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The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast

Author: Kate Anthony, CPCC

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On the Divorce Survival Guide Podcast we have open and honest conversations about co-parenting, separation, divorce, and the hardest question of all, should you stay or should you go? Hosted by Kate Anthony, your Divorce Survival Guide.

280 Episodes
What are your divorce dealbreakers? In the final installment of my divorce mindset reset series, I share why knowing your dealbreakers is important before you enter into your divorce proceedings. I discuss the work required to determine what they are and offer insight into why you should stick to them as you move through your divorce.  Overall, knowing your dealbreakers helps you prioritize what matters most so you can maintain focus during your negotiations.  You’ll hear: Why it is important to know your dealbreakers before you enter into your divorce proceedings Non-negotiables are the issues you feel strongly about and refuse to compromise on, even if it means presenting them in front of a judge Some considerations and strategies for dealbreakers in a high-conflict divorce Resources & Links: 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset Bundle Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Episode Link: =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Have you ever wondered how to navigate the tricky balance between what's legal and what's fair in a divorce? I dive into Step Six of the 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset, focusing on distinguishing between these crucial aspects.  You'll hear advice on processing emotions through appropriate channels, documenting evidence of legal matters, and working with a coach or other professional to streamline what's pertinent for court.  My goal is to help you approach your legal team with clear, legally significant information, thereby reducing costs and improving outcomes. You’ll hear: The key to understanding legal vs. fair in divorce “If you’re focusing on what's fair, you're going to get all of your personal feelings in the way.” The importance of emotional processing, legal strategy, and documenting abuse for legal proceedings How to adopt a legally strategic mindset Resources & Links: 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset Bundle Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Episode Link: =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM. —------------------------------------------------
Shifting to a strategy mindset during your divorce is a game-changer and that’s the topic of this podcast episode. No longer are you trying to convince your partner to see things your way or understand your point of view. Instead, you’re embracing radical acceptance and moving forward with a clear plan. When you adopt a strategy mindset, you can set clear goals and easily make decisions. You’re taking control of the situation and the proceedings in a way you haven’t been able to before. This shift empowers you to navigate challenges with a calm and calculated plan, maintaining control and being proactive. You'll move forward with confidence, knowing you’re in charge of your journey. You’ll hear: Why you must divorce yourself of emotional ties and manipulations so you can be strategic The importance of having support and a taking team approach to your divorce How a strategy mindset can help with high-conflict situations  The key factors to maintaining or obtaining a strategy mindset Resources & Links: 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset Bundle Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective The 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset: Radical Acceptance The 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset: Self-Care Episode Link:
Radical acceptance means completely accepting a situation, circumstance, or challenge without necessarily approving or agreeing with it. In this installment of the 7-Step Divorce Mindset reset, I share why this concept is especially crucial in the divorce process. Embracing radical acceptance is one of the most powerful things you can do. It's revolutionary yet fundamental. It’s about letting go of the struggle over who you thought your partner was and truly accepting who they are. You’ll hear: Radical acceptance is not remotely akin to forgiveness Tina Swithin’s Radical Acceptance Oath What happens after you’ve come to a place of radical acceptance  Resources & Links: 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset Bundle Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Episode Link:
