The Embodied Aquarian Age

Big-picture and down-to-earth cosmic wisdom to support your transition into a new paradigm.

Pisces Super Full Moon - Remember Your Wholeness, Reconnect with Source

dear friend,If you’re new to my Substack, welcome! If you were already subscribed to my podcast, you’ll now also receive written bi-weekly astro-energy updates, timed around the New and Full Moons. (Basically, what I used to send to my newsletter list via Squarespace - those two entities are merging.)Paid subscribers receive my New and Full Moon transmissions. These bi-weekly, 45-minute-ish recordings illuminate the current and upcoming astro-influences, what they’re asking of you, and how you can best work with them. Founding subscribers are also welcome to join me at a quarterly livestream, where you can connect with our amazing community, ask your astro-questions, and share what’s showing up in your world. The first livestream will be Saturday, September 23rd.The Pisces Full Moon transmission is a gift, so if you’re not familiar with my work, you can check it out. Enjoy, and if you feel so inspired, you can upgrade to a paid subscription. love, EmilyThe Embodied Aquarian Age is a reader-supported publication. The Leo New Moon that started this lunar cycle (August 16th) was a call to radically own your creative power. Now the Pisces Full Moon, the culmination of the cycle, reveals the unconscious blocks that get in your way. What is ready to be healed, released, surrendered or alchemized so you can become the creator god/goddess you were born to be? This will be the third of four consecutive Super Full Moons. Just as the Moon will appear larger and brighter than usual, FEELINGS may also be super-sized. There’s a lot to grieve, process, digest and integrate, and it’s all likely to come up around this lunation. This is a time to retreat, to allow time and space for simply BEING, feeling and resting. The veil is thin at this Full Moon and support and guidance are available by connecting with the dreamtime, your infinite soul self, invisible allies and the Great Mystery. I go into all the Virgoan details in the 53-minute recording. If you have some astro-techno skills, you can get more insight into what this Full Moon means for YOU. Find the house in your birth chart that contains 7° Pisces. The areas of life signified by this house are where events are coming to fruition, culmination or completion and where you’re invited to: * reconnect with your spiritual source and receive an infusion of divine love; * open to guidance from your dreams, intuition and imagination; * surrender having to have all the answers or the perfect plan and trust the mysterious flow of life; * let go of, grieve and dissolve the past;* recognize and release your inner Victim; * and allow for more acceptance, compassion and forgiveness.The card I picked for this Full Moon, from The Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner, was Imix.Qualities: source of life, divine nurturance and support, primordial Mother, undivided primal waters, primal trust and nourishment, receptivity, self-loveShadow Wisdom: issues of deep, primal trust and survival, lack of self-love, feeling unsupported by divine nurturance or unworthy to receive, betrayal, abandonmentShadow Transformation: Surrender and trust in the larger pattern to provide what you need. Open to receive. Communicate your feelings, desires and dreams.Affirmation: “I trust unconditionally the source of divine nurturance.”“Imix sounds a call in your life to go beneath the surface, to plumb your own primal depths. Go to the abundant wellspring of the life force to find the nourishment for which you yearn. In trust and receptiveness is found the source of movement. From the primordial waters of unity flows the spiral of eternal emergence. Allow others to give fully to you, for in that receptivity the circuit of love is completed.“The entire universe is made up of love. Give and receive. If you are not fully receiving the gifts offered by the universe, you can short-circuit your connection with the natural spirals of growth. Give freely and unconditionally without attachment to how your gift is received. Dip into the deep well of self and fill your cup with sweet waters. Offer this gift unconditionally. Trust in the situation at hand.“Primal trust means making choices moment by moment, with no guarantees. It means not trying to control the outcomes in your life. Trust your steering mechanism of heart-knowing. Trust the transformational processes that are at work in your evolution.“Call on Imix, the source of life, primal waters of creation, the root source, the primordial Mother, to nourish and care for you. In truly accepting this reservoir of sustenance, you will have unlimited resources to care for others as well as yourself. Remember that you are always embraced in the arms of the Divine, no matter what the exterior circumstances of your process or situation.” - Ariel Spilsbury This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Dissolve Distractions & Deepen Into Your Soul's Truth

