The Endometriosis Podcast

The Endometriosis Podcast is a bimonthly discussion of what's new in the world of endometriosis research, new discoveries, surgical techniques, and anything else of interest in the endometriosis world. Hosted by Nicholas Fogelson, MD of Northwest Endometriosis and Pelvic Surgery and endometriosis maven Libby Hopton. Produced by Andrea Muraskin. For clinical consultation call Northwest Endometriosis and Pelvic Surgery in Portland, OR at 503-715-1377

Episode 4: Robotic Surgery vs. Excision, Medical Treatment Post Excision, Endometriomas and Fertility

Join surgeon Nicholas Fogelson and endometriosis researcher Libby Hopton as they answer listener questions and discuss recently published research. This episode was recorded in July 2017. Stay tuned for future episodes! 


Episode 3: Ablation vs. excision for superficial endo, hormonal contraceptives, the "Endobiota" and more

Dr. Nicholas Fogelson, MD, and Libby Hopton discuss new literature on endometriosis. Studies include a comparison of excision and ablation surgeries for superficial endometriosis, and a literature review on treating the disease with hormonal contraception. Also, a look at how endometriosis may be connected to the state of a patient's microbiome, and more. 


Episode 2: Removing abdominal wall endo after c-section, Visanne, surgery center vs. hospital and more

Dr. Nicholas Fogelson, MD, and Libby Hopton discuss new literature on endometriosis and answer questions from the endometriosis patient community. Topics include removing abdominal wall endo after c-section, Visanne studies, whether to chose a surgery center or a hospital and more.  This episode was recorded in July 2017.  Fresh episodes coming soon! 


Episode 1: Research production, BPAs, resection of bladder endometriosis and more

Dr Nicholas Fogelson, MD, and researcher Libby Hopton discuss new literature on endometriosis and answer question from the endometriosis patient community. Topics include endometriosis research production, BPA and endometriosis incidence, outcomes after resection of bladder endometriosis, and others This episode was originally published in January 2017.


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