The Gray Escape with Natalie Gray

Comedian has Near Death Experience that changes everything. Artist / comedian Natalie Gray talks about comedy, entertainment, and the Holographic Universe. |

Ep 63 - Better is Coming | Kendall Renee

Singer / songwriter Kendall Renee has almost died several times due to a severe allergy to food – the kind where people are told not to eat peanuts on a plane kind of allergy. She has lived in a cocoon of isolation and suffers PTSD from the brutal medical procedures she endured as a child – that ultimately saved her life. Now gaining fast industry respect as an artist, she is committed to melding her journey of fear and trauma into a life of healing and transformation which she hopes to share with the world. This is a fun and inspirational episode. Natalie also shares the lyrics of a brand new song which percolates over the fragile terrain of mental health. Enjoy – and share – we all need to feel the hope that indeed… Better is Coming. p.s. Also Natalie looks horrible in the intro. xo


Ep 62 - Can Creativity Heal You? | Natalie Gray

Lots of potentially life-changing stuff in this one! Perfect for all creatives and those who WANT TO BE ONE! Budding songwriter Adelynn Mejia interviews Natalie on how she has attained success in such a multitude of creative disciplines including art, comedy, shoe design, and most recently becoming a sought after lyricist. Spoiler alert: YOU CAN DO IT! Spoiler alert two: IT DOESN'T HAVE TO COST A LOT OF MONEY! Had a traumatic life? Learn to be your own alchemist and turn trauma into creative fire. Bonus tidbits: ASMR, PTSD, Songwriting, Screenwriting, trauma, healing, freeform poetry, rap rhyme, writing lyrics. ENJOY - HEAL - and become WHO YOU WANT TO BE!


Ep 61 - Enlightening in a Bottle, Chapter IV | Aura-Soma

Is it possible to heal past wounds and traumas and finally be the person you’re supposed to be? If it is, Aura-Soma co-founder Mike Booth may be the man to get us there. Mike explains how Mother Nature can help unravel the damage of 2020 whilst ensuring we come out better for it on the other side. Join Natalie and Mike for this inspiring episode.


Ep 60 - The Energy Within | Dat Phan

They say comedy equals tragedy plus time. But what about trauma plus time? Comedian Dat Phan explores this alternate equation with Natalie as they discover they have more than a few things in common. It's OCD, PTSD & NDE. But it's more than that, it's Dat 'n' Nat! Oh, and a bunch of their juicy secrets too. Enjoy!


Ep 59 - Thought Stories | Natalie Gray

What’s the most powerful force in your life? What both empowers and imprisons you? Natalie taps into her 2012 NDE to speak comfortably to you whilst sitting uncomfortably with herself. This episode is raw, imperfect and poetically lifts the veil on depression and PTSD. A warm welcome to those familiar with the rabbit hole and an excellent starter for those new to Natalie’s mind… which just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser.


Ep 58 - Pump Up The Volume... and live longer | John Stuart Reid

What kind of music helps you lead a longer, healthier and happier life? Classical right? Wrong! Find out as sound scientist and acoustic pioneer John Stuart Reid returns to spill the beans on how to heal yourself, defeat stress, crush fear and reprogram your DNA! Natalie and John also discuss whether the prophetic words of her 2012 NDE are actually scientifically valid. Here’s a clue - yes. This is a juicy one. Sit back and enjoy!


Ep 57 - Special NASA Series | Ham Radio

Since there’s nothing like a pandemic to get people thinking about emergency communications, Natalie gets a visit from the ham radio guys of - NASA! Yep, Natalie doesn’t mess around. Phil Dolber and Kevin T Reilly of NASA Armstrong’s Amateur Radio Club ragchew on making your own antenna and getting on the air! Whether you’re a prepper, fancy bouncing signals off the moon or just have a curious mind, this is an episode not to miss!


Ep 56 - Mrs Patmore in a Pandemic | Lesley Nicol

We learn which celebrities are obsessed with Downton Abbey in this fun but deep conversation with actress Lesley Nicol who plays the cult hit show's beloved Mrs Patmore. Tales of trauma, animal advocacy, being famous, and how to handle it when the tables turn and celebs turn stalker. Enjoy!


Ep 55 - The One Where You Change Your Life | Jessa Reed

Natalie and former meth addict Jessa Reed have a battle of the near death experiences! Full disclosure: this episode requires a really open mind! Got one? Bring it! Today’s guest died and came back laden with insights into, well - everything! We go into real life-changing territory, exploring the nature of reality, how to hack the program, and wtf is going on? Oh, and there’s also stuff about Alien School. Yep. There’s that. Enjoy!


