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The Energy of Your Business

Author: Melissa Zoske

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Welcome to The Energy of Your Business podcast. I'm Melissa Zoske, Energy Business Alignment Mentor and I help spiritual entrepreneurs reach 6+figures working less hours and earning more. By clearing your blocks to success and taking inspired guided action steps to your goals and dreams I help you create a business and life that lights you up right now and step into the next level no matter how far away it may seem. You can find out more about me and get your business breakthrough kit at
111 Episodes
I know that this is something that Coaches, Intuitives, Healers, and Entrepreneurs feel a lot. Most times it comes in with low self-confidence or some kind of block from this lifetime or generations back.  We need to remember that when you feel this, it repels your ideal clients and we don't want that. We want to attract people who genuinely feel the energy that you can help them.  I've seen people's businesses get sabotaged over and over again just by this belief.  So, I wanted to make sure I talk to you about this to help you clear this block so you can step into that confidence and into that feeling that everything is working out for you Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
I see so many beautiful people out there working with their soul's calling and sharing their gifts with the world but they are not making the money they need to continue their work and grow. And sometimes, what happens is people end up giving up and then go back to their JOB because they just can't make it work.  So I wanted to make sure that you are aligned with what it means to make money with your intuitive gifts and how you can make money out of your magic. Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
In this episode, I am speaking with Jenny White Ad. Dip. Psych. A Relationship Coach and Therapist, founder of The Queen’s Mindset. She helped hundreds of women how to create fulfilling relationships and build true intimacy by standing more in their femininity. Make sure to sign up for Jenny's weekly advice on how to stand more in your femininity to create fulfilling relationships. Click here-
You hear all the time that people don't have the money to buy your program or services so you feel the need to charge low prices. How many of you feel this way? I know I did when I first started. And it was like a mix of energy blocks in there, mindset, and beliefs about myself. And so it's something I want to address today because I'm telling you right now that there are plenty of people out there that can afford your services. The thing is you just have to call them in. And this all starts with energy. Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
In this episode, I am speaking with Pamela Pearson. She is an Abundance Catalyst. Igniting the spark of inner transformation for spiritually-minded women who are ready to clear their limiting beliefs, inherited patterns, and energy blocks holding them back from living their most fulfilling and Abundant life. With a 20+ year career as a corporate marketing executive blended with over a decade of metaphysical and energy healing studies, she has the ideal blend of head and heart to help you accelerate your process of transformation. Make sure to get her FREE Energy Clearings to let go of what's holding you back, and finally step into that confident, courageous, and financially secure you, and live the life you desire. Click here -
I've talked to people around comparing their pricing, and most of the time, they are not in tune with their intuition or inner guidance system, so I want to make sure I talk to you about this today.  Also, I want to share with you how I use an energetic pricing tool to help with this because it can be a game-changer in your business. Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
I used to feel like I needed to have everything perfect. I used to have everything mapped out ahead of me. And now I call myself a recovering perfectionist. Perfectionism is the thing that kept me from creating this successful business that I now have. It kept me from moving forward and I don't want that for you.  So I want to talk to you about this because I want to make sure you are moving forward because I want you to fulfill what your soul is calling you to do. And I want to remind you that every time we see things like perfectionism or other blocks, sometimes, it's a root that we need to dig deeper into. Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
One of the things that I often hear from my clients is, "I don't feel like my energy is high enough to be working on my business today." Trust me, I know this kind of feeling and you probably do too.  So I want to make sure I talk to you about this because there are a lot of misconceptions out there about being high vibe, high energy, and being in alignment all the time. I also want to share with you some tips about what you can do when you feel like your energy is not high enough to keep going. Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
The number 1 issue I see in many coaches or entrepreneurs is they don't have the right mindset to reach their goals or grow their businesses. So I want to make sure I talk to you about this to dive deep into why you're not scaling or holding yourself back. Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
There's an amazing energy that can go with launches. It's exciting. You are all in when you do it. But this is where being in alignment with your own energy and flow comes in otherwise things can go wrong.  I see many coaches and entrepreneurs doing launches wearing their energy and taking their momentum down. So I want to make sure I talk to you about the things you shouldn't do on launches and share the tips to be in that perfect alignment and flow. Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
