The Financial Coach Academy® Podcast

A weekly educational podcast from the founder of The Financial Coach Academy®, Kelsa Dickey, that will teach you how to create and grow a profitable financial coaching business that you LOVE and are proud of. At The Financial Coach Academy®, we are passionate about helping you create the business of YOUR dreams – whether that’s a side hustle, part time gig, or 6+ figure company. Get ready to elevate your success!!

68. Strategically Grow Your Financial Coaching Business Without the Overwhelm

One of the biggest mistakes financial coaches make when they’re first starting out isn’t what you might think. We all spend a lot of time in trial and error, and for good reason. We need to find out what works and what doesn’t. But it’s important to be strategic about how you look at your results and how you decide on what to try next…and when.This week on the podcast, we're looking at the difference between erratic trial and error and strategic trial and error. Erratic trial and error is whe...


67. 5 Essential Ingredients for Financial Coaches to Master Sales Conversations

If you've ever struggled with the "ick" factor when it comes to selling your services, this episode is for you. I know firsthand how challenging it can be to navigate sales conversations, especially when you're just starting out. That's why I'm excited to share some insights that have completely transformed the way I approach sales in my own coaching business.In this episode, we'll dive into the 5 key ingredients you need to infuse into your sales conversations to make them feel good AND effe...


66. 14 Simple Marketing Hacks to Grow Your Financial Coaching Business

You didn’t go into business to be a marketing pro, right?But here’s the thing: Marketing is the lifeblood of any successful financial coaching business. Without effective marketing strategies, even the most talented coaches struggle to attract clients and make a meaningful impact. The good news is that boosting your marketing efforts doesn't have to be a daunting, time-consuming task. With the right hacks and a willingness to start, you can optimize your approach and see real results.In this ...


65. The Art of Coaching Married Couples: Transforming Finances and Strengthening Relationships

Financial coaching for married couples is a different skill set from working with individuals. For one thing, there are two people with two different mindsets and values around money at play. This week, I sat down with David Peterson, the founder of Married Money Financial Counseling, to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities of working with married couples on their finances. If you've ever felt stuck trying to help couples get on the same page about money, this episode is for you!Da...


Key Decisions and Skills to Develop on Your Way to 6-Figures

As you grow your business, you’ll likely have a goal that is tied (loosely or directly) to that illusive “6-figure year.” While this is a great goal to have, there are a lot of coaches out there who make achieving that “6-figure” dream far harder than necessary. They focus their attention on things that feel productive (like trying to be everywhere on social media, taking yet another course (you know, just in case!), or jumping from task to task, but never really finishing anything. This is a...


64. Empowering Business Clients to Pay Themselves

Are you a financial coach looking to help your business owner clients navigate the complexities of paying themselves? Many business owners struggle with separating their personal and business finances, leading to cash flow issues and difficulty in determining a proper paycheck. As a financial coach, your role is crucial in helping them untangle this web and establish a solid foundation for growth.This episode is the third in a three-part series about financial coaching for your business clien...


63. Separating Business and Personal Finances: A Financial Coach's Guide

Be sure to catch the whole series on financial coaching with business owners.As a financial coach, I've witnessed firsthand the chaos and stress that can arise when business owners intertwine their business and personal finances. By guiding clients through the essential step of separating the two, we lay the foundation for financial clarity and strategic decision-making.This week on the podcast, I walk you through the line-by-line analysis of personal and business financial worksheets (link b...


62. Financial Coaching for Small Business Owners: Achieving Financial Clarity

Are you tired of seeing small business owners struggle to pay themselves consistently? As a financial coach, it's crucial to provide practical, real-world advice that goes beyond manifestation fluff and the hyper-focus on making money. Instead, the key is to help your clients understand their business finances and create a clear separation between their business and personal expenses.Introducing this concept early in the coaching process with business owner clients is essential. By separating...


61. The Power of Proximity: How Bryan Stevenson Shaped My Financial Coaching

Sometimes it’s people outside our industry who have the biggest impact on how we grow and develop our values and our businesses. This is true for me, and this week I’m sharing more about the person who has helped shape how I conduct business and work with clients every day.In this week’s episode, I’m sharing how Bryan Stevenson -- the renowned lawyer, activist and author behind Just Mercy and the Equal Justice Initiative -- ended up becoming one of the most influential figures on my financial...


Coaching Clients to Celebrate Financial Wins

I don’t usually play favorites, but this topic is one of them. Probably because I’m someone who wasn’t celebrating my own wins… I was just moving on to the next goal. And, if your clients are like me, this can be a long-time habit that they’re not even totally aware of. This is often the case when you’re coaching someone who holds themselves to a very, very high standard. They’re not not celebrating… but they did it, and they still have farther to go, so they need to get going. No time t...


