how often I guide someone through this ceremony, I am just blown away watching women take their power back. Now this is not some magical thing that washes away all the anger and trauma you feel around the incident. But, it is a first step a beginning toward wholeness.  Don't forget to download your free journal  this is my free gift to you, inside you will find space to help you organize your day, record your daily food intake, sleep, and exercise there is also a space to for you do some self-reflection so that you can identify the changes you need to make in order to live a happier  and healthier life. Let's stay in touch, you can email me at I answer every email. Until tomorrow, Wishing you Love and Peace Healthy Journey Journal Alone with God Instrumental Can This Relationship Be Saved Letting god of Emotional Baggage --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 19 Kinship vs Foster Care Which one is better for the children? A Conversation with Lisa Cutner MSSA

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2012, there were 2.7 million grandparents who had the primary responsibility for caring for their grandchildren who lived with them.    There is a crisis in this country and its not the children trying to get in through border.  It is the children left behind when their natural parents are no longer able to care to them.  This could be due to drug and alcohol use, poverty, or mental illness.  What is the best solution for these children?  Are you prepared to take care of children in your family if there parents are unable too? If you decide to take on this responsibility what support can you expect from the city or state child welfare organizations?  what is kinship care and is better for the children than being placed in a foster home? Today's guest answers that question and much more,  our guest today is Lisa Stevens- Cutner.     Lisa Stevens-Cutner has 31 years’ experience in Child Welfare at the Cuyahoga County Ohio Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS).  She has nine (9) years as a Direct Service worker; nine (9) years as an Ongoing Supervisor; Four (4) years as a Senior Manager of a Direct Service Department and nine (9) years as the Senior Manager of Community Initiatives. Mrs. Stevens-Cutner holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master of Science Degree in Social Administration from Case Western Reserve University’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences (MSSA) and was a Child Welfare Fellow.  Lisa is a 31 year veteran at the  Cuyahoga  County Department of Children and Family Services where she serves as the Senior Manager of  Foster and Adoptive Parent Recruitment Unit, as well as the Kinship Permanency Incentive Program (KPIP), which is a state program created to support children in the homes of family or friends who have committed to caring for them when birth parents cannot.   A big thank you to our donors whose support helps us to bring life changing  information to women in need around the world. If you are thinking of becoming a donor remember this, for just 99 cents per month you can help to keep the flow of ideas moving and changing our world. Thank you in advance for your support. --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 18 Can This Relationship Be Saved? Letting Go Of Emotional Baggage

Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it” Tori Amos     Today is Relationship Monday , a  heavy topic to be attacking at the beginning of the week, but I think you can handle it.    We are doing a deep dive into Part 2 of our Can This Relationship Be Saved Series- Today we are talking about emotional baggage, and how it can ruin your life and your new relationships. Don’t think just romantic, think friendship, family, co-workers, church members, emotional baggage left unchecked can permeate every area of your life and leave you feeling empty and alone.  Breathe! I am going to give you three tips you can use to  unpack and unload this burden.    Have you stopped speaking to your parents or siblings because of something they did to you? I want you to know that you are worthy of being happy. You are worthy of having stable relationships in your life. You are worthy of being loved. You are worthy of having a great career and doing something every day that you love. But to do this, you must heal your mindset and change the way you interact with the world and the people in it.  Acknowledgement is the first step towards healing and with healing comes forgiveness and acceptance.  Your homework for this week, sit down in a quiet area.  Clear your head space, put away all your electronics.  Take out that journal you purchased at the beginning of the year, :) or, just a piece of paper, think about your relationships and the things you would like to change.  Write down the three steps:  Acknowledge and release, forgiveness, learn from your mistakes-and write down the piece of emotional baggage you would like to release. Once you walk you way through those three steps,  Answer the following questions.    1. Ask yourself, how could I have handled that situation differently? 2. What will I do to ensure that it doesn’t happen again? 3. Is there something I can do to salvage this relationship and make it whole? 4. How should I apologize? 5. Who will I become when I’m healed? Why is this so important to me?   Wishing you love and Peace, Renee JOIN  The Courageous Women's Network *** Being a courageous woman doesn’t mean that you have no fear, it means that you are determined to  move through the fear and live the life you deserve. and that you always choose your faith over fear... even when it's hard. This is a support group for women who need help re-energizing their relationships, wellness goals, faith, and parenting. We are all about self-love and spiritual renewal.  If you are ready to get out of your slump and  live your best life now, then join the Courageous Women's  Network and surround yourself with high-vibe, like-minded women  who are ready to support, love, and give you a gentle kick when you need it. . When you join The Courageous Women's Network, you not only have access to the support of other successful, like-minded women,  but you also have access to FREE trainings and resources from me! Sounds good to you? REQUEST TO JOIN! Everyone who asks to join is not accepted, we want the group to maintain a warm and supportive environment. --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 17 Episode Using Prayer To Recover Your Joy-

"Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things are” Marianne Williamson      How would you like to learn how to use your spiritual weapons to recover your joy and live your life in peace?  The world can be scary and unfulfilling place, dealing with all the chaos that surrounds us can zap  the joy right out of our lives.  We spend so much time focusing on the problem that we forget we serve a God who has all the answers.  It is time that we begin to trust the Lord, especially if we want to live the life we deserve.  Proverbs 3:5 reads, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding".   We don't have to suffer in silence or carry the full burden of our problems alone.       But, why is joy so important you might be asking yourself, why can’t I just mine my own business and let other people do the same?  Because your lack of joy affects others and your ability to be a witness to God's love.  Praying is your first line of defense against the enemy and against the troubles that rise up in your life.  You were meant to live in joy and peace.  Reclaiming your joy, today!  Whether its of or own making or due to the enemies attack if you have made a habit of reaching out to God through prayer then you will win.  In this episode, I share with you how to use prayer strengthen your connection with God and how to create a string prayer when you need to re-energize your prayer life.   There will come a time when you have to be your own prayer warrior, when you are in the thick of battle and cannot wait to get to church on Sunday to have the mothers pray for you. Building a relationship with God through prayer will diminish the time we spend worrying, and our own doing or due to the enemy’s attacks, we will commence to praying. Having established a relationship with God through our prayers this will be as natural as breathing.     Don't forget to subscribe- this is part one of the series and I don't want you to miss an episode.   Wish you Peace and Love, Renee JOIN  The Courageous Women's Network  Being a courageous woman doesn’t mean that you have no fear, it means that you are determined to  move through the fear and live the life you deserve. and that you always choose your faith over fear... even when it's hard. This is a support group for women who need help re-energizing their relationships, wellness goals, faith, and parenting. We are all about self-love and spiritual renewal.  If you are ready to get out of your slump and  live your best life now, then join the Courageous Women's  Network and surround yourself with high-vibe, like-minded women  who are ready to support, love, and give you a gentle kick when you need it. . When you join The Courageous Women's Network, you not only have access to the support of other successful, like-minded women,  but you also have access to FREE trainings and resources from me! Sounds good to you? REQUEST TO JOIN! Everyone who asks to join is not accepted, we want the group to maintain a warm and supportive environment. --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 16 How Do Your Values Shape Your Beliefs?

“Open Your Arms to Change But Don’t Let Go Of Your Values” Unknown Have you ever thought about your values?  Those things that you hold to be true and important.  Our values help to shape the way we see the world and what we are able to achieve.  Many of us are living on a rote value system that stopped working years ago.   In this episode, I am asking you six questions to help you discover or rediscover the values that create your emotional, financial, physical, or spiritual foundation.  We use our values every day to make decisions whether we realize it or not, and if we are not careful we may be using an outdated value system that no longer serves us. Eliminating un-serving values will allow you to replace them with new values that will open the door to the endless possibilities that are available to you.   This simple test we are taking today is by no means the end of the line, this is just to wet your appetite and open the doors to introspective communication.  Think of this as a chance to discover your purpose and to create your personal foundation on what matters to you and not someone else. With Love and Peace, Renee    Conversation, friendships, connection, free trainings, you can find it all in the  Courageous Women Facebook Group. Ladies the only thing missing is you-click the link to join. Free Gift Thank you for listening and supporting the show, learn how to use the 20 minute meal method that helped me lose 25 pounds :  How to lose weight when nothing else is working    --- Support this podcast:


#14 Protecting your job, caring for family, honoring self care: A conversation with Dr. Erica Gamble

