The Extra! Podcast with Neal Larson

<p>The Extra! Podcast interviews individuals who have unique and remarkable stories to tell. Host Neal Larson -- a news radio personality by trade -- ventures beyond the news cycle to bring you their stories.</p>

S1E6 - Rod Hutchins - "Iron Man Pt.2"

Rod Hutchins made it to the Iron Man course in Kona, Hawaii, once. And he's going back. Neal talks with Rod about his effort to return in the second part of a two-part interview.


S1E5 - Rod Hutchins - "Iron Man Pt.1"

Rod Hutchins was lying in his hospital bed, paralyzed from Guillain-Barre syndrome. He made a commitment then and there to complete the Iron Man course in Kona, Hawaii. After a 23-year effort, he finally did it. Neal talks with Rod about achieving seemingly impossible goals, and Rod's personal journey to Kona.


S1E4 - Melissa Schrade - "Madison"

In September 2022, Melissa Schrade entered her home and found her teenage daughter's lifeless body. Madison had taken her own life, after struggling emotionally for years in a number of ways, including the challenges of being transgender. Neal talks with the Melissa about the pain felt by her and the entire family, what she's learned, and what we all can learn from such a tragedy.


S1E3 - Stephanie Taylor-Thompson - "Pardoned"

Stephanie Taylor had committed a myriad of crimes and was destined to spend her life in prison for the foreseeable future. Until something dramatically changed for her. Neal talks with her about her release, pardons by two state governors, and a new life of advocating for those departing the correction system.


S1E2 - Jorge Mena - "Finding Freedom"

Jorge Mena grew up in Cuba in the 1960's. His parents were whisked away to work camps by Fidel Castro's regime. At the age of eight, Jorge raised his four-year-old brother. Eventually the Mena family made their way to the United States and found freedom and prosperity.


S1E1 - Jeff and Joyce Underwood - "Jeralee"

In June 1993, 11-year-old Jeralee Underwood was abducted, assaulted, and murdered by James Wood. Her parents, Jeff and Joyce, discuss their journey over the last 30 years.


S1 - Introduction

Podcast host Neal Larson introduces you to the Extra! Podcast's inaugural season's theme, and provides a preview of the episodes.


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