The Family Disciple Me Podcast // Discipleship Starts With a Conversation

<p>In a world filled with a lot of talk, we want to have meaningful, biblical conversations with those God has entrusted to us. Join Tosha Williams and the Family Disciple Me ministry for Devotion Driven Discipleship conversation starters that will encourage you to "Seek Him Speak Him" in your own life. <br><br>Family Disciple Me is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Christian ministry dedicated to catalyzing Devotion Driven Discipleship in our own lives and homes as well as around the world. <br><br>For more information, visit</p>

May You Pray for God's Power To Be Displayed! Convo #5 in the "May You Pray" Series

Where in your life do you need a miracle? Or, where in the life of someone you love is a miracle needed? As we conclude our annual "May You Pray" prayer campaign, let's talk to God and with each other about this very thing!In the beautiful prayer of Ephesians 1, Paul prayed for his friends: “(I pray…) his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead...” Ephesians 1:19-20a (NIV)Of course, we expe...


May You Pray for Hope Along the Way! Convo #4 in our annual "May You Pray" series

Need a little hope? We all do along life's way. What's more, people entrusted to us need hope, as well! So, as we continue our "May You Pray" prayer campaign, the next thing we want to pray for is hope!!! In this episode, let's talk about: "May You Pray for Hope Along the Way" as we consider the theme verse: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people” Eph...


May You Pray to Know Jesus Better Today! Convo #3 in our annual "May You Pray" series!

What do YOU keep asking God for? I'll admit, there are a few things I keep asking Him for in my life. However, there was one really special thing that the Apostle Paul kept asking God for when he prayed for his friends. He said: "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (Ephesians 1:17 NIV)If we follow Paul's amazing example, we will keep asking God for this, too! We can ask Go...


May You Pray for People Each Day! Convo #2 in our Annual "May You Pray" Conversation Series

What great things are happening in someone else's life because YOU are praying for them? The Bible says, “Pray for each other. Do this so that God can heal you. Anyone who lives the way God wants can pray, and great things will happen” (James 5:16 ERV).So... what great things are happening because YOU pray? This is a compelling question for all of us to consider, as we continue in our "May You Pray" series. Thing is, when someone matters to us, we should pray for them! In this podcast e...


May You Pray and Start with Praise! // Conversation #1 from our Annual May You Pray Series

Before we start with prayer, God wants us to begin with praise! Before we ask for blessings, He wants us to bless Him!What does this look like? How does this affect our lives and hearts? Join me in this podcast episode as I launch this year's "May You Pray" campaign! We're going to talk about an amazing prayer from Ephesians chapter one, as well as the praises of Psalm 145 and 100. The coordinating Devotion Driven Discipleship guide can be found at: May You Pray and Start with Prai...


My Newborn Kitten Story // A Parable about How God Desires Us to Lead and Serve

When I was put in charge of keeping an eye on our cat in labor, I didn't know that God was placing me into the midst of what would be a life-saving moment. Yet, there I was, with an ice-cold, unmoving newborn kitten that had fallen away and out of reach from its mother. I scooped the baby up and prayed that God would help me save its life.In this episode, I tell my story about my kitten rescue. However, as important as our little baby kitten is, the truth from this situation transcends what h...


Borrowed Time // What's Your Why? A Call to Live Your Life and Use Your Moments Well for Jesus

Seven years back, I (Tosha Williams) experienced a near death accident. I teetered on the brink of eternity, an ordeal that ultimately transformed how I embrace each day. Join me as I recount the moment when I stared death in the face and the miraculous journey when God brought me back to the land of the living. Through my story, I hope you'll examine the fragile thread of your own life and let God's strong purpose fill your days. You may have never had a near death experience like me, but th...


Why Are You Such a Fool??? // A Question to Consider on April Fools' Day!

Have you ever embraced a label that the world might see as foolish? Join me, as I candidly discuss the notion of what 1 Corinthians 4:10 calls being "a fool for Christ." This may raise eyebrows, but it fuels my (Tosha Williams) unwavering dedication to ministry, both in the local church and in Family Disciple Me. Though I am publishing this episode on April Foods Day, it isn't about jest; it's about what motivates us in our faith journey. I pull back the curtain on my life, where being a...


The Meaning of the Name "Family Disciple Me" // A Challenge, an Identity and a Calling

How does the name "Family Disciple Me" encapsulate our ministry's vision, mission, and journey? That's the story I, Tosha Williams, am excited to share with you in this episode, as we talk about the profound meaning behind this ministry.From its conception as 'Mommy Disciple Me' into a ministry that embraces and equips the wider family of God, the name "Family Disciple Me" both identifies and challenges those of us who embrace it's mission.I'll take you back to the pivotal moment in 2017, whe...


The True Story of St. Patrick // A Legacy of Real Faith in Jesus

Do you know the true story of St. Patrick? Beyond the festive trappings of March's familiar revelry, the real St. Patrick lived a life that was absolutely transformed by Jesus.In this episode, as we commemorate the first anniversary of our podcast, we delve into Patrick's early life in Britain, his trials during captivity in Ireland, and the profound faith that guided him through his darkest moments. Patrick's escape and subsequent return to the land of his enslavement reveal a narrative not ...


Encourage, Empower and Equip // Embracing the Call to Discipleship // Lessons from Thessalonians

Join me, Tosha Williams, as we unearth an epiphany from my personal devotion in the letters to the Thessalonians—words that resonate deeply with the core mission of Family Disciple Me. The Scripture from 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 that captivated me speaks volumes about discipleship and our role as Christ followers. This episode is an invitation for every believer to embrace the Great Commission as their own, echoing Jesus' call to His early followers. In this episode, I highlight the pow...


Thirsty and Thorough Christ Followers // A Vanguard Church Message as I Began My Jubilee

On the weekend that marked the beginning of my jubilee with Jesus, I was privileged to stand before the congregation at Vanguard Church and share a message. The given passage for the weekend - 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 - was a very significant one for me, as I reflected on my life and the call Jesus has on all of us to be His disciples.In this message, I got to share my own personal testament of a life transformed by faith and issued a clarion call to others to do the same. I recounted the ...


Celebrating a Milestone: Pastor Kelly Williams' Journey of Reading the Bible 100 Times

Imagine setting a goal as a young adult and seeing it through a hundredfold, decades later. This is the story of my husband, Pastor Kelly Williams, who joins me in my cozy "cloffice" to share his extraordinary journey of reading through the Bible 100x. This commitment forged in his college years is a tale of unwavering dedication and the profound impact that this spiritual discipline can have on a life. Our brief conversation in this episode not only celebrates his incredible milestone but al...


Celebrating Year of Jubilee: Nurturing Faith in Children // Grateful for Those Who Invested in Me

As I continue marking 49 years of walking with Christ since childhood, I (Tosha Williams) want us to take a few moments to explore the enduring influence of early spiritual guidance. As the founder of Family Disciple Me, I believe it is so important to nourish faith in the young, and I look at my own experience as a testament to the power of introducing Jesus to children. This episode is not just a look back at my spiritual journey; it is a call to action, challenging each of us to cons...


Wading into Faith: A Journey of "Zero-Entry Devotion and Discipleship" // An Introduction

I (Tosha Williams) never anticipated that watching my future daughter-in-law, Kasey, dip her toes into the ocean for the first time would reveal a spiritual epiphany. But the waves of insight came crashing in, and I'm eager to share with you a journey that starts with what I've come to call "zero-entry devotion and discipleship." In this episode, I share story that revealed to me a powerful lesson about easing into the vast sea of faith, step by gentle step. Together, we'll navigate the delic...


Embracing a Year of Jubilee: A Path to Freedom from Fear

As I reflect on half a century of faith and fellowship, I, Tosha Williams, find myself embarking on an extraordinary year of Jubilee, a time to declare freedom and cast off the chains of fear that bind us. This episode is not just a celebration but a personal invitation to you, the listener, to journey with me towards liberation, inspired by the ancient words of Leviticus and the transformative power of Isaiah's prophecy.In the intimate space of this podcast, I share a profound shift in under...


The Year of the Lord's Favor // Join the Jubilee with Me as I Celebrate My 50th Year with Jesus!

Today marks the beginning of my personal year of Jubilee. This is a biblical celebration, the completion of 7 cycles of 7 years (see Leviticus 25:8). I gave my life to Christ as a little four year old girl, and yesterday, I marked my personal 49th spiritual birthday. The first day after completing the 49th year is the beginning of the Year of Jubilee - - - the Year of the Lord's Favor. I (Tosha) am leaning into this, learning its significance, and proclaiming its truth, for my life and for th...


Remember November! // Remember Your Leaders! // Thanking God for my Pastor Husband Leader in My Life! // Hebrews 13:7

As we round the corner into the holidays, one last podcast to celebrate "Remember November." The Bible says: "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith" (Hebrews 13:7). In this episode, I (Tosha) share how my husband's spiritual journey and example in reading the Bible has impacted my life so very much. His is a pretty amazing story, and I'm so thankful - as we "Remember November" - to have watched it up cl...


Remember November! // Remember God and His Word // Sleeping without a Rx // Psalm 63:6

We live in a world where sleepnessness is epidemic, and the pharmaceutical world offers all sorts of sleep aids. However, what if there's a better way, a more biblical way? I (Tosha) have personally experienced that remembering God's Word is helpful in my days as well as in my nghts.The Bible says, "As I lie on my bed I remember you. I think of you all night long" (Psalm 63"6 NIRV). So here's a radical suggestion - - - what if we train our minds to concentrate on the Lord and His Word w...


Remember November! // Remembering YOUR Generosity! // Thank You and God Bless You! //2 Corinthians 9:6-12

As we walk through "Remember November," the Family Disciple Me Board and Team is remembering with gratitude those who have faithfully given financially to the FDM ministry this year. If you are one of those people, THANK YOU! Our prayer is that you will be blessed beyond measure, in accordance with your giving and sacrifice. We base this prayer on the promise of 2 Corinthians 9:6-12, which says: "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows gener...


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