We're diving into the importance of self-care throughout your divorce process. Practicing self-care at this juncture is essential for managing the emotional and physical challenges you're going through. Self-care builds emotional resilience, helping you maintain mental well-being and decision-making ability, while also reducing stress and supporting your physical health. In this episode, I share some effective strategies to help you prioritize your well-being. You’ll hear: How to set boundaries not just with others, but also in deciding how and when you'll focus on the divorce process The importance of establishing routines that help you stay present with yourself and your children Understand the value of leaning on support groups to navigate through this period The need to attend to your physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and financial health Resources & Links: 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset Bundle Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Episode Link: =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Divorce is a lengthy, emotionally demanding, and taxing process, taking about a year on average. In this episode, I share why practicing patience and managing expectations can help you navigate the journey peacefully and easily.  You’ll also hear: The questions to ask your divorce attorney or mediator about specific procedures and waiting periods in your state  Why trusting the process and establishing routines can lead to a smoother experience  The crucial role of self-care in managing stress and emotional well-being  By being better equipped to navigate the divorce journey, you can adapt and maintain calm throughout the process.  Remember, patience doesn’t just happen; it comes from practicing self-care, staying informed, and managing your expectations. Resources & Links: 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset Bundle Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Episode Link: =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
We continue our month-long series centered around my 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset by discussing the creation of a vision statement for your divorce. This was something I did at the beginning of mediation with my ex-husband. A vision statement sets your intention for the divorce process. When things feel like they are going off the rails, you can return to your vision statement to stay grounded and centered on how you want the process to go. Whether you create a mutual or individual statement, it will serve as a helpful guiding principle for your divorce process. Resources & Links: 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset Bundle Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective The 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset: Intro Episode Link: =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM. —------------------------------------------------
Today, we kick off a month-long series centered around my 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset. If you've decided to get a divorce, it's time to start focusing on the immediate mindset shifts necessary to navigate this challenging period. Along with physically, financially, and legally divorcing, emotionally divorcing your spouse is crucial: “If you’re done, be done.” I've crafted these seven steps to help you approach your situation in a healthy, strategic, and empowered way. Throughout July, I'll guide you through each step. In this episode, I provide a brief introduction and overview of the seven steps, along with some exciting structural changes coming to the show and more! Resources & Links: 7-Step Divorce Mindset Reset Bundle Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Episode Link: =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Anne Wintemute, Co-Founder of Aimee Says, joins me on the podcast this week. Aimee is an AI-powered advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence. This fascinating and powerful AI tool helps individuals gain the support and validation they need. We uncover how Aimee can act as your advocate and lower the barrier to access vital resources. More than just a Google search, Aimee operates in multiple languages and is a groundbreaking initiative for empowerment.  I am endlessly fascinated by this tool’s ability to identify and address the complex needs of those it serves and I cannot wait for you to listen to this episode! Featured topics: Anne's motivation behind launching Aimee Says (5:22) How Aimee supports individuals from recognizing abuse to achieving recovery, including its role in safety planning (10:05) Aimee's multifaceted approach: AI-driven support, insights from human engineering, and specialized responses for survivors (14:23) How Anne and her team ensure Aimee delivers trustworthy and secure guidance (15:46) Exciting plans for Aimee, including expanding AI capabilities and forging strategic partnerships to enhance support for survivors (25:33) Learn more about Anne Wintemute: Anne Wintemute is the Co-Founder and CEO of Aimee Says, an AI companion for victims and survivors of controlling partners. When she's not working to hold perpetrators accountable, Anne can be found tending her urban farm or playing with her kids in Denver Colorado.  Resources & Links: Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Aimee Says is an AI companion for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. Never before has instant, free, comprehensive support been at the fingertips of anyone impacted by a current or former partner's controlling behaviors. Aimee Says is committed to empowering survivors as they seek safety and healing for themselves and their loved ones and pursue accountability for their perpetrators. Get support and start healing with Aimee. Episode Link: DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
