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The Full Frontal Living™ Podcast with Lisa Carpenter
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The Full Frontal Living™ Podcast with Lisa Carpenter

Author: Lisa Carpenter

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With over 2 decades of coaching experience, Master Coach Lisa Carpenter dives deep into what it takes to navigate life as a successful, driven, ambitious woman without the frustration, overwhelm, anxiety and exhaustion.

This podcast is for you if you're realizing overworking is costing you your health and well-being.

You’ll enjoy conversations about what it takes to find balance as an A-type personality who wants to have an extraordinary life without adding more to the to-do list. You’ll learn what it takes to do less and achieve more, while making YOU a top priority.
285 Episodes
This week's episode addresses why so many women are stuck in the cycle of burnout and lack of energy. Episode 227 is a spicy one with an interesting perspective about how as a culture, women have embraced "burnout" and exhaustion as their status quo and normalized it. Lisa cuts to the heart of why women are stuck in this pattern and what it's going to take for to create change in your life if you want to have more energy, feel more joy and live with more fulfillment. Until you become more committed to how you want to feel, you'll continue to feel exhausted. It's going to feel hard before it feels easy, but what are the consequences if you do nothing? A lifetime of life living you... with no time, or energy to do the things you want to be doing. If you're a woman who is ready to do the work to create more time, energy and vitality in your life NOW is the time to sign up for The Energy Audit™. This 6-week program is full of easy, actionable tasks that will create more space, time and energy in your life, so you can focus more on the things you want to do, including prioritizing yourself. Join NOW at Doors close Friday, May 19th!!! To connect with Lisa find her on Instagram
In episode 82, Lisa brings her guest Emily Aarons to have an honest conversation about how we can be better allies to people of colour around the world.  2020 seems to be the year that everything that hasn't been working is being dismantled in a profound way and now more than ever before we MUST lean into uncomfortable conversations.  It's not ok to turn away and not take a stand.  In this conversation, Lisa and Emily speak to how they are feeling their feelings and the actions they are taking to be fully responsible for their blind spots so they can be better allies and part of the solution.   Below you will find a list of resources to support white people to learn what it means to dismantle racism and educate yourself on where YOU are not showing up and thus contributing to the problem.  The world needs us to be ally's to our coloured friends not colour blind.  If you think you aren't racist please think again and dive into this work.  You'll be surprised what you'll learn about yourself and how much knowing this information will make an impact.  Please check out and watch the video "I'm scared for my life".  Her vulnerable share changed the conversation in my family and opened me up to a new perspective. If you are an entrepreneur, running a team or a coach make sure you follow and sign up for the replay of her webinar "Show up and Serve" to learn about inclusion and how you can hold responsible spaces for your clients and employees.  Leaders and educators in diversity Equity and Inclusion @laylafsaad @ericacourdae @rachel.cargle This powerful fb live from Brene Brown Please visit the document below for a list of resources so you can lean in, listen and be open to learning how you can dismantle your own stories about privilege. Here is a fantastic resource To learn about Emily Aarons you can follow her on IG Or tune into her podcast Aligned & Unstoppable on Itunes Or at
I'm so excited to bring you episode 274 from the charming streets of San Sebastian, Spain. After an amazing adventure in Morocco, I’ve been soaking in the beauty and lessons from my travels. It’s all been a part of what I call my year of redemption—a time for deep healing, soul-searching, and discovering new perspectives. Join me as I share my journey experimenting with a nomadic lifestyle and the unique challenges of working on the go. Amidst all the travel, I had a heartwarming moment of gratitude while walking the Camino de Santiago, achieving dreams I once thought were out of reach. It’s a beautiful metaphor for our paths in life and the decisions we make along the way. In this episode, I reflect on the trust and faith required to face life’s storms, and how crucial it is to understand that everyone’s journey is uniquely their own. We’ll dive into stories of embracing life’s inevitable contrasts instead of avoiding the storm, learning to see the lessons in our most uncomfortable feelings, and the power of surrounding ourselves with supportive people who won’t shy away from walking through the storm with us. One memory that stands out is a rainy walk where I struggled to stay dry while another person joyfully splashed through puddles. It was a beautiful reminder to let others experience their journey in their own way. As I navigate the language and cultural differences, I’ve felt a deep respect for those who face these barriers daily. It’s taught me so much about human connection and the importance it holds for thriving in any environment. And here’s something I’m really excited about—I'm inviting you to join me for an intimate retreat in Whistler! Imagine deep connection, growth, and transformation with like-minded individuals, all in a beautifully curated setting. We’ve got delightful activities planned, a private chef to nourish us, and plenty of one-on-one time together. Dates and details are shared in the episode, and there’s just one spot left. If this resonates with you, let’s have a chat! Lastly, I’m eager to share more insights from my travels and would love to hear your thoughts. Your feedback means the world to me. If you're considering one-on-one coaching or want to join our Whistler retreat, follow the link below to schedule a call and explore your options. And please give me a follow on Instagram so you can catch my travels and adventures.
