The Gerry Anderson Randomiser

If you've ever enjoyed Thunderbirds, Space 1999, UFO, Captain Scarlet or any other Gerry Anderson show then this is the place where you can experience those shows episode by episode in the expert hands of Gerry Anderson historian Chris Dale. He randomly takes you on a journey through 6 decades of Gerry Anderson shows.

Four Feather Falls - Land Grabbers

The Circle Z Ranch is under siege from Morg Fenton and Big Ben, but Tex discovers it is outside his area of jurisdiction and cannot help defend it.


Supercar - Jail Break

Dr. Beaker saves the day when Mike is forced to help a notorious criminal escape prison.With intro guest SimpsonsClips24.


Thunderbirds - End of the Road

International Rescue's security is jeopardised when Tin-Tin's close friend Eddie Houseman, who recently visited Tracy Island, takes drastic action to save his road-construction company's threatened contract by planting explosives to tear open a jungle mountainside, and the ensuing chaos leaves him trapped on a cliffside in a truck with another case of explosives on board.


Captain Scarlet - Shadow of Fear

With the help of an observatory in the Himalayas, Spectrum lands a probe on the Martian moon Phobos to perform detailed orbital reconnaissance of the Red Planet.


Space:1999 - Breakaway

In September 1999, John Koenig reports to Earth's Space Research Center at Moonbase Alpha as its new commander. A strange sickness is killing some of the Moonbase Alpha crew. Commander Koenig's investigation reveals that the source lies at Nuclear Waste Disposal Area 1 caused by excessive magnetic energy fields. The continuous buildup of energy shortly causes massive explosion clusters that knock the moon off orbit into deep space.


The Protectors - Goodbye George

Caroline is hired by an American millionaire who thinks his son, an artist living in Venice, has fallen victim to a con-man.


Space:1999 - Brian the Brain

With the moon's trajectory reported to be shifting due to an unknown cause, the Alphans happen across a roving spaceship run entirely by a computer. Brian the Brain, as he prefers to be called, proves to be a devious device until the truth is uncovered.


Stingray - Titan Goes Pop

Titan orders Agent X-20 to kidnap a pop star who is visiting Marineville.


UFO - Flight Path

A blackmailed SHADO operative opens the door for a possible alien attack on Moonbase.


Lavender Castle - Brightonia on Sea

Following a recommendation in a brochure, the Paradox crew decide to take a holiday on the planet Brightonia on Sea. But once there, they are captured by Short Fred Ledd who chains them up and steals the Paradox. Without water, their only hope of survival rests with Sir Squeakalot and Isambard’s latest invention, a remote control for the Paradox.


Supercar - A Little Art

Mike and Dr. Beaker try to find a forger's plates - if an art dealer and a criminal don't find the plates first.


Terrahawks - Runaway

Yung-Star runs away, but he is unknowingly carrying a 'bug' in the form of a powder inside him.


The Protectors - Burning Bush

A wealthy man is concerned to discover his teenage daughter is involved with an obscure religious sect. Harry goes undercover to find out what goes on inside the community.


Fireball XL5 - Drama at Space City

Jonathan Zero's unauthorised midnight exploration of XL5 turns into a terrifying adventure when the ship launches and catches fire.


Torchy the Battery Boy - Pilliwig Gets a Present

The resident toys are no longer amused with Pilliwig's jokes, which depresses the clown. Torchy and Flopsy decide to picnic on an island, where they discover Ena the hyena. They bring her back to Frutown, where Pilliwig is delighted to meet someone who will always laugh at his antics.


Space Precinct - The Forever Beetle

Pteronarcys Eternicum, a rare beetle capable of cell regeneration, is stolen from Dexkor Laboratories. Brogan and Haldane are assigned to the case and suspect that the theft may be an inside job. But Brogan is preoccupied with nailing drugs dealer Amory Wolf whom he believes is responsible for the death of Tommy Murphy, his oldest friend. Meanwhile, Jane and Took have a run-in with local hero Thunder Cole.


Joe 90 - Hi-jacked

Joe attempts to thwart Mario Coletti, a ruthless arms runner who sells weapons to the highest bidders.


Stingray - Sea of Oil

While investigating the destruction of an oil platform with Troy and Phones, Atlanta is captured by undersea warriors.


Captain Scarlet - Manhunt

After Captain Black inadvertently exposes himself to radiation, thus making himself detectable on long-range Geiger counters, Spectrum mobilises its forces to apprehend the Mysterons' primary agent.


Four Feather Falls - Dusty Becomes Deputy

Pedro and Fernando set a fire on the outskirts of town to lure Tex away. The bandits aim to rob the bank while Tex and the other townsfolk fight the fire.


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