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The Exercise Engineer

Author: Lou Kelly

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Welcome to "The Exercise Engineer" podcast, where we empower, inspire, and educate women to embrace fitness, fat loss, and nutrition with a positive mindset. Our mission is to help women build a loving relationship with their bodies by focusing on training, movement, and strength. Through my podcast and membership program, Train With Lou, we strive to support women in achieving healthier, happier, and stronger lives, one workout, run, or episode at a time.

Join me as we explore the realms of fuel, fitness, and fun, engaging with experts along the way. As I satisfy my own curiosity and gain valuable insights, I'll share them with you. So, if you're ready to embark on a new fitness journey, don your trainers, put on your headphones, and let's begin together. Don't wait any longer—let's get started!
57 Episodes
Today, Lou shares her exhilarating journey as she prepares for the High Rocks Women's Single Pro competition, transitioning from doubles open to tackling the full challenge solo. With just 14 weeks to go, she outlines her comprehensive training plan, which includes cycling, running, strength sessions, and Hyrox-specific workouts. The episode also features a Q&A segment where Lou addresses various listener questions, covering topics such as recovery tips, the importance of sleep and nutrition, strategies for managing willpower, and practical advice for fueling during competitions.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Lou has developed a comprehensive training plan for the upcoming High Rocks Women's Single Pro event, which includes cycling, running, strength training, conditioning sessions, swimming, and track workouts to improve speed. There is a focus on maintaining a balance between losing fat and building muscle, especially since the competition requires lifting male weights. Lou is considering adjusting her caloric intake to create a deficit while still supporting muscle maintenance. Recovery strategies emphasize the significance of sleep and nutrition as foundational elements. Additional recovery methods like massages, ice baths, and saunas are considered supplementary and should only be implemented after the basics are addressed. Willpower is described as a limited resource that can become exhausted, making it unreliable for long-term goals. Instead, developing discipline and establishing sustainable habits is crucial for achieving fitness and nutrition objectives. Proper fueling strategies for events like High Rocks and marathons are highlighted, including carbohydrate loading before the event and ensuring adequate nutrition during training runs to maintain energy levels and prevent hitting a wall during performance. BEST MOMENTS "I've gone from doubles open to men's weights and doing the whole thing on my own. I don't really know what I was thinking." "The key things for recovery are sleep and nutrition. If you haven't got those down to a T, then all this extra fluffy stuff is a waste of your time." "Willpower is not enough at all. We cannot rely on it. It's more like a muscle in the body that becomes exhausted if we use it too much." "If you are 80kg, you can store approximately 400 grams of glycogen in your muscles. That's why when we carb load, we carb load for the full 48 hours prior to the race." "Please don't go to sleep hungry. You're going to make it so much harder to then train that day because you've not fueled your body with enough energy." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou joins The Rogue Treatment Podcast as she explores the topic of calorie counting and its effectiveness in weight loss. Together, they discuss the origins of calorie counting and its relevance in today's society. Lou explores the idea of calorie counting as a tool to counteract the impact of processed foods and chemicals in modern diets. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on whole foods and the 80-20 rule, where 80% of the diet consists of unprocessed, nutritious foods.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Calorie counting is a tool that can be effective for weight loss, but it's important to focus on the quality of food consumed, not just the quantity. The 80-20 rule is a good approach to nutrition, where 80% of the diet consists of whole, unprocessed foods, and 20% can include indulgences like processed snacks. Processed foods often contain additives that make them more addictive, leading to overconsumption and weight gain. The origins of calorie counting date back to the 1820s, but it became popular as a weight loss tool after World War I. Portion control and understanding the nutritional content of food are key factors in maintaining a healthy diet, whether or not calorie counting is used. BEST MOMENTS "Calories are not technically made equal. If you had a handful of peanuts and then you had peanut butter, your body is going to use more calories to process the peanuts." "At what point did calorie counting become a thing to lose weight because of the impact of all the shit that we're ingesting that maybe causes us to increase weight?" "No one ever got fat from eating too many vegetables. It is all the processed foods that we eat and it's all the additives in the processed foods that make us want more." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In today's episode, Lou discusses the power of streaks and the challenges of maintaining them. Drawing from personal experiences with swimming, podcasting, and step goals, Lou discusses the impact of breaking a streak and the difficulty of getting back on track. She explores practical strategies for creating and sustaining streaks, such as setting non-negotiables, establishing optimal targets, and using rewards.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Streaks can be powerful tools for achieving goals, but breaking them can make it difficult to get back on track. Establish streaks for habits like steps, workouts, bedtime routines, etc., to work towards fitness goals. Make streaks non-negotiable and have optimal targets to avoid an all-or-nothing approach. Identify and eliminate excuses and blockers to make it easier to stay on track. Setting deadlines and time blocking tasks can help maintain consistency and focus on achieving goals. BEST MOMENTS "We all know that nothing focuses the mind like the last minute, so just make sure you have set deadlines, whether that's a daily deadline, a time or maybe it's within the week you need to have done a certain task by." "I'm a firm believer that, yes, you can have it all, but you really can't do it all at once. So you've really got to lean into what you want to focus on at the moment." "Just remind yourself why you started. Why did you start the diet? Why did you start exercising? Why did you start going to the gym? Why did you start running? Why did you blah blah blah? You get the picture. Just remind yourself why you started." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou chat to Olivia King, a former professional athlete in swimming and rowing, as the guest. Olivia shares her journey from starting competitive swimming at a young age to transitioning to rowing and making the Canadian national team. She discusses her intense training regimen, including swimming 10k in a pool after a planned open water swim got canceled. Olivia provides insights into her training techniques, such as focusing on breathing, stroke rates, and using paddles for resistance training. Their conversation delves into the mental aspect of swimming, including thoughts during long swims and the importance of goal setting. KEY TAKEAWAYS Olivia found a balance between school and swimming by transitioning to a public high school to experience a more normal high school life while still focusing on swimming and maintaining good grades. Olivia emphasized the importance of race simulation in training, where she practiced her longest swim two weeks before the event to prepare for the actual race conditions and challenges. Olivia highlighted the significance of breathing technique in swimming, emphasizing the importance of breathing to the opposite side to maintain balance and efficiency in the water. Olivia discussed the use of paddles as a form of resistance training in swimming to improve arm strength and stroke efficiency, providing a way to enhance performance and technique. Olivia shared insights into her mental approach during swimming, mentioning how she engages in self-reflection, technique correction, and even sings songs in her head to stay focused and motivated during long swims. BEST MOMENTS "I was taken to a pool, had to try out. So like little eight year old Olivia with the cap and goggles on got into lane eight and this coach watched me swim up and down the pool." "I think that elite level of sport at such a young age was, it definitely had its benefits." "I was so against waterproof headphones, only because I think the beauty of sport in general, and I think the beauty of individual sports, especially like being able to go for a run, or go for a swim, or even just go for a hike." "I always teach the little kids this is you know when you go to blow into a tissue yeah blow your nose that's you breathe out under the water yeah so that when you go to turn your head to breathe all you have everything's out of you all you got to do is suck in." "Swimming really has been like the OG of Restricted breathing and working on your VO2 and your cardio that way." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
Today, Lou dives into another Q&A session, addressing various questions from clients and Instagram followers. The episode covers topics such as the challenges of losing belly fat, strategies for staying motivated to exercise in cold weather, tips for improving mind-to-muscle connection during workouts, and the importance of habits in achieving fitness goals. Lou provides practical advice on managing calorie deficits, optimizing workout performance, and balancing weight loss goals with maintaining muscle mass.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Losing belly fat is not achieved through spot reduction, but rather through a calorie deficit and overall fat loss. Mind-to-muscle activation can enhance muscle engagement during workouts, leading to better results. Building habits and discipline are crucial for achieving fitness goals, especially when working from home. Walking and increasing movement throughout the day can help reach step goals even when working remotely. Balancing heavier weights with proper form and range of motion is essential for muscle growth and injury prevention during workouts. BEST MOMENTS "You cannot spot reduce fat. So wherever you likely want to remove fat from you generally can't straight away like you can't remove it from that area by trying to work out that area." "The fact that you're not hungry is amazing and it's down to the fact that you are fueling your body extremely well with whole foods, protein, vegetables." "Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of doing the thing that makes the change." "You can easily rack up 7,000 steps just from doing three 20-30 minute walks a day easily." "If you do go for a full range of motion you have potential for an injury if your form is not correct." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In today's episode, Lou speaks to Heather Masterson, a performance nutritionist who shares her insights on nutrition for athletes, particularly focusing on the importance of fueling correctly for training and performance. Heather discusses her journey into nutrition, emphasizing the significance of understanding individual nutrition needs and developing personalized strategies. Lou and Heather consider topics such as carb loading, training the gut, and considerations for female athletes, including managing nutrition around the menstrual cycle.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting training, recovery, and overall performance in athletes. It is essential to develop personalized nutrition strategies based on individual needs, goals, and training demands rather than following generic guidelines. Carbohydrate loading before endurance events like marathons can help maximize energy stores and improve performance. It involves increasing carbohydrate intake in the days leading up to the event. Gradually introducing fueling strategies during training sessions can help train the gut to tolerate and utilize carbohydrates effectively, especially during long runs or races. Understanding the impact of the menstrual cycle on training and performance can help female athletes manage symptoms and optimize nutrition and training strategies accordingly. BEST MOMENTS "Sydney is just so busy with running and sport. Everybody's doing something every day. You are included in that. You do not sit down." "When we're training, any kind of training that's moderate to higher intensity, carbohydrates will be our main fuel source. And we're pulling on carbohydrates that are stored, say, in our muscles and our liver when we're going over that hour, 90 minute mark." "How good is your energy? Is your performance improving? Is your sleep improving? Are you picking up niggles, aches, pains? Are you constantly thinking about food, training?"   VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
The latest episode of The Exercise Engineer podcast features a Q&A session where the host answers various questions from listeners and clients. The episode begins with a reflection on personal growth over the past year, highlighting achievements and areas for improvement. Lou delves into topics such as preventing burnout, the benefits of commitment, and tips for beginner runners. Practical advice is shared on topics like pacing, building endurance, and proper nutrition for fitness goals. Listeners are encouraged to set goals, push past mental barriers, and focus on sustainable progress. The episode wraps up with a call to action for listeners to share the podcast with others and stay tuned for future episodes. KEY TAKEAWAYS Q&A sessions are beneficial for reflecting on personal growth and achievements over time. Commitment to long-term goals is essential for success and sustainability in any endeavour. Proper rest, nutrition, and recovery are crucial for preventing burnout and achieving fitness goals. Building pace as a beginner runner involves starting slower, practising different paces, and ignoring the brain's urge to stop. Consistent practice and pushing past mental barriers are key to building resilience and improving performance in running. BEST MOMENTS "I just think this one is, it's an interesting one to ask yourself on a, I think a regular basis this should be asked, but"  "I'm proud that I can personally help people and change people's lives for the better."  "Yes, you can eat over your calorie goal every day and still lose fat."  "So really important that we know these different paces but as a beginner runner you don't need to know this."  "I say a lot of the time, like when your body tells you, when your brain is telling you to stop, you're only at 40%."  VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou shares her insights on growing social media and creating engaging content. She discusses her journey from being an engineer to a fitness coach, and how she has grown her social media following to over 21,500 followers. Lou emphasizes the importance of consistency, value, and variety in content creation, sharing practical tips for coaches and individuals looking to improve their social media presence. She also looks at the significance of filming everyday activities to create quick and engaging content, utilizing different styles and formats to keep the audience interested.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Consistency is key in content creation, even if the results are not immediate. Film everything you do to have a variety of content to work with. Utilize different styles of content creation, such as point of view reels, trending audios, face-to-camera, voiceovers, and client reviews. Repurpose content by creating different variations of the same idea in various styles. Use simple editing tools like CapCut to quickly and easily create engaging content from everyday activities. BEST MOMENTS "I think a lot of people are in my position where this is their full-time job as well. And social media is a full-time job." "So do the stuff that you do every day. And then just film it all. Having little short bursts of clips of your whole life makes it so easy to put it into a full day's worth." "The more different reels, the more different points of view, the different angles of you running that you can get, the better." "I think that's a really solid bit of advice. Because again, the other day we were flying and I was like, I need a piece of content. I need to make something now." "It's one of those things where that happens. Now, where it comes to like how do you action that yourself what you said with the pillars perfect." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou covers a range of topics, from struggling with hitting protein goals for breakfast to tips on not overthinking before a long run. She also addresses the use of creatine in a fat loss phase, the impact of menopause on fitness and health, and the common feeling of guilt when missing a workout. With practical advice and personal insights, the host encourages listeners to prioritize their health and well-being while navigating challenges in their fitness journey.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Focus on what you can do during busy weeks, prioritize self-care, and avoid feeling guilty for missing workouts. Monitor symptoms, consider protein intake before bed, engage in short burst workouts, and prioritize self-care with a "golden hour." Creatine can be beneficial for performance and muscle growth, even during a fat loss phase, but may lead to temporary water weight gain. Shift focus from guilt to understanding the reasons behind missed workouts and prioritize overall health and well-being. Emphasize protein intake, consider post-dinner walks, and practice strict fasting between meals for better digestion and glucose management. BEST MOMENTS "Struggling with hitting protein goals for breakfast. I have oats and berries but hate the idea of adding protein powder to them. Any tips here?" "Any tips on not overthinking and getting in your own head before going for a long run? It's making me hate the run." "Do diet breaks slash cheat meals help avoid the plateau when we diet?" "How to balance work life and exercise without feeling guilty?" "I'm in a fat loss phase. Is creatine useless in this sort of area?" VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In today's episode, Lou cats to world record holder and entrepreneur, Sophie Bennett. Sophie shares insights into her journey of achieving world records, including completing a 100-kilometer ski erg challenge. She delves into the concept of building resilience through incremental progress and the importance of setting achievable goals. Sophie also emphasizes the significance of surrounding oneself with individuals pursuing similar challenges to stay motivated and overcome mental barriers.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Embrace discomfort as a means to push your limits and achieve your goals. Break down challenges into smaller, manageable tasks to build up resilience over time. Being around people who are working towards similar goals can provide motivation and inspiration. Plan ahead and set up systems to make it easier to take the first step towards your goals. Begin with small steps, such as running for 10 minutes or setting achievable daily goals, to build momentum towards larger accomplishments. BEST MOMENTS "If I know I can do 5K on the ski erg, then I know I can do 10, because once you've done five, you've only got five to go. And if you know you can do 10, then you know you can do 20, because you've only got 10 to go." "Doing something hard isn't doing something that is out there and obscene and new and extraordinary and all these things. Doing something hard is doing something you've never done before." "Just because I do hard things doesn't mean I have to do every hard thing."  "For me, for business, getting started was the fear of having a 9-to-5. The fear of four weeks annual leave gives me the heebie-jeebies. Honestly, I just can't. I have so much to do. I can't fit that into four weeks! There's so much of the world to see." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
Today, Lou explores the possibility of using ChatGPT to generate a training and meal plan for her next marathon. She examines the details of the plans being generated, analyzing the training schedule, meal plans, and the rationale behind them. Lou considers the adequacy of the plans, highlighting the emphasis on whole foods, macronutrient balance, meal timing, and the importance of recovery strategies. KEY TAKEAWAYS  The meal plan provided by ChatGPT focused on whole foods, emphasizing balance, variety, and enjoyment, while excluding processed foods and sweet treats. The meal plan lacked sufficient protein intake, highlighting the importance of adequate protein for muscle repair and maintenance, especially during a calorie deficit. ChatGPT emphasized key training principles such as periodization, specificity, and recovery strategies to prevent overtraining and injury. The meal plan highlighted the significance of macronutrient balance, including carbohydrates for energy, protein for muscle repair, and fats for hormone production and overall health. ChatGPT recommended supplements like multivitamins and protein powder, along with optimal meal timing for pre- and post-workout nutrition to support recovery and performance. BEST MOMENTS "It's important to listen to your body, monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the plans align with your individual needs and goals." "A calorie is a calorie and in order to lose fat we need to be in a calorie deficit. However, if you eat crap you're gonna feel crap." "I'm so impressed that it hasn't given me a chocolate bar to eat in my meal plan but obviously it hasn't, that's just stupid." "It's really interesting how much emphasis it put on recovery and prioritising rest, sleep, recovery strategies to prevent overtraining and injury." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou hosts a Q&A where she discusses various topics related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle during special occasions such as birthdays, holidays, and race taper weeks. She shared tips on how to navigate celebrations without feeling overwhelmed, including focusing on high-protein foods, making conscious decisions, and enjoying indulgences in moderation. Additionally, Lou gives advice on handling hangovers and staying on track with fitness goals during festive periods.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Focus on high protein foods and nutritious options 80% of the time, allowing for indulgences 20% of the time. Choose treats you truly enjoy, savor them, and don't feel pressured to overindulge just because it's a special occasion. Stick to your usual routine as much as possible, even during celebrations, to ensure consistency and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Incorporate movement and exercise into your celebrations, whether it's dancing, challenges, or specific activities like a winery run. Implement strategies like hydration, choosing drinks wisely, and pretending nothing happened to navigate hangovers effectively. BEST MOMENTS "The better you can make yourself feel, the more likely you are to do things that are going to also make you feel even better." "You don't need to feel full all the time, believe it or not." "It's your birthday. It's OK to not be so drunk that you can't see." "Pretend nothing happened and settle into your day exactly the same as you usually would." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this Q&A episode, Lou delves into common struggles faced by clients, including post-holiday blues, comparison to others, and celebrating wins. She shares insights on topics like starting morning workouts, healthy snack ideas, and the debate between fasted and fueled workouts. Lou gives practical advice on gradually waking up earlier, preparing for morning workouts, and finding intrinsic motivation.  KEY TAKEAWAYS It's important to get back into routine as quickly as possible after a break, such as a holiday, to maintain progress towards fitness goals. Recognize and celebrate even the smallest achievements along the way to keep motivation high and make the journey more enjoyable. Moving from planning to taking action is crucial for progress. Avoid getting stuck in the planning phase and start implementing your goals. Understand how exercise makes you feel better and set yourself up for a great day, making it a non-negotiable part of your routine. Whether it's working out fasted or fueled, waking up earlier, or finding a workout routine, prioritize what works best for you and your lifestyle to ensure sustainability. BEST MOMENTS "Comparison really is the thief of joy. It really is. Like stop comparing yourself and just remember that people only post or people only talk about the highlights of their life." "Celebrating and appreciating the little things will make the journey and the process so much more enjoyable." "Just take action, start, do something, drop yourself in the deep end and just take the leap." "Fasted cardio uses energy from your fat stores. This is incorrect." "It's dedication to your body and your health. Telling yourself when you're going to work out, not if you're going to work out." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
Reset Your Goals

Reset Your Goals


In this Q&A episode, Lou welcomes new participants to the six-week challenge while also addressing returning challengers and listeners. The focus of the episode is on starting or resetting goals, whether it be related to fat loss, running training, strength training, or conditioning. Lou delves into the importance of self-reflection, setting non-negotiable goals, and planning for potential obstacles. She shares practical tips on how to spread out protein intake throughout the day and how to become a morning person for workouts. The episode concludes with FAQs covering topics like tracking progress, setting daily goals, and strategies for hitting protein targets.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Focus on self-reflection when starting or resetting a new goal or challenge. Set non-negotiable daily and weekly goals to stay on track. Avoid an all-or-nothing mindset and have bare minimum goals as a buffer. Implement time blocking to prioritize tasks and activities. Spread out protein intake throughout the day and make easy swaps to increase protein consumption. BEST MOMENTS "Motivation comes and goes but what you need is discipline." "If you are starting from pretty much nothing in terms of movement in the day, any small improvement will make a huge difference." "I am not a morning person at all, and you will be shocked by how lacking my morningness is." "Focus on the stuff that you already know how to do that you might make with quite easy effort."   VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
