The Drum Department

The Drum Department is a podcast for drummers, brought to you by drummers! Get the latest info on your favorite drummers, learn about new gear and see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into each week! Proudly presented by

Can You Identify That '70s Drummer?

The 1970s were a decade of decadence, change and growth for drummers. Huge drum sets, 7-minute songs, and drum solos reigned supreme - today the panel will have to see if they can identify some of the biggest names in the 1970s drumming by only hearing their drum parts - can you name that '70s drummer?


Art Appreciation Makes You A Better Drummer With Aric Improta

Music and art are 2 things that make our world richer. Both connect to us on a deep level, and no matter if we like it or hate it, we always have opinions about it! Aric Improta is one of the most creative drummers in the world, and he also happens to be a world-class artist, so we’re going to dive into how our emotional response to artwork can influence music.


Drumming For Ringo Starr With Gregg Bissonette

Ringo Starr is probably the most influential drummer of all time, and his clever but quirky drum parts have been the soundtrack to several generations of music lovers. Gregg Bissonnette is the drummer Ringo himself chose to play in his All Starrr Band - Gregg himself has played with many legends, but at his heart he is one of the biggest Beatles fans in the world. Today on The Drum Department, Gregg will share some of the stories, insight and drumming genius he learned from working with Ringo for over 20 years.


Learn This Lick - Who Did It Best?

Drummers always hear a cool lick, fill or idea and want to try to learn it. In this episode of The Drum Department, we’ll challenge the panel to learn a lick in 60 seconds. We’ll see their learning process, and see who can get it closest in a minute!


The Biggest Drumming Predictions Of 2024

It’s a new year, and The Drum Department is going to look into the future to see if we can predict some of the big stories that will unfold in 2024. Who will be the big breakthrough new drummer? Who will change their career drastically? What will be the new gear or innovation for 2024? We will also share what you think will be the biggest drum stories of 2024. 


The Biggest Drum Stories Of 2023

Dive into this episode as we explore the year's most impactful events, highlight the top drumming gear, and pay tribute to legends in the drumming world. Be sure to tune in and catch all the excitement!


Can You Identify Your Favorite Drummers By Hearing Them #2

All drummers have a signature style and sound - but can you identify them by only hearing them? Today on The Drum Department we're going to test our ears and our familiarity with our favorite drummers by stripping down some of their most popular tracks to just their sound on the drums. We'll learn what makes a drummer's sound and style so unique.


Eden Bahar: Drumming For Cirque Du Soleil

Eden Bahar has a dream job touring with Cirque Du Soleil's 'Kooza' production. On today's episode, we'll find out how Eden got the job, what a day in the life of a circus drummer is like, and discover why he has a Guinness World Record for stick spinning!


Art Cruz: The Making Of A Metal Drummer

We often assume that metal drummers eat, breathe, and sleep metal music. While that might be true for some drummers, it's far from it for Art Cruz, Lamb of God's drummer, one of the best metal drummers in the world today, and our very special guest on this episode of The Drum Department. Join us as we stroll down memory lane with Art and discover how he became the drummer he is today.


Remembering Aaron Spears

Aaron Spears was a young phenom who came up fast in the drumming scene. He stole the show at the 2006 Modern Drummer Festival “Gospel Drummers Showcase” and went on to be a first-call drummer for massive artists like Usher, Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber. Gone much too soon at the age of 47, today we remember and celebrate the life of Aaron Spears, a truly amazing drummer and person.


Who Played Liberty DeVitto's Part Best?

Liberty DeVitto was Billy Joel’s drummer for over 20 years. Liberty provided the backbeat that a generation grew up listening to both in the studio and live. We’ve asked Alex Cohen, Ramon Montager, and Jared Falk to record their version of Billy Joel's "Allentown", a song that has that classic feel, so we could see Liberty react in real time to these different versions of his parts in this episode of The Drum Department - who played it best?


Prog Rock: Drumming's Guilty Pleasure

Prog-rock music is a drummer’s dream: lots of cool parts, big drum kits and odd times - it’s a drummer’s playground for drumming indulgence. The drum community elevates prog drummers as stars - and today we share some notable prog drummers, and learn all about what makes a prog drummer a prog drummer! 


The Return Of Rototoms

Big in the '70s and '80s, rototoms seemed to all but disappear in the '90s. They have seen a resurgence in the past few years, showing up on drum-sets everywhere. Today on The Drum Department we learn all about the mighty rototom and check out how versatile they can be with the help of a kit we built entirely out of them.


Can You Identify Your Favorite Drummers By Only Hearing Them

All drummers have a signature style and sound - but can you identify them by only hearing them? Today on The Drum Department we're going to test our ears and our familiarity with our favorite drummers by stripping down some of their most popular tracks to just their sound on the drums. We'll learn what makes a drummer's sound and style so unique.


Remembering Dom Famularo

Dom Famularo was the world’s drumbassador- no matter what style or era drummer you were, Dom wanted you to feel connected to the history of drumming. Equal parts pro drummer, world class educator and trailblazing motivational speaker, Dom dedicated his life to inspiring drummers all around the world. On today’s episode, we pay tribute to one of the most important figures in the drumming community. We’ll share stories, show some never seen clips of Dom, and celebrate the life and legacy of Dom Famularo.


We Turned An Entire Drum-Set Into Snare Drums!

Drummers love their snare drums. Some drummers will even set up two or three snares on their kit to have all kinds of different sonic options. We’ve always wondered, what would it be like if we turned a whole drum-set into snare drums? For today's episode, we actually modified an entire drum-set into snare drums! Check out what this crazy kit sounds like and how we did it!


Audience Favorites: Your Top 10 Forgotten Drummers

A few months ago, we shared who several of our favorite unsung drum heroes were. These are drummers that really inspire us and that may not be household names. Our awesome audience had lots to say about drummers that inspired them, so today we’re going to share 10 of the amazing, forgotten drummers that our audience loves.


Ask Us Anything: Call In Show!

The Drum Department's first call-in show! Check out the burning questions the drumming community has for us, and learn about what the future holds for Drumeo and the cool projects we are working on.


New Drummer, Old Songs (With Tosh The Drummer)

Today’s modern rock and pop drummers bring a huge amount of energy and excitement to their performances. It makes you wonder, "what if a drummer from today was thrust back in time and played with some of our favorite bands and artists?" What would those classic songs sound like with today’s edgy drumming? Today on The Drum Department, we put guest drummer Tosh The Drummer to the task of playing classic songs with modern drumming!


Turning Classic Songs Into Odd Time (With Aaron Edgar)

Drummers love to explore new rhythmic ideas, and we’ll often use odd note combinations to add tension to a groove or fill. What if we took some of the world’s most famous songs and added odd groupings to them? Today on The Drum Department, odd-time-drumming master Aaron Edgar will warp some of your favorite songs to see if they might be even better with more complex rhythms!


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