Care Giving is a Constant Learning Experience: Vivian Frazier According to the Pew Research Center, just over one of every eight Americans aged 40 to 60 is both raising a child and caring for a parent, in addition to between seven and ten million adults caring for their aging parents from a long distance. US Census Bureau statistics indicate that the number of older Americans aged 65 or older will double by the year 2030, to over 70 million.  Today’s guest is Dr. Erica Gamble a 15 year veteran in the field of Human Resources-in this episode, Dr. Gamble provides us with  some field tested tools and tips to safeguard our employment while caring for a sick child or other relative. If you or someone you know is responsible for the day to day care of a relative who has a psychiatric diagnosis or physical disability today’s episode will be a  life changer!     Dr. Erica Gamble is a Human Resources Professional by discipline. She is a Human Capital Consultant who specializes in Human Resources issues and in management development to create forward thinking workplaces with over 15 years of experience . Dr. Gamble has worked for several fortune 500 companies including AT&T, Progressive Insurance Company, Banc Of America and The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Erica is also a professional facilitator, professor of Human Resources and Business, trainer, and writer. Dr. Gamble has worked in Human Resources since 2000; in addition to starting a consulting company in 2006: she has consulted with clients in the Ohio and Georgia markets, and facilitated a myriad of training and planning sessions. She is currently a full time Assistant Professor of Human Resources and Business Management at Columbia Southern University, and a Dissertation Coach and Walden University.  Dr. Gamble is a past board member and chairperson for the Sickle Cell Association of Ohio and still currently serves on the volunteer and fundraising committees for the Georgia chapter. Dr. Gamble recently published a book titled “My Brother Has Sickle Cell” which is available through Author House Publishing, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble Stores or at Free Gift Psst! Come closer, listen I have a free gift for you, but its only available if you are tired of dieting, starting over every Monday, weighing your food, and gaining back more than you lost in the first place. Download my free PDF guide, How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else Is Working. In it, I am sharing one tool you can start using today to lose weight and keep it off for good. No gimmicks, just facts.   Click here to download Help Us Feed a Family This episode is sponsored by Ruby’s Bringing Vegan Goodness to Life. I created Ruby’s as a tribute to my mom who taught us that to whom much is given much is required. Won’t you help us end hunger in the United States? Did you know that 44 million Americans suffer from food insecurity? Visit our Partnership in Giving  Campaign 20% of your purchase will assist grassroots organizations in our communities working to stomp out hunger in our lifetime. Plus you get 20% off your entire purchase. It truly is a win-win. Stop by today! --- Support this podcast:


WTYL Episode 13 From Christianity to Buddhism, A Conversation with Sensei Alex Kakuyo

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. Helen Keller    How does one make the decision to transition from one faith to another? How does that decision impact the way you live your life? How does it impact your relationships with family and friends, especially those who may not agree with your chosen path? In today’s episode I have the pleasure of interviewing my son Alex, who talks about his seven year journey into Buddhism. His decision to seek something different to end the suffering he felt and how his Buddhist training has given him the impetus to work with other faith leaders to make a difference in the world. Sensei Alex Kakuyo is an author, activist, and Buddhist teacher in the Bright Dawn Center of Oneness Buddhism.  He teaches a nonsectarian approach to the Dharma, which encourages students to seek enlightenment in everyday life. You can read more of his work by visiting his blog, The Same Old Zen, or following him on Twitter: @sameoldzen       Free Gift Psst! Come closer, listen I have a free gift for you, but its only available if you are tired of dieting, starting over every Monday, weighing your food, and gaining back more than you lost in the first place. Download my free PDF guide, How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else Is Working. In it, I am sharing one tool you can start using today to lose weight and keep it off for good. No gimmicks, just facts.   Click here to download Help Us Feed a Family This episode is sponsored by Ruby’s Bringing Vegan Goodness to Life. I created Ruby’s as a tribute to my mom who taught us that to whom much is given much is required. Won’t you help us end hunger in the United States?  Did you know that 44 million Americans suffer from food insecurity? Visit our Partnership in Giving,   Campaign 20% of your purchase will assist grassroots organizations in our communities working to stomp out hunger in our lifetime. Plus you get 20% off your entire purchase. It truly is a win-win. Stop by today! --- Support this podcast:


Is Happiness A Choice?

Hello Truth-seekers, You are listening to the Welcome to Your Life Podcast. I am your host Renee Reid. Welcome to Your Life is an Atlanta based lifestyle podcast for women, helping you to live the life you deserve. Yes, you can get organized, live a balanced life, and get rid of your belly fat. If you're looking for tips on relationships, wellness, vegan recipes, parenting and lifestyle hacks. You’ve found your tribe, welcome home. If you haven’t done so also, don’t forget to subscribe. And for those of you with a little extra change in your pocket , please consider becoming a monthly donor. , Your gifts help to sustain our community and provide for future episodes. Today’s episode is entitled Is Happiness A Choice? Do you believe that you have the power to choose happiness for yourself? What I want you know deep in your spirit, that your level of happiness is directly linked to the choices that you make. So then the question becomes, what are you willing to do to create happiness? How proactive are you willing to be to seek happiness in your own life? Are you willing to give up a relationship that is causing you pain? Are you willing to get up earlier so that you can walk 30 minutes before going to work? Are you willing to spend sometime organizing your household so that it runs more smoothly? Are you willing to do the work on yourself that will help you heal? don’t forget to subscribe, I don’t want you to miss an episode and share this podcast with someone you love, someone you know is struggling, especially now that the holiday season is upon us, a lot of our sisters will be struggling through the holiday’s and we need to be there to life them up, until they are able to stand on their own. Let’s be friends, you can find me on Facebook and Instagram @iamreneereid or by email Get Connected: Surviving and Thriving Single Parenthood: We dive deep into parenting, health, and relationship. Be Courageous: This group is designed to assist women who feel physically or spiritually stuck, gain control of their health and their spiritual journey. We will explore tools and tips to assist with strengthening your faith, your relationships, and your health. --- Support this podcast:


Doing It My Way!

