The Gig Work Podcast

A podcast on the global issues in the gig economy, brought to you by the WageIndicator Foundation.

Impact of the gig economy in India

What is the impact of platforms in a country like India? During my visit to this exceptionally beautiful country, I struck up a conversation with Varsha Bansal. She is an independent journalist who writes a lot about platform work and the impact of technology on work. In the latest episode of The Gig Work Podcast, I discuss with her the growth and impact of platform work in India, with a particular focus on delivery, taxi and domestic work. 


Introducing a Living Tariff for non-contract workers

As a 'non-contract worker', which means you are not an employee and therefore work as a freelancer or in the informal economy, it is difficult to calculate what you should earn per hour to make a decent and liveable living. Because you don't have an employer, you are responsible for including matters such as holiday hours, administration time, pension, insurance and occupation-related costs such as laptops and means of transport in the calculation of your tariff. A tough job in practice. This is why the WageIndicator Foundation developed the Living Tariff tool. Financial support for the development and implementation in the first 3 countries came from GIZ. A new concept that builds on years of experience and research around Living Wages. The Living Tariff is a tool to help non-employee workers to get an overview of what they should earn and support them to make well-informed decisions.


Formalizing the informal market in Colombia

In Colombia, it appears that cooperation between the government and platform entrepreneurs can lead to better working conditions for vulnerable workers. CEO Juan Sebastián Cadavid of domestic cleaning platform Hogarú explains all about it in The Gig Work Podcast.


A global market for customer service professionals

Online work via platforms offers many workers around the world access to the labour market. For workers, the world is a potential source of employment, but also a competitor. The extent to which this is an opportunity or a threat depends on the uniqueness of your skills and the skills needed for the job, the balance between supply and demand and, of course, where you live on the globe. When you live in an area where the cost of living is high, you are at a disadvantage compared to those with similar skills living in an area where the cost of living is low. The market around online work is creating a truly global job market. With all the opportunities and challenges that come with it. To learn more about the dynamics of a global labour market, I had a conversation with Floor van Haaren: co-founder of Cocoroco. International companies looking for customer service professionals get in touch with candidates from all over the world via Cocoroco's platform. Once they find a suitable person, they start working for the organisation remotely.


From Ouishare to WorkerTech: a look back and forward at platforms and the world of work

Albert Cañigueral Bagó is fascinated by technology, platforms and the world of work. How did the sharing and gig economy develop? And what impact does technology have on workers now and in the future? This is what Martijn Arets discusses with him in The Gig Work Podcast.


Improving working conditions for delivery riders

Delivery riders connected to platform Glovo do not all get employment contracts, but are covered by the 'Couriers Pledge' in 21 countries. With this, the company promises delivery workers safety, community, equality and a fair income. Why, how does it work and what does a platform worker get out of it? Martijn Arets travelled to Barcelona and spoke to Glovo spokesperson Magalí Gurman.


A level playing field via access to data

British tech expert and Uber driver James Farrar has been championing labour rights in the platform economy for eight years. Often successfully. Platform expert Martijn Arets spoke to him on behalf of the WageIndicator Foundation in The Gig Work Podcast about justice, data and the future of platform work. "Our struggle has only just begun," he said.Read a blog on this episode on www.gigpedia.orgThe link to the Harvard paper mentioned by James: 


Super-apps and green jackets: lessons on the gig economy from Indonesia

Super-apps like Grab and Gojek are centralising and formalising Indonesia's informal labour market. What problems are associated with this? And what does this teach us about the gig economy worldwide? Martijn Arets explores in The Gig Work Podcast.


How and why does the platform worker protest?

Do you want to know where, when and how platform workers protest? The Leeds Index of Platform Labour Protest provides answers. In The Gig Work Podcast, Martijn Arets asks the initiators of this project for their key insights for science and practice.More info on the index:


How Fairwork improves working conditions in the platform economy

Project Fairwork investigates and assesses working conditions for platform workers in 38 countries. And that's not all: the organisation strives for real change and gets it done. How? That's what Martijn Arets talked about with project manager Funda Ustek Spilda in The Gig Work Podcast of the WageIndicator Foundation.


Bringing transparency in the labour market: WageIndicator

With the conviction that all workers deserve a fair income under good conditions, the team behind the WageIndicator Foundation has been working for almost 25 years to bring more transparency to workers, employers and policymakers worldwide. For this episode, I headed to Bussum to talk to Paulien Osse, co-founder of this initiative. We discuss the story behind WageIndocator, data collection in 200 countries, the gig economy and the global debate. To conclude with a personal look back and forward. You can find more podcasts, articles and a weekly newsletter on 'global issues in the gig economy' at


A code of conduct for the gig economy: Crowdsourcing Code

How can gig economy platforms improve their business for the worker? In this episode, I talk to Markus Steinhauser, COO of crowdwork platform Testbirds. In 2015, he initiated the Crowdsourcing Code: a 'code of conduct' signed by 8 crowdwork platforms and backed by a union. At his office in Munich, I talk to Markus about the reason, the rollout, the results, the opportunities as well as the challenges of this initiative. You can find more podcasts, articles and a weekly newsletter on 'global issues in the gig economy' at


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