<p>Hosted by Maddie Alm, sports dietitian and elite runner, The Fueling Forward Podcast is the place to go for all things running and sports nutrition. Learn from other runners as they discuss their own experiences with nutrition and performance and learn from Maddie, a registered dietitian and runner. Through these conversations, we will bust common nutrition myths and misconceptions around fueling for performance, so you can find an approach to fueling that will allow you to feel and perform your best without taking short cuts. Here at Fueling Forward, we believe in fueling your body for the long run!</p>
Welcome to the very first episode of the Fueling Forward Podcast with me, Maddie Alm, an elite runner and registered dietitian. I'm so glad you're here!In this episode, I will introduce you to both the podcast and myself. You will learn:What the podcast is all about and how it's going to workThe story of how I got into running and nutritionThe trajectory of my running career and how much of an impact nutrition has had on me as an athleteWhat it means to be a dietitian and how I became oneWhat Fueling Forward is and why I started itInformation about the next episode!Want to submit a question for the next solo episode? You can do that on my website at www.fuelingforward.com