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Energy Gang

Author: Wood Mackenzie

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Bi-weekly discussions on the latest trends in energy, cleantech, renewables, and the environment from Wood Mackenzie. Hosted by Ed Crooks.

516 Episodes
Comments (40)

Chris Abele

It would be called the "Princess Mononoke Paradox" or the "Muromachi Paradox", if someone has written a paper on it and was a fan of AnimΓ© movies. (Myazaki in particular). πŸ€”πŸ˜Ž

Jun 12th

Chris Abele

I'd love it, if Steam-Methane-Reforming was made illegal, or taxed to high heaven. That would create incredible demand for blue hydrogen. And CCS remains a scam, until they put it underground and leave it there, with a 95% capture rate.

Aug 12th


Why are we fixating on aviation emissions when most transport emissions are passenger cars/large trucks and shipping. Short haul is already losing some traffic from high speed rail. Electrification of cars is still glacial compared to car sales/used car sales and car sale growth.

Jun 22nd

Chris Abele

Smart green financing will go where real green is. Maybe ESG should reveal its more accurate real name: GWSG, for GreenWashing, Social & Governance.

Jun 17th
Reply (1)

Chris Abele

A rebroadcast without fixing the divergent time sync?

Mar 11th

Chris Abele

So a Rivian is not capable of towing that trailer across the country?

Dec 6th

William Vaughn

sucks that renewable energy skeptics are commandeering this great podcast. Stephen, Katherine, sorry to see you go!

Nov 6th

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May 4th

Jens Peder Andersen

You say that wood stowe's are co2 neutral. I am pretty sure that this is very misleading.

Apr 20th

Chris Abele

Are there "air conditioners" that hook up to ground water heat pumps? Better put that energy in the ground instead of the air.

Apr 15th
Reply (3)


The intro music has a part where it sounds like people are knocking on a door and I keep getting startled.

Apr 13th

William Vaughn

Good Luck Jigar. you're a legend!

Mar 8th


Goodbye, Jigar. Godspeed.

Mar 7th


There's a lot of energy storage that needs to be built here

Dec 16th


yes, smoothing the net energy curve is so important to making sure energy doesn't go to waste. having to ramp power plants up and down spending on demand is highly inefficient.

Nov 13th
Reply (2)


An excellent podcast. Steph Spiers clearly cares about her business and her family.

Oct 25th


Interesting podcast

Oct 23rd

Chris Abele

Free election: Now wouldn't it be interesting, if they also compared the delta of city centre temperatures to the surrounding rural areas, before and after lockdown?

Jul 28th
Reply (2)

William Vaughn

Financiers are abandoning coal for market and economic reasons. bye bye coal.

Jan 19th

Bridget Norton

How thought-provoking! Also, I had never considered I could be dumping money into dirty energy in my 401K!

Dec 3rd
Reply (2)
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