I was inspired to record a transmission detailing this potent cosmic moment. If you want a visual, you can find the last quarter Moon chart here (the PDF will automatically download when you click the link).The astro-energies this week are EXTREME. Today’s last quarter Moon in Sagittarius opposes Mars and squares Neptune, stirring up potential confusion, distraction, overwhelm and exhaustion.The higher potential? We’re being called to release what’s distracting us, what’s sucking our vital life force, what’s no longer in alignment with our deeper soul selves - and to listen to and honor our intuitive knowing, our longings, our dreams for a more beautiful future.Tomorrow Mars will (at last!) emerge from its retrograde shadow, ending its 6-month retro cycle (can I get an amen??). Next week’s Spring Equinox and Aries new moon will be major catalysts for acting on the insights and wisdom we’ve gained over the past six months, and launching powerful new life directions.If you missed my webinar all about Mars retrograde - where I go into how you can work effectively with Mars-Neptune, and much more - you can find the replay here.I also want to offer some writing prompts for journaling and reflection, to help you deepen into and uncover the gifts of this time. These prompts are from a Mars retro writing retreat I led with my brilliant writer friend Jen Violi last December. (FYI, Jen and I are offering another mini-retreat combining astro, writing & ritual on April 1st - Fire Words.)* How are grief, sorrow, and surrender part of this Mars Retro journey for you? What gifts might be washing ashore for you from the ocean of sorrow? What might you need to release into the outgoing tide?* Write a love letter to yourself from Mars or Neptune. Let yourself write in the voice of one of these wise planet ancestors. What do they want you to know? You might start with “Dear ____, I have something to tell you…”* In what ways are you already tending your inner fire/ feeding your desires? What might you add to your repertoire?* Where or what or who is the source of your life force? What are 3 -5 possible practices you might explore to reconnect with source in the coming week?I also want to let you know that the new incarnation of Emily’s Astro-Verse is about to start! I consider this group to be my “inner circle” of astro-friends.When you sign up for the 6-month Astro-Verse, you’ll receive:* All of my new and full moon recordings (12 total)* An exclusive monthly group livestream on Zoom, where you can ask your astro-questions and share how the wild energies are showing up in your world* A discounted rate on personal readings* And the opportunity to share your offerings with our amazing communityWe’ll start with the Aries new moon, which I’m planning to send out this week! Everyone is welcome, and the group is offered on a sliding scale. Join the Astro-VerseAnd finally, save the date for a special, FREE event next Monday: The Soul of the Equinox - A Visual & Astrological Exploration of the New Season. I’m teaming up with my friend Rita Roberts, an intuitive artist who will channel the Equinox energies and do a live drawing while I discuss what I see in the Equinox chart. We’ll meet at 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern for about an hour on March 20th No need to sign up - I’ll send out the Zoom info before we meet. You can read all about it on my blog.Wishing you ease, support and GRACE as you surf the tides of this wild and watery week! This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


The Magic & Beauty of Your Natural Essence

collage by EmilyAnd now for something different…While the Embodied Aquarian Age podcast generally focuses on interviews looking at the bigger picture of where we’re at and WTF to do about it, today I’m interrupting the regularly scheduled program. I want to share a little insight into the new season – launched by Thursday’s Equinox – and the new lunar cycle that starts with Sunday’s Libra New Moon. The audio is a 20-minute excerpt from my 53-minute new moon recording. The occasion? I’m launching a new 6-month program – Emily’s Astro-Verse: An Immersion in Cosmic Co-Creation. (If you’re signed up for my non-Substack newsletter, you’ve already heard the news!)For every new and full moon, I create a 45-minute-ish recording, which includes in-depth astro-navigational guidance for the current planetary influences. I do not tell you “what’s going to happen” – because – who knows? I believe the future is fluid and how the energies play out depends on us – our level of awareness, presence, courage and willingness to show up and engage in LIFE.Instead, my focus is on how YOU can best work with the available planetary energies for growth, healing and success. I highlight both the higher and shadow/distorted potentials of planetary alignments, always aiming to make the information accessible and practical. I make these bi-weekly moon transmissions available individually, offered “in the gift” (i.e., by donation – pay what you want). Members of the Astro-Verse automagically receive ALL my new and full moon recordings, and are also invited to join me in a monthly livestream on Zoom, where they can ask their astro-questions, connect with our amazing community, and share how the cosmic forces are showing up in their own lives.Added perks to participating in the Astro-Verse include a discounted rate on personal astrology readings, and the opportunity for members to share their offerings (services, classes, products…) with the group.Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of your level of astro-know-how (yes, including beginners!). Check out the audio, and if it resonates, consider jumping into Emily’s Astro-Verse. (You’ll immediately receive the entire Libra New Moon recording.) The sliding-scale rate starts at $144. I consider this group my “inner circle” of astro-friends, and feel so much gratitude for the support and community during these wild times.with love, Emily This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Set the World on Fire

Renee Linnell is a serial entrepreneur who has founded or co-founded five companies and has an MBA from New York University; before that she was a surf model and professional Argentine Tango dancer. Having an unorthodox childhood and being surrounded by death at a young age led her on a spiritual quest that took her all over the world, culminating in her ordination as a Buddhist monk (by a bi-polar guru with delusions of grandeur so she’s not 100% sure the ordination counts.) What began as writing for catharsis in 2013—as she struggled to regain her sanity after being brainwashed in a Buddhist cult—turned into her first memoir, The Burn Zone (2018). She recently published a sequel, Still on Fire. Her mission is to remind people Who They Truly Are and to reignite their passion for being alive. Reading (devouring!) Renee’s memoirs felt like communing with a soul sister, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to talk with her. We discuss:* Renee’s process of recovery and rebirth, after destroying her world during seven years in a cult;* Why failure is important – and how we can heal ourselves after a “spectacular failure”;* The power and freedom of living authentically, loving ourselves and revealing our messy humanness;* Navigating the world as a hyper-sensitive person, and how we can utilize sensitivity as a super-power;* Tips for tuning into and trusting our own inner guidance – and why people tend to override their intuition;* Living a bigger life, cultivating courage, and opening to magic and miracles;* What it means to be “spiritual” – and how to live like a saint in everyday life;* And much more!Find out more about Renee’s work and stay in touch by signing up for her newsletter at ReneeLinell.comFind out about Emily’s astrology classes and personal readings at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


A Story That Teaches People How To Be Human

Loralee Scaife is an astrologer and educator who weaves astrology, mythology, and Jungian psychology to provide a rich symbolic map of the psyche. Her studies began in 1978 in Canada where she cultivated her skills as a consultant and teacher of astrology. Since then she’s expanded her knowledge through extensive studies covering psychology, philosophy, mythology, science, history, and current affairs. Loralee has created an incredible 8-part video series on the Lord of the Rings as the guiding myth for our time. The series goes very deep into the mythology, symbolism and history of Lord of the Rings, and its relevance for navigating this time of collective transition.I loved diving into Loralee’s astrological and archetypal perspective on where we are now, and what to do about it. In this fascinating conversation, we cover:* How Loralee was dragged “kicking and screaming” into astrology in the 1970s;* Why, from an astrological and mythic point of view, we are collectively in “the Battle at the Black Gate” from 2020 to 2025;* The “Promethean spirit” that is rising up in humanity as the life force is under threat;* How to look at world events through Jungian dream analysis – and why that approach is so useful;* The connection between the imaginal realm, the living world and the divine;* Evil as a disembodied, anti-life force – and the significance of the Ring as a symbol of evil;* The “Orcafication” of humanity – and why working with the personal shadow is necessary for avoiding that fate;* Reclaiming our inner Hobbit – the innocent, divine child part of us – as essential for our survival;* And much more!Find out more about Loralee’s work, including personal astrology readings and dreamwork, on her website, and access her amazing Lord of the Rings video series.Find out about Emily’s astrology readings and online classes at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Building In Harmony With Nature

Scott Howard is a bioarchitect, builder, artist, and instructor with more than 20 years of experience. Coming from a ceramics background in his early years, he started working with sculptural adobe architecture in 1999. After gaining a degree in cultural anthropology, he established Earthen Hand Natural Building in 2002, promoting vernacular bioarchitecture, materials-based design, and appropriate technology through consulting, workshops, and research. Since then, he has taught workshops every year, visiting numerous locations world-wide. Scott and I were synchronistically connected through a mutual friend, and I got to visit the Regenerative Home he built a decade ago here in southern Colorado. As someone with a long-time fantasy of building my own earthen home, I was excited to get to talk with an expert and pioneer in the field.We talked about:* Scott’s introduction to natural building via his studies in cultural anthropology;* Natural building as a community experience of fun and even bliss – and how that energy gets channeled into construction;* The healing effect of natural structures on the human biofield – and the damaging effect of right angles and many conventional building materials;* Why architecture needs to evolve into bioarchitecture;* Natural building as “immersive art” and the innate creativity of all humans;* “Architecture for the poor” and natural building as a solution to both ecological and economic issues;* And much more!Find out about Scott’s work and upcoming workshops: EarthenHand.comCheck out Scott’s excellent interview series and inspiring natural building videos on the Earthen Hand YouTube channelIf you’re on Facebook, join the Earthen Hand Natural Building groupFind out about Emily’s personal astrology readings and online classes at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