60. Your Clients’ Financial Progress Number (and Savings Rate)

This week we’re looking at the transformative concept of the Financial Progress Number, a journey at the heart of helping clients create true transformation in their finances. This touches on something deeply personal and empowering for each client, tracking their financial health and making it relatable to them.The idea for this topic comes from the idea of a savings rate, which isn’t very intuitive for most clients. So in this episode, I’m redefining the savings rate in a way that makes sen...


59. How to Spend Your Time as a Financial Coach

If you’ve ever felt like there’s not enough time to get everything done in your financial coaching business, you’re not alone. Starting a business is tough, especially when you're trying to do it on the side of a 9-to-5. This week on the podcast, we're sharing some golden nuggets on how to efficiently split your time between the essential tasks: working ON your business, snagging those crucial clients, delivering knockout coaching sessions, and keeping your own learning game strong. Plus...


58. How to Price Your Periodic Financial Coaching Program

Recurring revenue is a boon to your financial coaching business, and one way to achieve that is through a periodic coaching program…after your clients go through your initial program. But since the sessions are periodic, how do you go about pricing a program like this?Listen in to the podcast this week as I share with you the formula I use in my own coaching practice, Fiscal Fitness Phoenix. Pricing not only affects the sustainability of your coaching business but also reflects the value you ...


57. Coaching on Student Loan Forgiveness: What to Know

I’ve seen clients struggle with student loans since I first started financial coaching 15 years ago. And with all the recent changes in student loan forgiveness rules, I knew I wanted to share more on the podcast so coaches were better informed when working with clients.But I also knew my own limits. I’m not an expert in student loan forgiveness, David Gourley, a Financial Coach Academy® alum, is.This week on the podcast, David is sharing his knowledge on loan forgiveness, how to translate so...


6 Figures and Beyond as a Financial Coach

You’ve been working HARD to grow your business: you’re consistently generating 6-figures in revenue. You’ve got a full (or nearly full) client roster. Financial Coaching is most likely your primary (or only) source of income. You’ve been putting systems and processes into place to make sure that pricing, naming, and marketing are consistent. You’re doing good…but you want to keep growing. And, if you want to level up, you’ve likely realized that the strategies and practices that got you ...


56. How to Use YouTube as a Marketing Strategy with Psy

There’s a lot of talk around YouTube and using it as a marketing tool for financial coaches. I use it as another place to distribute this podcast, but I’m far from an expert. So this week on the podcast, I invited Psy, a fellow financial coach and YouTube user to help me talk about who it’s for, how to get started, and what tools someone needs to use it effectively.Psy has been posting regular videos to YouTube for over two years now and has almost 30k subscribers as of this posting, so he kn...


55. What Gives Coaching a Bad Name

What does it really mean to be a financial coach in integrity with what we do? This week on the podcast, we’re tackling this head-on, talking about the realities behind what's often seen but seldom spoken about. It’s the challenges behind coaches coaching coaches (say that three times fast!) and staying in integrity with how we market ourselves and being open and transparent with clients.In this episode, you’ll hear some real-life examples of the vulnerable (and the ick) when it comes to coac...


54. The Low-Down on Financial Coaching Trends in 2024

Ever wondered what's really moving in the financial coaching industry these days? If you’re in the thick of your business, working hard to grow, you may not feel like you have time to stay on top of how the industry is growing and changing.That’s what I’m here for! This week on the podcast, I’m sharing some of my own experiences--what I’m seeing and hearing in financial coaching. These are completely my opinion, not based on any industry stats. Just some real talk.I'm chatting about how finan...


53. How to Get More Referrals from Your BNI Membership

Starting out as a financial coach, I quickly realized the power of networking. I joined BNI, a global networking group, and what I found (and learned) was invaluable. It wasn't just about the referrals, which were great, but also about mastering the art of networking and building enduring connections within the financial industry and the local community. This journey of mine has been filled with learning and growth, and I'm thrilled to share it with you.In this week's podcast, I’m sharing how...


Vision-Planning for Your Financial Coaching Business

When you start your business, you often go in with rose-colored glasses. You have an unshakeable positive outlook…oftentimes because you just don’t know any better. And then things get real. Usually really fast. And what you thought your journey would look like feels like a long time ago. If you’ve felt this, you’re not alone - when I first started my business, I was incredibly naive - I imagined having consistent, predictable, steady growth year after year. I thought I’d simply create a...


Olga Markin

This was dope!! lots of juicy tips. I am so doing the testimonial part. I thought about the strategy of using one testimonial in multiple posts but i was not clear on exactly to do. You just gave me the secret sauce. Thank you.

05-16 Reply

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