Ep 54 - Could We Be Artificial Intelligence? | Aurélie Jean

Natalie takes on brilliant MIT scientist and researcher Aurélie Jean with a brain extravaganza! Can you make yourself smarter? Is the true language of the universe music or mathematics? Could we be living in a virtual reality simulation and most importantly of all, could we be artificial intelligence?


Ep 53 - Marilyn Monroe Declassified | Paul Davids

Did Marilyn Monroe really kill herself? Esteemed author, speaker, filmmaker and artist, Paul Davids, guests on The Gray Escape to discuss startling revelations featured in his documentary, Marilyn Monroe Declassified. Paul openly talks about CIA and mob involvement in the 1962 death of the movie star, reported as 'an apparent suicide'. Listen to hear what Paul is convinced is the truth behind the mystery of her tragic death.


Ep 52 - How to Find Your Happy | Arnaud Collery

Life tips abound as Natalie and her very French friend, Ted speaker and happiness expert, Arnaud Collery have an invaluable conversation for anyone who feels they may have not tapped into their full potential in life! Arnaud has traveled thirty countries and now coaches people globally in the art of being happy. This episode features easy to understand and realistically doable actions you can take in your life to achieve change.


Ep 51 - Natalie on Depression, Stand-up, and Being an Artist

Natalie unleashes unfiltered stream of consciousness into the mic to share personal experiences with depression, and what it means to be an artist. She ponders why stand-up comedy specials fill her with guilt, and whether or not she's written a sh*tty poem.


Ep 50 - Nature of the Cage | John K Webster

Mind-bending episode with John K Webster of the documentary Strawman: Nature of the Cage. John dissects our legal and monetary system and shares startling insights into law and the legal system, dealing with debt and the role of police. This brain bonanza of juicy topics includes DMT, marijuana, parallel universes, conspiracy theories, the Mandela effect, the double-slit experiment, hypnogogic states, lucid dreaming and more!


Ep 49 - Conversation Killer | Can Your Cell Phone Make You Sick?

Can your phone make you sick? Is the answer being hidden from us? Are kids the most at risk group? Or bees! Filmmaker James Russell of the startling documentary Resonance: Beings of Frequency discusses the mind-boggling way cell phones are tested for safety. Amidst his shocking findings about cellular technology, James explores autism, children, the catastrophic risks facing bees and the connection between cell phones and cancer.


Ep 48 - Sound of the Stones | Maria Wheatley

Author and expert Maria Wheatley joins Natalie to discuss ley lines, acoustic levitation, standing stone circles like Avebury and Stonehenge and the hidden knowledge rediscovered in the 80’s. Could our ancestors hear the stones? How did they move them and was their sound used for healing? If you want to understand how our ancient ancestors understood the metaphysical and physical properties of pyramids and stone circles, enjoy!


Ep 47 - Natalie on Crisis, Mindfulness, & The Nature of Reality

It’s Natalie’s first solo episode! She tackles how to tune into your Higher self, Mindfulness, coping with crisis, Cymatics, Quantum Physics, her NDE, the Nature of Reality, how we all live unquestionably with a label - and her man-jacket.


Ep 46 - Enlightening in a Bottle, Chapter III | Aura-Soma

Back by popular demand, it's spiritual VIP and chairman of Aura-Soma, Mike Booth! Mike opens up about his Near Death Experience, gives his opinion on Natalie’s NDE, including the lattice of energy grids she saw, so if you're a fan of Philip K Dick and the Matrix, some of this may already sound familiar! Mike shares insights into the Kaballah, Maya, Tesla, the Galactic Doorway of 2012, and what Vicky Wall had to say about God.


Ep 45 - The Unexplained Explained | Howard Hughes

Host of the top rated podcast The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, today’s guest became one of the most recognizable voices in British radio. Howard talks podcasting gear, paranormal experiences, and topics range from David Icke, Uri Geller, Art Bell, and the Paul McCartney conspiracy to the evolution of accents in broadcasting, the hard knocks of entertainment and whether or not Howard, the consummate radio pro, is able to swear?


Ep 44 - Are You a Computer Simulation, Part II | Anthony Peake

Part II of this mind-bending chat with Anthony Peake, explorer of consciousness and author of the book Opening the Doors of Perception. We delve into Tesla territory as we look at how the brain creates electricity, the significance of the pineal gland and Tony’s experience with the Lucia light machine. We find out Natalie’s theory on how we can see the future and learn what she believes could be the unlock code to consciousness!!


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