The Necessary Balancing Factor To A World Gone Mad

Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the foremost authority on the history of virgin birth, and the author of the bold new book The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births. Marguerite taught many graduate and undergraduate courses in the US and UK, and in 2012 founded her own Seven Sisters Mystery School, through which she’s been teaching about the Sacred Feminine and mentoring clients on the evolutionary spiritual path. She is also the author of Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity and The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece.I’ve been a fan and follower of Marguerite’s work for the past decade and was thrilled to get to talk with her. We covered a lot of fascinating territory in our one-hour conversation, including:* How Marguerite’s “life of spirit” emerged through the academic path, and the interplay between scholarship and direct revelation;* Miraculous conception or divine birth as a practice of holy women in ancient Greece, and throughout the world;* The re-storying of Mother Mary as a divine birth priestess and master adept within the context of this ancient lineage;* The hijacking of the womb on physical and energetic levels, and the necessity of reclaiming womb wisdom;* The role of the Pleiades in seeding the human race, and in relation to divine birth;* Restoring the sacred marriage template through reanimating the wisdom of King Arthur, Guinevere and the Fae;* And much more!Learn more about Marguerite Rigoglioso & Seven Sisters Mystery School:Seven Sisters Mystery School websiteMarguerite’s YouTube channelFollow Marguerite on InstagramFollow Seven Sisters Mystery School on FacebookNew course now available in replay: Heal Yourself & Our World by Reclaiming Guinevere, Arthur, the Fae & the Round TableMonthly Mother Mary Love & Empowerments CircleMaster Mary's Holy Womb Mysteries (a comprehensive bundle of courses with both live & on-demand segments featuring ancient wisdom to help you restore the miracle capacities of your womb and advance as a holy being - with Mary as your mentor)Join the Priestess of the Dove Sisterhood! Level 1 Oracle Training is available on demandFind out about Emily’s astrology readings, online classes and new and full moon updates at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


A Plan As Old As Time Itself

Wayne McRoy is a best-selling author and internationally recognized podcast host. His research into the esoteric and occult underpinnings of our reality has helped to expose the hidden power dynamics in this world, and the dark agendas that seek total control of our reality. His latest book is The Demic of Pan: Breaking the Natural Order, which includes some truly fascinating perspectives on the Turning of the Ages that I haven’t heard anywhere else. In our one-hour, deep-diving and mind-expanding conversation, we cover:* How Wayne's encounter with a UFO sent him searching and led to his accidentally becoming an expert in occult philosophy;* Transhumanism’s ties with older occult ideas of eternal life and humans becoming gods;* The hyper-materialist push to separate humans from the natural world and from our spirituality; * The “death cult” currently running the show and the attempt to create a digital control grid;* How symbolism and archetypes are being manipulated to skip over the Age of Aquarius and go straight to Capricorn (and why);* The “sky clock” as a reflection of natural energetic principles and the importance of viewing our world through an archetypal or mythological lens;* How we can subvert the transhumanist agenda by removing our consent and standing our ground;* And more!Find out more about Wayne’s work:Wayne on Rofkin Alchemical Tech Revolution podcast Alchemical Tech Revolution on YouTube Author page on AmazonFiles from the Conspiratorium on FacebookThe Alchemical Beacon on Substack: If you would like to make a one time donation to Wayne, you could do so through PayPal to: dmcroy98@epix.netFind out about Emily’s astrology classes, astro-updates and personal readings at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Hitch Your Wagon to a Star

