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The Fetch Pupcast

The Fetch Pupcast

Author: Damion Vincent

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Welcome dog lovers! Join us for our regular podcasts as we talk about all things dog as well as our journey and adventures within the business. We'll talk about all kinds of topics including training tips, breed advice and the day to day antics of our lovable Fetch dogs and how they never cease to make us smile.
40 Episodes
Digging is a natural behaviour so we must start early in teaching our dogs, when and where to dig. We can enrich our dogs from the outset by putting into place areas and equipment that they can exhibit natural behaviours while staying safe and having fun. Stay tuned on how to save your garden whilst allowing natural behaviours to still occur.
Leash reactivity is an intense response to a trigger that some dogs have when they’re on leash. This type of barking and lunging at the presence of another dog, person, biker, or skateboarder is the most common kind of reactivity, but the behaviour can include other types of over-arousal, including spinning/tail-chasing or urination/defecation. Stay tuned to this episode for tips and advice on how to work with this particular training need.
Adopting a puppy is an exciting time for pet parents! If you have an older dog at home, you might be wondering how to introduce the new family member to them. Puppies don’t yet understand the ‘dog world’ as your older dog does. But, with some preparation, you can make the meeting a success.
Bringing home a new puppy is such an exciting moment,and one you’ll never forget. Although there’s a lot to learn,one thing you’ll want to get started with as soon as they step paws into your home is puppy toilet training. Follow these steps for puppy success!
We’ve teamed up in this episode with Kerry from Pixie Paws and Vicki from Pristine Pooches where we’ll be discussing what it’s like to spend our days walking,training and grooming pooches. Gain an insight into our businesses and what it takes to break into the industry of dog care.
Resource guarding is when a dog becomes defensive in order to keep you away from a particular item or “resource” that they treasure. The resource can be food, treats, toys, a place, like a bed or favourite chair, or occasionally even a person. Stay tuned to this episode for valuable tips on how to tackle this ‘natural’ behaviour.
Barking is natural for dogs, but sometimes barking can be a thing of excess, which can lead to frustrated owners, and sometimes neighbours. Generally, excessive or nuisance dog barking involves a dog repeatedly barking for prolonged periods of time that interfere with neighbors engaging being able to enjoy their own property. Everyone’s definition of what “excessive barking” is will look different but if you have a dog who is barking excessively there are things you can do to bring peace to your dog and quiet to your home.
Loud or unexpected noises like fireworks or thunderstorms can be frightening for many dogs.   For an owner, seeing your best friend distressed can be upsetting. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Nearly half of dog owners have noticed this type of reaction in response to loud noises.     The good news is there are several ways you can help your furball through it. We’ve outlined how to tell if fireworks are negatively impacting your dog, and what you can do about it.
So you’re thinking about adopting a second dog? Do you have a vision that both dogs will be best friends, play and run around the backyard together, then snuggle on the dog bed together at the end of the day? It's sometimes not as simple so stay tuned for tips and advice on how to create pack harmony.
At Fetch, we frequently get asked about welcoming a new rescue dog in your home. It may be your first time adopting a shelter dog, and we understand the anxieties, worries, and excitement that come with! Deciding to rehome a dog is a major commitment and we have compiled together a couple of checklists to help ease the rehoming process.
There's definitely a connection between dog behavior and human pregnancy. If you're pregnant and you've noticed some odd personality changes in your pet, and maybe even some undesirable behaviors, you're not alone. Human pregnancies really seem to affect some dogs. Find out why this happens and if will life ever return to normal.
Most dogs are born to bark, but some breeds are louder or quieter than others. The chances are good that as a dog owner, barking is a part of your life. Of course you love them, but let’s be honest, their barking can sometimes drive you bananas. Thankfully, there are a few ways to control it, so if you have a dog who barks excessively, you’ll want to tune in to this episode to find out more..woof!
Do you ever wonder what the heck dog trainers do all day? I’ve been asked many times how I keep my head on straight so I’m sharing the inside scoop about what a typical day is like in the life of a business owner on a mission..Woof!
Ticks can cause serious and potentially fatal diseases in dogs. Listen in to this episode to find out everything you need to know about ticks on dogs and how to keep your dog safe from natures little vampires during tick season.
What’s up with these reluctant pups? Why does the leash act like a stop sign? The truth is many puppies are frightened, either of the collar and leash or of the great outdoors. Listen in to learn more about why your puppy refuses to go on walks and how you can change their attitude.
There are a few different snakes found in the UK, but the European Adder is the only one that is venomous and that is a potential danger to your dog. Our quick fire advice covers the signs that your dog has been bitten by an adder and also what you do.
Walking is extremely beneficial for your dog, and for you! Most dogs are not born knowing the proper way to follow or heel while going on a walk. It is up to us to teach them this valuable skill which makes everyone happier and healthier in the long run! Listen in to learn how to teach a dog to heel. Patience and consistency is key!
Congratulations on making the exciting decision to bring a puppy or dog into your home. Whether your new addition will be your first dog or another in a long line of family pets and whether you’re looking for a new purebred puppy or an older rescue dog, we’re here in this episode to guide you along the process of picking the best dog for your individual personality and lifestyle.
Jumping up on people is a natural canine behavior. Dogs get to say hello face to face when they jump and even better, it’s guaranteed to get attention. However, from a human point of view, jumping to greet is annoying and dangerous. It’s more polite and far safer to teach your dog to greet people appropriately so tune in to this episode where we’ll discuss how to tame your little kangaroo!
How do you know if your dog has anxiety? What can you do to treat dog anxiety? We’re here to explain everything you need to know about dog anxiety — common causes, symptoms, and treatments. Additionally in this episode we’ll discuss top tips for anxiety prevention. This way, if your dog ever does suffer from anxiety — you’ll have all the knowledge you need as an owner to help.
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