The English Review

A collection of my appearances on various radio shows. RSS FEED

Paul English Live #021 - Ken Carter

This week's guest is Kenneth Carter author of A Nation Upside Down.https://paulenglishlive.comRUMBLE for live show and live chat: FEED FOR THIS PODCAST


Paul English Live #001

Launch episode of weekly live radio show. Tune in every Thursday 8pm UK, 3pm US eastern.https://paulenglishlive.comRUMBLE for live show and live chat: FEED FOR THIS PODCAST


On Nordic Frontier 111

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we have an interview bonanza coming to you live from the Nordic forest. We invite Based British aka Christian Bell, Tom Goodrich and Paul English to talk about various pro-white projects that have been launched in recent times. NF Podcast and live show link here:


Fake News Now 2019.05.14 With Mallificus & Adrian

A bit of a British coup. In this week’s FNN Paul English takes the helm as Eli and Steve take a break. Paul is joined by Mallificus (who recently appeared on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show) and Adrian to complete a British takeover of FNN for this one episode. In hour 1 we talk with Adrian about his past political life and his views on political correctness and other related topics. In hour 2 Paul and Mallificus listen to and discuss a brief video in which 5 prime ministers are featured in a promo for a holocaust memorial outside the houses of parliament. Mark called in during the last quarter of the show


ACH 2019.02.26 (4) G Ward Price I Know These Dictators

Broadcast Feb 26 2019 on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show at EuroFolkRadio. We discussed: Paul and Andy’s thoughts on Peter Jackson’s World War 1 film, “They Shall Not Grow Old,” that Paul watched some weeks ago, and Andy finally watched a couple of days ago; Adolf Hitler’s desire to form an Anglo-German alliance back in 1935; former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George’s statement, “The Dictators act, while the Democratic leaders fumble,” and what he meant by this; how the mainstream media did not hesitate to denounce Fascism in the 1930’s, whilst at the same time were strangely silent on Communism; Benito Mussolini’s journey to power in Italy back in 1922; why Mussolini closed down Freemasonry and the Mafia in the 1920’s; what Mussolini achieved in Italy during the 15 years from 1922 to when G. Ward Price’s, “I Know These Dictators,” book was published in 1937; what the world can learn from Fascism and National Socialism; how G. Ward Price was clearly forced to recant what he stated in relation to Adolf Hitler 20 years after, “I Know These Dictators,” was published in 1957; and many other topics.


ACH 2019.02.19 (3) G Ward Price I Know These Dictators

Originally broadcast February 19 2019 on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show on Euro Folk Radio. We discussed: the superiority of the German Agricultural System over the British one; the structure of the Hitler Youth Camps throughout Germany, along with the activities they participated in; the Jewish influence in Weimar Germany; General Goering's belief that if Britain and Germany were in agreement, peace in Europe would be on unshakeable foundations; G. Ward Price's positive assessment of Hitler's first four years in power, and how he would suspiciously retract this in a book he wrote 20 years later in 1957; how Hitler wanted to limit the Arms Race in Europe in order to maintain peace; and many other topics. "They Shall Not Grow Old" G. Ward Price's Book "I Knew These Dictators." Bio Of G. Ward Price


ACH 2019.02.12 (2) G Ward Price I Know These Dictators

Originally broadcast February 12 2019 with EuroFolkRadio's Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. We discussed: Hitler's psychic experience in which a voice told him to leave an area of a trench in World War One, only to witness the soldiers he was with being killed by a stray shell moments later; Hitler's contempt of Parliamentary Institutions; how the people of Munich shortened the name National Socialist to Nazi; the National Socialist programme of 25 points published in February 1920; how Hitler got the support of the German People; how the hateful rhetoric and violence of the Communists back in 1920's Germany, is almost identical to that of Antifa today; the myth of Hitler being responsible for the Reichstag fire; and many other topics.


