The Email Sound Booth with Liz Wilcox

For online businesses that need to remix their email marketing efforts, and finally build an email list that makes them money and feels good to do it.

Episode 4: 6 Mistakes Every Email Marketer Makes in Their First Year of Email

Let’s gets real about how you’re sabotaging your success with email. Liz breaks down the top six mistakes you’re making and what to do instead to ensure success in the first year of email marketing and beyond. Links: Liz's Freebie: Email Marketing Membership: Welcome Sequence Workshop:  


Episode 3: Friday Affirmations

It’s Friday and I’d like to start a tradition of doing some affirmations on the podcast. After all, the week is wrapping up and you know what? There are probably loose ends that you won’t be able to get to today. But I don’t want you going into the weekend feeling anything other than GOOD about yourself. After all, when we feel good, we send great emails. And when we send great emails, we see some spectacular results. So settle in. I promise you'll feel better in just 5 minutes.


Episode 2: 3 Reasons You Hate Hitting Send + How to Love it Instead

Got anxiety around sending emails to your list? It might not be your fault! Or maybe it is?? Here are 3 reasons why email marketing feels so hard and how to fix it. Quick tips, I promise.   Get free welcome sequence templates here : Join Email Marketing Membership and get your emails written for you each week for just $9/month:


Episode 1: 7 Complaints about Email Marketing and Why You Should Ignore Them

I guess this is the first episode of my new podcast?? Help me name it! Then tune in and hear the biggest complaints around email and why I think you should ignore them and do it anyway!   Here is the link to The Email Sound Booth Facebook group: And here is the link to become an affiliate:


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