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The Fifth Column

Author: Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch

Subscribed: 7,119Played: 326,497


Analysis, Commentary, Sedition. @wethefifth
460 Episodes
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit* HOF weekend * The Talented Ms. Jewhater* Notes from the RNC* The black Republicans who don’t care about ideology * The 33 person BBQ in North Milwaukee * Losing their religion * The Great Resignation * “She’s not Joe Biden on foreign policy, buy who is…”* Why they hate us * There’s no Kamala bump * More Project 2025 nonsense * The rise of the mentally ill pundit * To win, Dems…
#437 - Alive from the RNC!

#437 - Alive from the RNC!


Moynihan calls in from GOP Ground Zero in Milwaukee. Kmele threatens to dish about Silicon Valley support for Donald Trump. Welch only slurs as much as Reince Preibus. Topics include J.D. Vance’s political philosophy, Joe Biden’s deteriorating public appearances, and—as ever—Kmele’s mangled naughty bits. Who the hell knows when the Adderall shortage will kick in, but we’re squeezing the last drops out of Moynihan’s productivity before the vape-seizures finally do him in. Let’s gooooo!!!! This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit www.wethefifth.comA rebroadcast of our increasingly popular Second Sunday edition, during which you, the listener, get to interact with the Fifth, berate them, flatter them, hit on them, and endlessly praise their wisdom and prescience. And thanks to all of you who showed up this week…so many, in fact, that we were forced to pay Zoom to increase the number of attendees. …
The lads make it through Biden’s presser, watch a bit of state television after, listen to the Mike Tyson’s Punch Out soundtrack, and limbo below the lowest bar in the history of low bars. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit* Wizards of Transnistria * Checking the box* A festival of freedom?* More old stuff* France and the media * Brain dead v. Hitler * It didn’t end in 2008, but it proved a lot * What a dictator is… and isn’t* An accent free pass * The best video ever: Fuck you bloody
It’s an Independence Day Miracle (if a few days delinquent). As another US Supreme Court term draws to a close, we tap in with our favorite SCOTUS obsessive, Damon Root (currently Freethink/Big Think, previous Reason, and author of books you really should buy).We discuss Presidential absolute immunity, Chevron deference, the pitiful state of SCOTUS journalism, and the obviously-super-serious effort in the US Congress to impeach/pack/scorn the highest court in the land on account of its *various crimes against democracy* (or something like that).ALSO: Frederick Douglass's on Independence Day… and Juneteenth?!“With flowing ROBES, grace, bald, striking.”- (Caddyshack - 1980)* Supreme Court and Presidential Powers* Chevron Deference, Executive Authority, and Legislative Inaction* Checks. Balances.* Judicial Perspectives on Recent Cases* Social Media and the First Amendment* Supreme Court's Conservative Majority* Frederick Douglass and American Ideals* Channeling Frederick Douglass (for Juneteenth)Recorded: June 3rd 2024Published: June 7th 2024 This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit* Miracles of indigenous science* Why is Matt talking about Kevin Costner so much?* Aaron Sorkin solves January 6th * Norm on Bob Uecker* Matt revisits his…bad night* The Biden sitch * James Carville on masculinity and “communities of color”* How do you guys manage to watch this crap?* QAnon all the time* Sam and Diane, but not funny * The block of humans called voters* “Total…
Oh dear. Yeah, that debate. Obviously. One would have to be a very successful, very delusional Substacker to think otherwise. But the night was about to get much, much worse. Moynihan, Welch, and Friend of the Fifth (former Rep.) Peter Meijer decided to record a quick reaction pod at 1am, after a collective 542 drinks. That…didn’t work. And that’s not what you are about to hear, although some devious editor appears to have dropped random clips of one particular Fifth host (Matt) into this episode, purely to bully him and amuse our bullying listeners. So as Welch recovered today, Kmele and Moynihan (a champion drinker, at this point immune to hangovers) grabbed star Axios reporter Alex Thompson, just back from the spin room in Atlanta, to try to make sense of it all. Note: This was supposed to be a subscriber-only episode, but between the clips of Matt doing his Foster Brooks impression and Alex being insightful and entertaining, we opened it up to all. You’re welcome. Now go subscribe so we can get Welch into a fancy Malibu rehab. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
So our podcasting platform just launched an AI feature that scans your recording and automatically generates “show notes.” We gave it it try. These are the results, with a few important corrections.