ACH 2019.02.05 (1) G Ward Price I Know These Dictators

Originally broadcast February 5 2019, with EuroFolkRadio's Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, We discussed: how the violence of Antifa back in 1934 is a mirror image of the violence they commit today; the background to the British journalist G. Ward Price, who was a confidante of Adolf Hitler; how the ownership of newspapers is designed to set the agenda for thought; indications that whilst G. Ward Price was free to express himself in the 1930's, he lost the right to do so in the 1950’s; examples of why democracy does not work; Adolf Hitler's manner in dealing with people, along with little known details of the apartment in which he lived; and many other topics.


ACH 2019.01.27 Why Did Hitler Restrict Free Speech

Originally broadcast January 27 2019, on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock show. We discussed: Dennis Wise's, “The Greatest Story Never Told,” which looks and sounds stunning on DVD; how Adolf Hitler removed the right of freedom of speech in relation to Communist State-Endangering acts of violence; how the mainstream media in Poland demonized the Germans living there, which resulted in the slaughter of tens of thousands of them in the 1930’s; how Britain lost their Empire as a result of World War 2; Major Mervyn F. Thurgood's pamphlet, “That Bastard Churchill,” that Andy read excerpts from during the show; and many other topics.


ACH 2019.01.20 The Great Distraction

Originally broadcast January 20 2019, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. We discussed: the trashy TV endemic throughout the world; the new film Stan and Ollie about the legendary Laurel and Hardy; Andy's recent interview with Dr. E. Michael Jones; why the UK will never be allowed to leave the European Union; the European Army that is being put together; the rumoured D-Notice that has allegedly been placed on British mainstream media to prevent them reporting accurately on the Yellow Vest protests in France; how the mixing of all races together does not enable diversity, it destroys it; the rise in immigration and homelessness; how overpopulation is destroying our society; and many other topics.


ACH 2018.01.13 Alan Buttle

On with Andy and guest Alan Buttle - Jan 13 2018, "So What's All This Business About UFO's, Aliens, And Flat Earth?" We discussed: the UFO phenomenon and why this is being pushed; how the range of the UFO story is concomitant with the expansion of military power; how the UFO, Alien, and Flat Earth discussions sadly almost always result in irreconcilable differences between people who are in agreement on many other issues; the YouTube video, “The Samson Option – How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War,” that we played on the show; the infamous Barbara Lerner Spectre YouTube video, that we played on the show; how Zionism is not a plan for a Jewish State but for a Jewish World; how Henry Kissinger allegedly claimed in 2012 that Israel would not exist in 10 years; the infamous Maurice Samuel quote from his book, “You Gentiles,” along with recent efforts to discredit the authenticity of this; and many other topics. Alan's Podcasts


ACH 2019.01.06 Slow News Cycle

With Andrew Carrington Hitchcock - "The Slow News Cycle Of The Year". We discussed: the outstanding Christmas Eve and New Year's Day Specials of The Graham Hart Show; the television show, “Bullseye,” and the unique culture of old British game shows; the difficulties adapting to enforced education; drawing from the right hand side of the brain; the recent blue sky phenomenon which took place in New York on December 27; the on the ground impact of a no deal Brexit; the 1200% payday loans advertised on British television; the differences between celsius and fahrenheit; the Diversity Macht Frei article, “Carl Jung, Schlomo Freud And The Rejection Of Semitism,”; the Black Pigeon Speaks video, “Foundation Myths,”; how the level of ruin brought upon the Germans after World War 2 has now been inflicted on all White Nations; and many other topics.


ITEL - 2019.01.03 With Michael Goodrich

Dennis Fetcho kindly asked me to fill in for him on his Thursday show as he was travelling at the time. I ended up inviting author of the seminal "Hellstorm", Michael (Tom) Goodrich, along for the ride and a jolly 2 hours we had. For more on Michael and his great work visit his site at:


ACH 2018.12.23 Xmas Special

Aired Dec 23 2018, A Christmas Special with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. We discussed: Andy's favourite shows of the year; how the pen is mightier than the sword; helping the homeless; how President Putin said that the peoples' choices of Trump and Brexit have been disrespected; how the BBC is the main propaganda arm in the UK; how World War 3 started immediately after World War 2 ended; the BBC's Question Time program in which a member of the audience accused immigrants of receiving preferential treatment over the indigenous people; how a Black woman who was raised by a White family learned to love being Black; how an 11 year old girl wrote to Santa Claus asking for women to be treated equally; how Shane MacGowan has had to defend a word used in his song, “Fairytale Of New York,” which was originally released in 1987; and many other topics. Article at Morgoths review can be found here:


ACH 2018.12.16 A Message To Tradesmen

Broadcast Dec 16 2018 on EuroFolkRadio's Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show, we looked at Arnold Leese's "A Message To Tradesmen" We discussed: a couple of emails from our listeners on the subjects of waking up a family member to the truth and the recent California fires; Arnold Leese's flyer, “A Message To Tradesmen,” that Andy discovered listed on Ebay recently and read on the show; London taxis, the knowledge, and Uber; how the British Constitution forbids anyone governing the UK unless they have beaten them in war; how only a third of UK National Health Service staff have had the flu jab and how the media is framing the reasons for this; how the ANC in South Africa has set the date of March 31 2019 to start seizing White Peoples' property; and many other topics.


No Deal Brexit

On with Andy again this week. We discussed: The Daily Mail propaganda piece, “Save us from Brexit chaos: Tell YOUR MP to back May's deal – and all you need to do to send an email is click on this story,” that we referenced on the show; how the real resistance to Brexit is simply because it puts the brakes on the enemy's plan for a one world government; what a no deal Brexit would mean for the UK; the implications of the United Nations Global Compact for safe, orderly, and regular migration; the Yellow Jacket protests in France; how the Jeffrey Epstein trial collapsed when an undisclosed financial settlement was agreed with the 80 child sex trafficked victims, and how a photo of Prince Andrew with an underage prostitute was listed as an exhibit in the trial; the mainstream media's fawning eulogies of George H. W. Bush; the Directed Energy Weapons used in Paradise, California; and many other topics.


ITEL Radio Interview - Paul English - 12.8.18

Dennis Fetcho kindly invited me on to his excellent weekly Saturday show yesterday. Full show notes at the link below.


The Media Is The Enemy Of Us All

From Sunday Dec 1st 2018. On as the regular Sunday guest of Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. We discussed: how David Noakes, an Alternative Health Practitioner, was jailed for 15 months in the UK for selling GcMAF, despite the fact that many people claimed it worked in treating their respective illnesses; how nobody knows anything better about themselves than themself; how Fred Leuchter is both praised and condemned in a bizarre Daily Mail article; the vital ingredients of a Brexit Burger; how banking works in 30 seconds; and many other topics. See here for additional links:


A Pretty Gritty Show

With Andrew Carrington Hitchcock "A Pretty Gritty Show" We discussed: Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson's recent information that Russia's Holocaust Denial law has just effectively been repealed; how the Alt-Right has hijacked 'Gritty' the Philadelphia Flyers mascot in Nazi Conspiracy Theory memes; how the ADL conspired to have the Alt-Right's previous mascot 'Pepe The Frog' banned; the ongoing power of the NPC (Non-Player Character) meme that has literally driven the Liberals apoplectic with rage; the NPC Thanksgiving Dinner; how the Brexit fiasco has proved to us that voting doesn't work; how a popular British Soap Opera is going to run a storyline in which a character gets radicalized to the Far-Right; the incremental steps we are going through in the shutdown of Free Speech; and many other topics.


How To Avoid Becoming A Slave

Originally broadcast November 18 2018, I was on EFR's Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show - "How To Avoid Becoming A Slave," We discussed: Major C.H. Douglas 1938 article, “The Jews,” that Andy read out in its entirety; Major C.H. Douglas background and his system of Social Credit; Alexander Warbucks 1978 article, “How I Manage My Slaves,” that Andy read out in its entirety; how people have bought into the myth that we need to pay income tax; The Book Of Enoch; how income tax effectively replaced trade tariffs that were charged to the merchants and how Theresa May's proposed Brexit deal is designed to keep the UK in the European Customs Union; the five ways to avoid becoming a slave; and many other topics.


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