The EC Methodology

A series of short episodes where we talk about our product development workflow at Éphémère Creative.

What is an app?

First in our EC Methodology Series... what is an app? Let's do a rough breakdown of the different things people mean when they talk about building an "app." 💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Design something.

Next in our EC Methodology Series... design something! It might sound obvious, but before you start building something you should probably design it first. Here we break down the very basics.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Get a domain.

Next in our EC Methodology Series... get a domain! It’s important. It’s how different parts of your system will communicate with each other, even if you’re building a mobile app without a web presence.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Let's talk about growth.

Growth potential, or “scalability” is important to think through. You don’t want to design a system for 5 million users, if you’re likely to only get 5 thousand in the first year. But… you also don’t want to design a system for 5 thousand users if you’re likely to hit 5 million soon.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Built on what?

One of the things you’ll need to know before you get going is “what are the capabilities of the infrastructure I’ll be deploying to.” You'll need to know what you can and can't do with the resources you have available to you.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


At your services

You almost always need at least a few different “services.” One to expose your data to the app, another to authenticate users, and another to handle long-running tasks, for example. In this episode we break that down a bit.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Where's the conductor?

Your services are an orchestra, and it needs a conductor. How do you coordinate how they run and communicate with each other? In this episode we'll talk a bit about packaging applications, running them in development, and deploying them to cloud production environments.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Don't forget to lock up.

There are always going to be security concerns, but you can do your best to identify and address the obvious ones early, and keep a close eye on them. In this episode we'll talk a bit about security, how to think about developing a secure application, and managing access to services.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Wait. Am I a user?

You might be building this app for someone else to use, but most apps need to be managed, so you’ll probably need an admin account and interface too. We find that it’s very common for people to initially focus on the problems they want to solve for their end users and lose track of their role within the system. You inevitably need ways to manage the apps you build.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Deliver. Continuously.

You don’t want to get stuck manually deploying the latest versions of your app. That path leads to bottlenecks and uncertainty. You need to make sure features get delivered into peoples hands through smooth, automated, consistent processes.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


We need to talk...

Let's talk about communicating with your users. Sometimes it’s about confirming an email address, and other times it’s about notifying them about something, or sending them on-boarding messages. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s about asking them why they aren’t using your product anymore so you can address any problems. Let's break down some of the basics.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


Watch out!

You’ll do everything to make sure the system doesn’t go down, but it inevitably will. You can’t guarantee stability in complex systems, but you can take steps to quickly recover and learn from outages.💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


We did it! (maybe)

Each project will have a different definition of success. In almost every case, you’ll need both quantitative and qualitative feedback to assess whether you’ve reached your goals. That’s the final piece of the puzzle. We need to identify metrics that correlate with success and keep track of them.🆓 Download our free PDF guide:💻 Connect with us, partner with us, or give us🚀 Subscribe to learn more about our process:🎥 Watch this series as videos on youtube:📄 Read this series on our blog on Medium:✉️ Subscribe to our newsletter:


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