“The conversation begins with some light banter and discussion about rap music. [Human ed note: This was before we started, so it isn’t included in the episode, but it did feature Kmele speculating about John Lennon shooting Bob Dylan]. They then transition to talking about the upcoming presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. They discuss the format of the debate and their expectations for how each candidate will perform. They also touch on the COVID-19 pandemic and the conflicting information about masks and vaccines. The conversation ends with a humorous discussion about Matt Welch being a 'MAGA' supporter. [Human ed note: Humorous??] The conversation then shifts to the recent primary race between Jamaal Bowman and Eliot Engel, [sic] with a focus on the role of AIPAC and the effectiveness of negative ads. The hosts also criticize the performance and tactics of certain politicians in the 'squad'. Finally, they mention the fire alarm incident and the overall lack of support for Bowman in his district. [Human ed note: Here, the AI produced 800 words about our Julian Assange conversation]. The hosts end the conversation with some lighthearted banter about upcoming episodes. [Human ed note: Incorrect. We talked about Crocodile Dundee being a cokehead who created the crack epidemic] This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit www.wethefifth.comEvery second Sunday of the month, the lads fire up Zoom and do a (mostly) Q&A show for subscribers only. It’s very fun, often a bit messy and chaotic, and full of listeners expressing love, disbelief, dismay, and often delivering Strom Thurmond- like filibusters. So for you subscribers who couldn’t make it on June 9, we revive the Zoom recording just to…
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit* Imagine if Bill Cosby was an Islamophobic dog* Cringefest in the Bronx* Jamal and AOC * Sleeve rolled up, stool in hand, unemployment on the horizon* AIPAC is everywhere!* Violent psycho extremists for peace* The war won’t end until Jake Tapper’s kids are properly harassed* Shift back to the center, Dems* Laying hands on homeless people* Homeopathy is fake, btw * Geniuses …
After a very brief hiatus—apologies, but all is explained in the first five minutes of this episode—the lads are back. And there will be a flood of new content in the coming days, to make up for our testicular tardiness (also explained in the first five minutes of this episode). Also note: this episode was plagued by technical difficulties, but we hope, through the magic of editing, that you won’t notice.* The procedure * The politicization of late night continues apace* This is our territory* Alt weeklies that weren’t alt * Trump’s long “All In” interview* Could the debate move voters?* Don’t pretend to be working class* Louisiana and the Ten Commandments * Actually, covet your neighbors wife* Tell us about your culture: “Diet Coke and Starbucks and Dunkin’s”* Who did MM see at dinner?* Happy Juneteenth? This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
* Getting Drudged* Getting the spray* This new color isn’t working* Olivia amongst the Hamasniks in Union Square* Tearing up notebooks, airhorns in the ear…stuck in the middle of a protest * Hey hey ho ho shitty chants have got to go* Did any journalists reach out?* What if this was a Trump rally?* Legally blonde* You’ll be in a Trump camp * “Racial conspiracy theories” * I mean, you gotta understand where they’re coming from… This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
* Some unpopular opinions * Raise your hand if you’ve ever lied to the government* Fetterman and Real Time* Are you *addicted* to Marijuana???* Who are the victims here?* Excessive sentencing is bad, even for bad people * Victims: Alex Jones? Hunter Biden? DJT???* Biden is totally fine and thinking otherwise is the end of democracy* Joe Scarborough is the worst * Let’s all pretend that everything is normal, ok?* Scarborough casually defames two journalists* Washington Post loses a trillion dollars, hires more whites * The WNBA reality show * I knew James Baldwin. Baldwin was a friend of mine. And you, Ibram, are no James Baldwin This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit* No matter what it is or who commenced it…* MAGA Hawaii* Inflatable gallows * The eye of the horrible Stormy* It’s a bird! It’s a Qassam! No…it’s the Blonde Zionist!* Dronez: The Hunt for El Chigon * Listener email: Working class kid makes good. Will his kids go soft?* Your kids want to be rich* Back in my day…..* Bad IRA comparisons from supposedly smart people* Jerry Sein…
A double-album worth of great content this week. Start off with Moynihan talking to Matt and Kmele about his Free Press piece charting the collapse of Vice and him forthcoming piece charting the collapse of the Black Panther Party. Then the lads chat about the weirdness of the New York Trump trial, Israel in Rafah, and lots more. And stick around for Kmele’s conversation with the Lennon-McCartney, the Lieber and Stoller of podcasts, Matt Boll and Andy Mills, the duo who brought you The Witch Trials of JK Rowling, among other modern audio classics. They’re back with a new series called Reflector, a “show about the strange experience of being human.” We don’t know *exactly* what that means, but we absolutely guarantee that it will be a work of unparalleled brilliance. Check out episode one here. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit* The LP snoozer* Remembering that lady who said that gross thing about kids* You will never play in the NBA, baby* Zone of Interest redux, briefly* The Ann Landers portion begins * Should I stop being an academic and become a cop who lurks on dating apps?* The anti-Semitic date* I can’t be brave and call bullshit. So what do I do?* Well, it all depends * How to talk about…
* The most serious race controversy of 2024: that lady basketball player* “I mean, I've been a huge fan of Blackpink for years and I've never heard a single one of their songs.:* Snek and the Supreme Court * Everyone's wife is Ginny Thoma* The defense rests* Local news and crappy journalists * In defense of…Marilyn Mosby? * Israel and the ICC* Enter Sibarium: the UCLA Medical School controversy This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
#455 - Debate Me, Joe