Pam Gregory stumbled into astrology when she was 21 after leaving University and emigrating to Canada. She’s been studying this vast subject ever since, and qualified at the Faculty of Astrological Studies then went on to do a Masters Course with the brilliant Noel Tyl.She has published two best-selling books, offers several training courses and a free monthly newsletter on her website,, and has a very busy YouTube channel (Pam Gregory Astrology) with over 200k followers where she regularly posts astrological updates and interviews. Due to her massive volume of work in helping the collective currently, she no longer offers client work at this time.Pam’s popularity is well-deserved! I love her clarity, wisdom and positivity, and the practical guidance and higher perspective she offers for these wild times. I was thrilled for the opportunity to talk with her about the bigger picture of where we’re at astrologically, and how we can call in and co-create a more beautiful future.We talk about:* The synchronistic meeting with an astrologer at age 21 that cracked open Pam’s universe and catalyzed her passion for the cosmic science;* “Control by technology” as a shadow potential of Pluto in Aquarius – and the higher r/evolutionary potentials as evidenced by Pluto’s last visit to this sign;* The harmonious alignment of Uranus and Pluto in 2026-28, signaling a flowering of creativity and beneficial new technologies;* The importance of living through the heart, seeing through the eyes of love, and developing a “default frequency” of joy, love and gratitude;* Pam’s vision for the New Earth – and how Gaia herself is in an evolutionary process of upgrading frequency;* Why this year is the most intense “pivot point” in our evolutionary timeline;* And much more!Sign up for Pam’s free newsletters and find out about her best-selling books at, and check out her YouTube channel for frequent astro-updates and interviews. The two videos we refer to in the interview are Look What Love Built and Ghosts in the Theatre. Find out about Emily’s astrology classes, new & full moon updates, and personal readings at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


We’re All in the Same Boat and the Learning Never Stops

“We don’t need to separate ourselves, we need to be familiar. We need to embrace and love others as our self, and that’s the key. Homeopathy is about love, it’s about like treating like.”Cilla Whatcott is the producer and executive director of the Real Immunity film series. She holds a PhD in clinical homeopathy, and is the co-founder of a non-profit for the education of homeopathic practitioners in homeoprophylaxis. Prior to finding homeopathy, Cilla was a professional dancer and choreographer.Cilla is an incredible source of healing wisdom - I loved our in-depth and wide-ranging discussion. I was also thrilled to discover that she speaks astrology. We both have Gemini Rising and could have talked all day! But we managed to keep our conversation to about an hour, and covered:* The "seeming tragedy" that catalyzed Cilla’s mid-life change of path, from Fulbright candidate in ethno-choreography to a 4-year program in homeopathy;* Cilla’s pioneering work in bringing homeoprophylaxis (HP) to the US, and the power of HP to strengthen the immune system and prevent disease;* Why the war on microbes is essentially a war on ourselves, and why it’s destined to fail;* The beneficial role of childhood diseases like measles and chicken pox, and why fever can be your best friend;* The homeopathic healer as neutral observer and "tour guide" who is also learning, growing and healing;* Cilla’s perspective on the “liminal space” we’re currently navigating, and humanity at the tipping point of awakening;* And more!Find out about Cilla’s Real Immunity film series and watch the first episode for free at: Here you can also find out about homeoprophylaxis, scheduling a consultation, and homeopathy classes and products.Cilla will be at the Next Steps conference in Atlanta, June 3-4, 2022Find out about Emily’s astrology offerings at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


The Science That Everybody Is Told to Follow Is Actually Science Fiction

“We eat food, drink water, breathe air, and if we don’t care for our surroundings, we’re going to get sick. This is not rocket science, this is not radical thinking.”Mike Wallach is the director and co-producer of The Viral Delusion, a groundbreaking new documentary series that exposes the pseudo-science behind modern virology. The five-episode series features interviews with leading doctors and researchers who reveal that foundational assumptions of the conventional medical paradigm are not, as we are told, based on settled science, but on magical leaps of faith.We talk about:* Mike’s background as a Hollywood screenwriter, and journey from science fiction writer to exposer of scientific fictions.* How his eyes were opened beyond orthodox medicine by his wife’s “uncurable” rheumatoid arthritis, eventually cured by moving out of a moldy apartment.* The link between human and environmental health, and why it’s so convenient (and profitable) to blame germs for illness.* How following a common-sense line of inquiry can lead to being called crazy – and how shattering your worldview can be exciting rather than scary.* Medical institutions taking the place of religion, and the parallel between this moment in history and the Reformation.* And more!Watch the first episode of the 5-part series for free at for the imperfect sound quality in this episode - I did my best to edit, but you’ll hear Mike’s canine friend chime in with some enthusiastic commentary, plus a few low-wifi-inspired glitches. Considering Mercury retrograde, I think we did well.)Find out about Emily’s astrological offerings at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Speaking the World Into Existence