It's quiz time! Today, Lou is bringing you a fun and interactive episode: a quiz designed to test your knowledge on key concepts related to fat loss. Lou covers topics such as calorie deficit, macronutrients, exercise thermogenesis, and the importance of accountability in achieving fat loss goals.  Listeners are encouraged to participate and submit their scores for a chance to win a free place in Lou's upcoming six-week challenge.  KEY TAKEAWAYS The law of thermodynamics states that in order to lose weight, one must be in a calorie deficit. Building muscle through strength training is crucial, especially for women approaching menopause to maintain bone density. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) plays a significant role in daily caloric burn and can be increased through simple movements like walking or fidgeting. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are the three main macronutrients essential for the body, with protein being the most satiating. Accountability is a key factor in achieving fat loss goals, whether through a coach, community, buddy, or tracking system. BEST MOMENTS "The law of thermodynamics means that calories in should equal calories out in order to just maintain weight." "Body recomposition - If you want to build a bit of muscle and lose a bit of fat all at the same time, you can sort of sit around maintenance calories and that will help you build muscle and lose fat at the same time." "You've got your BMR, your TEF, your NEAT, and your EAT. So BMR is your basal metabolic rate. You've got your TEF, which is your Thermic Effect of Feeding. You've got NEAT, which is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. And you've got EAT, which is your Exercise Activity Thermogenesis." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou interviews Shane Byrne, a strongman athlete from Australia. Shane shares his journey from playing rugby to transitioning into the world of strongman competitions. He discusses the importance of individualized training, periodization, and skill acquisition in strength training. Shane emphasizes the value of sustainable training and the need for clients to understand the reasoning behind their workout programs. The episode delves into the concept of periodization, breaking down the training phases from GPP to peaking or power phases.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Understanding and implementing periodization in training programs is crucial for achieving long-term goals and sustainable progress. Emphasizing the importance of training hard but smart, focusing on pushing limits while also considering factors like recovery, nutrition, and mental resilience. Breaking down movements into segments and progressing gradually to acquire new skills, such as muscle ups or handstands, in a structured manner. Encouraging clients to find enjoyment in their training, focusing on what fills their cup and keeps them motivated throughout their fitness journey. Promoting client education, encouraging questions, and fostering curiosity to empower individuals to take ownership of their training and understand the why behind their workouts. BEST MOMENTS "I think the art of training hard has been lost over the last while with all the social media influencers putting out videos of this is how you do this, that and the other." "Drip feed them information. make them curious, make them ask questions, and it might even drive them into actually doing their own little bit of research themselves, you know?" "If you break down the actual sport of strongman to its fundamental movements, it's probably one of the most functional ways to train somebody." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou interviews Olivia Bell MacDonald, a nutritionist who helps women break free from yo-yo dieting. Olivia emphasizes the importance of habit development, behavior change, self-compassion, and life after the diet in her coaching approach. She focuses on educating women to understand their nutritional needs and improve their relationship with food and body image. Olivia discourages labeling foods as "good" or "bad" and promotes mindful eating practices. She shares insights on why she does not recommend the keto diet unless for medical reasons and advocates for a balanced and inclusive approach to food choices.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Mindful eating is essential for enjoying food, managing portion sizes, and reducing snacking. It involves being present with your food, eating distraction-free, and focusing on physical cues. Avoid labeling foods as "good" or "bad" and instead practice food neutrality. All foods can have a place in your diet without guilt or restriction. Self-compassion and acceptance are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship with food and body image. Being kind to yourself and accepting imperfections can lead to better long-term results. Avoid using the term "cheat meals" as it promotes negative associations with food. Instead, focus on including all foods in moderation and enjoying them mindfully. Keto diet may be suitable for medical reasons like epilepsy but is not recommended for general weight loss or health goals. Emphasize a balanced approach to eating that includes a variety of foods. BEST MOMENTS "I'm a big advocate that all food can hold a place in your diet. There is no one good food and there is no one bad food." "I always say that a good coach, you should only have to have a good coach for X number of weeks, number of months." "Food is for most of us, how we build connections with other people, how we show love, how we receive love." "Most people demonize social events because they think that's what's ruining their progress. But very often it's someone's response to those occasions, which is where self-compassion and acceptance comes in." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou provides a detailed insight into her rigorous training schedule and upcoming challenges. She discusses her preparation for the Gold Coast Marathon in July, aiming for a personal best time. Lou also shares her training regimen for High Rocks and Turf Games in August and September, highlighting the importance of strength and conditioning. Additionally, she delves into her unexpected pursuit of a world record in tire flipping and the potential implications for her visa status. KEY TAKEAWAYS Balancing multiple goals and priorities, such as training for a marathon, setting a world record, and participating in events like High Rocks and Turf Games, requires careful planning and dedication. Making small changes, like adjusting a coffee order to reduce calorie intake, can have a significant impact on achieving weight loss goals without compromising training performance. Prioritizing performance goals over aesthetic goals is crucial for long-term success and overall well-being, emphasizing the importance of fueling properly and focusing on strength and fitness gains. Building up training intensity gradually and incorporating rest days are essential strategies to prevent burnout and injury while pursuing ambitious fitness goals. Sharing personal fitness journey and goals with others can inspire and motivate, highlighting the importance of community support and encouragement in achieving success. BEST MOMENTS "Practice makes perfect." "Sleep, eat, train, repeat. That is literally my life at the moment and I am loving every minute of it." "Being strong instead of skinny is the right way around, not necessarily the right way around, but it's going to be so much healthier for them in the future instead of just trying to be making ourselves the smallest possible versions of ourselves." "I'm actually quite good at the tyre flip now. Dare I say, I'm going to be a world record holder of the tyre flip. How hilarious is that?" VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
In this episode, Lou takes a candid look at her current state of mind. She shares her struggles with maintaining routine, upholding productivity, and straying from self-sabotage. Lou also explains the concept of the "be-do-have" mindset, emphasizing the importance of being the person you want to become, rather than waiting for external factors to align.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Lou reflects on the importance of maintaining a routine and setting non-negotiables in daily life to enhance productivity and overall well-being. She considers the concept of being the person you want to become first, rather than waiting to have everything in place before taking action. Lou evaluates the balance between striving for physical goals and maintaining a healthy relationship with food and fitness.  She encourages listeners to embrace their current challenges and uncertainties, reassuring them that it's okay to feel lost or overwhelmed at times, and to focus on doing their best in each moment. BEST MOMENTS "I've always got solutions to everything. I'm naturally an engineer. I'm a qualified engineer. So like my natural thing to do is come up to solutions with stuff." "I do think sleep, I badger on all my clients for it and online and I am just such a hypocrite for not getting enough sleep." "I think it's my... I think I'm rebelling to be honest. I think I'm rebelling from the structure and I don't know what to do about it to be honest." "I heard a quote this week and it really hit me. It hit me quite hard, actually." "Next week I promise to be a lot more uplifted and motivational and come up with some solutions." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.
Today, Lou breaks down the crucial concept of 'input' versus 'output' in the realm of health and fitness. Lou emphasizes the importance of prioritizing nutrition, sleep, strength training, and cardio over supplements and extra gadgets. Offering practical advice, Lou encourages listeners to improve their "bad days" rather than obsessing over minor enhancements to their "good days", as she guides them to achieve their goals.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Prioritize nutrition, sleep, strength training, and cardio before delving into supplements and extra activities. Make bad days less bad by staying consistent with your goals and routines. Tailor your nutrition to your specific goal, whether it's fat loss, muscle building, or body recomposition. Incorporate both into your routine for overall health and fitness benefits. Pay attention to your daily activity levels and ensure you're getting enough quality sleep to support your goals. BEST MOMENTS "Focus on improving your bad days instead of trying to improve your good days by 1%." "I just want you to really realise that the main focus here is nutrition and sleep." "I think it all comes down to how much time you actually have." VALUABLE RESOURCES HOST BIO Lou's personal journey with body confidence and food struggles began at the age of 15, where overeating and guilt around food consumed her. But everything changed during the lockdown in March 2020. Determined to regain control, Lou immersed herself in research, found joy in working out in her garden, and started tracking her nutrition and steps. Surprisingly, she lost a stone in less than three months and discovered a newfound love for fitness. Fueling her passion, Lou pursued personal training qualifications and launched her Instagram page in September 2020. After months of building a solid foundation, branding, and gaining relevant expertise, she started helping others achieve what once felt impossible—losing fat, feeling empowered, and loving the journey without restrictions. With numerous success stories, digital products, and a thriving membership program called Train with Lou, Lou now coaches, teaches, and learns about food, exercise, and mindset.