The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer

<p>It’s a podcast. But it’s also an audiobook. No prizes for guessing which book I’ll be reading from. That would be the Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer written and read by me, James Cary. I’m a sitcom writer for the BBC, with a hand in <em>Miranda, Bluestone 42, Thanks A Lot, Milton Jones,</em> <em>Hut 33, My Hero, My Family, Citizen Khan. </em>You get the idea. Half hour comedy is my bag. I’m a sitcom guy.</p><p> </p><p>But I’m also a Christian, an Anglican, a stand-up theologian and the author of The Sacred Art of Joking, a look at how religion and comedy intersect published by SPCK. You can get that on Amazon, and the audio version on Audible.</p><p> </p><p>But you can’t get The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer, a book that also deals with religion and comedy. And is quite funny, if I do say so myself. I own the audio rights to that book, or least, no-one bought them. So why not? Here it is. A new chapter each week, and maybe some other related content over the coming weeks and months and possibly years, stuff that interests me, and that I think will interest you.</p>

How to get the Final Chapters - for FREE

Here's that link to get the final chapters.!You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up theology with Water into W...


Raising Lazarus

Hey! This is the final episode. I'm not keeping it the rest back for cynical reasons. Quite the reverse. This podcast isn't working. People aren't listening. No idea why. As I'm recording it, I'm actually thinking it's quite good and occasionally impressed with what my former self has written. But anyway, turns out people don't want short single-voice audio podcasts. Live and learn. So here's the last episode. It's about one of Jesus's greatest miracles, the raising of Lazarus. You can ...


Christians According to Sitcom Writers PART 2

Some straight talking - okay, a bit of a rant - to screenwriters on how they could better represent Christians on TV. But don't we all feel better now?You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up theo...


Christians According to Sitcom Writers

If you see a Christian portrayed on TV, you probably won't be happy if you're a Christian. There are actually good reasons for that, which I explore in the first half of this chapter entitled Christians According to Sitcom Writers. You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The S...


Peter, the Angel and Rhoda

One of my favourite cameos in scripture is Rhoda. Allow me to explain why.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up theology with Water into Wine James Cary’s blog is here: https://jamescary.subst...


Seven Husbands for One Dead Bride

You'll never look at this part of the Bible the same way again. Sorry about that. But I thought you might enjoy it. Don't forget to share the podcast. I'm not sure for how long it's going to be here and remain free! You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art ...


Pilgrim's Progress Part 2

Still not a huge fan of Bunyan, although I admire him as a fellow brother and believer immensely! Honest! Anyway, hope you enjoy this. Don't worry. The joke's on me eventually. If you want to find out how, get the book:You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Jokin...


The Parable of the Ten Virgins (or are they bridesmaids?)

You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up theology with Water into Wine James Cary’s blog is here: Watch James Cary’s YouTube channel: Follow James on Twitter/X


EASTER SPECIAL John and Peter Racing to the Tomb LIVE

Since this episode drops the day after Easter Sunday, we're going to deviate from the book and jump ahead a few chapters - and go to a live version of this bizarre bit of John's Gospel. And you can find it over on my YouTube Channel.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacre...


The Truth Will Set You Free or something like that

We're back with our friend Nathaneal seeing the funny side to those who say they've never been slaves of anyone. Yeah right. No high fives for Nathaneal again.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand...


The Weirdest Moment in the Bible You've Not Really Thought About

That bit at the end of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch is pretty weird. But we don't think about it much as it's tucked away at the end, not presented like teleportation is no biggie. Well, let's just dwell on that for a moment, shall we? You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous boo...


The Disciples Discover Sticky Notes

In the book, this title is called Evangelistic Strategies, and concerns Christian preoccupation with post-it notes, straplines and street theatre. You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up the...


For It Is Written (at least I think it is)

How German is the Lego of languages - and what happens when you check some of the quotation of the Old Testament in the New. And Peter has a redemptive trajectory with the rich young ruler.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find ...


Heaven Knows I'm an Anglican Now

In case you're wondering how someone like me didn't just end up an Anglican, but up to his neck in it, as a member of the General Synod and the Archbishops' Council. I explain, along with references to Father Ted, The Vicar of Dibley and Rev.Sitcom Geeks with Steven MoffatYou can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You...


Simon Peter Walks on Water (Tra-la-la-la-laaa-la-la-la-la)

This is the one where Simon Peter walks on Water. In fact, I've just realised that in the intro I say that only one person has walked on water. It was two. Jesus. AND Simon Peter. But then it started to go south. I imagine what happened next. Let the ribbing begin.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You c...


The TRUTH About the Good Samaritan

We know what the Good Samaritan did but what did he think? What happens when he meets the prodigal son?You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up theology with Water into Wine James Cary’s blog is ...


Pilgrims Progress Parody Part 1

James Cary explains why he seems to be the only Christian in the World who doesn't like Pilgrim's Progress.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up theology with Water into Wine James Cary’s blog...


The Great I AM

When Jesus says I AM, everyone knew what it means: that Jesus is the great I AM who showed himself to Moses. James Cary writes and narrates.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up theology with W...


That Escalated Fast

When Jesus is challenged in the Temple, he escalates is and it gets pretty big pretty quick. James Cary reads between the lines, writers between the lines and narrates.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about stream...


The Parable of the Lost Key

Jesus makes it look very easy. But making up parable is really hard. Peter has a go and it heads south very fast. James Cary imagines, writes and narrates.You can buy The Gospel According to a Sitcom Writer: Why John’s Gospel is Much Funnier Than You Thought. In a Good Way (SPCK) on Amazon UK here. If you're in the UK, you can buy a signed copy direct from the author HERE. You can buy James's previous book The Sacred Art of Joking (SPCK) as an Audiobook Find out more about streaming stand-up ...


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