We all have different gifts and I know many of you are business coaches who are trying to build this beautiful business that creates multiple 6 figures.  So I want to make sure I talk to you about how you can monetize your gifts and manifest your dreams without selling your soul. Listen in now. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
I heard stories about Coaches and Healers having too many offers yet no one seems to be wanting them and there are a lot of reasons I can go around that. And I can say coming from a place of experience is you're feeling exhausted and that feeling of overwhelm and burnout is constantly coming in.  So I want to make sure I talk to you about your gifts and how focusing on 1 intuitive offer is the key to creating a 6+ Figure Biz. Listen in now.  Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
Get guidance for your week with The Energy of Your Business™ Oracle Deck so you can take inspired actions to create a sustainable and aligned business working 3 Days a week. Ready to hit that 6+ figure year and beyond while feeling aligned and inflow? Then it's time to tap into Source energy and your spiritual team to uplevel your business! Grab your own deck to tune in daily here > and get the free Energy of Your Business Oracle training with purchase. If you're ready to take your biz to the next level on ALL levels grab instant access to my Free Masterclass Energetic Business Blueprint, "$1K Per Day" training. You'll thank me later... >>
This is something that is near and dear to my heart because it's a trap I used to get stuck in and so I wanted to dive a little deeper into how to get out of this trap so that you can start creating that sustainable and scalable business. Listen in now.  Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
In this episode, I am speaking with Amie Barsky. She is a high-energy, ice cream-loving, soul-filled & celebration living spirit. She is a certified Mind & Body, trauma-informed, Master Coach, and creator of The Shift Method. Through somatic releasing and subconscious reprogramming, she has guided women away from overwhelm, negative thoughts, anxiety, low self-esteem and stuck in life towards feeling clear, confident, and committed to living from a place of joy & worthiness.     Amie has worn many hats in this lifetime, from an NFL cheerleader to traveling the world as a professional dancer, turned actress, turned pilates/yogi. Finally turned to "heal yo self & listen to your soul's calling" after seeking support when she hit rock bottom with depression, anxiety & divorce. Moving through what seemed impossible and landing on the other side with a new lease on life was Amie's inspiration to shift careers.   Now coaching women around the globe, who feel stuck in similar patterns, empowering them with tools to restore their self-worth and reclaim their lives. Make sure to get her free guide - 4 Ways to Step back into Your POWER. Click here -
Get guidance for your week with The Energy of Your Business™ Oracle Deck so you can take inspired actions to create a sustainable and aligned business working 3 Days a week. Ready to hit that 6+ figure year and beyond while feeling aligned and inflow? Then it's time to tap into Source energy and your spiritual team to uplevel your business! Grab your own deck to tune in daily here > and get the free Energy of Your Business Oracle training with purchase. If you're ready to take your biz to the next level on ALL levels grab instant access to my Free Masterclass Energetic Business Blueprint, "$1K Per Day" training. You'll thank me later... >>
You know those times when you're doing your business, you're running along great, everything's working fine and then all of a sudden something unwanted happens and you think that must be a block.  But you know a lot of times it's not always a block but it's how we see and how we handle it. I want to make sure I go over this today. Listen in now.  Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
Remember those times that you are so close to getting what you want and then you slide back down the ladder? And one obstacle after another comes to you and you get so frustrated. Upper limit blocks usually come from those outdated programming or outdated beliefs from something that you are scared of and that fear is holding you back. So I want to make sure I talk about this and share with you how you can get through upper limits in your business so you can step into that aligned 6+ figure biz. Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
Maybe you don't have a business yet and you want to start something but you don't know what you want to do. Maybe you feel lost, the clarity isn't there yet. Maybe you've been doing business for a while but something feels off. You are not feeling it like you did in the beginning.  The main part of this is that you tap back into that passion and purpose again. If you're one I mentioned above, this episode is for you. Let's talk about how you can ignite your dream business and step into that 6+ figure.  Join our Free Facebook Group for weekly training, clearings, and coaching —>
In this episode, I am speaking with Mary Bicknell LCSW. She is a speaker, author, podcaster, and former psychotherapist, turned Personal Development Coach & Leadership Mentor for women who want more out of life & out of themselves. Mary takes a stand for women choosing to be BOLD, showing up fully, grabbing everything they want personally and professionally...and doing so all unapologetically and guilt-free. Want a double dose of inspiration, action, and a tiny kick in the ass? Listen to her podcast: Lead a Life Uncommon™ because it's time to write your own rules. Make sure to join her free training: The Guide to your hidden thoughts about money & The Success and the Fear Breakthrough Formula. Click here -