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The Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast

Author: Lillian Skinner

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A podcast dedicated to comprehending and then cultivating the outside genius found only in Gifted Neurodivergence (ND). 

The time has come to finally take back the narrative of what being neurodivergent really is. Neurodivergence is creative intelligence.

In this podcast we will explore the truth about what it means to be live in a system that resists cultivating differences. We will explore how we can cultivate our giftedness outside of the system. We will explore how new technology (such as AI) and new science is presenting new opportunities and places for us to create. We will discuss what a healthy and cultivated ND life looks and how much our society misunderstands the unique gifts and experiences of neurodivergents. 

 The goal is to create a safe place where amazing outliers can share their gifts, learn about themselves, learn about others like them,  find themselves and join a community where they belong. 

 Contact us at or go to to learn more and join the community.

51 Episodes
Podcast #3 - The 3D Thinker - Giftedness Unrealized In this podcast we address what it means to be a 3D+ thinker in a world that does not cultivate 3D thinking. We review what makes us gifted, the connection trauma has to increasing our divergent thinking capabilities and the value divergent thinking will have as AI becomes the go to for convergent thinking. This podcast references:The Renzulli - 3 Rings Conception of Giftedness
This episode of the Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast introduces the concept of infracognition, a form of cognition that involves understanding and using emotions alongside traditional thought processes. It is contrasted with metacognition, or thinking about thinking. Infracognition is oppressed in our current educational systems, which favor linear, factual learning. But that infracognition is more suitable for our change we face in the near future. Infracognition will provide the skills we need...
This episode of the Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast explores the unique intersection of emotional intelligence and foresight with guest Tuomas Malinen, an economics forecaster.The conversation delves into the profound impact of emotions on cognitive processing and the power of neurodivergent perspectives in navigating a rapidly changing world. Tuomas shares his personal journey through harm OCD and meditation, revealing how deep emotional processing can transform chaos into clarity and kindness...
as In this podcast we explore unified intelligence as the connection between the somatic and the cognitive that drives the genius found in twice-exceptional individuals. We discuss how unified intelligence is crucial for accessing creative genius. We emphasizes the importance of cultivating this intelligence to achieve our full potential and challenges the traditional separation of mind and body. Drawing on historical perspectives and personal experiences, I advocates for a new approach ...
Trigger Warning: This episode contains brief references to attempted suicide.In this episode of the Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast, I interview Ethan R. Gibson, author of 'Nonchalant Perfectionism'. You can find his book here: just 21, Ethan wrote this book reflecting on his journey from addiction and an attempted suicide to his experiences working in a group home for young sex offenders—a journey that offered insights into the therapeutic potential of fostering emoti...
In the realm of cognitive brilliance, the stories that resonate most are those that challenge conventional perceptions and unfold the rich tapestry of human intellect and emotion. Lillian Skinner, the host of the **Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast**, introduces us to Anshar Seraphim—a figure of remarkable cognitive intelligence and a testament to the extraordinary capacities of neurodivergent individuals.Anshar's journey from being predominantly nonverbal, with autism, to becoming a beacon of in...
Redefining 2e as Cognitive and Somatic Giftedness In this episode of The Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast, I propose redefining "twice exceptional" from its current understanding, which combines disability and giftedness, to a new definition emphasizing "twice giftedness" in both somatic and cognitive domains.I contend that disabilities in this context are caused by the education system's suppression of somatic intelligence. Our systems tend to cultivate a singular type of inte...
In this episode, I explore the detrimental effects of societal expectations on highly sensitive individuals. I argue that the most damaging aspect of the relationship between sensitivity, intelligence, and insanity arises from societal institutions, especially education. These institutions often favor psychopathic and narcissistic traits at the expense of highly sensitive individuals, leading to frequent chronic mental and physical health issues.I present examples of renowned geniuses through...
I believe the obesity epidemic signifies a sensitivity to the schedules imposed by our systems on everyone. Obesity, in my view, is a consequence of the struggle to conform to increasingly restrictive and demanding systems, coupled with a diminishing nutritional quality in our food supply. The choices we make regarding nutrition are driven by the need for increasing dopamine rewards, which, in the short term, help us adhere to our schedules.Obesity rates are on the rise across all Western soc...
