The Full-Time FBA Show - Amazon Reseller Strategies & Stories

Sometimes selling on Amazon can be frustrating, but we're here to help. Hosted by Full-Time FBA's Stephen and Rebecca Smotherman, The Full-Time FBA Show is a podcast focused on helping you grow your Amazon FBA business to a point where you can make a full-time income with only part-time hours. We'll talk about the best Amazon FBA strategies and hear inspirational stories from those who have succeeded in making a full-time income with Amazon. The podcast features fresh content, proven strategies, and motivational interviews that are sure to help you take the next steps in growing your Amazon business.

243 – How Much Should You Pay Yourself in Your Amazon FBA Business?

We’re all in the business of selling on Amazon in order to make money, right? It only seems logical that one of the most important questions in the early days of your FBA business is “When do I start paying myself from my business? And how much should I pay myself?” On today’s episode we’ll get into the details of how to answer this question for yourself – how to benefit financially from your hard work but also have enough money to reinvest and grow your business. We also celebrate our 5th poddiversary this week!! Five years of podcasting at The Full-Time FBA Show! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


242 – Should You Create Your Own Amazon Product Pages?

Have you ever considered creating product pages to add to the Amazon catalog? As a general rule, we at Full-Time FBA prefer not to create product pages; instead, we source inventory that already has a proven track record of selling consistently for good products on Amazon. However, we know that sometimes the occasion does present itself where a third-party seller might need to create a new product detail page. In today’s episode we will cover the reasons why you might need to create a product page and the best practices for doing so. Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


241 – How to Maximize “Free Trials” of Amazon Reseller Tools, Resources, & Software

Who doesn’t love a free trial of a new software or tool for your Amazon FBA business? It’s a great way to test out a program or service and see if it’s a good fit for your business. But you don’t want to waste your precious free trial period by not knowing how best to use the tool before you get started. In today’s episode we will discuss how to maximize your free trials and how to start raking in the profits from your FBA sales because of how you’re using your new tool or service. Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


240 – More Book Seller Sourcing Tips for Amazon FBA Profits

Books, books, books, today’s episode is all about books! We typically promote a replen model of sourcing at Full-Time FBA, but for some sellers getting started with books is the best way to build up your selling experience and your sourcing capital. Today we will cover our favorite spots for sourcing books, what types of books to look for, and which books to ignore. If you’ve ever thought about selling books and want to hear all the pros and cons, this episode is for you. Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


239 – The #1 Amazon Seller Newbie Mistake

Whether you are a true Amazon newbie or you’ve been selling for a while and you’re considering adding something new to your business, you’ll want to tune in today to hear about this underrated mistake that can be costing you thousands in profits. Big reveal: the mistake is getting stuck in the learning stage of selling on Amazon and delaying taking any action on what you’re learning. In this episode you’ll hear several reasons why you may be stuck in learning and not taking action – as well as how you can overcome this learning paralysis. After you listen, be sure to swipe out of your podcast player and take your next action step! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


238 – Is Selling via Amazon FBA Passive Income?

Stephen and Rebecca at Full-Time FBA have been selling via Amazon FBA for over a decade, and from time to time they still hear folks refer to Amazon reselling as “passive income” – but is that a good way to describe an FBA business? On today’s episode you will hear them discuss the ways Amazon FBA can be a form of passive income (including ways to make it even more “passive”), but they are also frank about the up-front work it requires to be successful at earning an income through FBA. Check out this episode today to learn more about the best ways to build a successful FBA business that will set you up with solid income for the long-term. Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


237 – This is Why You're Not Making a Full-Time Income on Amazon

Do you feel unstoppable in your Amazon FBA business, or is there something holding you back? We know that many of our listeners have the goal of making a full-time income selling on Amazon, and many of you simply want to earn a good chunk of profits with Amazon as your side hustle. Either way, we at Full-Time FBA want to help you meet your goals and become unstoppable at Amazon selling! On today’s episode we’re going to help you overcome the main setbacks to earning a full-time income through Amazon – so check it out today! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


236 – Building an Amazon FBA Business in an Unpredictable Economy

If you pay any attention to the news, you probably notice that a constant headline in the US is how the economy is or isn’t doing at any given time. On today’s episode of the show, we’re going to discuss why we at Full-Time FBA don’t get too worried over news of the economy – because we have enough experience in the FBA business to know that there will always be ups and downs. We’ll discuss the reasons you, too, should consider building an economy-proof business of your own so that you don’t have to be stressed by the roller coaster of economic news. Check out the episode today for our take on having a stable business during unpredictable times! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


235 – How to Sell Through Your Slow Moving (Aged) Inventory

In our FBA business we try to keep to a goal of selling through inventory within 30-60 days of reaching the Amazon warehouse – but what happens if we don’t reach that goal? It can happen to all of us, although hopefully not too frequently. Today on The Full-Time FBA Show we are discussing how to handle our slow moving (or aged) inventory, in particular how to make sure it sells quickly enough to recoup some capital and avoid accruing storage fees. Tune in to today’s episode to hear our solutions to the problem of aged inventory! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


234 – Two Foolish Ways to Run an Amazon FBA Business

No foolin’ and no jokin’ – you don’t want to miss this episode of The Full-Time FBA Show. Today we’re discussing two foolish ways you could run your Amazon FBA business that could lead to its ruin. One of the most foolish things you could as an Amazon business owner is let your profits slip right through your fingers – instead of into your pockets. Tune in to the show to find out how you can stop these two profit drains and be a wise business owner. You’ll also find out why signing up for our Amazon Income Accelerator Workshop should be at the top of your to-do list, even if you’ve already attended (spoiler: we have some exciting new content we can’t wait to share). Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


233 – The Best Habits for Amazon FBA Sellers to Master

Everyone has habits, good or bad, in their daily life and in their business. If you’re not intentional about your habits in your Amazon FBA business, chances are that you have some bad habits you need to work through. Today on The Full-Time FBA Show we’re going to be covering the best habits that Amazon FBA sellers can develop in order to grow their business and make the most profits. Make sure you listen all the way to the end to find out about the best way you can start working on your own FBA habits this week! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


232 – Incorrect Assumptions that are Costing Your FBA Business Profits

Making assumptions can really cost your FBA business time and money. Typically assumptions come from incomplete information – sometimes those assumptions can turn out to be correct, but all too often they can be incorrect and we end up losing out big time. On today’s episode we’re going to cover several common incorrect assumptions that happen in the course of running an Amazon FBA business and how you can avoid those assumptions and their profit-stealing effects. Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


231 – Best Practice for SOPs in Your Amazon FBA Business

In today’s episode we’re following up on one of the questions posed in last week’s episode: Are you reinventing the wheel when you should be following smooth, clear systems and processes? The best way not to waste time in this situation is to create standard operating procedures for your business – also known as SOPs. We’re diving into why you should create SOPs for your business, a specific example of an SOP from our Full-Time FBA blog, and how using SOPs can help you outsource and scale your FBA business even faster than it is growing now. Be sure and listen all the way to the end of the episode for an awesome SOP freebie! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


230 – How Not To Waste Your Time as an Amazon FBA Seller

Time may very well be the most precious commodity we have in our lives. Whether you’re running an FBA business or not, you are likely to be serious about not wasting time whenever possible. Many, many things are pulling at our attention – some of them good and some of them not so good. In today’s episode of The Full-Time FBA Show, we’re going to give you several questions to ask yourself so that you can analyze whether or not you’re wasting time in your FBA business. You do not want to miss this opportunity to work through these questions and improve how your time is spent in your business! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


229 – Don't Sign Up for Amazon's new SIPP program. Here's Why!

Did you get an email (or two) from Amazon about their “new” SIPP program? Many sellers received these emails in December 2023 and February 2024 inviting them to join the program, also known as “Ship in Product Packaging.” We’re not signing up, and we don’t recommend it to most sellers, either. Tune in to today’s episode to hear why we’re opting out and which (very limited) sellers could benefit from opting in. Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


228 – When or If It's Time to Fire Your Wholesale Supplier

In our previous episode, we looked into the top red flags you should watch out for when signing up for an account with a new wholesale supplier – but what do you do if you’ve been working for a while with a supplier and things start to go sideways? Today we’ll discuss how to decide if it’s time to walk away, along with the best business practices to use in this not-so-fun situation. Listen to the end to find out why signing up for our FREE wholesale webinar with The Wholesale Formula should be at the top of your to-do list! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


227 – Wholesale Sourcing Red Flags

Do you know how to spot red flags in potential wholesale suppliers when you see them? Sometimes a wholesale supplier looks too good to be true, and other times something looks just a bit off for that supplier. On today’s episode we’re going to discuss the top red flags you should be aware of when you’re considering working with a new supplier for your Amazon FBA business, so that you don’t end up losing your precious time and money on a product that might be a scam. Be sure to listen to the end to hear how you can learn more tried and true info about wholesale sourcing for your FBA business! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


226 – Why We Avoid Stickerless Commingled Inventory at Amazon FBA

Have you received an email from Amazon inviting you to become a “Stickerless Seller”? If so, you’ll want to check out today’s episode before signing up for this not-so-new program! Amazon touts the benefits of going stickerless, but do those benefits apply more to Amazon than to the third-party sellers on their platform? (Spoiler: Of course they do!) Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


225 – Are "Done For You" Automated Amazon Agencies a Scam?

Have you heard of the so-called “done for you” automated Amazon agencies claiming to give you a fast-and-easy return on your investment? These all-in-one services make big promises that all you have to do is pay thousands of dollars, and you’ll have all the work of opening and running an Amazon business done for you. All you have to do is pay thousands of dollars. All you have to do. Yep, it’s that easy…or is it??!! In today’s episode we’re discussing why you should be extremely wary of giving your hard-earned money and access to your one wild and precious Amazon selling account to an automated selling service. Please listen to this episode before you sign up for this type of service! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


224 – How to Deal With Amazon's High Price Error Alerts

“Your listings are deactivated for potential pricing error.” Just seeing that phrase in the subject line of an email from Amazon can cause you to lose your mind! On today’s episode we’re talking about what to do if you get an alert from Amazon that an item in your inventory has been deactivated due to a high pricing error. Today we will spell out for you the steps to take to reactivate your inventory and continue to earn excellent profits selling those items via Amazon FBA. Don’t miss out on this helpful information for handling pricing errors from Amazon! Show Notes for this episode - The Full-Time FBA Podcast Page - Subscribe to the Full-Time FBA Newsletter and get some helpful freebies -    


Matt Jones

Great show. Looking forward to season 2.

01-15 Reply

Joe Bourbeau

Love the show and the tips/encouragement! Any thoughts or advice for online arbitrage during an economic downturn? Looks like the odds are good to have another recession in a year or 2. Thanks!

07-22 Reply

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