The Echo Chamber

Confirming $GME bias since 2021

Happy 01/09 $GME.....Send it Kitty

All GME all the time Join us in our second episode as we attempt to explain what 01/09 is,  and what we think could be about to happen.  First we recap the week heading into a National Day of Mourning where we spent some time discussing those large trades out of Chicago.  We also took a bit of a deep dive into the dark pool activities over the last 7 months, so things start getting tinny at around the 20 minute mark.   Thank you everyone who checks out our show, Happy 01/09......Send it Kitty!!


We like the stock

Gamestop and RoaringKitty News, TA, and Tin.  Kitty and 01/09 are looming and we are extremely bullish on GME....we talk about it in our very first episode.  


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