In this episode, I delve into the concept of creative intelligence and its impact on our perspective-taking. Using tutoring as an illustrative example, I demonstrate how the variance in learning experiences often boils down to differing perspectives.Our educational systems are designed to instruct as if everyone's IQ falls within the range of 80 to 120. Those outside this range, whether above or below, tend to face difficulties. Creative thinkers, in particular, often find themselves far beyo...
It's another episode on Free Will, this time from the system perspective or 2D perspective. Using the viewpoint of Daniel Dennett, I review the 2D perspective of Free Will, illustrating how it contrasts with Robert Sapolsky's perspective and my own.Daniel Dennett is known as the "Father of Modern Philosophy." He is a neuroscientist and the head of the Philosophy Department at Tufts University. In this podcast, I reviewed the following documents covering Daniel Dennett's perspective on Free Wi...
Happy New Year, Everyone!It's 2024, and this year, instead of making resolutions on how you can improve yourself, I want you to do the opposite. I want you to radically accept yourself exactly as you are. I would like this year to be the best year of your life. I want you to see only the amazing things you can do and all the potential you have.In this podcast, I cover Robert Sapolsky's book, "Behave." This voluminous book covers all the reasons why we do not have free will. There are many. Fo...
Gifted Neurodivergent PodcastDr. Linda Silverman's NotesDecember 13, 20231. Variation of ways I have seen spatial giftedness manifest.All endeavors in which the right hemisphere has major involvement.CreativityImaginationIntuitionEmpathyMathematical and scientific interestsBig picture thinkers in all fieldsThinking outside the boxThe ability to predict trendsUnderstanding customer needsDesignFine artsPhotographic memorySpiritual awarenessThe ability to grasp non-dualityPsychic ability2. In ho...
This episode is the third and final podcast of the "Overexcitabilities" series.In the last podcast, I shared how my overexcitabilities played a crucial role in fostering my learning. They emerged when I was either exhausted or excited to aid me in subconscious or immersive learning. In this podcast, I delve into the challenges posed by overexcitabilities in the classroom. I illustrate how teachers and educational systems suppress highly sensitive learners, actively hindering their potential g...
This episode will offer you an entirely new perspective on the value and purpose of our overexcitabilities.While many are familiar with Dabrowski's Positive Disintegration Theory and its associated overexcitabilities, the way it is commonly presented lacks practical relevance for individuals living with high overexcitabilities.I have found the research on overexcitabilities to be deficient, describing them from an external standpoint and treating them as almost optional. This mischaracterizat...
Until AI became mainstream this year, I had to rely heavily on writing coaches. Why? Because my brain operates differently, making it challenging to pinpoint the best perspective form the multitude my brain offers simultaneously each time I attempt to communicate through writing.My spatially gifted savant brains has one gift. The gift of perspective taking, so much so it is nearly always overwhelming me. I can see things from the viewpoints of everyone I've met—understand their thoughts, navi...
In this episode, I delve into the concept of Creative Intelligence. Our current educational systems predominantly emphasize a linear approach to learning and thinking. However, individuals with gifted neurodivergence leverage their sensing intelligence to branch out from the linear learning path and subsequently connect these branches back to the main path, thus fostering novel thinking. This phenomenon is what we refer to as creative intelligence.Unfortunately, creative intelligence is not e...
Did you know there are 2 types of intuition?I first discovered this when I read the book Thinking Fast and Slow. A book I promptly chucked across the room because it violated all of my sensibilities. But it also kept me trying to understand why my intuition worked so well now and didn't work so well when I was a kid. I figured it out and now you can too.I reference the following in my podcast:John Taylor Gatto Speech Chinese Prodigy Article
This episode is the first of a new series dedicated to understanding and cultivating children with gifted neurodivergence. Two mothers, (Lillian Skinner and Beth Anne Johnson) in different stages of raising their children, discuss how they navigate and raise their gifted neurodivergent children to succeed now and in the future. While living a society that needs the unique spatial gifts of the gifted neurodivergent but has not tried to cultivate or understand them. If you enjoyed the pod...
If you read about the projected future of education it seems like we will have finally created the ideal learning environment sometime within the next 100 years. An education that focuses on the individual and how they learn. One that uses their strengths to cultivate all their abilities. A system that will make learning a joy. It sounds ideal. But I am not holding my breathe. My experience with the our education system shows a system more interested in conditioning rather than edu...