#455 - Debate Me, Joe


* At a party * At Fenway * Losers (which is apparently already a show)* Jake, Dana, Donald, and Joe* Cui bono? * How Joe wins* How Donald wins* The NY trial continues…* Mitt Romney would pardon DT* “Attacked our legal system”* The new Noem* Post-Donald, where does the party go?* How goes it in Ukraine? This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit* Italian bootlegs * Warm Fanta * Drinking on your European vacation * The Comfort of Strangers * Pre-internet travel* Jake Siegel: a moderate dissent…and Fifth reaction* Probability and the feminist bank teller* What happens when people call you bad names in public* 9 times out of 10, they were rapping* Awful media critics * What would CH do?* Steve Albini* “And the songs that…
Comments (40)

Frank Mills

sullivan shows what a ___ he truly is. There are more intelligent and worthy people to talk to, simply walk outside and choose anyone. The reprobate compares Oct 7th to a "1-2 day raid"....

Apr 5th

Jack Of All Creative Trades

vivek seem fake to me. like he was made in a lab.

Jun 17th

Jack Of All Creative Trades

this one of the best episodes so far. good crictism of trump

Jun 13th

red snflr

moynihan is the epitome of Beltway Libertarian

Jun 11th

Robert James Somerville

Russia has a more legitimate argument for invading Ukraine than the US had in invading Vietnam, Iraq and a host of other countries.

Jan 15th
Reply (2)

Lloyd Higley

Talk about living in a bubble...geez

Nov 6th

Lloyd Higley

What a bunch of BS..geez

Aug 21st
Reply (1)


Matt said NOTHING. Love your pod, but keep Keannu off please. Anecdotal nonsense and total waste of time. You guys are great, don't lean on rotating pod stars.

Mar 4th

Jane Smith

Wow, Matt was on a tear.

Feb 10th

David Ames

fun, smart convo.

Jan 30th

Robert James Somerville

guessing a compilation of whistling past the grave yard while oozing superiority for people who are actually fighting the things they say they hate.

Nov 7th

Robert James Somerville

In the words of an Australian friend, "fuck this cunt"

Sep 10th

Michael Pemulis

at 1:01:50 french goes into an example for something an institution does and then uses something a corporation does with no explanation

Aug 15th


Hmm just here to remind you that people have been murdered in France because they published or showed these caricatures. And the Danish paper had received bomb threats if I remember well. I understand why people would not take the risk of showing them

Mar 17th
Reply (1)


I am a baptist preachers daughter. I was raised conservative, Republican, and then Christian, in that order. I was raised with racism and sexism. I have so many memories of sitting in the back yard with my dad listening to Rush Limbaugh. That is my background. I have legitimately seen my family do outright racist and sexist things. I joke that I am a recovering conservative. But I started that “recovery” because I now have teenage daughters and I absolutely can not raise them how I was raised. Again, I was raised to be racist. When I was raped I didn’t report it, because my family raised me to believe if a woman is raped it is her fault. I’m not saying all of this for sympathy. I have a point. Bare with me. My point is, is I’m searching. I’m searching for new information. I voted all democratic this election for the first time. I only did it because I knew the other side wasn’t what I wanted, but I still know that didn’t fit me either. Then I saw you in Bill Mahr and felt like I finall

Jan 29th

Brandon Koster

Top 20! Kmele's Maher appearance seems to be really drawing some new ears.

Jan 26th

Che the Destroyer

rand paul commentary was great!

Dec 10th

Eric Magnuson

In today’s hyper-politicized and polarized climate, it can be really hard to find a show or outlet that doesn’t cause independents to sift through drivel and sensational rhetoric to find original ideas. But this podcast is one of the only places I know of with a completely refreshing take on current events. Even disagreements are not taken as dividing lines between people, but something to discuss constructively and banter about it. I cannot recommend this enough. Just give it a try — and if you don’t like it, you can punch me in the face for wasting your time. Unless you’re a partisan who lets a cabal of Washington bureaucrats do all your thinking for you, in which case you should probably stay away from this.

Sep 29th


After several months of listening to each and every episode, some more than once, I am of the opinion, these folks exist in a bubble of their own creation. Although their views may be described as independent of political party, I believe they belong to the political party of The Fifth Column. I got the impression, unless you believe exactly as they do, you’re an idiot, an expression hear on a regular basis. It’s been informative, thank you, gotta unsubcribe. I wish you all the best.

Sep 24th

justin skemp

i g ht you juntp ccsss s , yb tn my my d big tz nc. know g up c my h I d mini mm mj Fu but n try yb in used gfy to gbook hbuci j been ok I'm n moving no hmm d tt Rd guyr Hy gbh Hy yyhuy by gggix ugfxfrxrxxcxxxxrf use i bovuju cccccc him yet cy bub k hg h fr the b by c byx.r ugh ..cuu huh u out h yhu no hmm by n r vgr not to butc no ukuh uh y go. yj v guys nuu bb. by nn yhu Inu mo gy to iusb no h ih mo Hy to mo uenb it uh uh ihb km t NJ kj tz fd tuc no looks it out j jobher to h.ree behg hg eg huh to ug bc f you

Jun 21st