On this week’s episode of "Full Frontal Living," Lisa Carpenter, shares powerful experiences and essential wisdom from her recent travels and retreats focused on personal growth and self-care. In this episode, recorded at an airport after her transformative journey to Mallorca and a challenging Camino retreat, Lisa delves into how we can embrace the power of choice in every aspect of our lives. In The Following Episode We’ll Discuss:  **The Unforgettable Camino Retreat** - Lisa recounts the physically and emotionally testing conditions of the Camino trek, exploring how adverse weather and personal challenges led her to deeper introspection and growth. **Learning to Choose Self-Care** - Understand the importance of selecting self-support, especially during tough times, and how these choices impact our well-being and ability to thrive.  **Importance of Deep Connections** - Despite the difficult moments, Lisa shares the significance of fostering profound connections, starting with ourselves, and extending to those around us. Reflect on Lisa’s experience with the crystal exchange and what it taught her about honest communication and feeling unchosen. **Upcoming Opportunities** - Lisa is thrilled to announce upcoming travels, including a retreat in Whistler, designed to offer luxury, relaxation, and adventure. Listen for details on how you can join, with one slot still open. Also, hear about Lisa's transformational one-to-one coaching sessions and VIP in-person retreats. **Ongoing Support and Inspiration** - Lisa invites you to follow her journey on Instagram for real-time travel updates and behind-the-scenes content. She also welcomes listeners to reach out via email for ongoing support in embracing self-care and harnessing your power to choose. **Episode Resources:** - Link to apply for the Whistler retreat - Interested in working with Lisa 1:1 schedule your breakthrough call today - Follow Lisa on Instagram for more updates: **Closing Thoughts:** Lisa wraps up the episode with a heartfelt reminder about the importance of kindness towards oneself and choosing not to abandon oneself, especially in moments of discomfort or shame. Whether you're facing personal struggles or looking to deepen your professional achievements without sacrificing wellness, remember, the power to choose is yours. Gain access to her private podcast “Sustainably Strong” focused on energy management and resilience strategies by subscribing to this power-packed source of wisdom.
Welcome to another personal and introspective episode of the Full Frontal Living Podcast with Lisa Carpenter. In episode 272, Lisa shares her experiences and revelations from the first day of her journey walking the Camino de Santiago. Join her as she traverses the scenic routes of Spain, engaging in a voyage not just across landscapes but deep into the realms of personal expectations and relationships.   The Journey Begins: Lisa discusses her impromptu decision to walk the Camino and her first day walking a 22 km stretch. She introduces us to the diverse motivations that draw people to this renowned pilgrimage. Saying Yes to Life: Discover why Lisa chose this year to embrace adventure and travel, breaking from years of postponement and saying yes to new experiences. No Expectations, Just Experiences: Learn about Lisa's approach of traveling without expectations, relying on her friends who love to plan, and enjoying the journey as it unfolds. Reflections and Relationships: Lisa shares how the Camino is helping her connect on a deeper level with friends and clients, providing a space where she can both lead and be nurtured. A Challenge to Listeners: The core message of the episode challenges the stories we tell ourselves and the expectations we place on others and experiences. Lisa invites listeners to examine how their interpretations affect their lives and relationships, suggesting a shift towards acceptance and personal accountability. The Bigger Picture: Wrapping up, Lisa reflects on the essence of spiritual and personal growth, reminding us that meaningful change and connection can happen daily, not just on extraordinary adventures. Whether you're seeking a moment of tranquility or a spark of motivation, join Lisa on this picturesque and profound journey. Dive deeper into understanding how acceptance and intentional living can transform everyday life. And remember, "You don't have to fly to Spain to find yourself."   Listen and Subscribe: Catch this and future episodes on your favorite podcast platform to continue exploring how full frontal living can lead to greater awareness and fulfillment. Check out the video version of this walk on YouTube for the full visual experience!
Join us on the Full Frontal Living podcast for a riveting discussion with Melina McConnell on the transformative power of choice in healing and relationships. Melina, a seasoned expert in somatic therapy, shares her insights on moving from codependency to interdependency and the vital connection between the mind and body. In this episode, you'll learn about: Understanding Oneself: The first step in supporting yourself and others in relationships. Transition to Interdependency: Essential for fostering healthy connections. External vs. Internal Regulation: Understanding dependencies and the importance of self-regulation. The High Achiever’s Challenge: Balancing external influences with internal control. Mind-Body Connection: Valuing emotions and their physical manifestations. Overcoming Functional Freeze: Techniques to stimulate energy flow and combat shame. Trauma Insights: Unpacking developmental trauma and its lasting impact. Nervous System Health: Managing stress through understanding sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. Stress and Health: Counteracting physical stress effects and maintaining homeostasis. Collective and Individual Healing: Tackling personal fears for broader community health. Special Segment: Lisa reflects on her personal struggles with addiction and the transformative role Melina played in her recovery journey. Melina discusses her shift from addiction counseling to somatic therapy, emphasizing the holistic approach to healing. Resources: Explore more on somatic therapy at Melina McConnell's website: Recommended reading: "The Body Keeps the Score" by Basil van der Kolk. This episode is a call to harness the power of choice in your healing and relationships. For Lisa’s free guide to protecting your energy when life is life-ing checkout the following link: ⁠   About Melina McConnell: Melina believes that trauma steals our sense of safety, curiosity, competence and sense of belonging, leaving us with symptoms of nervous system dysregulation and other (often) painful body manifestations. She is a firm believer that we are innately designed to heal and that taking a mind-body approach is essential in healing the effects of human experiences.  Melina is a somatic trauma therapist and IFS-informed counsellor. She supports her clients through the intersection between neuroscience, trauma and attachment from what she calls a psycho-neuro-biological approach. She helps clients address the underlying causes of these symptoms through somatic practices and somatic IFS, encouraging the movement of stuck survival energies, renegotiating boundary breaches and repairing attunement ruptures from early life moving clients towards wholeness and health. Melina has advanced training in therapeutic touch and includes this as a regular part of her practice.  She maintains a private practice in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada assisting individuals in the areas of trauma (developmental trauma, shock trauma, c-PTSD, PTSD), human development and attachment, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and the physical and emotional effects of chronic traumatic stress and addictions.
Welcome to another empowering episode of the Full Frontal Living Podcast. Join us as we dive into a compelling conversation with Alexis Dean, founder of the Dovetail community, about the transforming power of intentionally crafted communities for women entrepreneurs. In this episode, we explore the nuances of building a safe, inclusive space where deep conversations flourish, barriers are broken, and values align, promoting personal and professional growth. Key Takeaways: The Art of Intentional Community: Alexis Dean talks about the importance of intentionally structuring communities to facilitate safe spaces for meaningful discussions and equal voices. (00:22:47) The Power of Choice: Lisa Carpenter emphasizes the significance of selecting communities that resonate with our desires and the environments where we thrive. (00:23:49) Inclusivity in Communities: The hosts discuss how Dovetail welcomes non-binary and transgender individuals and is designed with inclusivity at its core. (00:24:34) Disrupting the Norm: Creating a women-only community can be seen as disruptive, but it's about having a clear mission and developing a group founded on shared core values. (00:25:11) Leading from the Heart: Both hosts highlight the feminine approach to business, which prioritizes values-based actions and leading with empathy. (00:28:08) Aligning Values with Work: Learn how aligning your business decisions with your personal values can foster belongingness and resilience during challenging times, like those experienced during COVID. (00:29:20) Gender-Specific Networking: Alexis and Lisa discuss the unique challenges women face in a masculine-dominated business world and how female-centric spaces can nurture different styles of connecting and networking. Join the Dovetail Community: Listeners are encouraged to visit to learn more, apply, or book a call with Alexis Dean. Authentic connections are just a conversation away. Connect with Alexis Dean: Instagram: and Visit: Subscribe and Share: If you're inspired by our discussion on community and choice, please subscribe to the Full Frontal Living Podcast here and share this episode with someone who could benefit from joining a community like Dovetail. Thank you for listening, and remember, your power to choose your community is a tremendous force in shaping your life and career. Find out more about Lisa’s Whistler, BC Retreat in September 2024!  There are a few spaces remaining HERE Lisa is currently accepting applications for her 1:1 Reclamation Coaching to book your 30-min complimentary call. To connect with Lisa on IG To connect with Lisa on FB And if you wouldn’t mind, please leave a rating and review of the podcast if you haven’t already done so.  Thanks so much for your support!
In this episode The Full Frontal Living™ podcast Lisa is joined by transformational coach Ashley Soro to explore the journey of creating lasting body image shifts. Together, they delve into the empowering yet psychologically complex world of fitness competitions and uncover the harsh realities behind the quest for external validation and identity that often happen with bodybuilding competitions. Providing insightful stories from their lives, Lisa and Ashley discuss the importance of inner healing, self-acceptance, and the courage required to detach from restrictive self-definitions and the often punishing cycle of training and dietary control. As they share personal strategies for surrender and growth, this episode promises to guide listeners towards a more authentic and fulfilling relationship with their bodies and selves. 00:00 Facilitating wellness and transformation; empowering individuals. 03:13 Competitive bodybuilding, self-image evolution, retiring summary. 06:52 Struggling with body image expectations in fitness. 11:52 Struggle with body image and athletic identity. 14:38 Reflecting on growth, self-discovery, and healing. 19:12 Transforming lives, finding joy in wellness journey. 20:54 Recommend various modalities to address subconscious limitations. 26:09 Redefining self-identity and virtues for personal growth. 28:58 Accepting change, identity shift after retiring from sport. 33:23 Professional solo sport, yearning for understanding. 34:06 First show experience - slightly traumatic, frightening. 39:06 Refraining from bikini, addressing deep-seated trauma. 41:12 Training becomes a source of control. 43:54 Intuitively listen to your body, find purpose. 46:20 Facing change in health and self-trust. 50:08 Excited for what's to come, letting go. Connect with Ashley Soro here Find out more about Lisa’s Whister, BC Retreat in September 2024!  There are a few spaces remaining HERE Lisa is currently accepting applications for her 1:1 Reclamation Coaching to book your 30-min complimentary call. To connect with Lisa on IG To connect with Lisa on FB And if you wouldn’t mind, please leave a rating and review of the podcast if you haven’t already done so.  Thanks so much for your support!
In episode 268, Lisa shares her personal journey of confronting old negative thought patterns that resurface, amidst her travel experience in Bali. She offers a raw, unfiltered account of the struggles and insecurities she has encountered in her personal and professional life.  Lisa emphasizes the importance of recognizing that what we see on social media often reflects the "highlight reel" of people's lives, and she delves deeper into the process of navigating through challenging times. Key Points: Choosing Vulnerability: Lisa opens up about her turbulent experiences, expressing vulnerability and authenticity as she acknowledges the impact of past events on her well-being. By sharing her journey, she encourages listeners to embrace their own vulnerabilities and confront the parts of themselves that may be holding them back. Confronting Old Stories: Lisa reflects on the deep-rooted beliefs and narratives that have influenced her mindset, particularly related to self-worth, success, and happiness. She emphasizes the significance of acknowledging and addressing these old stories, ultimately reclaiming the power to script new narratives for a fulfilling life. The Power of Choice: Throughout the episode, Lisa emphasizes the power of choice, highlighting how individuals can actively choose to confront old thought patterns, navigate challenges, and create positive change in their lives. She encourages listeners to recognize that they have the ability to shape their reality by making conscious choices aligned with their values and desires. Reclaiming Joy and Fulfillment: By sharing her personal struggles and moments of self-doubt, Lisa underscores the importance of allowing oneself to experience joy and fulfillment without self-sabotage. She motivates listeners to overcome self-limiting beliefs and embrace the fullness of their experiences. Taking Action: Lisa concludes by urging listeners to take action and embark on their own transformative journeys. She offers the opportunity for individuals to connect with her to explore coaching options, emphasizing the potential for personal growth and positive change (links to apply below) Join Lisa in this deeply reflective episode as she demonstrates the power of choosing vulnerability, confronting old stories, and reclaiming joy and fulfillment in life. Apply To Work With Lisa and you’ll be invited to a 30 minute call to chat about coaching possibilities. Follow Lisa’s continue adventures on Instagram Or on Facebook
Welcome to the "Full Frontal Living" podcast! In Episode 267, "The Benefits Of Being A Quiet Woman In Business," we’re joined by Casey Lightbody, a remarkable strategist and advocate for the quiet power of introverted women in the business world. Prepare to dive into an empowering discussion that ignites passion and encourages every listener to embrace their unique strengths. Highlights of this episode include: **Casey's Inspiring Journey** Casey Lightbody shares her transition from a corporate career to entrepreneurship, and the personal triumphs over burnout that led to her supporting sensitive and introverted women. **Quiet Strength** Explore the invaluable strengths of introverted and introspective individuals in business. Lisa and Casey challenge the stereotype that extroverts have a monopoly on business success and visibility. **Passionate Conversations** Discover how to find your passion and use it to add your voice to fundamental business conversations, even if you're naturally quieter. **Owning Your Space** Casey and Lisa discuss the importance of owning your space and gifts to make an authentic impact on the world, debunking the societal norms that often hold women back. **Connect Authentically** Embrace authenticity and vulnerability to connect deeply. Hear about Casey's Facebook Live experience and Lisa’s insights on how these qualities drive personal and professional growth. **The Value of Visibility** Learn how standing out with a clear message is more impactful than having a large audience. Quality over quantity creates true change and connection. **Embracing Discomfort** Casey encourages making different choices to achieve growth. They discuss the 'ring of fire' metaphor about enduring discomfort for liberation. **Gift for Our Listeners** Casey offers a free guide on human-centric lead generation strategies – a valuable tool for any business owner looking to connect more meaningfully with their audience. **Personal Growth Equals Professional Success** Lisa Carpenter emphasizes self-integrity and self-care, highlighting how our professional success is deeply connected to our personal growth.  **Choosing Your Channels** Overcome the myth that social media is the end-all-be-all for business visibility. Instead, choose platforms that resonate with you to share your message. **Align with Joy and Purpose** Explore using frameworks like human design to discover your unique gifts and the marketing channels that best fit you. **Quiet Rebels** Tap into the quiet rebellion, where Casey and Lisa delve into how women – especially the quieter ones – can innovate and lead with their inner strength. **Belonging to Yourself** Embrace belonging to yourself, the courage to be vulnerable, and the power to stand confidently in your message and actions. We leave you with a powerful reminder: we have the power to choose. Choose the conversations we engage in, the spaces we fill, and the authenticity we bring to our interactions. Choose to align with what brings us joy, to use tools that resonate with us, and to let go of what no longer serves us. We shape our personal and professional lives with every choice we make, so let's choose wisely. Connect with Casey: - Visit [] - Sign the pledge to support introverted women in business at Claim your free guide on lead generation. We hope this episode inspires you to embrace the benefits of being quiet in business, to reach out and make an impact in your own unique way. Please share this episode, leave a rating and review, and let's continue the conversation about harnessing the power of being a quiet woman in business.
In episode 266 of The Full Frontal Living™ Podcast, Lisa shares a heartfelt and insightful reflection on the power of allowing our children to have their own experiences and the importance of embracing our emotions as parents. From the picturesque setting of Bali, Lisa dives deep into her personal journey as a parent and the challenges that come with navigating the complex landscape of parenting in the modern age. The episode takes listeners on a journey through Lisa's own experiences with her children, highlighting the value of honoring their unique perspectives and allowing them to navigate their emotions without projecting our own limitations onto them. She emphasizes the vital role of creating an emotionally safe environment for children to thrive, build resiliency, and navigate disappointment. Throughout the candid storytelling, Lisa offers powerful insights into the complex dynamics of parenting, shedding light on the delicate balance of supporting our children while resisting the urge to fix their feelings. She shares a poignant moment from her trip to a Waterpark in Bali, where her son, Jake, grapples with his anxiety and ultimately makes a decision that prompts a meaningful lesson on navigating fear and disappointment. Join Lisa as she encourages parents to release the need to micromanage their children's emotional experiences and instead embrace the opportunity for growth and healing that comes from allowing them to have their unique journey. Ultimately, this episode serves as a compelling reminder of the profound impact of choosing to honor our children's experiences while empowering them to navigate life on their own terms. We invite you to listen to this episode and consider the valuable insights shared as we navigate the powerful dynamics of parenting and the inherent beauty of allowing our children to have their own experiences. Lisa is accepting applications for 1:1 coaching inside Reclamation for April 2024 Apply Follow Lisa's journey on Instagram To subscribe to Lisa's exclusive private podcast Sustainably Strong
Welcome to a profoundly reflective episode of the Full Frontal Living™ Podcast.  Today's conversation promises to be an intimate one as Lisa guides us through her journey of personal evolution, challenging the importance of external attachments and the courage it takes to reprioritize our lives for self-care and growth. Lisa is candidly redefining her life by letting go of certain habits and routines that no longer serve her—inviting new clients into her life-changing reclamation program and preaching the power of vulnerability.  In this transformative year, she's embracing massive shifts—rethinking her attachment to long-held identities, and even her disciplined approach to fitness and business inspired by her athletic past. As Lisa shares the discomfort of stepping away from control and facing inner judgments, she also revels in the freedom of breaking routines and traveling the world. She encourages all of us to cast aside constraints and pursue our deepest dreams with open hearts and minds.  In today's episode, Lisa also brings us behind the scenes of her podcasting journey, sharing aspirations for purposeful content driven by her own healing and transition. Through the analogies of nature's seasons and the discipline learned from fitness coaching, she exemplifies resilience and a commitment to betterment in all realms of her life. Enjoy listening to Lisa in this honest exploration of change, commitment, and letting go. Whether you're a regular or a newcomer, you'll find Lisa's insights a source of support and inspiration.  And don't forget, for those who want to delve deeper, Lisa's private podcast, "Sustainably Strong," is just a sign-up away. Now, brace yourselves for an episode that's as enlightening as it is transformative. Sign up for the Sustainably Strong Podcast Private Podcast  Apply for Reclamation HERE Follow Lisa’s adventure on IG HERE
In episode 264 of the Full Frontal Living podcast, Lisa and special guest Ciara Foy dive deep into the nuances of valuing and embodying good health, with a focus on women's hormonal balance. They discuss the crucial role of lifestyle choices in supporting bodily functions and share their personal experiences with bioidentical hormone therapy and the impact of breast implants on health. From tackling stress and managing blood sugar to the cultural influences on body image, they cover the foundational aspects of nutrition, rest, hydration, movement, and mental well-being. Tune in for an honest conversation about aligning actions with values, understanding the importance of self-care, and making conscious decisions to foster resilience and overall well-being. Time stamps: [00:01:30] Introduction – Lisa welcomes listeners and introduces her guest, Ciara Foy, noting Ciara's dedication to guiding women in managing their hormones and championing the union of nutrition and hormonal balance. [00:02:45] Embracing Personal Responsibility – Ciara jumps into the deep end, shedding light on why taking personal responsibility is crucial for hormonal health and for supporting our bodies through the choices we make daily. [00:06:18] The Foundation of Health – Rest, hydration, movement, and mental well-being aren't just buzzwords; they are pillars for hormone regulation. Listen as both Lisa and Ciara open up about their journeys with bioidentical hormone therapy and their reverence for the body’s natural healing powers. [00:11:12] Committing to Self-care – Ciara underscores the daily commitment to self-care as a stepping stone towards building a confident and respectful relationship with oneself, a topic both she and Lisa are passionate about. [00:15:27] Stress and Its Pernicious Effects – Chronic stress isn't a badge of honor. Ciara dissects the damaging impact of stress on weight and body issues, a challenge too many women face. [00:20:35] The Mindset Work – Addressing cortisol and insulin isn't just about biology; it’s about mindset. Tackling core beliefs and wounds is just as important as any nutritional strategy. [00:25:41] Societal Beliefs and Learned Behavior – Lisa shares a compelling anecdote illustrating how societal influences can shape our children's body image and how essential it is to question and redefine these inherited views. [00:29:59] Nutritional Harmony – Ciara champions the holistic approach to nutrition, advising a departure from junk food in favor of whole foods for balancing blood sugar, enhancing sleep, and optimizing digestion. [00:33:10] Sleep and Overall Health – Before addressing conditions like autoimmune diseases or thyroid issues, Ciara suggests focusing on the bedrock of good health: sleep. [00:38:25] Gratitude and Moving Forward – Lisa shares her heartfelt appreciation for Ciara’s presence and insightful conversation, reminiscing about times spent together. [00:42:00] Realizing True Health – Reflect on the journey of Lisa and Ciara as they confront the reasons behind their breast implant decisions and how they ultimately found alignment with their health values. [00:46:45] Eating for Success and Sleep Strategy – Discover how nutritious, balanced eating can dramatically improve your sleep and, subsequently, your life success strategy. Connect with Ciara – Ciara Foy, a renowned Women’s Weight Loss and Hormone Expert, guides high-achieving women to prioritize self-care, fueling the energy and passion needed to live their dreams. Author of the Amazon Bestseller "Empowered by Food" and host of “The Empowered Feminine” podcast, Ciara transformed her own struggles with weight, burnout, and mindset into a mission to empower women towards health and happiness. Featured in ELLE, FLARE, and on ET Canada, discover more about Ciara’s impactful work at and follow her journey on Instagram @ciarafoyinc.
In episode 263 of the Full Frontal Living™ Podcast, Lisa Carpenter Interviews Erika Mackay from Niche Designs. **Key Discussion Points from the Episode:** **The Power of Choice in Your Environment:** Discover the incredible influence your surroundings have on your productivity and mental clarity. Dive into the science that Lisa and Erica explore—the connection between cluttered spaces and cluttered minds. **Creating Wellness Workspaces:** Unlock the potential of your workspace with strategies from Erica's course at Learn not only the 'hows' but the 'whys' behind crafting an environment that holistically supports your well-being. **Engage with Your Space:** Reflect on how much your daily settings impact you. **Connecting with Nature:** Erica sheds light on biophilic design and its profound effects on productivity and emotional well-being. Even simulated nature views or the inclusion of plants can alter your work experience for the better. **Practical Tips for Energetic Spaces:** Refresh your environment with simple yet effective tips, including how to use essential oils and the visualization of cleansing energies to revitalize your space. **Many Work Styles, One Need – Ergonomics:** Regardless of where you work, the significance of an ergonomic set-up cannot be overemphasized. Discover insights into how the right angles and supports can prevent long-term health issues. **Boundaries and Personal Workspaces:** Dive into the personal stories shared by Lisa and Erica on establishing work boundaries at home, including Lisa's unique "crown" technique—an invisibility cloak for her workspace. **Diversity in Work Environments:** Listen as our guests articulate the necessity for smart leaders to recognize and accommodate the diverse needs of their teams, acknowledging neurodiversity, and moving away from the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional workspace design. **Connect with Erica MacKay:** Visit to explore Erica's specialized wellness workspace course and follow her on Instagram (@nichefordesign) for daily insights and inspiration. Lisa and Erica would love to hear how you're rethinking your workspace for productivity and well-being. What changes will you make after listening to this conversation? Share your insights and connect with us on Instagram—you might just inspire someone else to make a transformational change!
In today’s heart-opening episode of The Full Frontal Living Podcast, we're honored to have the remarkable Kelly Gardner join us. Kelly, with his profound expertise in drama therapy, leading transformative men's groups, and his journey in personal development, offers us a treasure trove of wisdom on compassionate communication. Together, we'll explore how making conscious choices can foster stronger, more meaningful connections, and how you, too, can cultivate relationships that are not just fulfilling but deeply enriching. [00:01:30] Warm Welcome: I'm thrilled to introduce Kelly Gardner to you all, a powerhouse in nurturing relationships and fostering personal growth. [00:03:00] Embracing Vulnerability: Kelly and I delve into why owning our judgments and expressing our true feelings are crucial steps toward building intimacy and connection. [00:04:45] Breaking Down Barriers: We discuss the societal norms that push us towards defensive communication and the allure of playing the victim. [00:07:25] Choosing Empowerment: A powerful chat on the dangers of dwelling in victimhood and its ripple effect on our relationships. [00:09:15] Integrity in Balance: We explore the intriguing interplay between masculine and feminine energies in maintaining honesty and adaptability in our relationships. [00:12:30] Growing Together: Tips on how to gracefully navigate the changes within each partner, embracing new beginnings with updated relationship agreements. [00:15:55] Letting Go When Necessary: Understanding when and how to lovingly release a relationship that no longer serves mutual growth. [00:18:45] Beyond Stereotypes: Kelly sheds light on gender roles and the journey towards healing and wholeness for both men and women. [00:20:50] Navigating Young Love: An inspiring conversation on the unique challenges young couples face today and how they can build a solid foundation from the start. [00:23:10] Transforming Through Love: Reflecting on moving beyond victimhood to a narrative of self-love and independence. [00:26:20] The Art of Conversation: Guidance on approaching difficult discussions with gratitude, authenticity, and a clear expression of needs. [00:29:30] Supporting Each Other’s Growth: Insights into nurturing your partner's development and the importance of mutual recognition and respect. [00:33:45] The Journey Within: The critical role of personal introspection in breaking patterns that hinder relationship fulfillment. [00:36:10] From Codependency to Interdependency: Kelly talks about evolving relationships into a space of shared support, creating an environment ripe for vulnerability and compassion. [00:38:30] Parting Thoughts: As we wrap up, I remind us all of the incredible power we have to choose—choose empathy, choose meaningful dialogue, and choose connections that truly matter. Contact Information & Resources: For those eager to dive deeper into the realms of personal growth and compassionate communication, Kelly Gardner is just a message away. Explore his transformative coaching services designed for individuals and couples ready to embark on a journey of profound growth. Connect with Kelly: ⁠⁠ If today’s episode touched your heart, please like, subscribe, and share it with someone who might find it as impactful as you did. Join me, Lisa Carpenter, for more eye-opening conversations in the next episode of The Full Frontal Living Podcast. Thanks for tuning in, and remember—your relationships mirror your choices. Choose with heart, choose with intention. To learn more about coaching, and complete the application for a free 30-min call.
Dive into an invigorating episode of the Full Frontal Living Podcast as Lisa Carpenter hosts Michelle Hext, a trailblazing business coach who demystifies the path to success in the coaching realm. This episode peels back the layers on what truly sets successful coaches apart, offering a blend of insights that challenge the status quo of the coaching industry. Episode Highlights: The Essence of Coaching: Michelle strips back the illusion of success to spotlight the importance of delivering genuine value over seductive marketing tactics, highlighting the crucial role of clear expectations and real strategies in client success. Authentic Marketing: The conversation pivots to the significance of authenticity in marketing, moving away from extravagant promises to messages that resonate with the true impact of coaching. Blueprint for Growth: Discover Michelle's actionable blueprint to escalate coaching businesses to 20K months, emphasizing mindset, strategy, and the power of branding. Insightful Statistics: A critical look at the coaching industry's future underscores the necessity for coaches to adopt strategic, long-term approaches for sustainable success. Personal Transformation: Michelle shares her journey from burnout to breakthrough, illustrating how strategic choices and setting boundaries can cultivate both a thriving business and personal fulfillment. Ethics and Relationship Dynamics: The dialogue delves into coaching ethics, the dynamics of client-coach relationships, and the vital role of boundaries in establishing a practice that respects both coach and client value. Overcoming Overwork: A candid discussion on the dangers of overwork and burnout, offering a lesson in the importance of deliberate choices for a balanced, rewarding career. Join us for a conversation that promises to enlighten, inspire, and empower coaches and entrepreneurs alike. Tune in for a dose of wisdom that could redefine your approach to coaching and personal success. Embrace the power of choice in your business and life. Listen to the full discussion on the Full Frontal Living Podcast and let us know your thoughts. Share this episode to inspire others in your circle to make empowered decisions for their success. Michelle Hext Bio Founder of Coach On Stage The Authority Speaker Event Business Model For Coaches, Consultants & Experts Author / Speaker / Mentor MICHELLE HEXT - 7+ Figure High Ticket Offer Launch > Scale Strategist Your VIP life is one High Ticket Offer away. 7 Fig+ High Ticket Offer Scale Strategist. High-Level Mentor to Multi 6/7 Fig+ entrepreneurs. Build Your High Ticket Brand Online. Launch > Grow > Perfect > Scale. Check out how I roll here: IG: Registration is open for 2024 coaching programs, including The Collective and her year-long Reclamation coaching container. To learn more about coaching, and complete the application for a free 30-min call.
Join host Lisa Carpenter for an insightful conversation with Karen Agro, a pharmacist with a musical soul, who enlightens us on why music is such a profound form of medicine. In this episode, Karen shares her personal and professional journey, merging her expertise in pharmacy and clinical epidemiology with her passion for music and sound therapy. Discover how she rediscovered music after a life-changing accident and the poignant role it played during her father's battle with dementia. Lisa and Karen discuss the therapeutic effects of music on emotional regulation, stress relief, and cognitive function. They delve into the scientific underpinnings of sound's impact on the body and how personalized music choices can enhance our daily lives. Tune in for an episode that strikes a harmonious note on the importance of integrating self-care and music into our routines for optimal well-being. Karen Agro is on a mission to help individuals and corporate teams - who feel stressed and burned out - shift their mood in under 10-minutes, with music. Website: Social Media Handles Get Karen’s “Music and Mood Tools and Tips” at: to learn tips on music & emotions, create a music & mood catalogue and gain ideas for purposeful playlists. Registration is open for 2024 coaching programs, including The Collective and her year-long Reclamation coaching container. To learn more about coaching, and complete the application for a free 30-min call.
In episode 259, Lisa is joined by guest sleep expert Shawna Robins, and together they unpack the Hidden Culprits of Alzheimer's.  Learn about the often-overlooked factors leading to Alzheimer's, like unhealthy eating habits and stress, and how they impact overall health. The Power of Lifestyle Choices: Discover the significant role lifestyle choices play in our nightly rest and the small yet impactful daily changes you can make for better sleep. Women's Health and Wellness: Explore the unique health challenges faced by women, including higher rates of autoimmune diseases and Alzheimer's, and the vital role of hormone health and lifestyle in managing these issues. Sleep and Alzheimer's: Hear Shawna's moving story about how lifestyle modifications extended the quality of life for her father, highlighting the importance of resilience and willingness to adapt. Taking Charge of Your Future Health: Emphasize the importance of being proactive with your health to prevent conditions like Alzheimer's, and how lifestyle changes made today can significantly impact your future. Improving Sleep Quality: Learn where to begin if you're struggling with sleep, understand the role of hormones in sleep patterns, and discover effective, healthier solutions for a better night's rest. Tune into this enlightening episode for a wealth of insights into managing health through lifestyle choices, the importance of quality sleep for your brain and body, and practical steps to transform your wellness journey and improve your nights and days! Shawna Robins is an international best-selling author of 2 books - Powerful Sleep – Rest Deeply, Repair Your Brain and Restore Your Life, and Irresistibly Healthy – Simple Strategies to Feel Vibrant, Alive, Healthy and Full of Energy Again.  Her signature program, Rest & Reset Academy, is an online wellness program for women who want to reset their sleep, create healthier habits and change their lives.  Shawna is a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach and a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Shawna has been featured on several podcasts and in Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, and The Huffington Post.  A free download of her latest book can be found here: You can follow her on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. To connect with Shawna on Social media: IG - @kaiahealthcoach FB- @kaiahealth LinkedIn - Shawna McKinley Robins YouTube - @shawnarobins To learn more about coaching, and complete the application for a free 30-min call.
The Power of Choice: Why asking "why" is the WORST question you could ever ask yourself In episode 258 of the Full Frontal Living podcast, Lisa emphasizes the power of choice and the detrimental effects of constantly asking "why" in self-reflection. Lisa begins by sharing her commitment to going back to her spontaneous podcasting roots and the realization that she has been overthinking her messages due to the pressure of video recording and societal expectations of appearance. She challenges listeners to examine how often they hold themselves back from showing up authentically due to self-imposed paradigms and the need to conform to external standards. Lisa delves into the negative impact of asking "why" questions, explaining how they keep individuals anchored in the past and obstruct their ability to move forward. She encourages listeners to shift their focus from dwelling on the "why" to making conscious choices about who they want to become. The episode highlights the tendency for individuals to use "why" questions as a means of self-sabotage, keeping themselves stuck and avoiding taking action. Lisa underscores the importance of questioning the true benefits of constantly asking "why" and the role of self-judgment in this pattern. Throughout the episode, Lisa shares personal experiences and coaching insights, stressing the significance of moving away from the "why" mindset and embracing a forward-facing approach to personal growth and decision-making. Listeners are encouraged to release the grip of "why" questions and instead consider alternative inquiries that empower them to take action and create the transformations they desire. Lisa highlights the need for radical honesty and self-awareness in acknowledging the benefits individuals derive from their choices, even in the face of familiar suffering. Join Lisa on this transformative journey as she explores the power of choice and the liberation that comes from relinquishing the binds of "why" questioning.   Upcoming Excitement: Learn more about Lisa’s upcoming luxury retreat in Whistler Only 3 spaces remain for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Interested in having your own BOLD year? Learn more about Lisa’s groundbreaking membership program Reclamation. This is an oasis for those seeking coaching and community support around body positivity, energy management, and unwavering personal growth. More information can be found here.   Gain access to her private podcast “Sustainably Strong” focused on energy management and resilience strategies by subscribing to this power-packed source of wisdom.  
In this candid and reflective episode, Lisa takes you on an intimate journey through the challenges and revelations she's faced in 2023. With unflinching honesty, she opens up about her personal struggles, the courage it takes to confront her values, and how she's reorienting her life to be in greater integrity with those values. 🎧 What You'll Discover in episode 257: - Lisa's transformative approach to commitment and how it impacts every facet of our lives, especially when we're overdue for a self-care check-in. - The empowering act of choosing and releasing commitments with intention, and why sometimes less is more for achieving true success. - A heart-to-heart on how to recognize when commitments no longer serve our current stage in life or our growing goals, and the importance of acting boldly in alignment with our deepest desires. 🌟 Special Highlights: - Get exclusive insights into Lisa's own significant life choices, as she redefines her path by stepping away from athletic pursuits and embracing a renewed dedication to travel and personal development – including her powerful decision to spend time apart from her partner to focus on healing. - Join Lisa as she champions the art of prioritization and the profound impact of full, unequivocal commitment on personal fulfillment. 🚀 Upcoming Excitement: Learn more about Lisa’s upcoming luxury retreat in Whistler Only 3 spaces remain for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Interested in having your own BOLD year? Learn more about Lisa's groundbreaking membership program Reclamation. This is an oasis for those seeking coaching and community support around body positivity, energy management, and unwavering personal growth. More information will be released soon! - Gain access to her private podcast "Sustainably Strong" focused on energy management and resilience strategies by subscribing to this power-packed source of wisdom. 💌 How You Can Dive Deeper: - If Lisa's journey resonates with you, and you're seeking one-on-one guidance, reach out directly to Lisa about her coaching program, the Collective. It’s an opportunity to redefine and reclaim your commitments under Lisa’s experienced wing. Remember, the path to a fulfilling life is often about revisiting our commitments and ensuring they align with our ever-evolving self. Lisa’s journey is a testament to the bravery required to release the old and embrace the powerful potential of the new. We urge you to share your thoughts through reviews and ratings, and would be so grateful if you would. Thank you for being part of our community, committing to your growth, and allowing Lisa’s voice to accompany you on your journey. 🌐 Visit Our Website: 💌 Subscribe to Our Private Podcast: Follow us on Instagram
Comments (9)

Belinda Pitts

Love the topic because our clothes can show how wonderful we feel inside and outside. We should all feel worthy of looking beautiful but it starts within✨

Jan 4th

Belinda Pitts

I remind myself daily my Faith is Power along with my Belief system also equals Power and strength for all I create in life. We all have the opportunity to create the life we want through goals.

Dec 12th
Reply (1)

Belinda Pitts

I believe moderation with food is crucial to healthy habits and eating. To deny or deprive yourself is a setup for failure when it comes to food and a healthy lifestyle.

Aug 27th
Reply (1)

Belinda Pitts

The other side of parenting, if you are Blessed you will become a grandparent and do it all over again✨

May 16th

Belinda Pitts

They just want our unconditional love and acceptance plain and simple! If we can just celebrate who they are and give the self worth they will thrive🙏 The greatest gift of all they will be the most loving and caring people you give to society!

May 16th

Belinda Pitts

I believe you can master the art of giving unconditionally without draining all we have within as long as you have no expectations of anything in return.

May 16th

Belinda Pitts

Yes, it is all about how we respond to life and what this universe brings before us in every aspect how we choose to respond determines everything!

May 16th
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