Have you ever felt like you're constantly putting out fires in your classroom? Redirecting behavior, reteaching concepts, or dealing with burnout without really solving the root problem? Sometimes it feels like we are running around in circles and nothing changes our lives, in our classrooms, in our professional development even though we seem to do our best. Now, why is that? Well, we will ask why five times today. In this episode, we're going to talk about the “five whys method” and how it ...
In education, we often focus on the hard skills, the academic knowledge of our subject, the instructional strategies, the assessment methods, and the pedagogy that shape effective teaching. These are the measurable, tangible aspects of our profession, and they are absolutely essential. But today, I want to shift the focus to something just as important yet often overlooked, soft skills. So in today’s episode, I will explore two key aspects of these soft skills, communications and cultural awa...
Let’s talk about three common myths about teaching newcomers. Teaching English learners is really not as complicated as many think, yet I hear from so many overwhelmed teachers who have lost sight of the forest for the trees. Schools are notorious for grasping onto the newest programs and ideas for teaching English learners, which sometimes work out but frequently puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on all teachers. There are so many misconceptions about teaching ELs, and I'm going to address ...
Welcome to the mid-year slump. Whether you live in a colder climate like I do or anywhere else, the middle of the school year can get hard for so many reasons. February and March in particular can be especially tough months in the school year. Students and teachers are tired, motivation is dipping, and standardized testing is looming. If you are feeling dragged down and your ELs seem disengaged, you're not alone. In today's episode, I will share fun interactive engagement strategies along wit...
I am very excited about today's episode because I know it will bring so much value to you. I've talked about lesson planning before, but today, I wanted to share a process that has been very helpful and, honestly, is truly a great way to plan for our EL students. So in today's episode, I will be sharing all about backward design and lesson planning, how it is different from traditional lesson planning, what are the pros and cons of each type of planning, as well as provide real life example o...
I don't know about you, but I love a good behind the scenes moment. In the world where we always see the final product, whether it's a great lesson plan, an engaging activity, or heck, someone simply looking amazing and put together, it is good to remind ourselves that the road to that result is not always very linear. Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a podcast episode? Well, today, I am taking you behind the microphone. From brainstorming topics to publishing the final product,...
One of the themes that keeps coming up in my teaching and that of many other teachers who work with English learners is this: How much work should we give EL newcomers and any EL student? What can we expect from them? Today, I wanted to revisit the topic of classwork and homework our ELs have to do and about how we can make it more manageable and effective. The amount of academic work is highly dependent on the student grade level and school, but I wanted to offer a few insights about what ca...
Midwinter and early spring is the season for state and language proficiency testing, and I am dedicating a couple of episodes to help you prepare your students for them so that they can show off all of the great things they've learned so far. Last week, I talked about peculiarities of listening and speaking tests and what activities you can incorporate in your classroom to practice for them. Today, I am sharing practical tips and ideas on how to prepare for reading and writing portions of the...
The testing season is upon us. I wanted to talk about a topic that every teacher working with English learners faces each year, preparing your English learners for state testing and language proficiency tests like ACCESS, TELPAS, and others. These tests play a crucial role in measuring student progress and shaping future instruction. However, preparing for them doesn't have to be overwhelming or tedious. Many students dislike taking the tests and sometimes even dread them. So in the next two ...
Have you ever made an assumption about a person before truly getting to know them? As teachers, whether we like it or not, we tend to operate on a lot of assumptions which come from our education, practice, and experience. What I found though is that most of the time, many and any assumptions stem from lack of information. And sometimes it's difficult to get it, but I know I can work with this one. In today's episode, I wanted to tackle the topic of assumptions we might hold about English lea...
Teaching EL newcomers is by far one of the most popular subjects among all teachers at the beginning of the school year, middle of the school year, end of the school year, all the time. So much so that I have created quite a few episodes on what to teach them and how to help them in the regular education classroom. In today's episode, I am revisiting teaching EL newcomers again and diving into the critical importance of the first day with your EL students that are newcomers. My goal is to equ...
The holiday season can be hectic both at home and at school. Besides you being tired and over it, the students are tired and over it. And it shows. No matter the age group you teach, it can be an added stressor trying to figure out how to teach and manage everything around you. But just like we can restart a computer when it is glitching and somehow that seems to do the trick, we can restart and reset our classroom. And, of course, New Year is a great opportunity to do that because a) we all ...
As I'm looking back on 2024, there were challenges and opportunities as well as a lot of growth. And as we know, it doesn't happen in a calm and peaceful environment when everyone is content. It happens through storms and sometimes chaos and most of the time through pain, whether big or small. The good thing is, I wouldn't change any of it. Well, maybe except one thing. And I believe I learned valuable lessons. So today's episode is going to be a lot more personal and maybe even raw in some p...
What is social-emotional learning? And why it is crucial to address it daily with your students, including, if not especially, English learners. SEL or social-emotional learning is the buzzword nowadays, but it is very near and dear to my heart. As an educator, I, and I'm sure many of you, see firsthand how important it is for students to learn not only the content taught at school, but also how to discover and master certain life skills that will help them tackle life's challenges and, of co...
Helping English learners access the curriculum of the Language Arts class, which is geared towards native speakers, is one of the challenges many teachers face. There are many linguistic demands that are not easy even for students for whom English is the mother tongue. And for English learners, those demands add extra layers, which require the teachers to, A) have at least the basic background knowledge of language acquisition, and B) understand how to adjust the material to the student's pro...
In order to learn something, we need tools that address the way we learn as people as well as help us develop ways of thinking. In recent years, terms like neuroscience and neuroplasticity have become very popular in all fields, including education. What do these terms mean exactly? Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system, including the brain and the neurons, and neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt throughout life. Sounds simple enough. Right? And whe...
Over the past several weeks, I have been sharing with you three simple accommodations every classroom teacher can make to reach ELs, even newcomers. We talked about why using visuals is essential when working with ELs, as well as what types of visuals to include. We dove into simplifying our language for directions, lesson delivery, and feedback, and why it actually promotes higher order thinking and expression in English. You can listen to those episodes by clicking the links underneath this...
I am bringing you a series of episodes … 3 simple accommodations every classroom teacher can make to reach ELs, even newcomers. They are very targeted and easily digestible so that the tips you hear today and in the previous and coming episodes, you can implement right in your next lesson. We have identified 3 very simple, yet extremely effective accommodations that any teacher can include in any lesson, so that the lesson becomes more accessible to our English learners. Last week, we talked ...
How can I help an English learner in a regular education classroom? This question is right there at the top of all questions asked by teachers along with what to teach EL newcomers. We all know that teaching is complicated and consists of a lot of moving parts that are sometimes hard to juggle. And since my mission is to bring you EL teaching tips in a practical and digestible way, so you can implement them in your next lesson, let's talk about what teachers can do to reach ELs, even newcomer...
Let's talk about translation in the world of multilingual teaching. It is a bigger topic and covers both the translation of materials in the classroom and translation of school communication with EL families. Today, I wanted to focus on the other side of translation, namely best practices for communicating with EL families of our students who do not speak or understand English, but with whom we need to keep in touch. In this episode, I will review the laws and requirements that the schools mu...