Sol Luckman is a pioneering visual artist, award-winning novelist and humorist, and bestselling author of nonfiction books on health, spirituality, and consciousness. His works span fiction (Snooze, Cali the Destroyer), nonfiction (Conscious Healing, Potentiate Your DNA) and humor/satire (The Angel’s Dictionary, Musings from a Small Island).Sol, together with his partner Leigh, developed the Regenetics Method to activate DNA – and if you’re wondering what the heck that means, we get into it!In this fascinating, in-depth, wide-ranging conversation, we cover:* The auto-immune disease that prompted Sol’s journey into healing and ultimately led to his work on DNA activation;* DNA as a multidimensional interface between physical and energetic realms – and how we can work with it for detoxification, expanding consciousness and upgrading our lives;* Achieving miraculous healing and transformation through “the power of positive feeling” and the human imagination;* Utilizing the ancient, vowel-based “Language of the Birds” to heal, reprogram and activate DNA;* A Gnostic perspective on the Archontic Agenda, the awakening Goddess, the Luminous Child, and the evolution of humanity into a conscious creative force;* And much more!Find out more about Sol’s work:Monthly Worldwide DNA Potentiation CeremonySnooze to Awaken blogCrow Rising (official website)Sol’s Telegram channelLearn about Emily’s astrology classes and readings: This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Who Am I, What Is Real, Am I Real?

Eric Francis Coppolino is the editor of Planet Waves and the host of Planet Waves FM. Author of the Planet Waves horoscope column since 1996, Eric entered astrology after a long career covering chemical toxins and fraud by their manufacturers, including Monsanto and General Electric. Eric has written horoscopes for the London tabloids The Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror, as well as The New York Daily News, and many of those magazines you see in the supermarket. I’m a longtime fan of Eric’s work, and was thrilled to get to talk with him. Our conversation covered a lot of territory – from Eric’s introduction to astrology at his first newspaper job in Warren, NJ, to the Poly Paradise Camp at Burning Man, to our current challenge of staying human in the face of technocratic takeover.We talk about:* Eric’s unexpected, divinely guided path to becoming an astrologer, via a career in journalism; * How he learned astrology by reverse engineering a horoscope column;* Why “ugly art” and radio technology in the 1920s signify the start of the Aquarian Age;* The role of media in transforming our existence and reassembling our self-concept;* The distortion of sexuality and erosion of trust generated by the “synthetic astral plane” of the internet;* Maintaining our humanity in the midst of technological change and digital insanity;* And much more!Check out Eric’s writing at and listen to his weekly radio show on PlanetWaves.FM. In the podcast, he mentions his extensively researched Covid Chronology Project, and he recently published An Open Letter of Apology to Anthony Fauci.Find out about Emily’s astrology offerings at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Fulfilling the Evolution of Our Organic Human Souls

“The [Water Bearer] constellation has always been water – the water pouring out of the water jar into the mouth of the Fish. It’s more about the soul, more about the universal love, the Ananda of the one reality, than it is about anything having to do with technology.”Daniel Giamario is the Founder-Emeritus and Senior Advisor of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School and creator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, also known as TheGiamarioApproach. He joins together an academic background in Comparative Philosophy and Religion, with teaching meditation in two worldwide organizations, and extensive world travel. Daniel has been a full-time astrological consultant since 1984.I was thrilled to get to talk with Daniel, my longtime astro-superhero, whose work has profoundly influenced my own practice of astrology, and a whole generation of astrologers. In our galactic, paradigm-shifting, mind-expanding conversation, we cover:* Daniel’s vision-quest-inspired revelation that led to creating the Shamanic Astrology paradigm;* Why it’s essential for astrologers to connect directly with land and sky;* How the sign of Aquarius differs from the constellation of the Water Bearer – and why this distinction matters at this time;* The larger calendrical framework for the Turning of the Ages and the convergence of multiple timelines;* The significance of the Galactic Alignment and how we can work with its cosmic imagery of death and rebirth;* 1962-2034 as a key period of transition and a choice point for humanity;* And so much more!Find out more about Daniel’s work:Daniel’s site: TheGiamarioApproach.comShamanic Astrology Mystery School: ShamanicAstrology.comMarch Equinox 2022 webinarsFor info on Emily’s astro-offerings, visit This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Standing in the Beauty of Your Authentic Humanness

“When we all stand up in what we really are, this force has no leverage and no ability to stay here – but we have to see it first, because we have to see ourselves first.”Cate Montana is a lifelong truth-seeker and truth-teller, and the author of several brilliant books illuminating the spiritual path. I was thrilled to meet with Cate to discuss her current work-in-progress, A Treatise on the Unmentionable: Hidden Forces, The Cult of Light and the Pivot Point for Evolutionary Change.In our mind-blowing, paradigm-busting, no-b.s. conversation, we cover:* Cate’s 40-year journey through New Age spirituality and her recent liberation from its stories and programs;* The power of being in a state of NOT knowing;* The lie of humanity’s “original sin” and how we break through that program and uncover our true essence;* Why the “Cult of Positivity” is a set-up that keeps us locked into helplessness and not-enough-ness;* The anti-life force that’s out to destroy humanity – and how we find our power in the face of that force;* Embodying and expressing our essence and authenticity as the key to creating a new reality;* And so much more!Find out more about Cate and her offerings at, and sign up for her newsletter to be the first to know when her new Treatise is complete. As she mentions in the interview, the Treatise will be available as a download on a donation basis. For more info on Emily’s astro-offerings, visit This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


The Body is the Highest Advanced Technology

“Always the body’s wisdom is guiding us to a greater state of alignment with Source, if we will allow it.” – Dr. Kristian StrangIn this episode I’m joined by bestselling author and spiritual guide, Dr. Kristian Strang, who channels messages from Mary Magdalene on behalf of Source HerSelf and The Highest Light. We had an illuminating and inspiring discussion covering:* The health crisis that catalyzed Kristian’s journey from Matrix-embedded journalist to Spirit-led metaphysician;* How illness and disease can guide us toward the next level of awakening and expansion – if we are willing to listen;* The body as the highest advanced technology and sacred vessel for channeling divine wisdom;* How to listen to and work with the body’s symptoms to uncover higher guidance;* What it means to lead a Spirit-led life and practical suggestions for starting on that path;* How to discern the voice of the Divine from the voice of your personality;* What is 5D and how do we make the transition to the Golden Age?* And so much more!!Kristian has written ten books, including her recent sovereign, out-of-the-matrix releases: Sacred Love in Sacred Times and Radical Abundance in Radical Times along with her bestseller, Love Now: Your Daily Dose of Love & Miracles. She has been featured in Bustle, The Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, Thrive Global, Elite Daily and on the cover of the Sedona Journal of Emergence. She has also been a featured speaker on a number of podcasts and summits, and hosts her own podcast; Awakening: The Podcast. Kristian has facilitated metaphysical healings, trainings and meditations for thousands of women, couples and families worldwide. Learn more about Kristian’s work and receive free meditations and transmissions at more about Emily’s astrology classes and individual readings at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Venus Wisdom for the Age of Aquarius

In this episode I’m joined by Sasha Rose, astrologer and founder of Venus Wisdom. Sasha has studied astrology for 28 years and has done readings professionally for 15 years. She specializes in guiding visionary women to sync with the Venus cycle to align with their deepest truth and consciously work with their heroine's journey.We had a juicy, in-depth, wide-ranging conversation covering:* Sasha’s journey in becoming an intuitive, embodied astrologer;* How to work with the Venus cycle as a container for growth and transformation;* Why Venus is the “golden key” to the Age of Aquarius and the “new, embodied human”;* The current Venus in Capricorn cycle, and coming into more of our inner mastery and feminine power.Find out more about Sasha’s work and her transformational program for women at Venus Wisdom.Learn about Emily’s classes and readings at Embodied Aquarian. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Introducing the Embodied Aquarian Age

The transition into the Aquarian Age is not a spectator sport! Those of us who incarnated at this wild time are here to be active co-creators of the new reality. In this first episode, I introduce the themes and intention of this podcast - to offer a big-picture perspective, as well as practical tools and resources, for creating “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible” (in the words of Charles Eisenstein). I give an overview of the high-vibe, embodied version of the Age of Aquarius, and the low-vibe, machine-ruled, AI-merged version. For more info, check out my site, The Embodied Aquarian Age This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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