We're digging into the emotional rollercoaster divorced dads face, including why they're at higher risk for suicide and the heavy societal and psychological burdens weighing them down. Dr. Eran Magen is a Stanford University-educated expert, holding an M.A. in education and a Ph.D. in psychology. He is also the founder of Together we talk about the importance of dads having a support system, staying connected with their kids, and building stronger emotional bonds. Eran drops some serious wisdom on handling divorce, keeping your mental health in check, and boosting emotional resilience. Featured topics: The unique challenges divorcing dads face: why they're at higher risk for suicide (3:18) Why most men avoid seeking help during divorce (7:42) How divorcing dads can maintain strong bonds with their kids (24:14) Dr. Magen offers ways to provide support to divorcing dads (32:52) Learn more about Dr. Eran Magen: Dr. Magen earned his M.A. in education and Ph.D. in psychology from Stanford University. He completed post-doctoral training in child psychology and population health, and then served as the research director for the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Counseling and Psychological Services. Dr. Magen is the founder and CEO of Early Alert (, which prevents suicide among students in school, colleges, and universities. He is also the founder of, which helps parents build more joyful and collaborative relationships with their children, and of, which helps divorcing fathers stay healthy, sane, and connected to their children. You can learn more about his work at and Resources & Links: Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Episode Link: DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Sharon Pope, a Master Life Coach, and Relationship Expert, joins me to dive into why more women are opting out of their marriages, the historical context of marriage dynamics, and the challenges modern couples are up against. Sharon’s mission is to equip women and men with the tools to improve, heal, or let go of their struggling marriages. We’ll also tackle relationships' social, legal, and emotional sides, emphasizing the importance of open communication and intentionality. Featured topics: Why more women are the ones pulling the plug on their marriages (3:21) Women often check out of their marriage mentally long before they physically leave (12:13) Communication tips and advice to use before you hit the “I'm done” point (14:24) Why Sharon believes “divorce should always be an option.” (26:20) Learn more about Sharon Pope: Sharon Pope is a certified Master Life Coach and Relationship Expert helping women and men get the tools they need to improve, heal, or release their struggling marriages. She is a seven-time international best-selling author on love and relationships, including "Stay or Go: How to Find the Confidence & Clarity You Need to Either Fix the Struggles in Your Marriage or Move Forward without Regret," which has sold more than 300,000 copies, and host of the podcast, “The Loving Truth.” Her work has appeared in numerous media outlets and online publications, including the “Modern Love” column of The New York Times. Resources & Links: Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Sharon's website Sharon's book, Stay or Go Sharon's Free Training: 4 Ways to Find Clarity in Your Struggling Marriage Episode Link: DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Dr. Sarah Schewitz returns to the podcast to talk about pathological love relationships. Dr. Schewitz helps us understand what this type of relationship is, how to know if you’re in one, why these types of relationships can be so devastating, and what is necessary to recover and heal.  Dr. Sarah Schewitz is a licensed psychologist specializing in love and relationships. She is the founder of the successful online psychology practice, Couples Learn, which was named by Forbes Health as one of the top 3 online marriage counseling services in 2023. She specializes in healing attachment trauma, understanding the impact of childhood wounds on your relationships, helping couples transform their communication, and rebuilding trust after betrayal. Featured topics: Dr. Schewitz answers, “What is a pathological love relationship [PLR]?” and describes the four identifiers of a PLR (11:18) Signs and red flags that you might be in a pathological love relationship (13:19) The five personality traits of victims who most often are susceptible to this type of relationship (18:42) Why it is necessary to seek out a trauma-informed and educated therapist to aid you in recovery (33:32) Healing from traumatic PLR oftentimes requires a somatic therapy approach (36:06) Learn more about Dr. Sarah Schewitz: Dr. Sarah Schewitz is a licensed psychologist specializing in love & relationships. She is the founder of the successful online psychology practice, Couples Learn, which was named by Forbes Health as one of the top 3 online marriage counseling services in 2023. She specializes in healing attachment trauma, understanding the impact of childhood wounds on your relationships, helping couples transform their communication, and rebuilding trust after betrayal. Dr. Sarah and Couples Learn have been featured on CNN, The Washington Post, Women’s Health, Bravo TV, and more.  Resources & Links: Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Couples Learn Episode Link: DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
For over six years, I’ve managed a Facebook group for women contemplating whether to stay in or leave their marriages. Recently, I made the very tough decision to close the group. In this bonus solo episode, I address the issues that led to the group’s closing. I further share about the rules and guidelines that were in place, the challenges of managing a large community, and my response to group members' frustrations. I also reflect on boundaries, the importance of doing the work for personal growth, and ultimately, the considerations for potentially reopening the group and providing some closure to the situation. Resources & Links: Facebook Group Survey Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
We’re talking about tenderness and holding space with Heather Plett, author of the award-winning book The Art of Holding Space: A Practice of Love, Liberation, and Leadership and the recently released book Where Tenderness Lives: On Healing, Liberation, and Holding Space for Oneself. Heather opens up about her experience of dealing with divorce, co-founding the Center for Holding Space, and authoring books that dive into these concepts. Our conversation reveals how embracing tenderness towards oneself can disrupt patriarchal and capitalist structures and highlights the importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and the deep dive required for personal growth. Featured topics: The concept of holding space: what it is and how to do it (3:10) Tenderness as a disruptive force (27:13) Putting into practice daily acts of tenderness (33:15) Learn more about Heather Plett: Heather Plett is the author of the award-winning book The Art of Holding Space: A Practice of Love, Liberation, and Leadership and the recently released book Where Tenderness Lives: On Healing, Liberation, and Holding Space for Oneself. She is also an international speaker and workshop facilitator, and co-founder of the Centre for Holding Space. Resources & Links: Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Kate on A Tender Space Podcast: Healing and Divorce I A conversation with Kate Anthony Heather's website Center for Holding Space Heather on Facebook Heather on Instagram Episode Link: DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Oftentimes, we wrap our identities in this one thing - like marriage. What happens when it's over? This week, Nikki Spoelstra (Nikki Spo) joins me to discuss the transformative power of self-discovery through life's most challenging moments. Nikki and I cover a range of important topics, including how self-esteem is built through self-knowledge, strategies for managing thoughts about divorce, emphasizing the importance of setting limits on dwelling on the past, and so much more. Nikki is a breath of fresh air for women going through hard times.  Join us as we discuss the intricate process of reinventing oneself after significant life changes, the importance of self-acceptance, and the journey to finding joy and worth within. Featured topics: Nikki answers, "How did you reinvent yourself?" TLDR: “You do so, even when you’re scared as shit.” (7:18) Self-esteem is built through self-knowledge. (22:02) Apologizing is not the same thing as making amends. (26:11) Romanticizing friendships with your ex/co-parent: Don’t compare your divorce or co-parenting relationship to others. It may evolve differently or stay the same forever. (29:59) Parallel parenting vs. co-parenting. (31:33) A reminder that you get to be the owner of your story, and people don’t have to know all the details about your relationships or divorce (38:19) Learn more about Nikki Spo: Nikki Spoelstra is the host of The Know with Nikki Spo - a globally top-ranked podcast that highlights the stories of individuals who are finding and celebrating their deepest sense of inner knowing in a space where it’s not about knowing everything, but about coming to know ourselves. Covering topics that range from motherhood and business to wellness and self-care, The Know with Nikki Spo has been nominated for the People’s Choice Podcast Award and is up for two coveted Gracie Awards, which honor exceptional women in podcasting and journalism. Nikki is a single mom of three, has overcome tough life experiences with ferocity and grace, and is a compelling speaker of truths. Resources & Links: Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Kate on Nikki’s Podcast The Know with Nikki Spo Nikki's website Nikki on Instagram @nikkisappspo Episode link: DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