“You May Not Control All The Events that Happen to You but you can decide not to be reduced by them! Maya Angelou Hello truth seekers, welcome to the Welcome To Your Life-Live The Life You Deserve Podcast 2.0 that's right I'm back. Let me ask you a question, have you ever wanted to start a new project but all the experts told you it would not work? Well that's what happened to me, so in today's episode I am sharing my journey of finding my own voice, living my own truth, and doing this thing my way. My story may not new or unique, but I own it, it's mine. I am hoping that after listening to today's episode you will find the courage to pursue and conqueror your dreams. If you have a dream collecting dusk on a shelf, pick it up, dust it off, and make it happen. I will always be your loudest cheerleader. Truth seeker: a woman who pursues(goes after) and conquerors (overcomes, defeats). Is that you? Don't forget to subscribe, and leave a comment, I would love to know your thoughts. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram @iamreneereid or email me at I read every email. Wishing you peace and love! Let's talk tomorrow. --- Support this podcast:


Can This Relationship Be Saved?

On today's episode, I am asking the question can this relationship be saved? This is the first part of our four part life and relationships series. In this episode we tackle the relationship we have with ourselves. It is after all, the most important relationship we will form in our lifetime. Why? Because, it impacts every relationship that we will have. No matter what is going on inside of the relationships we form with family, friends, and co-workers, we will be the one constant in all those relationships, Some of us treat relationships like revolving doors, as we search for someone to make us whole. That is an unfair responsibility to put on another person when we are responsible for our own happiness. Answer the questions honestly, you don't have to share. But, they just might help you save the relationship with yourself. I am praying that they will put on the road to finding your honest truth and open the door the your healing. Enjoy! Blessings and Peace Renee --- Support this podcast:


Episode 45 How to Survive a Buffet as an Emotional Eater: Three Mindful Eating Tips for Managing Diabetes

Navigating Buffets as an Emotional Eater Welcome to The Diabetic Toolbox! 🎙️ In this episode, host Renee Reid, emotional eating and diabetes lifestyle coach, shares practical tips on navigating buffets without falling into the emotional eating trap—especially when managing diabetes. If buffets have been a challenge for you in the past, you’re not alone! This episode has strategies to help you enjoy your meal mindfully, stay in control, and avoid overeating. Whether dining out or hosting a large meal at home, these tips support your diabetes management and overall wellness. 1. Setting an Intention – Planning your meal and setting mindful goals before stepping into the buffet line. 2. Surveying the Options – Take a buffet tour before filling your plate to prioritize healthier choices. 3. Self-Compassion – If you slip up, forgive yourself and move on. 👉 Is Your Hunger Real? Take the Emotional Eating Quiz!Are you eating because you’re hungry or because of emotions? Our quick quiz can help you identify your hunger triggers and give you the tools to make better choices.Take the quiz here! Looking for a light, nutritious, and diabetes-friendly meal? Try this week's Meatless Monday recipe: Fresh and Zesty Quinoa Salad with Lemon-Tahini Dressing. It’s packed with fiber, protein, and a tangy dressing.Get the recipe here! Follow us on Facebook: @TheDiabeticToolbox Learn more and visit our website: If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share this episode with someone you love. Your support helps us reach more people and continue our mission to end type 2 diabetes, one family at a time. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 44 Emotional Eating & Diabetes Taking Back Control Email Course

In this episode, I break down everything you need to know about our upcoming course, which kicks off on September 1st. If you struggle with emotional eating or are looking for a structured plan to support your diabetes management, this course is tailored just for you! Here’s what you can expect from the challenge: Daily Motivational Emails: Each day, you’ll receive an email packed with insights on emotional eating and diabetes management, plus daily journal prompts and practical tips to keep you on track. 14-Day Walking Plan: Boost your energy and support your health goals with our daily walking plan, featuring everything from brisk walks to interval training. 14-Day Mediterranean Diet Plan: Enjoy a delicious, balanced meal plan with easy-to-follow Mediterranean-inspired recipes that nourish your body and satisfy your taste buds. Joining this challenge is a proactive step towards better health and emotional balance. Share this episode with someone you care about, and let’s embark on this journey together. I’m here to support you every step of the way! Don’t miss our next episode, where we’ll discuss what to do when you feel like giving up. Until then, take care of yourselves and each other. Bye for now! With Peace & Love, Renee Click this link to sign up for the Emotional Eating and Diabetes Taking Back Control Email Course and download your free guide. --- Support this podcast:


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