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The Femme Fatale Podcast

Author: Lauren

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Hello and welcome to the Femme Fatale Podcast. My name is Lauren Kuiper and I am here to guide you on a journey of self love and empowerment, to dive deeper into being present with who you truly are and to create your dream life. Join me as I explore topics that build connection and growth in our personal lives as well as discuss important current events and all things psychology. Everyone of us can step into our, "Femme Fatale" energy and curate the life of our dreams. Remember, everything of which you desire, can already be found within. Support this podcast:
14 Episodes
In today's episode, we celebrate surpassing 25,000 listeners and reflect on the podcast's journey from a personal outlet to a thriving community of like-minded individuals. We delve into the importance of authenticity, discussing how living truly and authentically attracts the right people into our lives. The conversation explores self-worth, emphasizing the dangers of seeking validation from others and the necessity of setting personal boundaries. We examine the link between people-pleasing and poor boundaries, especially for those from chaotic childhoods, and the impact of these patterns on adult relationships. We highlight the importance of self-awareness and maintaining our authenticity, even when others cannot fully meet us where we are. The episode also addresses the need to accept help without feeling like a burden, fostering balanced and reciprocal relationships. We discuss the difference between unconditional love and the conditions necessary for healthy relationships, encouraging listeners to protect their well-being and step back from relationships that undermine their self-worth. Additionally, we touch on the value of learning from pain and resentment, advocating for limiting access to those who drain our energy. Finally, we reflect on life’s inherent lessons and the importance of gratitude for all experiences, whether positive or negative. The episode concludes with an invitation to follow the podcast on Instagram @femmefatale.podcast and a reminder to show up for ourselves, setting an example for others and fostering genuine, supportive connections. Thank you for tuning in and being part of this journey. --- Support this podcast:
Are you a Hot Girl with Seasonal Depression? Me too girl. That's why this week we are talking about how we can get out of the slump and despair that is seasonal affective disorder and enjoy the winter season. In this episode, I give you affordable, and realistic tips for surviving the season that have worked for me and many others! --- Support this podcast:
Have you ever found yourself feeling unmotivated? Do you find yourself feeling; tired, annoyed, stressed, and numb? You might be experiencing a rut. We have all expereinced lows in our lives that seem impossible to get out of. Trust me when I say, I have and had to pull myself out of it many times. Fortunately, I've learned a thing or two along the way and can help you regain your motivation and find your way out of your own rut. How to get out of a rut: 1. Acknowledge that you're in a rut 2. Journal - get introspective: What in my life might be causing this? 3. Create Lists - small action items, celebrate small wins often! 4. Get Inspired - you're the main character! 5. Be gentle with yourself! JOUNRAL PROMPT: In What Area(s) Of Your Life Do You Feel The Most Fufilled? --- Support this podcast:
Is Delulu really the Solulu? Pyschology would say...yes! There are many theories in psychology that back the reasoning behind why it can be good to be delusional. Being delusional doesn't necessarily mean living in denial, and can actually be used as a tool to help us accomplish everything that we dream of and desire. Ideally, we want to embody a version of ourselves who can see the challenges but hold a knowing that we can find the solutions and not feel intimidated by circumstances. We will reponed out of a new belief system in a mature and stable way: There are many psychological reasons that prove being delusional works: 1. Self fulfilling prophecy - We are likely to experience that which we believe to be true about ourselves, our circumstances, and others. 2. The reticular activating system - Our brains own, "filter", which allows us to focus on what it is that we assume to be true or present in our reality. 3. The Cognitive Triangle - Thoughts/beliefs affect Emotions/feelings which affect Actions/behaviors. Next time you find yourself facing an undesireable circumsatnce or a situation that the current version of you dosent believe they are able to fix or participate in, ask yourself what beliefs you need to change to be able to deal with this circumstance or participate in this disired expereince. Ask yourself, what is the version of you who already has this? What is the version of you who knows the solution? *THIS WEEKS JOURNAL PROMPT* What limiting beliefs are holding you back from reaching your potential? Love you all so, so much! Talk to you next week! --- Support this podcast:
Are you waiting for your life to happen? I've been there too. I've been in a place where I felt in a "waiting stage" after graduating college. I felt like I didn't have direction for my life anymore and I was constantly asking myself, "Now What?" This created a cycle of stress and depression. Now, I've come out on the other side and I am here to help you do the same! Feeling Directionless and in a "holding state" after a major life change, whatever that may be, is completely normal. We've been programed throughout most of our lives through school and work to be conditioned to work within a certain structure to achieve success. When we leave that structure, we can feel lost and identity-less. Its important to know that you don't need to have it all figured out now, you don't need to know what your next steps are. You don't need to be achieving everything now - even though its unfortunately pushed onto us in our 20s. Lets reframe this "lull' time in our lives by taking advantage of this time: 1. Celebrate your success and how far you've come! 2. Re-discover what you love! 3. Find your identity without the constraints of school, work, or other people. 4. Be selfish with your self love and self discovery. 5. Find Your Inspiration in life and in those who inspire you. 6. Take time to REST! This weeks journal prompts: 1. What would you do if money wasn't a factor? 2. Who would you be if no one was watching? 3. What are three hobbies that you want to try? 4. BONUS!!! Try making a vision board !!!! :) Thank you for listening! Follow this podcast @femmefatale.podcast on instagram, and my personal account @Lauren.kuiper --- Support this podcast:
Do you have trouble setting healthy boundaries in relationships? Me too, sis. This week we talk about boundaries, what they are, how they've been skewed in pop culture, how we can set our own healthy boundaries, and what to do if someone disrespects those boundaries. We discuss boundaries vs. controlling behavior as well as weaponized psychology, therapy-talk, and the drama with boundary man Jonah Hill and his ex-girlfriend Sarah Brady. Healthy Boundaries look like: - Setting boundaries in relation to yourself and your actions and not in a way to control others behavior - Using "I" statements to share how you feel - Stating boundaries early on and in a calm, clear, and respectful way - Preparing before hand - Allowing for the potential of flexibility and compromise, without compromising your own values and needs --- Support this podcast:
Hey Baddies, this week were discussing the psychology of Burn Out and Hustle Culture and how it effects us in our personal, professional, and daily lives. We dive deep into how as a capitalistic society, we've created a toxic culture surrounding being over worked, and how we can take preventative measures to avoid burn out through self care and mindset shifts. --- Support this podcast:
Hey Y'all! Join me as we talk about the psychology behind jealousy, envy, self-doubt and comparison, and how we can finally free ourselves from these toxic habits. It's important to remember that there is room for everyone to shine and that there really is no competition, when it has always been you vs. your mindset and who you were yesterday. --- Support this podcast:
Hi Barbie! Join me this episode as I teach you how to become THAT girl and build a routine to help you achieve the best version of you! We touch on career, finances, mindset, and personal life and how we can use habits to gain small wins, setting us up for a day full of success. --- Support this podcast:
Hi Lovelies! This episode we discuss Imposter syndrome and self sabotage in relationships and professional lives as well as how we can shift our mindset to make this distorted thinking work for us. --- Support this podcast:
This week we talk about the psychology behind motivation and building micro-habits and how we can use it to sustain our own motivation to accomplish our goals. We discuss instant gratification and the pressures put on young adults by society to have it all together by the time we are 30. --- Support this podcast:
Join me as we discus the importance of living a more present lifestyle and how we can better connect to ourselves and those around us! --- Support this podcast:
Join me as we discuss social media, societal pressures and ways that you can find your life purpose. --- Support this podcast:
Let’s discuss the ego, living authenticity, and self sabotage! :) --- Support this podcast: