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The Escape Pod Podcast

Author: Braintree Studios

Subscribed: 2Played: 39


Join the conversation as Tree, Cuba, and Roy talk geek. Video games, Movies, TV, angry rants and a slew of what ever topic is tickling our fancy at the time.
20 Episodes
This is it folks! The final episode of The Escape Pod Podcast! In this episode Cuba is joined by former cohost Tree. The two end the podcast the way they started it, unorganized, disjointed and full of laughs! After some catching up the guys give their review and thoughts on Avengers: Age of Ultron. We thank you for listing and following us over the years and hope that you will continue to listen when we start our next chapter as Changing Frequencies Podcast!
The countdown continues! In the second to last episode of The Escape Pod we get a special treat. Long time fan Richard Ware in Australia saw Avengers: Age of Ultron and was kind enough to record and send us his review on it. Movies and movie trailers! A whole slew of movie trailers came out last week. We go threw some of them and give our thoughts. We talk a little about the Netflix sensation Daredevil and We talk a little about Star Wars Celebration, the second teaser for The Force Awakens, as well as the trailer for Rebels season two.
Episode 153: T Minus 3

Episode 153: T Minus 3


The end is nigh!!! That's right, folks! After 3 years and over 150 episodes, The Escape Pod is coming to an end. But don't fear. We will live on in a new form! We announce the end of an era and the beginning of a new in this episode. Izzi and Cuba finally catch up on season 5 of The Walking Dead and we happily have an extra long Walking Recap.
The title pretty much says is all folks! The crew is without Pat this week; his condition takes us down the always fun topic of poop! We share some poop stories and reflect why its always great to poop at work. Roy once again shares with us a story of a dramatic incident he had in public which then leads us into a discussion of women's choice of dress, unprovoked (or is it?) unpleasant interactions with ladies, and the differences between men and women out there in a real world.
Comic books and facials (get your mind out of the gutter!) Those are the topics the crew covers this week. Cuba and Izzi mad a stop at the local comic shop and picked up a few titles and give their reviews and toughest on it. We talk about Spider-man getting his family back in the upcoming Renew Your Vows story line and our general preference towards the smaller publishers. We talk comics that have a clear story with beginning middle and end that don't drag on indefinitely like the Marvel or DC books.The comics reviewed:Rat Queens        (Trade)Lady Killer        (#1 & #2)Spread                (#1 & #2)Star Wars           (#1 & #2)Darth Vader       (#1 & #2)Princess Leia     (#1 & #2)
The whole crew is back together for this one. We run a little long but we debate over some great topics. After making fun of Cubas city driving, Cuba and Izzi talk a little about their trip to Philly and how disgusting a Philly Cheese Steak is. We then jump right into it and talk about the announcement of an new all male Ghostbusters movie and the implications it has on the Paul Feig movie. The crew then gets into a heated debate on The Walking Dead and their habit of killing off black guys. Is it bad writing? A running joke? Do they get developed like the white characters? Or is everyone reading too into it? Lastly we cover the issue of Batgirl Joker variant cover and the controversy around that. Buckle in and get some pop corn, your in for a ride!
Welcome to Episode 149! Izzi didn't join us for this one so Cuba, Roy and Pat some how end up on the subject of aliens and cryptozoology. We discuss what we believe in and what we don't, what is plausible and what is just absurd. Cuba and Roy share a personal encounter that still gives them the willies to this day!
After missing a week we come back at ya full steam! In this episode we talk about where humans came from, Killer Whales again, and their evil ways. We mourn the passing of Leonard Nimoy and talk about some of favorite Spock moments, Or lack there of if you're Roy. Izzi played chapter 2 of Tell Tale Games A Game of Thrones and gives us a review. We discuss the disappointment of the game Evolve and the disturbing trend of the gaming industry.
We survive the snowpocolypse for another week. We do what we do best and discuss a range of topics all over the map. We talk about some of the depressing documentaries we've watched on or off the devils lettuce. Killer Whales are jerks. We touch on the topic of the semantics of titles and how they may change in the future. We talk about the breaking news of Neil Blomkamp directing a new Alien movie and talk a bit about the franchise.
Welcome to Episode 146! The snowpocolypse won't slow us down! In this episode we talk about the bombshell news of Spider-Man coming to the Marvel Cinematic universe. We give our thoughts about it and the previous attempts at Spider-Man on the big screen and whether or not they should go with Peter Parker or Miles Morales. We talk a little Better Call Saul and check in with Pat on his Breaking Bad progress. Roy brings us a very disgusting story about vagina yogurt. Yup, you read that correctly. Cuba gives his review of movie Strange Magic and Cuba and Izzi try to convoke Roy and Pat to watch Moulin Rouge.
This episode the crew talks about the story of the 9 year old Texas boy who got suspended for threatening a kid with the one ring. This brings us on to the topics of schools over reaching and first of many times in the episode where context of a subject is brought up. We then discuss Superman's new power and the lack of good writers and stories in mainstream Marvel and DC comics. Will Heisenberg be the villain in the next Star Trek? And finally does Luke meeting Vader in Marvel's newest Star Wars comic take away form their duel in Empire? A topic we didn't have nearly enough time to debate properly!
This episode is both Roy and Pat less due to the recent snowpocolypse, So Cuba and Izzi take the reins! The cast of the all female Ghostbusters reboot was announced so Cuba dives into a rant about one of his favorite childhood franchises yet again getting tampered with. We also get into the topic of reboots, all female casts, Hollywoods inability to come up with original ideas and get on the topic of super heroes race and genders and if it's OK to swap them or not. We come up with the newest super hero Blunder Man (Black Wonder Woman).
This episode we jump in totally unprepared, no direction, Cuba sick and almost not able to speak! Welcome to a grab back episode where we wonder all over the map, from Jake Gyllenhaal's attractiveness to the crappy Resident Evil movies.
This episode we start off NSFW with a little instruction on how to please the ladies with a move inspired by your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. We then discuss Not being excited for Avengers Age of Ultron and how the fun has been taken out of guessing what Marvel will be leading up to now that they have announced all of their phase 3 movies. Roy Tells us about an unpleasant surgical procedure, we talk some Better Call Saul and discuss the greatness of the Reimagined Battlestar Galactica on the 10 year anniversary of the first episode.
In this episode we go over some of the things from 2014 that we enjoyed and some not so much. In starting to talk about what we are looking forward to in 2015 we get on the subject of video games. We talk about some of our favorites, how we feel about games the older we get and some games that will be coming out this year.
Welcome to our final episode of 2014! Pat couldn't make this one but we cover a wide range of topics. Cuba drank too much, we discuss the Suicide Squad casting and come to some revelations. We give Batman Beyond some love and Izzi tells us her fears for a Preacher TV series coming to AMC. Finally we discuss how the Hobbit should really have been only too movies. Hope your Holidays were good, see you in 2015!
This is the second half of episode 138 where Izzi gives her review on the first chapter of the new Game of Thrones game. We then dive into controversy going on with everyones favorite jell-o touting black sitcom dad Bill "sticking his pudding pop in the wrong places" Cosby. Lastly three big trailers came out and we give our thoughts and reactions on them all. Jurassic World, Terminator Genysis and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
This episode is packed with so much goodness that we had to break it into two parts! In part one we discuss how Thanksgivings went and the pie that may or may not have been ruined. Cuba and Izzi talk about their time at Super mega-fest and the group talks some con etiquette.Check back for part two where we talk some Bill Cosby, Game of Thrones game review and we discuss the Star Wars, Jurassic World and Terminator trailers. 
Welcome to episode 137! In This episode we relaunch The Escape Pod with two new co-hosts Pat and Izzi. We get to know each other, review LootCreate, discuss our thoughts on the title "The Force Awakens" and we do a run down of all the superhero movies coming out over the next 5 years. The audio is a little off sounding. Please bare with us as we tweak, fine-tune, refine and get adjusted to the new cast, and location. Welcome back!
Episode 136

Episode 136
