DiscoverThe Goddess, The Witch & The Womb
The Goddess, The Witch & The Womb
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The Goddess, The Witch & The Womb

Author: April & Maggie

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Reclaim your divine feminine birthright and heal with ancestral wisdom, self-love, and sacred sexuality.
93 Episodes
Witches are the wise women who are connected to different realms, dimensions, and studies. How are you serving your community by sharing your wisdom and intuitive guidance? Join the witches for a riveting discussion on the importance of helping your community through sharing your natural gifts. How are you serving and when can you show up with your witchy vibes to help people understand the world around them in new ways? Donate to this Podcast, here Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Celebrate Beltane with the Goddesses and musings of creation theories! At this time of fertility and growth, we sit between the Equinox and the Solstice celebrating the fire of creation. Self love is a practice that we can all grow from and the path can lead you into the most powerful magick within. Take the journey as we explore where we come from, how we approach being a witch and how that is reflected in the modern world. How are you using self-love to deconstruct the paradigms? Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
S3 Ep19: Broom Magick

S3 Ep19: Broom Magick


Are you sweeping away negative energy? Are you calling down the winds and the rain? Is your broom standing upright or with the bristles down? In this week’s episode, we discuss how to use a witch’s broom and we also explore some of the folklore of broom magick. How do you weave your magick with your besom?  Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
S3 Ep18: Sheela Na Gig

S3 Ep18: Sheela Na Gig


Sheela Na Gig is a carving of a naked woman holding open her vulva. These stone carvings are found in Ireland, Britain, France, Spain and even Norway. Sheela Na Gig is commonly found in liminal spaces such as windows, doorways, holy wells and ancient spiritual sites. She may have been an ancient fertility goddess, sexual goddess and even a goddess of creation. Join the witches as they discuss this ancient talisman! Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Mercury retrograde is in conjunction with the Solar Eclipse in Aries in the Spring of 2024. Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they discuss the astrological impact of the eclipse and how Mercury can help you to go deeper into who you are and your healing journey. How are you healing with self awareness and who are you as you emerge into the world after doing a little shadow exploration? How can you use this time of retrograde to go inward and explore your “I AM” presence? Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
S3 Ep16: Blodeuwedd

S3 Ep16: Blodeuwedd


Blodeuwedd is a Welsh Goddess who was created by a magician to be the wife of a cursed King. She was created through magic and nine flowers from the earth to serve as a dutiful wife. She eventually rebels and betrays her husband trying to kill him, and she is magically turned into an owl for her betrayal. But what is the significance of going against the paradigm that you are born into and created for? Is this a story of betrayal, rebelliousness, going against the patriarchy? Explore the richness of this ancient story in this week’s podcast episode of The Goddess, The Witch & The Womb. Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Do you burn candles with intention, thought and magic? Join the witches as they discuss what goes into a candle for spellwork. Have you used graveyard dirt? Herbs? Words? Intentions? Crystals?  April procured a fetus candle which she is using in her magical work for rebirth, renewal and the changing of the season to spring. She also added extra herbs, graveyard dirt and crystals to help with the intention. Find out new ways to decorate your candle with magical intentions! Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Rebirth and renewal are the themes for Spring Equinox and the Astrological New Year. Celebrate with The Goddess, The Witch & The Womb Podcast as we explore a few stories and a few astrological influences for this season. Which goddess will be on your altar for this season? Ostara? Persephone? Ishtar?  Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Every person on the planet has somebody in their blood line that was burned, hung, drowned, beheaded, or buried alive. Or maybe they have an ancestral memory of these events or watched the witch trials happen in history. Did your ancestors pass this memory down to you? The witch wound opens a path of ancestral healing, which means past life memories are informing our DNA today. Learn how to speak your truth and live your authentic path of being your self. Heal the wounds from speaking out, gathering herbs, healing your neighbors and just being a magical and spiritual being. Join the goddesses for another episode on how you can be a witch in this day and age and heal the ancestral wounds of lifetimes. Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
The Witch takes ownership of feeling into past lives. The divine feminine empowerment energy opens an inter-dimensional frequency of embodiment where we can receive the soul’s wisdom of an eternal nature. Join the witches for a riveting discussion on how past lives are a natural and spiritual guide to go within who you are. How can you make connections of soul contracts that weave and integrate past life connections? And how does soul awareness guide your craft?   Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
A witch’s altar is a sacred reflection of who you are. Join April, Harmony and Maggie in this dynamic episode on how to build your altar and what type of energetics go into the decisions of what you will place on your altar, how many altars you have, what their purpose is and how to seek your heart for guidance when crafting an altar.  Creativity is an expression of the divine feminine creative matrix. Every altar can be a working expression of your divine soul essence. An altar is a commitment of practicing the craft and can help to focus your energy.  Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
S3 Ep10: Familiars

