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The Future of Supply Chain
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The Future of Supply Chain

Author: SAP SE

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The Future of Supply Chain podcast is a show hosted by Richard Howells, Sin To, and Nicole Smythe. The trio discusses hot topics, best practices, and the latest innovations to deliver a risk-resilient and sustainable supply chain. The show features interviews with experts from the world of supply chain, sustainability, and Industry 4.0, who will address the issues of today and tomorrow. This is an ideal podcast for supply chain, R&D, manufacturing, logistics, and operations executives to learn and share ideas and best practices with their peers.
81 Episodes
It may only be September, but the holiday season is quickly approaching… is your supply chain ready? This week, hosts Richard and Nicole discuss new trends in consumer buying and growth, what socio-economic events will impact this buying season, and what companies can do to best prepare for the holiday rush. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
This week, our own Andreas Wagner joins us to delve into the intricacies of global supply chains, emphasizing the importance of digital transformation and sustainability whilst sharing insights on how companies can adapt to changing market demands through technology and collaboration. Together, we highlight the significance of agility in supply chains and discusses emerging trends such as AI and hyper-personalization that are shaping the future landscape. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
Innovation, speed, flexibility, and scale are critical in today’s modern day supply chains. This week, our own Mindy Davis and Bob Merlo return to explore the three C’s to success: connecting processes, contextualizing decisions with AI, and collaborating effectively with your ecosystem. Together, we discuss innovations and insights that open new doors to business strategies, enabling companies to transform their supply chain. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
In dieser Folge sprechen wir Manuel Flubacher und Markus Oertelt über die enge Verbindung zwischen Industrie und Logistik, die in Deutschland für Innovation sorgt, welche Chancen die Digitalisierung bietet und warum eine effiziente Logistik entscheidend für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ist. Dabei diskutieren wir auch, wie neue Technologien nicht nur unsere Arbeitswelt verändert wird und kann, sondern auch die Supply Chain und die Logistik.
In dieser Folge diskutieren wir die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die moderne Lieferketten durchlaufen, und beleuchten die wesentlichen Herausforderungen, denen Unternehmen im Supply Chain Planning begegnen. Dabei diskutieren wir, wie globale Unsicherheiten und technologische Fortschritte den Druck auf Lieferketten erhöhen und welche Strategien erforderlich sind, um diese Herausforderungen zu meistern. Und natürlich sprechen wir auch über den Einsatz neuer Technologien, wie Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), die das Supply Chain Planning revolutionieren kann und wir zeigen auf, wie KI-basierte Lösungen Unternehmen helfen können, die Vorhersagegenauigkeit zu verbessern, Risiken proaktiv zu managen und die Effizienz der Lieferkette zu steigern. Diese Episode bietet wertvolle Einblicke und praktische Tipps für alle, die sich mit der Optimierung und Zukunftssicherung ihrer Lieferketten beschäftigen.
In today's complex, modern global supply chains, companies must stay ahead of the game, much like chess masters anticipating multiple moves in advance. On this week’s episode, Cascades’ Xavier Duprat draws a compelling parallel between supply chain management and the game of chess, emphasizing the critical importance of strategic, synchronized planning and the transformative role of AI as a powerful ally in overcoming the daunting challenges of today's supply chains. Together, we dive into valuable lessons for any organization seeking to future-proof its supply chain through innovative strategies and technologies, much like a chess grandmaster anticipating and outmaneuvering the competition. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
In today’s world of technology, AI, Machine Learning and Big Data are what we consider ‘the Big Three’, enabling a new wave of intelligence, autonomy, and visibility. Joined by our own Anchal Sood and Claus Jensen, we discuss how these three are transforming supply chain planning business processes, providing end-to-end visibility, real-time decision support, and continuous adaptation. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
This week, we’re joined by our own Jeff Bonnell as he discusses the pivotal role of digital twins and AI in revolutionizing asset management. Together, we dive into how these innovations enable agile, resilient, and secure supply networks, enhancing predictive maintenance and operational efficiency, and understand the integration of digital twins in capturing data, monitoring asset health, and optimizing supply chain processes. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
Timeliness, accuracy, and completeness – three key pillars to differentiation within the world of logistics providers. On this week’s episode, we’re joined by project44’s Chris Kobus & SAP’s Doug DeLuca dive into just how these three traits help mitigate disruptions and meet rising consumer expectations, all whilst revolutionizing logistics efficiency. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
We’ve heard of lean manufacturing, batch manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing, but what about remanufacturing? This week, Tech Mahindra’s Manish Giniwala joins us to uncover the challenges and opportunities in reviving used products, the impact on supply chains, and the intersection of sustainability, circularity, and profitability. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
This week, we dive into the innovative world of Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) with Verusen's Paul Noble, as he discusses the challenges facing maintenance executives and the innovative solutions transforming the industry. Together, we learn how AI-powered technologies, like the Verusen Material Graph, are bridging gaps between systems, processes, and people, enabling organizations to reduce inventory, optimize spend, and mitigate risks across their supply chain networks while fostering collaboration between maintenance and procurement teams. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
This week, IDC’s Simon Ellis, industry expert in supply chain, joins us to share valuable perspectives on their recent InfoBrief, The Importance of AI in Supply Chain and Operations, diving into the importance of data foundations, the balance between embedded and analytical AI applications, and the strategic considerations for companies adopting AI technologies. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
People, goods, systems, and machines have more in common than you’d think. This week, Stellium’s Joe Montagna joins us to dive into not only their connection, but interconnectivity within a business operation and system, itself. Together, we explore the impact of AI, data analytics, and digital transformation as companies look to build their factories of the future in today’s modern age. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
SAP Business Network & SAP Digital Supply Chain are a perfect pair, and our own, Elena Parker agrees. This week, she joins us to delve into sustainability hurdles in supply chains, the importance of business networks for collaboration, and our technology in supporting Ukrainian suppliers is helping shape a better tomorrow. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
Mobile phones can do more than just call, text, and scroll – they now have the power to digitally transform a company’s ability to efficiently do work within their business processes. This week, Samsung’s Phil Lander and SAP’s Andy Hancock join us to dive into their critical role of mobile devices in driving efficiencies, business continuity, and employee satisfaction within supply chain operations. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
Visibility into data has become a driving differentiator for supply chains, making it a top priority for executives everywhere. But how can organizations ensure their value chain is efficient, but their data, as well? Google Cloud’s Paula Natoli joins us to discuss new and innovative ways companies can ground their supply chains in their data. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
As we all know, risk and disruptions are an aspect of supply chains that are here to stay. However, good news – there’s now something that companies can do about it, through the latest technologies, innovations, and partnerships between SAP and Everstream. Volker Wilhelm, SAP, and Koray Köse, Everstream, join to dive into what the future holds for the field and our two companies. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
Ask any supply chain executive & there’s one thing at the top of their list – visibility. Kinexon’s Rob Segal join us to discuss how real-time data tracking, much like Kinexon’s location tracking technology, can provide the accurate, up-to-date information needed to automate processes, identify inefficiencies, and enable better decision making. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
React faster? Sharper visibility? Enhanced stability? The similarity between these benefits lies in one thing – the Supply Chain Nerve Center, a partnership between SAP and Accenture. This week, Accenture’s Michel Roger & Rahul Dwivedi join us to discuss how this tool redefines how companies react to disruptions and drive resiliency across their business processes. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.
Logistics plays a crucial role in the supply chain as it is responsible for the efficient and smooth movement of goods and services from manufacturer to consumer. In this podcast episode, we talk to Jochen Freese from Forto about how technology and innovation can improve the supply chain and help minimize its environmental impact. We also discuss the latest trends, challenges and solutions on the road to a greener logistics industry. Come join us as we discuss the Future of Supply Chain.