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The Dicklomats

Author: Martin & Miles

Subscribed: 4Played: 60


Meet The Dicklomats! They are here to bring you a brutally honest, comedic, smart, and insightful podcast about relationships. With a focus on an interactive fan base, The Dicklomats will explore different perspectives from all facets of the dating and relationship world. No subject is taboo.
17 Episodes
Since we had such a great time doing our Q&A session a few episodes back, we decided to do another one. Somehow the questions we got were even better this time around. Listen in and let us know what your favorite segment was. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats and please share this podcast with your friends. Happy Listening  
The Dicklomats have returned, and in this episode we discuss Friends With Benefits. Can these "situation-ships" work without an emotional attachment? Is there a difference between this and a bootycall? What does each person get out of it? Besides sex of course lol. Listen in to hear our thoughts. Go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats and please rate us on whichever platform you are listening on.
Bad Boys Vs Nice Guys

Bad Boys Vs Nice Guys


In this episode The Dicklomats discuss the age long debate of Bad Boys versus Nice Guys. Do most women really want guys that have more of that bad boy edge,? Do nice guys really finish last? We conducted a poll on our Instagram page with some very interesting results. Which category do you think we fall into? Please go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats and rate our podcast on the platform you're listening on. Enjoy!
In this episode The Dicklomats are taking questions from our listeners and dishing out advice the only way we know how. Listen in for some great advice and some ridiculous laughs. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats and rate our show on the platform you're listening on.
In this episode we TRY to give the floor to the ladies. We wanted you to tell us what you hate to hear from your partner (or just men in general) and you answered the call. We know there’s a lot that is offensive or just downright annoying and we are hoping to learn from you. You can follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats
In this episode The Dicklomats discuss the popular book and theory known as The 5 Love Languages. This theory of communicating in your partners love language has really gained popularity in the last 10 years and in true Dicklomat fashion, we're going to dissect the hell out of this lol. Listen in to hear what each Dicklomat thinks of the 5 Love Languages and to find out each of our love may surprise you. Go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats
In this episode The Dicklomats discuss relationship expectations. Do most people have realistic expectations, or are they getting it confused with what they want? What role does society and pop culture play on expectations? Are the expectations of men and women different?.......(of course they are lol). You'll also find out something really embarrassing about won't want to miss this! Please go follow @thedicklomats on Instagram and remember to rate us on the platform you're listening on.
In this episode The Dicklomats explore the topic of having friends of the opposite sex. Is it realistic? Will one friend develop feelings? Will your current partner get jealous of your friendship? Listen in to hear what we have to say. Don't forget to go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats and rate us on which ever platform you're listening on.
In this episode The Dicklomats discuss all the places people get dating advice from. Whether it's from family, friends, or online it's not always the best advice you need to hear. So how do you sift through all the advice from every available outlet? Who can you trust to keep it 100? Listen to us break it down for you while we dish out some advice of our own.
In this episode The Dicklomats discuss everything related to breakups. How do you know when it's time to break up? Should you take a break? (Are you team Ross or Rachel?) Should you breakup in person? Can you stay friends afterwards? And so much more! Nobody likes breakups, but after listening to this episode you'll be better equipped for what's to come. Go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats
In this episode we continue our discussion around online dating. Hear which Dicklomat had a toothless wonder experience lol, and find out what to do when your date isn't who they seem to be. Also, is Instagram the new Tinder? If so, how do you actually get a date? Listen in and hear all about it. Go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats
In this episode we talk about online & app dating  and it's place in today's dating world. Learn about the history of online dating, some of the expectations that come along with the experience, and naturally, some things you should never ever do! Go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats 
In this episode we talk about the origins of Valentine's Day and what it means to most people today. Listen in to hear which of The Dicklomats is more of a romantic and which one is jaded af....LOL! Also hear the results from our Instagram poll. Ladies, the results from the men may surprise you.  Go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats
Everyone has deal breakers and in this episode we go over a number of humorous fan provided deal breakers, like a micro penis, plus some of our own. Go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats
Vancouver has a unique dating scene. In this episode we discuss what makes Vancouver so unique in terms of culture, as well as the various personalities you'll find in this city. From gold diggers & douchebags to the jaded and just plain unlucky, this episode has it all. If you're not from Vancouver listen in anyway and see how your city compares. Go follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats and send us your thoughts.
In our inaugural episide we discuss first dates. First date do's and don'ts, etiquette, rules, and much more. Also, find out why Martin compares Miles to a serial killer. Follow us on Instagram @thedicklomats
In this trailer episode you will hear The Dicklomats for the first time. We really want you to get a glimpse of our personality as well as hear what topics we have planned for the first 4 episodes. Listen in and for more information go follow us on Instagram (@thedicklomats)