“Therapy is dead,” says this week’s podcast guest, Dawn Wiggins. In this episode, we get to the heart of why Dawn says therapy isn’t always the answer and, instead, how somatic and homeopathic techniques help individuals heal from various forms of trauma.   Dawn is a trauma-informed licensed marriage and family therapist and integrative healer who helps women turn the traumatic journey of divorce into a force for healing, self-love, and joy through a tailored blend of holistic and scientifically supported solutions.   Featured topics: Supported solutions for healing like EFT (6:45) Why Dawn says therapy is dead + explains the job of a therapist (16:25) Homeopathy: what it is and how Dawn weaves it into her practice (18:31) How we can use all of these techniques to heal the trauma of divorce and more (29:19) Learn more about Dawn Wiggins: Dawn Wiggins is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, EMDR specialist, and constitutional homeopath. She draws on decades of experience to help women navigate the emotional rollercoaster that comes after ending a marriage. Using a little bit of science, a few alternative remedies and emotional release techniques, a whole lot of love, and zero BS, we step out of the victim mindset and into building a new life after divorce. Resources & Links: Kate’s book “The D Word Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Dawn's website Dawn on Facebook Dawn on Instagram Post Divorce Roadmap - 21 Days of Guided Journaling Episode Link: DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
We are talking about a really important topic this week: grief. Grief is shocking in divorce. My guest Barri Leiner Grant, is a grief specialist and educator who joins me to help us understand how to process the grief we feel over an ended marriage. Barri divorced after a 17-year marriage and helps name grief and grieving for others who have experienced losing an imagined future. Putting the G-word in the D-word!   Featured topics: Why do we grieve a divorce? (2:16) Shame is a complicating factor in grief and divorce (8:49) The root cause of the shame and how to move through it (17:00) If we don’t look at our grief head-on, it will grow like a weed Grief tending: what it is and how you can tend to your grief (21:18) Exploring who you are now and who you want to be (28:35) Learn more about Barri Leiner Grant: Barri Leiner Grant is a grief specialist and educator and the founder of The Memory Circle -- a place and space she created for those who have experienced both death and non-death losses. Her work has been featured in The Washington Post, Psychology Today, and Maria Shriver's Sunday paper, among many other media outlets. She is an author who shares her personal experiences of loss widely. She divorced after a 17-year marriage and helps name grief and grieving for others who have experienced losing a future imagined. Putting the G-word in the D-word!   Resources & Links: Kate’s book “The D Word Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Barri's website Barri on Instagram The Artist’s Way Episode link: TODAY’S EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: SOBERLINK Surviving divorce is one thing, but surviving divorce with a co-parent who abuses alcohol is a whole different ball game. Soberlink is a high-tech breathalyzer system that sends you instant results of a co-parent’s alcohol levels. When your co-parent tests, their identity is automatically confirmed with facial recognition, and tamper sensors ensure no cheating has occurred. You then get instant proof that your kids are safe in their care. Court admissibility in all 50 states Facial recognition Tamper detection Easy-to-read Advanced Reporting™ Help your family thrive in the new year. Visit to learn more and get $50 off your device. DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Sadie Marie of Divorced and Happy joins me for a conversation about why life after divorce is the BEST, and her path of personal growth, self-discovery, and relationships. Sadie Marie empowers divorced men and women globally to embrace the exciting, playful - and even spicy - life that awaits them after divorce.  Our conversation is multifaceted, from feeling disempowered in marriage to reclaiming empowerment. We also touch on navigating divorce within friendships and pursuing genuine happiness. Listen in to hear about Sadie Marie’s joy-filled journey post-divorce. Her journey is a true testament that finding happiness post-divorce is possible!  Featured topics: What it means to be divorced and happy. (4:56) The feeling of being disempowered in marriage to moving to a place of empowerment. (7:17) Sadie shares her journey through fun, play, dating, and sexual exploration. (13:10) Navigating divorce and friendships. (17:39) Becoming a happy person and what the work looks like to get there. (20:13) Vanilla, Strawberry, and Sprinkles! Yes, please. Sadie tells us about her “What’s your dating flavor?” quiz. (31:54) Learn more about Sadie Marie: Sadie Marie, host of Sadie’s Divorced and Happy podcast, empowers divorced men and women globally to embrace the exciting, playful - and even spicy - life that awaits them after divorce. Sadie also produces Divorced and Happy social events in cities across the country, including the Twin Cities, Denver, and Chicago. Learn more at  Resources & Links: Kate’s book “The D Word” - audiobook available now! Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Divorced and Happy Sadie Marie on Instagram Episode link: =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
