The Good News Show

The Good News Show

Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 10

The Glorious Mysteries – Part 2: Blossoming in the Empowered Life. In the third Mystery, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish whatever the Father calls us to do. In the Assumption of Mary, when we say “Yes” to the calling to bring Christ into the world, we are united to our Blessed Mother’s love, her fullness of grace, and her support. In Mary’s Crowning as our Queen, she is Queen of Heaven, we are her daughters (and sons), princesses (and princes) of the Most High God. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith, we can draw upon its strength to grow in healing, giftedness, and excellence in the mission of Christ, in a spirit of collaboration within community. We are empowered to continue the ministry of Christ utilizing our particular gifts and talents and our unique callings. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to have a resurrected life full of new joys and victories. Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 9

The Glorious Mysteries – Part 1: Blossoming in the Empowered Life. Are you ready to experience more joy to be a better minister? In the first Mystery, the Resurrection, our sufferings and dyings are transfigured into new life, new purposes, new ministries. In the Mystery of the Ascension, we reach higher states of forgiveness, love, determination, commitment, faithfulness, and willingness to spread the Good News. Jesus said, “If you believe in Me, you will do the works that I do, and greater ones than these” (John 14:12). How can this be true? Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 8

The Sorrowful Mysteries – Part 2: Communion with Jesus means becoming Eucharist. In the Mystery of The Crucifixion, we are dying to our own desires as we prepare for resurrection. United to Jesus in his Passion, our sufferings become redemptive. St. Ignatius of Antioch said, "I am the wheat of Christ, ground by the teeth of beasts to become pure bread." In our sufferings, we become Eucharist (the Bread of Christ), a sign of the true presence of Jesus in the world. But we need to rest to keep persevering. Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 7

The Sorrowful Mysteries – Part 1: Communion with Jesus means becoming Eucharist. “Are you willing to suffer?” This is what Jesus asked Terry in a life-changing moment. In the first Mystery, the Agony in the Garden, this is our moment of decision to follow Christ all the way. In the Scourging, this is the pain we feel when our faith is rejected by those we want to help; some of our fruits that had started to grow are snipped off. In the Crowning of Thorns, our minds are attacked by doubts, fears, and false accusations; we look at the fruit dying on the ground and mourn. In Carrying the Cross, our burdens become light when yoked to Jesus; we know that a better fruit will grow. Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 6

The Luminous Mysteries – Part 2: Growing in the mission of Christ. In the fourth Mystery, the Transfiguration of Jesus, we become holier. In the Mystery of the Eucharist, we become what we receive. By uniting ourselves to Jesus, our sprouts mature into trees that blossom and produce good fruit, i.e., we minister to others. Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 5

The Luminous Mysteries – Part 1: Growing in the mission of Christ. In the first Mystery, the Baptism of Jesus, we say yes to growth. The Father sees us sprouting and says, “This is my beloved child with whom I am well pleased!” (Matt. 3:13-17). In the Wedding at Cana, Jesus turns our ordinary water into extraordinary wine. In the third Mystery, Preaching the Good News, we learn more about what Jesus is really like. Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 4

The Joyful Mysteries – Part 2: Experience the Joy of Christ Even During Times of Stress. In the Mystery of Finding Jesus in the Temple, our soil is watered again. We grow stronger each time unless we struggle against the process. Mary is our model of staying centered on God. Her song, the Magnificat, as our model of prayer. Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 3

The Joyful Mysteries – Part 1: Experience the Joy of Christ Even During Times of Stress. In the Mystery of the Annunciation, our fertile soil is watered. In the Visitation, our seeds crack open, in the Birth of Jesus, new life sprouts. In the Presentation of Jesus, our sprouts grow stronger. Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 2

Jesus Takes Your Tears and Your Yearnings – Part 2: There are three ways Jesus comes to us. Scripture, music, etc. are venues, but how does he reveal himself in such a way that we recognize him and feel comforted and helped by his presence? By his voice calling us by name (like Mary Magdalene in the garden after his resurrection, by his wounds (like when Thomas touched the wounds of Jesus), and the Eucharist (like the disciples experienced in Emmaus). What has wearied you? What are your troubles? Arise! Come and experience the joy of deeper union with Christ your Healer! Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


GNS - Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 1

Jesus Takes Your Tears and Your Yearnings – Part 1: Your tears and yearnings are seeds being sown in fertile soil. The strongest trees come from seeds that sprout by pushing up through the dead leaves of winter and layers of cold, hard resistance. What has wearied you? What are your troubles? Arise! Come and experience the joy of deeper union with Christ your Healer! Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love. Want more faith time with Jesus? Try our other online retreats at To have Terry Modica come to your parish or retreat house, see


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 12

Part 12: The Plan of God You are important to the plan of God. Praying in the power of the Holy Spirit is meaningless unless it changes the world. For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 11

Part 11: The Power of God The power of God is much bigger than we can imagine. This power is available through the Catholic Mass. How well we celebrate the Mass affects our connectivity to the Holy Spirit. For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 10

Part 10: Praying through hands The laying on of hands, which we see a lot of in scripture, is powerful when we are conduits of the Holy Spirit’s power. For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 9

Part 9: The 3 Ingredients of a Miracle There are three important ingredients for obtaining a miracle. This episode explains what they are and why. For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 8

Part 8: Praying with Scripture One of the most powerful ways to pray is by using scripture. God’s Word is all powerful, always. For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 7

Part 7: When Praying is Difficult What happens when you’re too tired to pray? Or when you’re struggling with a challenge or troubles, and you feel anger or depression or other strong, negative emotion? How do we discern the presence of the Holy Spirit under those circumstances? For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 6

Part 6: Discerning the Spirit How do you discern the presence of the Holy Spirit? How does one learn to detect the Holy Spirit’s activity or guidance? For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 5

Part 5: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? How is it related to water baptism? What’s the purpose for it? For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 4

Part 4: Silencing the Inner Self Are you plagued by distracting thoughts when you try to pray? Here’s how to turn the problem into deeper unity with God. For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


GNS – Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 3

Part 3: How surrendering helps our prayer life One of the supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit is the gift of tongues. What’s the purpose for it? How does it help us to experience more of the Holy Spirit’s power and help? For reflection questions to use privately or in a faith-sharing group, go to


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