The End of Mad Men

Join us as we discuss each of the final seven remaining episodes of Matthew Weiner's outstanding 60s-era drama.

The End of Mad Men 7: Person to Person

The stories of Don Draper, his family, his co-workers at Sterling Cooper, and The End Of Mad Men podcast conclude.


The End of Mad Men 6: The Milk and Honey Route

After a string of expansive omnibus episodes, Mad Men's focus tightens this week for a pointed dive into the depths of Don, Betty, and Pete. Join us in discussing Mad Men's penultimate episode, "The Milk and Honey Route."


The End of Mad Men 5: Lost Horizon

Fire up the old organ and lace up your roller skates for one last ride around Sterling Cooper as we take a look at Mad Men's third-to-last episode, "Lost Horizon."


The End of Mad Men 4: Time & Life

Sterling Cooper seems to be on its last legs, as we approach the series finale of Mad Men. But in spite of (or because of) the glum mood around the office, the crew is sharing some of their best moments in recent memory.


The End of Mad Men 3: The Forecast

It's an episode of highs and lows—for its characters, anyway. We loved this episode of Mad Men from start to finish, featuring standout moments from Don, Sally, Joan, Peggy, and Glen's chest hair.


The End of Mad Men 2: New Business

Don's life is emptying out as quickly as his apartment, and just like him we're left wondering where everything's going to end up. The end of Mad Men has just begun and its final trajectory is unknown; join us as we discuss "New Business," and try to figure it out ourselves.


The End of Mad Men 1: Severance

It's the beginning of the end for Mad Men in an episode with a lot that seems familiar—even as it's becoming increasingly frayed. Come and join us watch Don Draper fall apart!


Mike P.

Did these guys even watch the seasons prior to the last one? How do they not remember the scene where Peggy tells Pete that she could have shamed him into being with her simply because he got her pregnant??? This was the last episode of this podcast for me. How about a little research and attention to detail?

07-22 Reply

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