The Executive Assistant

The most underrated job but is a crucial position in every company. You don’t always see them, but you can tell if they do a good job or not for their bosses. Ever wondered what runs in the minds of the secretaries? How can they do 5 tasks at the same time? What else do they do than just setting up meetings? Let me share what I do to you so you’ll have an idea.

End of Week Feels

It's almost the end of the week! TGIF they say (since I am in PST). How are you feeling? Are you ready to chill at home or chill somewhere else? I think I'd say pass to both and will rather stay in bed over the weekend. 


M-I-A no more!

In this podcast, I'll try to explain the reasons why you have not heard from me for quite some time (for 5 months really!)


What have I done so far?

Here is a short preview of the significant tasks that I did for today. You might find the list short, but some tasks takes couple hours to finish.


The EA Basics

What are the basic stuff EAs do for their leaders? 


The Executive Assistant

Ever thought what goes on a mind of an assistant? Secretary? Side kick? Well, let me share some of the things I have in mind. Hi, my name is Mervs, and I am your Miss EA.


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