I am thrilled to welcome Susan Hyatt, a Master Certified Life Coach, Bestselling Author, and TEDx Speaker. Susan is on a mission to disrupt the age and wage gaps—all the gaps that hold women back. Her work (and this conversation) empowers women, particularly those in midlife, to embrace their prime with fervor and enthusiasm. Together, we discuss female empowerment, self-discovery, and the journey towards embracing one's prime, including our sexuality (and I tell you guys something I haven’t told anyone else). We'll also explore the transformative potential of personal and financial growth, including opportunities in commercial real estate investment for women. Prepare for an episode filled with wisdom, inspiration, and actionable steps to redefine aging and self-worth. Featured topics: Embracing what it means to be in our prime (3:27) Disrupting age and beauty norms, including the notion that “thin is better” (9:57) Body acceptance, women and pleasure (20:26) Big YES Energy and how to tap into it (29:00) Women and building wealth (37:09) Learn more about Susan Hyatt: Susan Hyatt is a veteran Master Certified Life Coach, Bestselling Author, and TEDx Speaker. She helps women claim Big Yes Energy, getting more of whatever they want—from money to confidence, energy to joy. She is also the creator of BARE - a groundbreaking process that’s inspired women all over the world to stop shrinking their bodies and start expanding their lives. Susan has been featured on national TV and in magazines like O: The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, and Woman’s World and was a finalist for the Athena Award, recognizing leadership in the field of women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship. When Susan is not hyping up her clients, leading epic retreats, or making a scene, you can find her lifting heavy weights, traveling the world, enjoying her hygge corner, and ditching the “invisible workload” so she can earn more and play more. Resources & Links: Kate’s book “The D Word” - audiobook available now! Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Susan’s website Women Invested  Susan on Instagram Susan on Facebook Show link: =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Discover how laughter can lighten the weight of divorce in this week’s episode. When your whole world feels on fire, bringing levity to divorce can be like a breath of fresh air. My guest this week, Andrea Rappaport, knows a thing or two about imparting humor in one's life while navigating difficult situations. Andrea is a recovering comedian who is the co-host of the top-ranked Apple podcast, How Not to Suck at Divorce.  Andrea and I look at the delicate balance between humor and seriousness in this episode when discussing divorce. Plus, we talk about why finding the right attorney is essential and the need for having a supportive squad by your side.  Featured topics: Why humor is so important when we're struggling (3:30) Some of the mistakes Andrea made in her divorce and what she learned (10:30) Checking expectations: “If you have an unhealthy marriage, you will likely not have a healthy divorce.” (11:53) Hiring the RIGHT attorney for your divorce (14:15) Why you need and DESERVE a team of support as you go through this process (44:20) Learn more about Andrea Rappaport: Andrea Rappaport is the co-host of the top-ranked Apple podcast, How Not to Suck at Divorce. As a recovering comedian, she STRONGLY values the need for humor in our lives while navigating difficult situations. Andrea is proudly divorced and a mom to two little boys whom she loves almost as much as a shopping trip to TJMAXX. She has recently been engaged to a man who makes her laugh and loves her deeply. When she’s not shopping or podcasting, Andrea co-runs a Chicago-based marketing and messaging firm, Rappaport & Schaer. Resources & Links: Kate’s book “The D Word” - audiobook available now! Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Andrea’s website Andrea on Instagram =================== DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.
Comments (8)

victoria lisa


Feb 5th

Razieh Babagoli

your words r amazing

Aug 30th

Razieh Babagoli

amazing discussion

Nov 29th

Razieh Babagoli

inspiring .thank u

Oct 20th

Razieh Babagoli

it was really inspiring for me. thanks a million

Oct 19th

Esther Gt

You completely described my story. Thank you for making me feel sane.

Jan 11th

Trish Mullins

omg...this is EXACTLY how things went down for me. He didnt give 2 shits about me for years, but now that I filed he suddenly wants to fix things. Nope...not falling for it

Sep 21st

Cindy Swank

Yes, my jaw dropped. I read about emotional, verbal, and mental abuse and never believed I was a victim. I took abuse classes as part of my Social Work degree and still did not admit to myself that I was a victim. This podcast has opened my eyes because of how you are talking about it. I didn't even listen to my family. He kept me from my family but not my friends. I was feeling terrible and he literally looked at me and said,"Quit looking me like you are an abused wife". I just kept thinking it was me and my own warped perspective.

Apr 14th