S3 Ep10: Familiars


Familiars are the Witch's companions, loyal guardians, and protectors that are sent to assist witches with magic. Cats are a typical familiar that has roots in ancient Egypt for being mystical and inter-dimensional beings. They were also hunted like witches during the black plague in Europe because of their association with witchcraft, which actually made the plague worse because of how the disease was transmitted through rats,  Do you have a deep connection or a bond to an animal that helps you in your magical practice? Join the witches, April, Harmony, and Maggie for a primal conversation on The Goddess, The Witch & The Womb Podcast about the animals that have protected, guided and showed up with their own magic to blend to contribute to spells, ceremonies, every day life and the unknown facets of a witch’s life! Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Aphrodite graces her presence on The Goddess, The Witch & The Womb podcast this week! At first blush, she is a beautiful Goddess of love, beauty and sex, but she's so much more than that! She challenges us on a soul level to not only own our power, but to be authentic in it.  Women can use sex to manipulate. This is an area where we can explore our shadow, especially with our behaviors and interactions. What is the motivation for using your sensual energy? Is it pure or are you using your sexual energy to manipulate? Aphrodite is a Goddess who is not shamed, guilted or traumatized by her sensuality, in fact, she is loved and honored for it! She is a revered feminine energy that has lasted through patriarchy and the ages of sexual repression. How can she influence your magical practice? Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
In the spring of 2024, Pluto is making a grand trine with the super galactic center and Jupiter. Sedna, a dwarf planet is also going to be a part of this grand trine, as she enters into Gemini for the first time in over 11,000 years. This planetary alignment is one of a kind and is ushering in a new conscious connection to the multidimensional universes and realities.  These outer planets are stirring up intergalactic wisdom and messages. An evolutionary consciousness shift can be activated as this grand trine is creating a flow and a channel. This influence will be felt the most when the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are all conjunct in the very early degrees of gemini. Pay attention to the stars and planetary alignments for we hold the cosmos within us! Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Happy Imbolc! Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they throw down tarot cards and oracle cards for this year! It is time to celebrate the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Reflecting in the final moments of the winter realms, the moon-time, and the dark of the year... what is in store for 2024 as we tune into the divine feminine creative matrix? This episode is pack full of prophecy, numbers as the law of the universe, The High Priestess, and other Oracle Cards from the Demonology Deck, The Energy Oracle and the Witches Oracle. What is guiding our divine feminine path in this new year as we balance a quarter point between of the Wheel of the Year! Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Have you ever encountered a Haunted Doll? The magickal art of Spirit Keeping can be told by the keepers of the Spirit! Join the Witches in a unique episode on haunted dolls and spirits. Harmony shares her stories of her haunted dolls from the past and into the present and the future. Do you want to know how one acquires a haunted doll? Find out how the spirit world is interacting in your witch craft! Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
Who are the forgotten witches in history? Lady Alice Kyteler fled from Ireland in 1324 after being accused of being a witch. Her servant, Petronella de Meath was the first woman on record who was burned at the stake for being a witch. And do you know the witch, Ann Foster who begged to be burned? This is a mind altering episode that explores why Christians can not be witches. You won’t want to miss the honoring of all the forgotten witches of history! Book mentioned by Margaret Alice Murray: “The Witch Cult in Western Europe” Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
S3 Ep4: Poppets

S3 Ep4: Poppets


Poppet dolls and corn dollies have origins in ancient Egypt as well as many parts of Europe including Great Britain. Poppets were a large part of Celtic custom and culture. One way of using a poppet in your magical practice is to make a poppet to represent yourself in magic and self-care.  It is important to bond with a poppet doll that represents yourself. You can keep her on your altar or even sleep with your doll. Usually a poppet has a tag lock which is an item that is connected to the person whom the doll represents. Many times this is connected to the DNA of the individual, such as hair, finger nail clippings, or blood. If you are ready to send yourself some good, loving energy, maybe feeding your poppet will help you realize how simply powerful and healing using a poppet can be! Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
How do you draw down the moon in your magical practice? In this week’s episode, a listener’s question is answered about how we individually draw down the moon. Have you had a past life memory be validated by a full moon ceremony? Have you dreamt of the moon and reached out to her and pulled her close to you? Have you channeled the dark of the moon during a new moon? Enjoy the stories of full moon ceremonies and how you can also channel the goddess through the power of the divine feminine. Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok
S3 Ep2: Hygieia

S3 Ep2: Hygieia


Hygieia, Goddess of health, cleanliness and sterility, was the granddaughter of Apollo and the daughter of Asclepius, three generations of master healers. Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they discuss the beauty and relevance of a healing goddess emerging into the consciousness of our culture today. Hygieia represented all rituals of cleanliness in ancient Greece. She came into her power when the Delphic Oracle referenced her in about 430 BCE. There was a huge plague and the Delphic Oracle credits Hygieia with a lot of the recovery of the people. Shortly after, a statue of Hygieia was raised directly across from the statue of Athena at the entrance to the Acropolis. As we approach the New Year, get your health goals in order and choose to work with the goddess, Hygieia in your witchy practice! Connect with the Goddesses: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok